
Dynaverse.net => Announcements => Topic started by: FA Frey XC on July 04, 2024, 08:58:43 pm

Title: HAPPY JULY 4th!!!
Post by: FA Frey XC on July 04, 2024, 08:58:43 pm
We salute the USA's Independance day!


~The D.net Team
Title: Re: HAPPY JULY 4th!!!
Post by: Starfox1701 on July 15, 2024, 04:16:33 pm
thank you
Title: Re: HAPPY JULY 4th!!!
Post by: Panzergranate on July 22, 2024, 09:01:08 pm
I spent the 4th of July in Poole General Hospital with a severe gall bladder infection, gall stones and jaundice. I had half of my gallbladder removed and spent 14 days in a hospital bed. I missed voting in the UK general election, something I always dutifully participate in, out of reverence to all those people who fought throughout British history for my right to have a vote.

Fortunately, Britain has a national health service and not a profiteering health industry, so my treatment in hospital cost me nothing, because I'd already contributed towards it all with my taxes throughout my life.
Title: Re: HAPPY JULY 4th!!!
Post by: Lono on August 19, 2024, 04:18:47 pm
Yeah I used to be a super-nationalist but now I sometimes wonder if we should have split from England.

Hope your feeling much better Panzergranate!
Title: Re: HAPPY JULY 4th!!!
Post by: Nemesis on August 20, 2024, 01:11:51 pm
I've always  wondered  about these "Patriots" who (like MTG did this year) go to other countries to celebrate Independence Day.  Why not celebrate your national independence IN your nation if you are so Patriotic?  Especially those who go to Canada which while independent has always maintained strong links with the nation these Patriots are so proud of separating from.  Weird. 

But belated Happy Independence Day anyhow.