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What Musk should have don...
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Year 2024 Goal: $9999.96
Due Date: Dec 31
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Net Balance: $0.00
Below Goal: $9999.96
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Mission Statement

Dynaverse.net© exists to develop a cooperative on-line community of people dedicated to playing and improving the Star Fleet Command series of games, as well as gaming in general. We will strive to provide a centralized and updated repository for files, updates, and information, as well as maintaining the hardware required to operate the Official Dynaverse multi-player function of Star Fleet Command, Star Fleet Command: Empires at War, and Star Fleet Command: Orion Pirates.

Our continual goal is to provide a safe, fun environment for players of all ages, and provide a forum for “Mod” designers and players to interact creatively, while encouraging moral and ethical play standards.

It is the mission of the DGA© and Dynaverse.Net© to “Boldly Go Were Star Fleet Command Has not Gone Before”.

All material copyright 1996-2011 Dynaverse.Net / XenoCorp Inc. unless otherwise noted. All Rights Reserved.
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