I wanted to let everyone see some pics of Lord Schtupp's TOS Galaxy...

I don't know where anyone can get this, since Frost-Works is gone, and I'd love to be able to fly the TMP version too.
I think it's kind of silly to say "Ent" "touches canon;" it was broadcast, so it's canon, although one can certainly make the argument that it is an alternate timeline (created by the time-travel events of ST8) and only semi-canon, much like the JJ-verse has been declared a new timeline. Doesn't really matter either way, the NX-01 and the "half-saucer Intrepid" provides a design philosophy to base other ships on.
Pesonally, I think SFB can be of only a little help in this era, design-wise; in the SFB Early ships, the "W" ships are refitted old ships, more like the kitbashes we often talk about. I think each "generation" of shipbuilders are more capable than that. They didn't slap the first V8s into a Model T truck, or a better example might be the USS Natilus - not a modified WW2 sub, but doesn't quite look like a Los Angeles or Typhoon-class, so more like the Jutland above. True SFB "Early DNs," the ones built in the late Y period, only have cruiser armament and larger engines, and, again, Starfleet builders in 2150 should have been able to build a BB, even if it only has phaser-3s and drone-As. I'm talking ship's specs here, what it's SSD would look like so to speak. As to what it would look like as a model in game, well, I'm not a modeler, I have to rely on those more talented than I.
(Beating a dead horse time)
For what it's worth, I have to disagree about agreeing to disagree, but that's because I don't agree on what that disagreement is. I have a pretty clear idea of what you're saying Starfox, but I don't think you're hearing me, and I can give you a clear example
Spock mentions the Battle of Dontu V fought 23 solar years ago. Outcome was inconclusive.
Assuming that the Battle of Donatu V proves a Klingon war is a logical fallacy of the "post hoc, ergo propter hoc" type. That assumption was stated as:
It is mentioned in TOS that the Federation had fought a recent war with the Klingons, which ended unresolved. (TOS The Trouble With Tribbles).
That there was a battle is not in question, but Spock's comment does not prove a war (and 23 years might not be considered "recent" by some).
Many of Starfox and Panzergranate's comments make these sort of assumptions, and if these were presented as "I think that..." I would ignore them; but instead there are 726 word responses as to why the FJ designs are official. I'm sorry but I just don't accept the tone in which these comments are made, or hat their comments are ex facto. I chose my avatar as a reminder to all, but most importantly to myself, that the internet is rife with disagreements and conflict, and one shouldn't let hyperbole get in the way of agood night's sleep. So, in regard to the (possibly false) assumption that
there was a Four-Years War or not, adn this is very important to remember:
IT JUST DOESN"T MATTER! (repeat as needed)
I see the Donatu V battle as part of the "75 years of open hostilities" that Spock states in "ST6 The Undiscovered Country" and Picard mention in the TNG ep "First Contact". If someone wants to say there was a Four Years War pre-Pike era, fine, but it wasn't mentioned in the TV/movie series called "Star Trek", so it's opinion, that's all.
Returning us to the topic, if there were a BB or DN at the Battle of Donatu V in 2244, what would it be like?
I'd imagine something like a BB with a movement of cost of 2, 40 warp and 20 APR, 10 phaser 2 and 6 phaser 3, and maybe 4 or 5 heavy weapons or drones. As to what it would looke liike....