Bonk, if you tell me how to make installers I will be happy to make them for you. I know of the horrors of uploading on 56k.
Download and install NSIS: you might want to use Eclipse: the NSIS plugin for it: I use notepad alone to edit NSIS scripts.

Though some syntax highlighting might be nice, I just might try that Eclipse setup.
Read the NSIS help file thoroughly, while working your way through the examples included in the examples folder. Take a good look at the includes and useful scripts along the way.
Check out the tools here: (plugins - some need to be compiled from source within the NSIS source package tree)
And check out the NSIS forums: attached the current SGO6 installer, though note it is using my old flow control strategy (strcmp and goto) instead of using the LogicLib include which can make things easier.
Also check out upx: which can be called from an NSIS script to shave a few more KB off the installer by packing the executeable header
Also note that 7-Zip can be used to open NSIS installers - can be handy with development work: all that out. Try and reproduce my SGO6 installer, or an equivalent in a way that makes sense to you, and get back to me. I would welcome another convert to the NSIS cause!

I wokrd with an installsheild demo for a month and I still prefer NSIS. I never tried clickteam, I just don't like the look of it.

edit: oh, and take a look in the scripting forums here for NSIS tips from Firesoul and I.