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Announcements / Happy 2024 !!!!!
« Last post by FA Frey XC on April 15, 2024, 02:11:15 pm »
Still here, still getting hits, still selling copies of EAW : CE.


Come get some in the Official SFC Fleet for Star Trek: Online!!!

~ Frey~
Starfleet Command Mods / Re: Changing Empire Tile Colors
« Last post by TAnimaL on April 14, 2024, 12:28:11 pm »
Thanks for identifying this problem and finding the fix! I too suffer from some color blindness (1 in 12 men do, and my glaucoma exacerbates color loss) so I appreciate your efforts. I'd like to poke around and find where these values live in SFCOP. To explain to any others - the 3 sets of numbers in the hexadecimal format are R , G,  B in 16bit format. There are many tools to convert a color to hexadecimal - one decent one is So now that USFTethys has found the address in SFC3, you can make the races whatever colors work best for you.

As part of my day job in online education, ADA color compliance is practically a religion for us. Web design, UIX, videogames, and advertising are all directly effected by color relationships. Finding solutions for older games like the SFC series is greatly appreciated.
Starfleet Command Mods / Changing Empire Tile Colors
« Last post by USFTethys on April 12, 2024, 04:01:12 am »
Short story: I suffer from acute color blindness in where yellow and green are indistinguishable, and some hues of purple are indistinguishable from blue. So I came up with a fix via hex editing. Here I will outline the process for Upgrade Mod 3.2 (additional races) so others can benefit from the fruits of this labor (Special thanks to Jan on this forum for the idea).

You will first need a hex editor. I use HxD. Starting at address 00464748 (hex) are the tile colors of each race. There are 3 bytes for each color, in the following order:

Stock values:
00 66 F5 = Federation
CF 33 00 = Klingons
00 AA 00 = Romulans
9B 91 4B = Borg
87 62 BA = Dominion
A0 66 12 = Cardassians
CE 65 E6 = Ferengi

Color Blind (for mine) values:
STOCK = Federation
E0 00 20 = Klingons (new, darker with hint of purple for blood)
STOCK = Romulans
70 70 40 = Borg (new, brownish/grey)
A6 06 A6 = Dominion (new, darker purple)
FF 50 00 = Cardassians (new, light orange with hint of red)
FF FF 00 = Ferengi (new, bright, yellow AF)

Most similarities have been removed (for my eyes) the Borg and Cardassians were really bad and the Ferengi/Dominion/Federation were just terrible. Hopefully this alleviates some problems for others and maybe other color blind people could work up the values they need for their own special cases.

Finally, you should be able to extrapolate the remainder of the color values using the stock table of values
(this sequence only occurs 12 times in the file via hex-value search = 00 66 F5 CF 33 00 00 AA 00 9B 91 4B 87 62 BA A0 66 12 CE 65 E6)
General Starfleet Command Forum / Re: Conquest Issue: Attack Planet
« Last post by USFTethys on April 12, 2024, 02:47:09 am »
Hi, Sorry about that. I am using the SFC3 Upgrade Mod 3.2 (outdated I know) and looks like I have patch v534 unofficial.

The issue was that too many ships were destroyed even though some had survived (starbase + planet + fleet) so I was in command of around 10 ships.

The solution was to force most of them to stay back and use one or 2 for a distraction while I handle everything pretty much by myself.

Off topic: Came across an interesting topic here in regards to empire tiles colors, so I did a little modding and came up with a better color scheme (for my color blindness). I've been disassembling Birth of the Federation for years alongside other code analysts in the AFC community as well, I have a feeling a LOT can be done with this game, with the right knowledge.
Engineering / Re: Interesting stuff about SpaceX Starship (hate the name)
« Last post by Nemesis on April 11, 2024, 08:00:50 pm »
Crewed Starliner launch is planned for May 6th.  Best of luck to the astronauts but I wouldn't fly in it.
General Starfleet Command Forum / Re: Conquest Issue: Attack Planet
« Last post by Nemesis on April 11, 2024, 07:57:32 pm »
It helps if you let people know what version of the game.
General Starfleet Command Forum / Re: Conquest Issue: Attack Planet
« Last post by USFTethys on April 10, 2024, 03:00:49 pm »
Oh and might I add the verification thing is very hard for a human to do on a phone screen. Especially when people don't know who the king of all monsters is? This is not Star Trek knowledge.

Also the verification for letters between 0-10 is broken. There are NO letters, only other numbers. So that is definitely broken and needs to be updated, as it is preventing people (myself) and others from posting. Ty in advance.
General Starfleet Command Forum / Conquest Issue: Attack Planet
« Last post by USFTethys on April 10, 2024, 02:57:03 pm »
As the title states, I have an issue where I receive a defeat or devastating defeat after successfully eliminating all planetary defenses and all enemy ships in the region. Both of my fleet members survived and some of the fodder ships were lost in the attack (we can't expect to perform a full scale planetary invasion and NOT lose a ship or 2 yes?)

I am very confused because the goal has been completed and all parties have survived.

Am I missing something? Do I have to destroy everything in a certain sequence? :huh:
Engineering / Re: Interesting stuff about SpaceX Starship (hate the name)
« Last post by Nemesis on April 09, 2024, 04:38:47 pm »
If IFT 4 works fully (for the booster) they MAY on flight 5 try a booster catch.  If Starship succeeds in the deorbit burn it may mean that flight 5 could deploy Starlink satellites.

The current design is apparently limited to 40-50 tons to orbit with full reusabillity.  This is version 1

Version 2 100 tons with full reusability

Version 3 200 tons with full reusability. 400 tons expendable.  Total height nearly 150 meters, lengthening both stages.  Could be 3 times the thrust of Saturn V.

Naturally being Musk this may include hyperbole.

2025 Starship to Starship fuel transfer testing. 

EDITED:  Some updates after seeing the weekly Marcus House video
General Starfleet Command Forum / Re: Happy BDay KF
« Last post by Klingon Fanatic on April 06, 2024, 11:13:34 am »

Thank you gentlemen!

It must be over twenty-plus years since the original Starfleet Command forums first came out. Wow! Look at where we are today. Lots of history here at

Bernard Guignard my go to SFC archivist. Starfox1701, thank you for keeping the home fires burning here. Captain Adam, thank you for being in the vanguard of new ideas that keep this series of Starfleet Command games alive when other games would have simply vanished into oblivion by now.

It's good to see life in these old forums.

I am doing all right.  Now that I have awaken from the bridge of the (FoaS' TMP D-10) IKV Kraig Dorr (a giant reptilian sea serpent that swam the seas of Qo' Nos in it's prehistory) it's time to drink some blood wine and recall old and new tales of past warrior days!

My SFC: OP works on Windows 11 and I am using all the patches available at Hot and Spicey forums. I just don't have the time I used to in order to play it.

I still have most of my selective non-canon TMP era ships filling the base roles of the STOCK SFC: OP and in FireSoul's SFB expansion ship-list irrespective of their actual capabilities in Trek lore.  I play for FUN.

FoaS' D-10 is still my favorite Klingon X Cruiser with the K' teremny as my KXDD. Fasa canon be damned! In my corner of the Trek universe, the Excelsior class was built in response to the D-10... The Four Years War... Meh! The Axanar production team did that period of time right! The Connies were meant to be limited edition hero ships...

Love the TMP era Klingon Academy Tholians! Dark Drone originally ported the KA Tholians, Shakurians and other ships from that game. He converted the KA Klingon base that I still use as my KSB and a smaller kitbashed version for a KBS/retextured Romulan-style RBS as well as a Thulls-style retextured Lyran LBS. Thulls' Romulan, Hydran, Lyran and Gorn fleets are the bedrock of those races in the stock SFC: OP game for me. Wicked Zombie has a fair number of Klingon and Romulan ships/fighters I still use.

I wish FoaS completed his fleets - it would be nice to have a uniform Mirak/Kzinti fleet. There is a Tabletop Simulator mod on STEAM with variations of all of FoaS' TMP era fleets minus the great details we love. I love his fed ships with the deflector dish built into the lower part of the saucer like his Fed Akula and Abbe class ships. The Churchill class is my go to for a TMP Fed X Cruiser with the fanon  ship FoaS USS Phobos as my FXDD. I even went so far as to get FoaS' permission to have Dark Drone convert those ships. They must be in a format that doesn't convert to .mod format or I suspect that they would have been done by now...

My SFC: OP game, my rules, or in Trek speak - "Infinite diversity in infinite combinations."

My son goes by the moniker, "Commander Graham" and he managed to get the Klingon Academy game working on modern hardware. He has been for a few years posting 3D ship models over at the Hot and Spicey forums.  He has a version of the K' termeny and Ulysses class ships he's been working on.

It would be awesome if he takes his skills to the level of P81, FoaS, Cleeve, Atrahasis, Wicked Zombie and the other great modelers that used to frequent these forums...

I did repurchase SFC on STEAM and added the patches to run it on Win 11. Works fine. The music is the best of the SFC series IMHO and the Skirimish and Campaign scripts are awesome but SFC: OP has way more playability.  I just can't bring myself to play with the vintage 1998ish models and graphics. I never understood why the SFC campaign was never brought over to SFC: OP.

One day I hope to see a selectable race input for the SFC 1 mission: "Repair Roundevous" and maybe even for the SFC 1 fan scripted "The Quantum Factor" energy draining monster mission.

I've ranted long enough... LOL!

Qa' Pla!

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