Topic: SFC I and II on Windows 7?  (Read 10515 times)

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SFC I and II on Windows 7?
« on: April 08, 2010, 05:25:20 pm »
Hey all,

Just installed Windows 7 on my computer, and I'd like to install SFC1 and II on it... but there seems to be a trouble. Both will install, but SFC1 just won't run... SFCII starts up, the movie with Sulu plays... then when it asks for the CD Key, it won't allow me to type it in.

I've run Windows 7 backwards compatability on both programs, selecting as far back as Windows 98, but no luck on that. It also states it's simply not compatable with Windows 7 in an error message.

Any ideas on how to get the games to run on the Windows 7 OS?

Thanks, I'll update any progress as suggestions are made. Love these classic games, miss playing them.


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Re: SFC I and II on Windows 7?
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2010, 05:47:26 pm »
Start SFCII by starting StarFleet2.exe. That should get you past the CD key entry issue. Everything But the Dynaverse works in SFCII on Win7 as afar as I know. I don't know what the situation with SFC1 on Win7 is. I haven't tested it on my Vista install, but I suspect a similar fix may help with it. (skip the video)

Offline Pestalence_XC

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Re: SFC I and II on Windows 7?
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2010, 01:07:56 pm »
When you install to Vista / Windows 7.. there are a couple of things you need to do.

When installing, turn off Anti-Virus, run the Setup.exe as administrator. the patch , also running patch as administrator. Patch for EAW, Patch for OP.

1) make sure to launch from the Starfleet 2.exe or the StarfleetOP.exe
2) make sure you right click the file in step 1 and go to Compatibility tab and put a checkmark in Run aws Administrator. (on Vista machines also put game in XPSP 3 Compatibility mode).
3) gind the game main folder Starfleet Command Empires at War or Starfleet Command Orion Pirates, right click the folder and select Properties, Click on Security tab. and give everything full access. You may also have to add yourself tothe list as the current owner and give yourself fill permissions.

One this is done, you can mod at your leasure.. Single Player Campaign, Gamespy Arcade, TCP/IP connection and Single Player skirmish will work just fine.. Online Dynaverse has issues with Direct Play intaraction through the DirectX emulation of DX 6, 7 and 8.. as such, online campaign map does not update properly or in a timely manner on Vista or Windows 7 client. For Dynaverse game play, setting up your computer with Dual Boot for Windows XP is recommended (playing Dynaverse from a Windows XP install).
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Offline Pestalence_XC

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Re: SFC I and II on Windows 7?
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2010, 09:28:04 am »
Try these tips.

First, turn off AV untill you are finished fully installing any and all applications, patches, utilites for the SFC game title. You need to install to the Program Files folder (32 bit) or the Program Files (x86) (64 bit).. you must launch the installer manually (not auto run) and install as administrator (right click setup.exe and run as administrator).. after installing the game, You need to find the install directory, right click the directory and select Properties, Uncheck the Read Only at the bottom of the General tab, click OK, say Yes for All files and Folders.. Next, you must patch to latest version by right clicking the patch and running as administrator, make sure the patch points to the proper install directory. Once installed, finde the Strfleet.exe, Starfleet2.exe, or StarfleetOP.exe and right click, go to properties, go to compatibility tab and set "Run as Administrator" check box. click OK.. right click the file again and select "Copy" and go to desktop and right click and select "Paste Shortcut". You will use this file to launch game (the other launcher files in Start Menu are bugged and can be deleted and removed from the Games folder).

For optimal performance you must set permissions to the current user, even if you are the administrator.

To do this, fine the Starfleet Command, Starfleet Command 2 (EAW depending on how you installed), or Starfleet Command Orion Pirates folder .. right click the folder, select Properties, select Security Tab. Click Edit button. Click Add Button. Type in your Windows Lon On name (the same name as your Pesonal folder .. the one where My Documents and My Download and My Videos is located). Click OK, then for each user listed, check Full Control and click Apply.. make sure to do this for each user listed. Once done, click OK and exit on out.

You can now install any mod packs etc for the SFC game series (if an EXE file, make sure to Run as Administrator AND point to the proper install directory).. when done, you can re-enable your Anti-Virus software.. run a scan of the game install directory to ensure everything is A-OK.. then get your game on.

Double check the patch.. Download it with the AV turned off.. sometimes the patch will corrupt when downloading with the AV enabled. You can scan the patch file after download is complete to ensure the safety of the file. when Patching the game, make sure the AV is turned off.. after patching is complete, you can scan your entire system if you like to ensure it is clean.
"You still don't get it, do you?......That's what he does. That's all he does! You can't stop him! It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead!"

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