
Taldrenites => Dynaverse II Experiences => Topic started by: FPF_TraceyG on April 07, 2003, 12:35:09 am

Title: Thankyou Herr Burt for all your blood, sweat and tears....
Post by: FPF_TraceyG on April 07, 2003, 12:35:09 am
Scipio, thanks a bunch for putting up such a fine server. You spent countless hours and effort at your own expense, putting a really great server. It was a pleasure to fly on it, and proved to be a roaring success. Much gratitude.
Title: Re: Thankyou Herr Burt for all your blood, sweat and tears....
Post by: Soreyes on April 07, 2003, 01:13:34 am
What She Said
Title: Re: Thankyou Herr Burt for all your blood, sweat and tears....
Post by: Gumby on April 07, 2003, 01:16:36 am
 What they said!    
Title: Re: Thankyou Herr Burt for all your blood, sweat and tears....
Post by: Jem on April 07, 2003, 03:42:23 am
Title: Re: Thankyou Herr Burt for all your blood, sweat and tears....
Post by: NuclearWessels on April 07, 2003, 08:28:59 am
Yep - a big thanks to the crazy bruce!

There was lots of pioneering work in there and it turned out very VERY cool!

Title: Re: Thankyou Herr Burt for all your blood, sweat and tears....
Post by: jimmi7769 on April 07, 2003, 10:10:23 am
Even though I didn't play very much(I reaced terminal Fed burnout) I did really enjoy the great things you did with this server.

Many thanks and keep up the good work!!!
Title: Re: Thankyou Herr Burt for all your blood, sweat and tears....
Post by: SSCF_Paladin on April 07, 2003, 10:16:00 am
Thanks for all your work - looking forward to the next incarnation!
Title: Re: Thankyou Herr Burt for all your blood, sweat and tears....
Post by: Fluf on April 07, 2003, 11:26:22 am
Great job Herr Burt.  And to think I might have even learned how to fly Romulan on this server.  It was painful, but a eye opening experience.  
Title: Re: Thankyou Herr Burt for all your blood, sweat and tears....
Post by: Kortez on April 07, 2003, 12:33:23 pm
Fluf still sucks as a Rom, so don't buy his story!

BTW, thanks Herr Burt, but I think S'cippio would do a better job than you!
Title: Re: Thankyou Herr Burt for all your blood, sweat and tears....
Post by: FatherTed on April 07, 2003, 01:10:40 pm
Great job. It was fun to fly Bruce. I might have to do it again in the future.  
Title: Re: Thankyou Herr Burt for all your blood, sweat and tears....
Post by: KATChuutRitt on April 07, 2003, 01:57:06 pm
Yes Fluf still Sucks as a Romulan,
What do you expect? He tried flying with his eyes open for a change

Again great job!
Title: Re: Thankyou Herr Burt for all your blood, sweat and tears....
Post by: Julin Eurthyr on April 07, 2003, 03:05:18 pm

Yes Fluf still Sucks as a Romulan,
What do you expect? He tried flying with his eyes open for a change

Again great job!


What do you mean?  Don't you know it's tradition as a Romulan to fly with your eyes closed?  Otherwise, the white of your eye gives you away when cloaked...

(And I hear it's even worse when you have reflective KAT-eyes... )

Herr S'cipio:
Great job with the server.  So we should see the next installment... (which is what?  General War?  ISC Pacification?  Coming of the Andromedans?  Death of the Bruce Empire (set in 4400)?) in about 2-3 months (after RDSL...)?

Hope the mission work done on this server benefits the next ones (cool mission concepts, if not a little hard to fly when re-acclimating oneself with a race that said captain doesn't usually fly...)
Title: Re: Thankyou Herr Burt for all your blood, sweat and tears....
Post by: GC of XC on April 07, 2003, 06:13:43 pm
I Thank You also

 Four Powers was a great server too.

Im ready for your next one.

Rear Admiral GC_XC (Ret.)  
Title: Re: Thankyou Herr Burt for all your blood, sweat and tears....
Post by: Remiak on April 07, 2003, 07:22:39 pm
Herr Burt,
Thanks for this great server.
Thanks for the innovations.
Thanks for the hard work.
Thanks for putting up with us....hehehe
I guess..many thanks

P.S. Send my thanks to your wife for a great web site.

Title: Re: Thankyou Herr Burt for all your blood, sweat and tears....
Post by: Kroma_BaSyl on April 07, 2003, 07:25:35 pm

P.S. Send my thanks to your wife for a great web site.


Title: Re: Thankyou Herr Burt for all your blood, sweat and tears....
Post by: luckyFed on April 08, 2003, 02:52:02 pm
Definitely awesome S'cipio. Thanks for putting it up.