Topic: ~beta thread~ Slave Girls of Orion VII  (Read 14003 times)

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Offline Dizzy

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~beta thread~ Slave Girls of Orion VII
« on: March 08, 2007, 02:00:22 am »
Slave Girls of Orion VII: License to Shag!


    3 Week server.
    2265 start, 1 day a game year ends in 2286/7, 4 minute turns, 365 turns a year.
    Start Date: April 1st, 2007

Account Creation Guidelines:

    - Chat channels don't work properly if you setup your character name to begin with a number or include spaces in your name or any non-letter or number symbol other than a dash
- or underscore _
- FVA_762_XC/SAC will mess up his chat because of the / he added to his character name. Instead he should use: FVA_762_XC-SAC the underscore symbol in place of the forward slash.
- Only non letter or numeric symbols are the dash - or the underscore. _ DO NOT put spaces in your name or start your name with anything other than a letter.


Installer Thread[/list]


Complete Fighter List
- SGO7 Forums[/list]

Map Notes:

    - Map is 59x59, 3480 hexes.
    - Most Empire hexes are 12
    - Those hexes adjacent to planets and HomeWorlds are 20-25.
    - Neutral zone hexes are 3 and max at 3.
    - Planets will be shown on the webmap, bases will not be (if we use a webmap).
    - Black Hole hexes exempt players from the Disengage Rule, ship VC's and any ship loss penalties except prestige loss. Just have fun in these hexes.

Mosh Pit (center of the map):

    - Mosh pit is located in the middle of the map between Fed and Klink space.
    - It is considered hazardous space and limited to single non
X ships with .67 or less move cost or an FF/PF Squadron which counts as a single .67 ship.
- For a group of two or three, one player may fly a .67 ship, the other wingmates must be move cost .5 or less.
- VC's, Disengage Rules and shiploss penalties do not apply in the Mosh Pit.[/list]

Capital Ships: Battlecruisers and Dreadnoughts:
    - BC's and DN's are regulated by Fleeting Rules and VC Rules.
    - BattleCruisers may be flown by anyone.
    - Dreadnoughts are limited to 3 per side at one time and no more than 1 of the three may be a heavy carrier dread.
    - The B10K counts as one regular and one heavy carrier Dread.

Multi-Ship Fleet Rules for players wanting to fly two or more ships in a fleet:

    - A command variant no larger than CCH class may lead a second regular line ship (vanilla) of the same race as long as the second ship's move cost is less than that of the command ship.
    - Fed CS and CS+ ships may not be used in any multiship fleet combination.
    - A max of two Multiship player fleets are allowed per side.
    - No multi-ship fleets may wing with each other.
    - Multiship Fleets are counted as capital ships for purposes of fleeting rules.

Fleeting Rules:

    - No Capital Ships, (BC's, DN's, Multi-Ship Fleet included and CCX/CAX's), are allowed to fly together.
    - No X ships are allowed to fly together.
    - Fast Cruisers are treated as Capital ships.
    - CVD's (Interdiction Carriers, those usually with 16 or so fighters) are treated as capital ships, but CVP Carriers (those with 12 ftrs) are not.
    - One CARRIER class type per fleet and a max of 32 ftrs or 8 PF's are allowed.
    - BCV/BCS's are treated as Carrier class and BC class types.
    - One PPD armed ship per fleet.
    - In a Three player fleet, one of the three must be in a line or command cruiser class ship.
    - A line ship is defined as any ship that is not a command or special class type ship, vanilla in other words.
    - If illegal ship combos are in a fleet by accident, their opponent may choose which offending ship must immediately disengage, and the disengagement penalty is voided for the disengaging ship, but they must stay in spectator mode till the battle concludes.
    - No two pirate, ldr or ISC ships in rom list that are alike may operate together and only 2 per fleet. Legendary captains need not apply and no multiship fleets with these guys.
    - In addition LDR are limited to operating within 1 hex of Hydran space.

Maximum X Ships on at the same time:

    - Each side gets
3 X points in 2281 and 82. This is increased to 5 in 2283, 6 in 2284 and 7 in 2285+.  X points are in addition to capital ship points.
- If you fly an X ship, you must rename your ship adding an 'X' at the end of your shipname.

I-CCX = 6
CLX = 2
FFX and DDX =  Free

Keep What You Capture.

    - If you captured an enemy ship, you get to fly it... if of course your RM doesnt confiscate it and fly it himself.
    - Captured ships have to follow standard fleet and cnc restrictions.

Legendary Crews.

    Captains who manage 15 confirmed live players kills in the same type ship as described below without dying will be awarded a Legendary Crew with these restrictions:

    Kills must be made in a Command Heavy Cruiser or Heavy Cruiser Line type ship using the same account name.
    Legendary Crewed ships are upgraded according to their ship path and carry over to the X era. Contact your SC for a refit when available for assignment.
    If a Legendary ship is lost in battle, it is gone, period.
    If it is lost due to mission bugs or anomaly, contact your SC and appropriate actions may be taken.
    Kills made with live allies will be split evenly among all captains. ie; 1/3 or 1/2 of a kill.
    Legendary Crewed non X-ships do not count as a capital or specialty ship for fleeting purposes.
    Legendary Crewed X-ships do count toward X-ship CnC.
    Legendary Crewed ships are NOT transferable to another player.
    Legendary Crews may not switch to another ship or race.   

    Kills are counted separate for each race also. 
       ie; If DH kills 10 in an F-CC+ and 5 in and H-LB, he's still short 5 kills in his Fed account. 
    On the same token, the count will not get reset if you die in another ship or as another race. 
       ie; If Dib kills 14 in a K-D7C then dies while flying a K-D5D or a Rom ship, he's only 1 kill away from having a Legendary Klingon Crew in the D7C.

    Benefits of a legendary crew:
       Increased turn mode and +1 HET for the Legendary Navigator.
       2 extra Labs for the Legendary Science Officer.
       4 more APR power and +5 spares for the Legendary Engineer.
       5 extra marines for Legendary Marine officer.

    Complete lists of the legendary ships can be obtained by your SC.
TWO Legendary Crewed ships may be earned by each side during the course of the campaign, not including the ones piloted by the Supreme Commanders.[/list]

Da Penalty Box

    - If you lose one of the following ship types, you personally may not fly any of these again for 12 hours. This applies to all of a person’s multiple accounts. They are: Any CCX/CAX type X ship, BB, DN, CVA, BC/H/T/V's or similar.
    - If you lose an
X ship, you may not fly another for 12 hours.
- If you lose the command ship of a Multi-Ship Fleet, you may not fly another Multi-Ship Fleet for 12 hours.
- In addition, your side's Heavy Iron or X points will be deducted by however many points your ship cost for 12 hours. Time will be kept track of using stardates, 12 hours is 182 turns on this thread: Capital Ships & X points thread. (This rule not used on SG7)[/list]

FF Squadrons CnC

    - A 3 ship fleet of the same race comprised of a Frigate Leader, one special and 1 vanilla FF may be flown together.
    - If a race doesn't have a FF Leader, a vanilla Destroyer may be substituted as the leader.
    - An FF Squadron is worth one PvP Point if any two of the three FF's are destroyed.
    - Shiploss will be set to 3 so if you lose one of your multi-fleet ships, it will be replaced. (hopefully)
    - FF Squadrons may not fleet together with other FF Squadrons or a player with a multi-ship fleet.


    - Full Tenders with 3+ PF’s may carry no more than 1 Leader, and 1 Special PF, the others must be vanilla.
    - Players using Casual Tenders with only 2 PF’s may recover but not re-launch them and the PF's must be vanilla.
    - Hydran Heavy Stinger fighters (
H-St-S(heavy), H-St-T(Heavy), H-ST-Tm(Heavy) are substituted for PFs.
- Hydran ships designated with an 'h' are allowed 2, but the OM and IDh are allowed 4.[/list]

PF Flotillas

    - All races except Hydran have PF Flotillas.
    - Designations of x-PF(Flt) identify it as the flight leader.
    - Each leader may carry 2 dissimilar special PF's and two vanilla PF's.
    - PF Flotillas may not fleet with CARRIERS.
    - The x-PF(Flt) leader PF acts as a ship, i.e., PlaD will not fire at it and all PF's are destroyed when the PF(Flt) leader is killed. No way around that.
    - PF Flotillas are not worth any VC's unless they have a wing in a PvP in which case they are worth 1 PVP point if the PF(Flt) leader is destroyed.
    - PF(Flt) Leaders may NEVER recall their PF's once launched.
    - All PF(Flt)'s have been given an extra hull and ED to make them a slight bit tougher.

Fighter CnC

    - F-14 ftrs, if deployed, are limited to use only on the F-BCV, F-DVL, and F-CVA (2 squads max).
    - F-14 and F-15 ftrs, if deployed, are limited to use only on the F-CVS and F-BB.
    - These fighters are model represented and distinguishable from regular Fed ftrs, courtesy of Thu11s.

    - H-St-X are only allowed on X ships.

    *Note* SFB Fighters with PlaD were converted to PhoF, "plasma mini-bolts", and a Ph3 360`.[/list] [/list]

    PvP Kills: (PvP Points)

      - You earn
    PvP (Player vs. Player) Points when you kill enemy players. Report kills here: SGO7 Kills Thread 
    - Total PvP points will be calculated at the end of each week to determine VC's. See below.
    - PvP kills are worth the following points:

    I-CCX  6  (1 move cost)
    All other CCX/CAX  4  (1 move cost)
    I-CLX 3  (.67 move cost)
    CLX  2  (.67 move cost)
    FFX/DDX  1  (.5 move cost)

    BB:  16  (2 move cost)
    CVA:  8  (1.5 move cost)
    DN:  6  (1.25 and 1.5 move cost)
    BCV/T - Carrier, Casual (2 PF's) or Full Tender (3+ PF's):  4  (1 and 1.25 move cost)
    BC/H:  3  (1 and 1.25 move cost) (Includes all Lyran BC's with 2 PF's)
    N/CA, N/CL, HDW's are worth 1(.67 and 1 move cost)
    Smaller class types with 8 ftrs or 3+ PF's are worth 1.
    Ships with a move cost of .5 or less are exempt unless they are involved in a fleet action with a live player wing, or used in a Multi-Ship Fleet, or deep striking in which case they are worth 1.
    PF Flotillas are exempt unless they are involved in a fleet action with a wing in which case they are worth 1 only if the PF-(Flt) Leader is destroyed.
    FF Squadrons are worth 1 if any two of the three FF's are destroyed.
    - PvP kills do not apply in Black Hole hexes.

    Line Ship Addition:
    - A line ship(s) is exempted from the disengagement penalty unless opposed by another line ship(s).
    - A line ship is worth no points if faced on a 1v1 by a BCH or larger ship.[/list]

    Map VC's and PvP Points

      - An original enemy planet must be controlled and have a LoS to a friendly HW. You get one
    Victory Point for matching an enemy planet with one of a disimilar race. Terraformed planets (if used) and those located in the neutral zone do not count towards VC's.

    - If attrition (PvP points) equals or exceeds one and a half times as many more than your enemy you count it as a Planet for purposes of the Map VC's listed above applied toward the specific race that suffered the highest attrition points and if it equals or exceeds twice as many, you count it as another Planet to apply toward the specific race that suffered the second highest attrition points.

    - There is a 3 DV Homeworld in the center of the Mosh Pit. It is worth 10 PvP Kill Points if held at the end of a VC Round. EDIT: Exact Location: Very Center of Mosh Pit at xx,yy.

    - There will be 3x Map VC periods, one at the end of each week on Sunday night.

    - Total points are tallied and the difference is used below to determine the winner.
      5 VC Points = Total Victory - The losers are wiped from the face of the Galaxy so completely that there is no trace left of their civilization and eventually even their very existence will be forgotten entirely and no one will remember them. The winners go on to dominate the universe.
      4 VC Points = Decisive Victory - Driven to the brink of extinction, the surviving losers scatter throughout the galaxy vowing to one day seek revenge while their conquerers plunder and desecrate their lands and homeworlds that were left behind.
      3 VC Points = Major Victory - The victors conquer considerable enemy territory and subjugate and enslave countless millions while the losers are left devestated both economically and militarily wondering how long their shaky future will last.
      2 VC Points = Minor Voctory - The victors, unable to deliver a knock-out blow and capitalize on their many advantages despite solid gains in territory and ships, leave the losers able to pick up the pieces and possibly threaten them again in the not so distant future.
      1 VC Point  = Tactical Victory - After an exhausting war, the victors take comfort in knowing they have bragging rights for edging their enemy in economic and military might leaving the quadrant ripe for another general war ready to break out at any moment.[/list]


      - Base Stations are indestructible and act only as resupply and shipyard docks. These hexes will draw only patrols.
      - Battle Stations and Starbases may be placed in any friendly hex with a LoS to a friendly planet but may not be placed adjacent to another base.


      - If you draft or are drafted into a PvP in a hex that has no Allied or Neutral hexes adjacent to it at the time of the draft, then you may not disengage and must fight to the death.
      - Even if your ship is a .5 or less move class ship, if caught deepstriking you are worth 1 PvP Point.
      - The Ring area mosh pit thing and adjacent hexes are exempt from Deepstrikes. So you can deepstrike there all ya want to and you're safe.

    Disengagement/Destruction Rule

      - If you are forced to Disengage in a PvP match, then you are banned from the hex you either took the mission in or were drafted in and all the hexes adjacent to that one for
    15 turns. If your ship was destroyed then you are banned from that hex and all adjacent hexes for 8 turns.
    - If you draft or are drafted while moving out of an area you have been banned in, the mission is to be played out normally, but any outcome for purposes of disengagement/destruction is voided and the banned time from the previous mission and hex doesnt begin until the current mission concludes.
    - Black Hole hexes are free hexes and the Disengagement/Destruction doesn't apply to these hexes.
    - One turn is 4 minutes.[/list]

    Wild Geese and server resets

      - Wild Geese will be deployed at whim by the admin and the server will be put on hold in case of a blowout.

    Forfeiting Missions:
      Do to unfinished game code we suffer from the following issues and I would like everyone to follow the following protocol otherwise, these issues may causes
    SERIOUS errors in the database and lead to CPU overload and eventual server burps:

    - You are NEVER allowed to forfeit a mission under ANY circumstances on the map during a mission draft or a mandatory mission choice.

    - If you are drafted you MUST accept the mission. You are NOT ALLOWED to logoff or FORFEIT. EVER.

    - If your navigator is incompetant and has wandered into an enemy hex and you recieve a mandatory mission, you may logoff and relog on as long as you do not do this repeatedly. You are NOT ALLOWED to FORFEIT a mission.

    - DO NOT park your ship anywhere near the front lines and go AFK. You will cause forfeits this way. Logoff the server till you come back as you may take up a player slot.

    - Do not EVER ALT-F4 out of a bugged mission. In case of a buggy mission, the attacker must fly off the map and then ESC FORFEIT in battle to get it to close. Occasionally the defender may also need to exit the map and ESC Forfeit in battle. The attacker is defined by the side that is in a hex controlled by the enemy at the time of the draft. The defender is defined as the side that is in their own home space at the time of the draft.[/list]

    General Rules:,163374003.0.html
    « Last Edit: April 07, 2007, 12:18:28 pm by Dizzy »

    Offline Julin Eurthyr

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    Re: Slave Girls of Orion VII: License to Shag! ~beta thread~
    « Reply #1 on: March 08, 2007, 06:56:23 am »
    Does Battlecruiser (BC) in these rules = BCH?

    Just wondering if I'm allowed to freely fly my I-CCZ, but not have kills in it count (unless it's a 2 on 1)... ;)

    AKA: Koloth Kinshaya - Lord of the House Kinshaya in the Klingon Empire
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    Re: Slave Girls of Orion VII: License to Shag! ~beta thread~
    « Reply #2 on: March 08, 2007, 10:57:05 am »
    Ok, two things.

    First, you have not mentioned which races will be on each side so how can we know what side to signup on without this.

    Second, could we cut down the DN rule to 2 DNs per side, where 1 could be a heavy carrier dread?   The B10K would still count as 2.

    Current Rule: - Dreadnoughts are limited to 3 per side at one time and no more than 2 of the three may be heavy carrier dreads. The B10K counts as two regular Dreads for this rule.

    One of the few, the proud, THE GORN!!
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    Offline Hexx

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    Re: Slave Girls of Orion VII: License to Shag! ~beta thread~
    « Reply #3 on: March 08, 2007, 02:22:29 pm »
    We're still "discussing" the sides.
    Thought we had it hammered out..but now people want the server to be "fair" and "balanced"

    "Fun for everyone" is apparently more important than "fun for Hexx".

    No wonder nothing ever gets done....

    Hopefully have sides by tonight (Thursday)
    Courageously Protesting "Lyran Pelt Day"

    Offline KBFLordKrueg

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    Re: Slave Girls of Orion VII: License to Shag! ~beta thread~
    « Reply #4 on: March 08, 2007, 03:27:38 pm »

    Thought we had it hammered out..but now people want the server to be "fair" and "balanced"

    WTF do we want to do that?  :P
    When is Warfare involving the death of potentially thousands of lives fair and balanced?  ;D
    See the RM forums, Hexx...

    Lord Krueg
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    Offline Hexx

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    Re: Slave Girls of Orion VII: License to Shag! ~beta thread~
    « Reply #5 on: March 08, 2007, 04:23:49 pm »
    Read and responded , please make sure you note my conditions though....  :P
    Courageously Protesting "Lyran Pelt Day"

    Offline FPF-Tobin Dax

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    Re: Slave Girls of Orion VII: License to Shag! ~beta thread~
    « Reply #6 on: March 08, 2007, 08:37:15 pm »
    What's going on here? No one wants to fly for Hexx unless they're forced to through race swapping?  :smackhead:
    Suspected leader of Prime Industries, #1 Pirate Cartel

    Offline Hexx

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    Re: Slave Girls of Orion VII: License to Shag! ~beta thread~
    « Reply #7 on: March 08, 2007, 08:50:06 pm »
    Buncha ABBA fans...
    Courageously Protesting "Lyran Pelt Day"

    Offline KBFLordKrueg

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    Re: Slave Girls of Orion VII: License to Shag! ~beta thread~
    « Reply #8 on: March 08, 2007, 09:12:55 pm »
    What's going on here? No one wants to fly for Hexx unless they're forced to through race swapping?  :smackhead:

    Well...would you...?  :P ;D
    Lord Krueg
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    Offline FPF-Tobin Dax

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    Re: Slave Girls of Orion VII: License to Shag! ~beta thread~
    « Reply #9 on: March 08, 2007, 09:51:11 pm »
    What's going on here? No one wants to fly for Hexx unless they're forced to through race swapping?  :smackhead:

    Well...would you...?  :P ;D

    well. um, having signed up with the coalition........ ;D
    Suspected leader of Prime Industries, #1 Pirate Cartel

    Offline FPF-Tobin Dax

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    Re: Slave Girls of Orion VII: License to Shag! ~beta thread~
    « Reply #10 on: March 08, 2007, 11:28:00 pm »
    For Hexxypoo
    Suspected leader of Prime Industries, #1 Pirate Cartel

    Offline Dizzy

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    Re: Slave Girls of Orion VII: License to Shag! ~beta thread~
    « Reply #11 on: March 09, 2007, 12:48:33 am »

    Thought we had it hammered out..but now people want the server to be "fair" and "balanced"

    WTF do we want to do that?  :P
    When is Warfare involving the death of potentially thousands of lives fair and balanced?  ;D
    See the RM forums, Hexx...

    U pussy! It's Millions of lives!

    Offline Hexx

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    Re: Slave Girls of Orion VII: License to Shag! ~beta thread~
    « Reply #12 on: March 09, 2007, 06:18:35 am »
    For Hexxypoo

    LOL +1 there...
    Now if you could do it saying ESG's...
    Courageously Protesting "Lyran Pelt Day"

    Offline FPF-Tobin Dax

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    Re: Slave Girls of Orion VII: License to Shag! ~beta thread~
    « Reply #13 on: March 09, 2007, 06:24:22 pm »
    Someone PM me when the race alignment roulette game ends, if anyones still hanging around by then.  :cuss:

    I feel another song might be in the works. It goes to the tune of "blowin in the wind". :mischief:
    Suspected leader of Prime Industries, #1 Pirate Cartel

    Offline Alphageek

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    Re: Slave Girls of Orion VII: License to Shag! ~beta thread~
    « Reply #14 on: March 10, 2007, 11:53:37 pm »
    I'm not sure I understand why there are issues with the original line up. 

    Offline Julin Eurthyr

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    Re: Slave Girls of Orion VII: License to Shag! ~beta thread~
    « Reply #15 on: March 11, 2007, 04:19:44 pm »
    Still haven't seen a reply to my question -

    Does BC in these rules = BCH "class" Starship, like F-BCx, K-C7, G-BCH, I-CCY/Z, etc?

    AKA: Koloth Kinshaya - Lord of the House Kinshaya in the Klingon Empire
    S'Leth - Romulan Admiral
    Some anonymous strongman in Prime Industries

    Offline Dizzy

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    Re: Slave Girls of Orion VII: License to Shag! ~beta thread~
    « Reply #16 on: March 11, 2007, 05:00:36 pm »
    If the ship is classed as a BC in the shiplist, yes its a BC.

    Offline FPF-DieHard

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    Re: Slave Girls of Orion VII: License to Shag! ~beta thread~
    « Reply #17 on: March 11, 2007, 05:17:37 pm »
    Still haven't seen a reply to my question -

    Does BC in these rules = BCH "class" Starship, like F-BCx, K-C7, G-BCH, I-CCY/Z, etc?

    Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

    Offline KBFLordKrueg

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    Re: Slave Girls of Orion VII: License to Shag! ~beta thread~
    « Reply #18 on: March 11, 2007, 05:26:54 pm »
    I'm not sure I understand why there are issues with the original line up. 

    The whole world wonders.... ::)
    Lord Krueg
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    Offline Farfarer

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    Re: Slave Girls of Orion VII: License to Shag! ~beta thread~
    « Reply #19 on: March 11, 2007, 05:49:41 pm »
    I'm not sure I understand why there are issues with the original line up. 

    The whole world wonders.... ::)

    Well really, since this is the Dynaverse, it is portion of the whole galaxy wondering...