Taldrenites => Dynaverse II Experiences => Topic started by: FPF_TraceyG on May 05, 2003, 12:17:24 am
Player name: Dogmatix
Race: Klingon
Shipname: IKV Stormbringer
Dogmatix was born to a relatively small house on the Klingon Homeworld. It is rumored that his own mother was visited by the founder of the empire, Kahless, in a dream that foretold of the ascension of her first born son to
the Chancellorship of the Empire. Although this prophecy eventually came true, combat was always the primary thirst in Dogmatix?s heart. He relinquished the Chancellorship shortly after gaining it, however he still remains a potent political influence within the empire.
Intelligence retrieved from Starfleet Command databanks shows that he temporarily put aside his personal distaste for Gorns to escort Captain S?Cipio of the Gorn Confederation to meet with the editors of the Galatic Truth news website, which had slandered both captains. The Galatic Truth offices were later to destroyed in mysterious circumstances. Traces of Klingon disruptor fire were discovered at the scene, however too much time had passed to determine the exact ship of origin. Both Captain Dogmatix and Captain S?Cipio deny all knowledge of the event.
Starfleet Intelligence has picked up confirmation that Captain Dogmatix is a member of the feared Klingon Black Fleet (KBF). The addition of Captain
Dogmatix and his leadership abilities to the KBF ranks is a painful reminder to the other races that they lag behind the Klingons in terms of organisational ability.
Already the KBF has launched several devestating raids into neutral space, capturing several key sectors not yet claimed by any of the 8 major powers.
Flying Style:
A highly dangerous pilot. He uses all the classic Klingon tactics including the Sabre Dance. There are no known weaknesses in his strategy.
Player name: S'Cipio
Race: Gorn
ShipName: Terminus Est
"S'cipio is known to have a fondness for 'chocodiles' a Gorn snack treat. He aggressively defended a convoy of chocodiles when it came under attack
from Captain Janus. Although Janus barely managed to escape the first
encounter, Captain S'Cipio kept up the pursuit for some time, in order to ensure that his favourite snack would be available in Gorn food stores. He has also has had several dealings with Mirak captain J'inn in the past and has come off rather badly because of them. One such incident resulted in his being banished from Federation space although he has since been let back in. The Galactic Truth did attempt to publish pictures of S'Cipio with packing tape stuck to his forehead however the asteroid where the Truth is published was destroyed mysteriously sometime before publication. Gorn plasma residue was discovered at the scene however it has not been traced to any one ship.
Captain S'Cipio also developed a technique to remove the Pacification device
that was secretly implanted in the brains of all Klingon captains during the
recent Pacification War (all of these devices have since mysteriously vanished). A
technique involving a bone saw and an ice cream scoop, he was unable to get passed the problem of the subject dying after having their brain cut out of their head. Fortunately the war ended before too many subjects were killed."
Flying Style:
"Only one principle applies when facing Captain S'Cipio, ""Don't get between him and his chocodiles!"""
Sweeet you found it Tracey, can the pilot profiles be linked to sf2.net?
Player name: Janus
Race: Hydran
Shipname: RHA Night Watch
"A Hydran by birth, Janus was born on what was to become the
Hydran Lost colony world of Carsinia during the Earth year 2078. Janus is noted to
having helped build and design several Hydran psuedo fighters based on captured
Lyran models in 2135 replacing the disruptors and ESG generators with early
hellbores and fusion cannons. Although highly effective in the defence of Carsinia
when coupled with traditional Hydran fighter squadrons, the collapse of the Hydran
military six months later led to plans to mass produce the vessels being shelved.
The successful defence of Carsinia led to this world becoming a centre of Hydran
resistance during the Lyran/Klingon occupation of the Hydran core worlds during
the period 2136-91.
Janus also was employed as a spy by the Hydran Kingdom during the General War
in order to learn the battle tactics and organisation of other races. A mysterious
Captain Janus Callan is noted to have served in the militaries of the Mirak, Lyrans
and Klingon empires as well as in the Federation Starfleet.
Throughout this ’tour’ Janus made use of a holographic displacement device that
was found on a captured Romulan freighter. This device enabled him to appear as
the member of the species he was either fighting for or spying on without being
revealed as a Hydran.
Unfortunately a gravitational anomaly is known to exist around the ISC homeworld.
This caused the device to malfunction when Janus was ’serving’ on board a Klingon
vessel in the closing days of the Pacification War. After his arrest by the crew of
his ship, Janus’ device was turned over to Klingon intelligence agencies for
examination. It is certain that this device has now fallen into the hands of Klingon
Chancellor Kor. Doubtless horrible designs for the usage of this device are now
being hatched within the halls of the Klingon High Council.
Janus managed to escape from a Klingon prison planet sometime later during a
daring raid undertaken by members of the Royal Hydran Armada and the Hydran
Foreign Legion. He has since been seen training Hydran captains in the tactics of
various races.
Gratified for his rescue, Janus joined the Royal Hydran Armada. He has yet to
win acclaim amongst his own people though, something that is very important to
In the Franchise Wars (read CW5.75) Janus was instrumental in cutting Federation supply
lines in the Federation/Klingon push on the Mirak homeworld. This prevented the Federation
from setting up a base of operations next to M’raa and gave the Mirak KAT fleet enough
time to rally in order to repel the enemy offensive.
Flying Style:
"Aggressive and unpredictable. Although his unpredictable flying style
has resulted in many fine victories it has also resulted in considerable damage being
done to his ship by more patient captains. "
Player Name: Hondo
Race: Federation
Ship name: USS Love Machine
"Born to the family of a mining concern in the Vega system, Hondo was raised amongst some of the most rogue elements that lie within Federation space. He entered the academy at a relatively late age of 23 in the Earth year 2246.
However he graduated within two years, a feat that has not been surpassed since.
Having only recently attained command of the USS Love Machine, Captain Hondo has fought throughout the General War and ISC War of Pacification with distinction and high praise from his peers and superiors. Personally Captain Hondo has been decorated by Starfleet Command for gallantry in combat, and has recieved the Medal of Honour with clusters, the Legion of Honour and the Star Cross. (ed
note-exactly the same at Lt Cmdr Data from TNG btw... )
It is interesting to note that the USS Love Machine was named by drunken Academy students who broke into the Federation ship registry database during a wild frat party in 2261. By the time this discrepency had been noticed, the
ship was already due to be commissioned and changing it’s name was thus impossible.
New information has also come to light regarding Captain Hondo’s late start at Starfleet Academy. It appears that he ran away from home at the age of 16, serving as a mercenary of sorts upon several starships in the Crimson Shadow pirate cartel, a cartel otherwise known as the Klingon House of Korgath. Intel from various sources suggests that Captain Hondo may have served on ships even in the Klingon military itself. Captured by Federation intelligence agents when visiting his parents, Hondo was given two choices, join Starfleet and share his knowledge
of Klingon tactics, or face a length prison term. He picked the former and has since become a formidable captain."
Flying Style:
"Captain Hondo’s fighting style is best described as brash,
with all the flair of his famous counterpart, Captain James T. Kirk. In three short years Captain Hondo has turned the USS Love Machine from a laughing stock into a
name to be feared. Any potential opponent would be wise to remember that."
Player name: Gwarlock
Race: Gorn
Shipname: GDA Bloodletter
"Little, if anything is known of Gwarlock before his rise to power in the Confederation. Rumours abound. Said to have been hatched in the capital city of G’ih’i, of a questionable liason between a council member and his mother, all that is known is that his ascendance to the Vice Chancellorship started on an Angorran freighter. After stowing away, he bested the ship’s engineer in non lethal combat as they attempted to haul him to the brig. Sufficiently impressing the captain, he was granted crew status. He soon rose to the rank of executive officer. His first command came courtesy of the Romulans, who set upon his freighter in the neutral zone, severely damaging the ship and killing the captain. Barely surviving the melee, he limped the vessel to a spaceport on Ghdar, where he disbanded the crew and sold the blasted hull for scrap. Watching as his mentor’s body drifted off during the space burial, his huge body shook with an inner rage. The Romulans would pay dearly, he swore to himself.
Taking the remaining monies, he promptly enrolled in the Gorn Spacefleet Academy. A keen wit, an eye for tactics, and a ruthless determination quickly elevated him among the top recruits of his class.
But he had made many enemies. Unfortunately, Gwarlock would often talk his way into battle. The High Command feared that his maw often exceeded his combat abilities, and so they sent him to the far reaches of Gorn space, hoping the upstart lizard would go away.
But he was patient. He would often fly patrols with his men against the pirates, and instead of growing soft, he grew sharper. When the Klingons attacked sovereign Gorn space, he defied a direct order and successfully helped defend the homeworld from the invaders. Now a fleet commander, with proven battle prowess, the Council had no choice but to accept him as one of their own. His influence grew, and soon he sat at the council chamber himself.
Commanding the newly formed Gorn Southern Fleet, of the third echelon of the Gorn Dragon Alliance, he was noticed by the High Chancellor Joltvee, and soon became the Chancellor’s military advisor. Some would say that his lust for power grew as well, and when the Chancellor ’disappeared’, he was quick to seize the reins of the Confederation. Having many powerful friends, and those that would oppose him mysteriously dieing, his grip on the Confederation seems to be complete.
Flying Style:
Realizing Gorn hulls are the toughest in the universe, he rarely shys from direct combat. Fluent in all manners of Gorn tactical verse, he prefers to tractor his foes and then bathe them in plasma. Straightforward and direct, he dares enemies to close with him. Often he will insult his foes mercilessly, to unnerve them into a combat for which they are ill prepared. Oddly, he has been said to leave enemy ships crippled and powerless if the fight has been a worthy one. Always watchful for new tactics, all that can be said for sure is no fight against him is the same, and he will often use an enemies’ favorite tactic against them.
Player name: Hooch
Race: Federation
Ship name: USS Rider in White
"Of all of the Federations’ Captains SSCF Hooch is the most un-notable and notorious.
He was born into a wealthy family and never had to work for anything. His grades, where so bad that the Star Fleet academics and commandants were stunned that he even applied. They went so far as to return his application
in person just to see who this spoiled and stupid little rich boy was. However, due to his mother’s connections, (her father being the Federation Ambassador to the Gorn Confederation and a retired Star Fleet admiral) saw to it that her ""little captain"" was placed into the Minsk Starfleet Academy quietly.
Hooch being more interested in the female cadets and excessive drinking, was true to form with his grades and studies, they stunk like a Klingon Battle Cruisers personnel quarters. But, mommy and her power daddy where always there to cover his a**. In his senior year ""all you know what broke loose"" when during his final exam in the Kobiashi Maru test, (when they knew could fail him out of Star Fleet) and be rid of him, he turned his phasers on the
ship was supposed to save. Saying he was saving the Federation gene pool by destroying stupid people before they could multiply. ""they should not have been there in the first place"" was his comment.
During the Court Marshal proceeding Hooch’s Feringi lawyers with several bribes and exploiting every loophole they could find managed to get him graduated, records cleaned and assigned to his first ship."
Flying Style:
"He is a sneaky, deceptive, spoiled rich kid. Don’t trust him! He is known
for sucker punching then running like hell to get away."
Player name: Wanderer
Race: Federation
Ship name: USS Galahad
"Not much is known of this Federation captain. His personnel file is rather short of detail. Only promotions and postings seem to be listed. His duty capacity for most of his assignments are not noted. In fact, even his file photo is not present. Given Starfleet’s penchant for details, it seems strange that an officer’s file should be so...lacking. The following information has been compiled/extrapolated from this and a number of other sources and records.
Jonathan Wanderer is listed as human, born on the colony world of Malaya IV. The original settlers were mostly of Native American decent, along with a large contingent of Rigellians and Canadians. In it’s early years, the colony was subject to numerous raids by Klingon privateers. Colony records note a battle fought in defense of a small farm on the outskirts of the colony from a large Klingon landing party. According to the local periodical, the attack was foiled by a group of teens, led by ""Jon Wanderer"" and ""Avril Moules"" (see File#117127B), who, during a fierce firefight, rigged makeshift catapults, and lauched large numbers of tribbles at the Klingon positions, causing chaos within the Klingon ranks, forcing a general retreat of the enemy forces following a counter attack by the locals. It should be noted that Wanderer left Malaya IV at the age of seventeen, and there is no record of his activites or whereabouts until his entrance into Starfleet Academy years later.
Wanderer entered the Academy relatively late, but graduated a full semester early at age 23, earning a commision as a Lt. (jg), which seems remarkable, given that his grades, while quite respectable, were not spectacular (he graduated 37th in his class). He was known to be an above average small craft pilot, earning a place on the academy flight team. He did not have any ""reputation"" as such, other than he was ""on the quiet side"" and ""rather unassuming"" but a ""fast learner"". He had a small circle of friends, most of whom were compatriots from Malaya. His senior year, he was indirectly linked to an incident known as a ""senior prank"", which occured during a lecture and involved the head of Flight Instruction, a transporter, and a tub of Andorian eels, but nothing was ever proven.
During his sophmore year, Wanderer was assigned to an outpost in the Triedes Belt for a three month ""advanced training course"". Given the presence of a fighter group assigned to the outpost at the time, and his piloting skill noted above, Wanderer’s training probably included fighter combat operations. It was during his tenure there that the six week Kzinti Incursion began (which ended with the defeat of the Kzin forces at Zetar). It is probable that Wanderer saw combat during this period, as Triedes was near the front lines for much of the conflict, although many of the combat records for the outpost are still classified. One Kzinti source tells of a rumor among their rearguard fleet during the Tau Ceti offensive (the Triedes sector is adjacent to Tau Ceti’s approaches-it was pivotal in it’s defense). According to the story, a Kzinti cruiser captain was interrogating recently captured Federation fighter pilots (on a scouting mission it was assumed) when he suddenly found his ship being boarded by a rescue party of ""baby-faced junior officers"" according to the XO of the Kzin cruiser. ""Rhey was youngn’s, arright. I seen youngn’s on raids before, rhey’s pinker rhan most. Rhey snuck up on us from rhe asteroid field to our starboard quarter."" After subduing the captors, the party made their escape in a flight of fighters and tactical shuttles. The only other information the Kzin XO could provide was an account of an intercepted transmission in which the escaping rescue party refered to themselves as ""red squad’. Starfleet has no official comment on this alleged incident. (*An interesting side note- In recent years, an informal ""cadre"" has formed in the ranks of the cadets at Starfleet Academy. Calling themselves ""Red Squad"", this group of cadets is purported to recruit only the best of each class, especially those with a knack for piloting.)
According to his file, Wanderer’s first posting after graduation was to USS Midway. Although his duties are not listed, it should be noted that, at that time, Midway was the home of one of the fighter squadrons, VMFA-212, known as the ""Lancers"", that had been posted at Triedes during Wanderer’s tenure there. He may very well have been recruited by Capt. ""Doc"" Hatcher, ex-CO of the 212th and the first commander of Midway. It should also be noted that Wanderer’s tour aboard Midway did not begin until a full six months after graduating from the academy. There is no record of his whereabouts during this period. Wanderer was promoted to full Lt. at the end of an 12-month tour.
His next post (after a six month ""extended leave""-how many Lt’s get six months of vacation?) was as Flight Control Officer aboard the USS Odysseus, confirmed by that vessel’s CO.
Eighteen months and a promotion to Lt. Cmdr later, Wanderer transferred to USS Mordechai, to serve as that vessel’s tactical officer, who is also the 2nd Officer on vessels of that class. This is the only duty officially listed in his file. He would serve aboard for 12 months before having to take command during a firefight in which much of the bridge crew were killed by a direct plasma hit (Mordechai required 10 months refit time). Wanderer spent the next year on Earth, although no duty or posting is listed for him during this time. One TacFleet official inadvertly admitted knowing him, but when asked, said he didn’t know if Wanderer had ever been posted there.
The end of that year coincided with the start of the Tan Taal Offensive, at which time Wanderer served as XO aboard USS Thresher, part of the Ticonderoga battle group. During that conflict (which lasted, on and off, for over two years), he was again recruited by Doc Hatcher, now CAG aboard Tico, to head up VMFA-212, one-half of the flagship’s fighter group. Along with this post came promotion to Commander. During this time he was given two commendations for valor under fire, and the 212th participated in a number of operations still classified by Starfleet. Much of this information comes from the Tico’s own records, and from Petty Officer Floyd ""The Kraken"" Tisdale, former crew chief for the 212th. ""Oh, yeah, the Skip’s a good’un"" says Tisdale. ""He could pop a torp up an Angelwing’s pooter at 20 klicks."" Pit crew sentiments aside, Wanderer and the 212th seem to have served with distinction during their tour aboard Ticonderoga.
At the end of hostilities, Wanderer was transferred to Earth, where, again, his duties are not listed. He was soon promoted to Captain, however, and given command of the newly commisioned USS Galahad. Whether or not he pulled any strings, the Lancers were assigned to the Galahad, and Wanderer’s first act as captain was to recruit his old friend Avril Moules to head them up. It was a few months later that the Galahad was assigned to the newly formed Federation Protection Fleet (FPF), commanded by (Flt)Admiral Bach and based out of New Caldonia.
Since joining the FPF, Captain Wanderer and the crew of the Galahad have participated in a number of conflicts, including the Great Border War and most recently the Storm Season conflict (which followed the departure of the Gorn and Mirak from the Alliance and the subsequent power shifts in the quadrant), during which the Galahad and the FPF are noted participating in the Battle for PinkyGen; Operation Kang; the defense of Coridan; and the struggle along the ISC-Gorn-Klingon border, among others.
USS Galahad is also a member of an informal task force dubbed the ""54th Assault Group"", which specializes in planetary and starbase assault missions when needed during times of conflict, and is reportedly under the juristiction of Tac Fleet. Other members of the 54th AG include; USS Pegasus Bay; Wanderer’s former post, USS Thresher, now under the command of Avril Moules, Cmdr; USS Ivanov; the carrier USS Guardian, commanded by the noted Rigellian luckyfed; the escort USS Skatepack."
Flying Style:
Relatively unknown. He has been noted as being overly aggressive at times, esp. in pursuit of smaller, more nimble ships, and his ECM officer must constantly cover his back. Otherwise, a proficient captain with a solid fighter jock background. Known for above average stategic thinking.
Player name: SkullnBonez (KBF)
Race: Klingon
Ship name: D7C/DWC KBF Sea Witch
C10K IKV SadWingsofDestiny
"A prominent member of the Klingon fleet, Captain SkullnBonez rose through
the ranks of the Klingon military in traditional fashion, through challenges to
superiors. Although he himself has been challenged many times by his own
underlings, the bridge of his ship is often graced by the presence of an officer with
some new scar or permanent injury inflicted upon them during combat with their
With a passion for combat that is as unquenchable as a thirsty man in a desert,
little is known of the life of SkullnBonez before he rose to prominence. On his
famous first campaign, an expedition resulted in the capture of 7 fully intact,
although badly damaged Federation starships, varying in size from patrol ships to
heavy cruisers. Klingon news bulletins were filled with pictures of SkullnBonez’s
command at the time, the IKV Sto’Vo’Kor towing the war prizes into a Klingon
starbase. It is said that these actions taught Klingon scientists more than over a
decade of attempts at spying on the Federation. Later the captured USS Carolina,
was used in a trap to lure other Federation starships to their doom. However the
USS Enterprise did not respond to the distress call. In more recent times, Captain
SkullnBonez has not been seen. It is rumored that he is working on a devious new
project, known only as Canada West 6. The intelligence agencies of all the other
races are in overdrive attempting to find out more details on the project.
Note: It appears that SkullnBonez is also a focal point for the very existence of the
Dynaverse. This is cause for concern as a least two other captains also appear
affected by this. "
Flying Style:
"Fiercely competitive, Captain SkullnBonez is a patient brooding
captain who can tear holes in any enemy ship before they have time to close.
Using the famous high turning rate of Klingon ships to his advantage, many
Federation captains have found Klingon marines beaming on board their bridges
dooming them to spending the rest of their lives in the Klingon prison mines."
Player name: J'inn
Race: Mirak
Ship name: Riverboat Casino
Varies or destroyed
"Jinn was born 37 years ago in the cold and brutal wastelands of the Mraa arctic
circle. His father was the equivalent of a shepherd, taking care of a small herd of
native Miraki animals. His father died in a odd incident involving a milking machine
when Jinn was only 11 years old. Little is known of his mother, although it is
rumored that she is still alive.
At a young age, Jinn found work in a bar located within a small mining town near
his family farm. It is here that he has often said he learned everything he needed
to know about life. One thing of interest that he did learn, however, was the
certain fondness a high ranking Admiral had taking to one of the prostitutes who
worked the bar. Apparently, the Admiral had thought no one would recognize him
so far from civilization. He therefore felt it safe to transport to the area weekly for
a liaison. While details are sketchy, somehow Jinn determined the Admiral’s identity
as well as the identity of the Admirals wife. A week later, Jinn was enrolled into
the prestigious Miraki University of Fine Arts on a full scholarship. The Admiral in
question, it should be noted, sat on the board of trustees.
Much to the surprise of his professors, Jinn excelled in school and graduated top of
his class. It is also known that Jinn made quite a deal of money while at the
university but it is unknown how. It is rumored, however, that he earned his money
illegally. Sensing his natural skills at deceiving people, Jinn then enrolled into the
Miraki Legal Academy from which he graduated with honors and had made another
bundle along the way.
Jinn then entered the rough and tumble world of Miraki politics and over the years
finagled his way to the top of the Miraki Ministry of Information. See Report Number
567-6789 on this organization. Currently, he continues to hold his position of
Minister of Information and as such is in charge of the Mirak government’s main
intelligence, propaganda, and counter-intelligence agency. There are several
sub-agencies attached to the Ministry, some of which handle extremely clandestine
operations. In short: Jinn’s chubby claws are in everyones pie to some extent or
Great care should be used in all dealings with Jinn. Being a Polar Mirak, identifiable
by their long white fur, he is even larger than the average Mirak as his body has a
much higher fat percentage. Hand to hand combat is discouraged. In addition, he is
highly intelligent and his morals are rather questionable. Blackmail is one of his
favorite hobbies as is causing chaos and disorder. Oddly, however, he seems to be
capable of forming long lasting friendships and is very loyal to his friends in his own
way. Friendship with Jinn however can be unhealthy and financially unwise and is
therefore, not recommended.
Pursuant to Miraki law, Jinn, as a government employee, is also a member of the
Miraki military. He is less than pleased with this arrangement as his military duties
interrupt his leisure activities. Jinn is quite the hedonist. Therefore it is not
surprising that Jinn is an unaccomplished warship captain. His style however is
unorthodox and can be dangerous at times.
Some believe that Jinn is the ancient Viking god Loki in
disguise such is his capacity for mischief!
Examples of this include a brief period when he led Klingon captain
Sockfoot, who was suffering amnesia at the time astray, resulting in several minor
interstellar incidents and several stories on the Galatic Truth news site showing
obviously doctored pictures of Klingon captain Dogmatix in a dress and makeup.
It is also fortunate that Jinn is a member of a feline species as he made use of
almost all of his nine lives. He has single handedly gone through more ships than all
the other captains in the Dynaverse combined. It is worthy to note that the
Galactic Insurance Agency will no longer insure a ship that Jinn is captaining much
to the chagrin of Mirak High Command.
Flying Style:
"Jinn tries to use deception in battle as
much as possible. Often using T-Bombs as a distraction. Most starship captains
have had the pleasure of hearing Jinns voice yelling out over subspace: ""It
wouldn;t be sporting to shoot at an escape pod now would it!"""
Player name: Capt Jeff
Race: Federation
Ship name: USS Crasher
"Born on the Federation colony world of Clancy in the year 2195. Clancy is located near Kzinti space and Captain JS is known to have had a hard childhood helping to fight off Mirak raiding parties from early childhood. As a result he was known to hate Mirak for a long time, but later in his life has he come to respect them and their culture.
After joining Starfleet, he was given command of the USS Crusher in his mid thirties. Sent on 3 deep space missions of peace, research and exploration, as a Captain, JS handled first contact situations with 17 unknown sentient species, at that time a record.
JS led the Starfleet campaign that ended the Mirak raids on his birthplace once and for all, when promoted to the Admirality in 2241. So generous where his terms for the surrender of the Mirak Patriach that this led to the later alliance between the two powers.
During the general war, JS handled several fleet operations that resulted in major victories for the Federation. He was stranded on Starbase 17 for 6 months during the warp field anomaly that prevented the use of faster than light travel through conventional means.
JS is now the highest ranking officer in Starfleet having being nominated for the position by his predecessor during the War of Pacification. He is also a member of the 1AF fleet, an elite squad of starships within the Federation."
Flying Style:
It is unlikely that one would ever face the highest ranking officer of Starfleet in combat. However he is known for his aggressive style that is so classical he is a textbook Federation opponent against whom no mistakes can be made.
War criminals,everyone of them!
Where's mine? Surely I must be a war criminal?
*laughs* Sweet.. this rocks. Keep 'em coming!
I don't know if the agency rumored to be known as Tal Shiar but really doesn't exist would allow it, but can I have one?
That's the one!
Thanks, Tracey!
These bios are just fun reads. It's good to see them again...
Dogmatix = Captain Courageous
Hooch = War Criminal
That's the one!
Thanks, Tracey!
These bios are just fun reads. It's good to see them again...
Dogmatix = Captain Courageous
Hooch = War Criminal
Ain't that the truth!!
BTW: Dogmatix = Captain Courageous
Hooch = War Criminal
So that's where my keys to S31(which does not exsist) went too. Admiral G, would you be so kind as to return them before you find my fleet bio from SSCF. It has some rather interesting things there too. Alas the adventures of a mis-spent youth back in the day.
Dear War Criminal and (Former) Grand Poobaa of the Klingon Poofta Fleet "KPF". Please join me at TNZ sometime and we will see. Or, I WILL see you at SG3 and give you the beat down you are sooooo longing for. 
TNZ server is what SFC III should have been from the git go

"Best seen to date"
Tracey, you found them!
I thought they were lost with the SFC2.Net website!
Janus used to email them to me, and I would post them on the website. I would like to see them again.
Tracey, MSN me when I am online, please.
Ah, Crazy Hooch....how do you know I won't be flying for a race that's on the same side as you? Unlike yourself, I like a change of scenery from time to time.

Of course, I may not even find the time to play on SG3. Who knows...?
Ah its good to see the profiles again, albeit a little out of date!
Of course I should mention that I didn't write all of the profiles mentioned here. J'inn for example wrote his as did several others.
One of my favourites is Shadow Seraph's actually
Do me! DO ME!!!!!!!!!! ;)
Player name: KAT Chuut-Ritt
Race: Kzinti
Ship name: Rosinante or Little NATAS
Classified, but generally considered a Bastich.
Pilot Name : Chuut-Ritt
Affiliation : Kat
Race : Kzinti
Backgorund Intel : Little is known about the Kat member Chuut- Ritt. Believed to be head of the Kzinti propoganda machine. Believed to be a founding member of many of the pseudo intellignece organizations maintained by the various races. (Believed to hame had some influence over the founding of W.A.N.K.E.R. Believed to be a founding member of the Cats In Black, the organization that preceded this one, before we removed all undue Kzin and Lyran influence.) Individual is also believed to have ties to many fleet organizations throughout known space.
Whether this is due to the respect they afford him, or just so they can keep an eye on him is unknown, and subject to ongoing debate among our ananalysts.
Piloting : Chuut-Ritt is a pilot of slightly above average ability. Although this categorization is by no means meant to imply that he is not dangerous. He is known to have spent time flying in the fleets of many other races, <although again analysts disagree if he's flown for all of them>. Chuut -Ritt has taken the time to learn the strengths and weakness of every race he's flying for. He may be more aware of what a Captain's ship can do than the Captain himself.
His usual tactic is the Kzin tractor, although fairly easily avoided by an experienced Captain, Chuut -Ritt's proficiency with Kzin ships and his general knowledge of other races capabilites mean that if his opponent lets down his guard for even a second, he will usually pay the price.
* -Addendum -It should be noted that due to his creative usage of the Kzinti Ministry of Propoganda for his own purposes, many pilots dislike flying against Chuut-Ritt for the reason that they will find themsleves targets of smear campaigns throughout the Alpha Quadrant, even if they win.
Pilot Name : Madelf
Affiliation : Believed to be a member of the KBF.
Race : Klingon
Background Intel : Unsubstantiated rumours only. Investigation is authorized and proceeding.
Piloting : Madelf is something of an enigma as a Klingon pilot. Although regarded as one of the Elite members of a fleet regarded by many as one of the eilite fleets. (In effect, Madelf is considered by some to be one of the "Best of the Best" ).Although many Klingon pilots are forced by the design of their ships to fly somewhat more cautiously than the stereotypical image of a ravenous warrior would lead an outsider to believe; Madelf seems to lack the "killer instinct" that most Klingon pilots have. Madelf has been reported as being an exceptionally cautious pilot, He will refuse to commit himself to any sudden opening's, perhaps fearing a trap. It should be noted though that this string of cautiosness has resulted in a very impressive win/loss ratio for this captain.
Madelf's abilities are respected enough amongst his fellow Klingon Warriors that he is often assigned command of their heaviest units. Although believed to prefer the C7 BCH, it should not come as a surprise to any enemy Captain to find Madelf entrusted with the biggest, meanest ship that the Klingon Empire can field.
Do me! DO ME!!!!!!!!!! ;)
Can't poor Tracey post on the boards without someone hitting on her????
Heh....I love reading these things. Reading mine reminds me of the "good ole days." I barely resemble that guy in my little bio anymore...heh.
Excuse me Chuutt Theres Room FOr one Bastard and thats Me >:(
Excuse me Chuutt Theres Room FOr one Bastard and thats Me >:(
Never claimed to be a bastard, thats for amateurs, I claimed Bastich status you Bastard! :P
Ill show u whos the Bastard!!!!!!!!!! Fly my wing some time HEHEHE or just ask the Coalition
Ill show u whos the Bastard!!!!!!!!!! Fly my wing some time HEHEHE or just ask the Coalition
yep...the official Coalition Whipping Boy...
Ill show u whos the Bastard!!!!!!!!!! Fly my wing some time HEHEHE or just ask the Coalition
I've flown Maverick's wing all other imitations are purely amateur.
i have flown nails wing chuut, at range 30, safer that way, and the lot of them are criminals.
KBF Trajan
Excuse me Chuutt Theres Room FOr one Bastard and thats Me >:(
Never claimed to be a bastard, thats for amateurs, I claimed Bastich status you Bastard! :P
Yup, I agree Chutt you are the top bastich
Bump for Chutt. ;)
Thanks Stephen, its a decent start, but I'd love to see the descriptions filled out a bit with physical descriptions and other info rather than merely as background and intelligence reports. Also love to see more pilots on the list, would help getting folks in roleplay threads.
Actually I just followed the Link that Tracy gave. But It's still a wonderfull idea from you both.