
Taldrenites => General Starfleet Command Forum => Topic started by: d4v1ks on May 30, 2016, 04:40:16 pm

Title: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: d4v1ks on May 30, 2016, 04:40:16 pm
Starfleet Command Launcher (c) D4v1ks, December 2016

Edit: 26 Dec 2016

A solution, in beta stage, was made available!  :rockinband:
The program, currently compatible with SFCOP 2552/2563, SFC EAW 2036/2037, and SFC 1.01 build 534*, is capable to provide, to these game, all the online services they need.
It is a direct replacement of the current Dynaverse "directory\firewall" services, and the old "gamespy" services.
As such, you can run now any campaign in your own LAN, without any need of access to internet. But it also works in a virtual LAN environment (ex. EVOLVE parties), or as a public provider.

Check the posts bellow to know all the history and the releases already made.

Edit: 4 Jan 2017

The 3rd version of the Starfleet Command Launcher (v1.0.2) has been released!

It has been tested with:
   SFC EAW 2036;
   SFC OP 2552/2563;
   SFC 3 v1.01 b534;

Includes readme files for both versions.  8)

>> Lastest version << (http://www.hotandspicyforums.com/starfleet-command-f3.html)

Don't forget it is a beta version. It is meant to crash in any unknown circunstances.
Feel free to report anything or give sugestions.



Title: Re: Starfleet Command Orion Pirates Directory Services Emulator
Post by: d4v1ks on May 30, 2016, 06:39:21 pm
Title: Re: Starfleet Command Orion Pirates Directory Services Emulator
Post by: FA Frey XC on June 01, 2016, 07:34:22 am
Awesome work!!! :)

Title: Re: Starfleet Command Orion Pirates Directory Services Emulator
Post by: d4v1ks on June 01, 2016, 02:21:52 pm

You don't need to redirect any doors on the router, or similar devices.
You can run this solution in a real or virtual LAN enviroment.

Option 1 -> Running the combo through the Evolve LAN party system doesn't require any work at all.
You just create a party, invite the people to join it, and everyone will have access to the system. Just don't forget to update the files above (WONServerSetup.gf and ServersSetup.gf), so the game knows where to find the servers.

Option 2 -> SFC doesn't handle very well with multiples ethernet adapters!
In my home setup, for example, beside the real ethernet card adapter, i have the evolve's ethernet adapter + 2 virtual machines' ethernet adapters. So things got complicated for SFC. But there is two solutions for that:
   1. Temporarily disable all the ethernet adapters you don't need. Just keep one active!
   2. Or then set the ethernet adapters' priority rigth! So the game always use the one on top (the real ethernet adapter).

Have fun!
Title: Re: Starfleet Command Orion Pirates Directory Services Emulator
Post by: d4v1ks on November 19, 2016, 05:52:30 am
Hello all.
While working on one off my personnal projects, i discovered that the code that i wrote to handle the sockets events, in this emulator, had a small memory leak. So i took the opportunity to fix and update that piece of code.
After the update, i decided to try it at home, im my home lan, against my wife. But in that day my internet was down. So, i had no access to Qtracker. And, of course, i was not hable to do anything more...
And that let me upset, that limitation...
I sure had the potencial to do something more, when i decided to wrote this emulator...
So, for a place in the history records, i decided to take a look at this challange: how hard was this Gamespy issue to fix in SFC OP?
The answer was much easier that i thougth.
The solution toke 1 byte hexedit in the sfcop exe, and some extra code in the emulator.
I will release an update to this tool in the days ahead, after i get some free time.
The "directory services" and "Gamespy" emulator update.

(It is just a dozen of years late)
Title: Re: Starfleet Command Orion Pirates Directory Services Emulator
Post by: d4v1ks on November 19, 2016, 06:55:08 am
This emulator can be extended to run as a public directory and gamespy emulator for SFCOP.
To run in a LAN, it doesnt need to reply an specific server'ip, as the client just broadcast a request to the entire LAN. But for a public server i still need to research that part.
Currently i dont see any public server around. But if anyone is able to set one for 1 or 2 days, i can study and add that option.
I can also create some email, nick and pass validation to it.
Title: Re: Starfleet Command Orion Pirates Directory Services Emulator
Post by: TarMinyatur on November 19, 2016, 03:00:28 pm
The server "Mirkwood" is running now, Carlos. It's on fafnir.xenocorp.net. I was able to start a scout mission a few minutes ago.

It doesn't use the Directory Service Emulator. It uses the regular flipside.com applications on thor.xenocorp.net.
Title: Re: Starfleet Command Orion Pirates Directory Services Emulator
Post by: d4v1ks on November 20, 2016, 07:21:23 am
The server "Mirkwood" is running now, Carlos.

Hey Tar!
Thnks for the quick reply.  :)
I think i got what i needed.
I will post further advancements as soon i get time.

Maybe now, creating a SFC launcher will make sense, as the launcher itself can serve as a service provider for all the client and server external communications (dependencies). Like a SFC OP Gold Edition... A full working and independent version. Being the launcher responsible for checking and update all the ini files (checking the current windows version where it is running in the process). Maybe creating the rigth shortcuts, with the right color and compatibility settings, to avoid all the initial config issues... A legacy for Dynaverse.

But i will stick to this emulator update for now...  ;)
Title: Re: Starfleet Command Orion Pirates Directory Services Emulator
Post by: d4v1ks on November 20, 2016, 11:16:26 am
It's done!
With the new info i got, i managed to code a full gamespy and directory services replacement.
It works without any internet access. You just need to open a server in your home lan, fire a irc chat, config everything to point to the new emulator, and everythings works as expected. I even tried with 2 servers here, on and, with ports 27200 and 27300 (to avoid the broadcast search that the clients do, looking for any server at port 27100), and both clients where able to see the 2, log in, and join the servers.
I still wish to add some client validation and test it. But looks very good.
Insane results for some hours of work.  8)
Title: Re: Starfleet Command Orion Pirates Directory Services Emulator
Post by: Nemesis on November 20, 2016, 12:28:24 pm
Nice work.  Just wish I were in a position to make use of it.   :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Starfleet Command Orion Pirates Directory Services Emulator
Post by: TAnimaL on November 22, 2016, 01:01:50 pm
Thanks very much for this Carlos. Here's hoping I can get to play with this during the holiday break. Appreciate the work that goes into this
Title: Re: Starfleet Command Orion Pirates Directory Services Emulator
Post by: d4v1ks on November 22, 2016, 06:10:39 pm
I didnt felt well just by giving it the basic funcionalities.
So, today i added some code to handle the server lists: When they go live or leave, listen their heartbeats, and do a test, if they crashed, in case of a time without heartbeat's updates.
Tomorow will add both a whitelist and ban list mechanisn for it, that will accept new users, keep them away, or restrict their access. Basic user stuff...
Then i think i will have an alpha version for test, that will raise an exception in any unfamiliar circunstances.
The code is heavily multithreaded, so there is space for some need of debug.
Title: Re: Starfleet Command Orion Pirates Directory Services Emulator
Post by: TarMinyatur on November 23, 2016, 03:00:17 pm
Good work. The default directory service may soon be obsolete, replaced by a superior service. If only we had more than 2 players to test this stuff. Heh. Oh well.
Title: Re: Starfleet Command Orion Pirates Directory Services Emulator
Post by: d4v1ks on November 25, 2016, 05:42:37 am
It is not superior. But it works.

For your entertrainment, and first time in history: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AiumJZOPROpbg9xqYVHLPcg37kOM6g

A working Gamespy and Directory services replacement, for your LAN campaigns, or any public server. It doesnt require any external service.
You just need 3 things to run any campaign now: A server, a client, and this program.
It was made during this month, in some couple hours of my free time. Enjoy.
There is a readme file in the zip. Cheers  8)

It is an alpha version. Please report any error you may find to my email.
Title: Re: Starfleet Command Orion Pirates Directory Services Emulator
Post by: TarMinyatur on November 25, 2016, 02:36:38 pm
2BB505: 1op // Are we using a custom server? (Yes 24, No 3C)
The option to change this with the SFC_Editor is grayed out.

Shouldn't that be...

2BB505: 1op // Are we using a custom server? (Yes 3C, No 18)?

The default 2.563 executable has a 18h byte at 0x2BB505.

18h is 24 in decimal. 1op uses hexadecimal. Not sure about that 3C.

Title: Re: Starfleet Command Orion Pirates Directory Services Emulator
Post by: d4v1ks on November 25, 2016, 03:37:54 pm
Shouldn't that be...

2BB505: 1op // Are we using a custom server? (Yes 3C, No 18)?

Hey there!
Yes, you are right Tar.   :coolsmiley:
But the value 3C is correct.
Was writting out of my memory... ;)
Not in home. But maybe Sunday i will have some time
Title: Re: Starfleet Command Orion Pirates Directory Services Emulator
Post by: d4v1ks on November 25, 2016, 04:17:03 pm
Just look the old motd system working full power  8)

Title: Re: Gamespy and Directory Services replacement for LAN campaigns
Post by: d4v1ks on November 30, 2016, 04:32:13 am
It totally blows me away how easy was this gamespy issue to fix.
You would too, if you could see it.
In the end, both the client and server just "needed a friend" that would understand them, in this small conversation...  :'(
And noone was there, for them, in all these years... ;)
Title: Re: Gamespy and Directory Services replacement for LAN campaigns
Post by: d4v1ks on December 01, 2016, 04:42:48 pm
Today, in the afteernoon, i was able to go a step further.
i discovered how all the encryption works in the sfc - gamespy comunications.  8)
In the next version of the sfc launcher, no hexedit will be required on the sfcop 2563 version, for it to work.
The password authentication will not be ignored, but handled correctly.
It will be 100% compatible with the gamespy protocol.  :police:
Title: Re: Gamespy and Directory Services replacement for LAN campaigns
Post by: Nemesis on December 01, 2016, 08:39:32 pm
 :notworthy: :drinkinsong: :rockinband: :rockinband: :tonybanks: :notworthy: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Gamespy and Directory Services replacement for LAN campaigns
Post by: Javora on December 01, 2016, 09:29:51 pm
Wow Carlos, that's amazing.  Can't wait to see this.
Title: Re: Gamespy and Directory Services replacement for LAN campaigns
Post by: d4v1ks on December 03, 2016, 04:20:04 pm
Today i added support for SFC2 EAW.
And with the motd system in mind, i created and added a little webserver to the launcher, so it will always give the lastest motds to the clients. It will be optional, as it will listen for motd requests on port 80.
I did a lot of testing. It looks stable.
Just need to add a better interface, and some code to handle more than 1 version of the servers, as we have now support for sfcop sfceaw.
Title: Re: Gamespy and Directory Services replacement for LAN campaigns
Post by: Panzergranate on December 03, 2016, 10:46:09 pm
Gamespy being taken over buy money grabbing individuals who have no idea who their fathers were also screwed up the Sword of the Stars space wargame community.

The Sword of the Stars developers actually broadcast on the game's online bulletin start up board the true story of how everybody using Gamespy was screwed over.

Apparently the new owners of Gamespy immediately tore up and reneged on all client existing contracts and deals, hiked up their fee by just over 400% for server usage and...... well all the various game developers said, "Screw you!!", and stopped using Gamespy...... which killed it completely.

So the new owners of Gamespy through sheer greed killed "The Goose that was laying them golden eggs".

Like all businesses, blatantly attempting to openly screw one's customer base leads to a boycott of said business.

Title: Re: Gamespy and Directory Services replacement for LAN campaigns
Post by: Javora on December 04, 2016, 07:21:57 am
Today i added support for SFC2 EAW.
And with the motd system in mind, i created and added a little webserver to the launcher, so it will always give the lastest motds to the clients. It will be optional, as it will listen for motd requests on port 80.
I did a lot of testing. It looks stable.
Just need to add a better interface, and some code to handle more than 1 version of the servers, as we have now support for sfcop sfceaw.

Is there any way to change the code so that SFC II, SFC CE, and SFC OP (minis X-Ships) can see each other on the same Dyna?  This might be the best way to get as many people as we can to play multiplayer again.
Title: Re: Gamespy and Directory Services replacement for LAN campaigns
Post by: d4v1ks on December 04, 2016, 05:39:05 pm
This weekend i did a lot of tweaks.
Here i am playing with 3 clients on my home lan (with internet off).
We 3 drafted a patrol mission.

Title: Re: Gamespy and Directory Services replacement for LAN campaigns
Post by: d4v1ks on December 04, 2016, 05:47:06 pm
Here i am runing 2 diferent servers in the LAN.
One client is idle in lhe EAW server, and in the other i drafted a mission with my wife.

Title: Re: Gamespy and Directory Services replacement for LAN campaigns
Post by: d4v1ks on December 04, 2016, 05:53:43 pm
Here as you can see, the MOTD system distinguish the 2 versions. And it will always popup each time you play.

Title: Re: Gamespy and Directory Services replacement for LAN campaigns
Post by: RazalYllib on December 06, 2016, 06:41:07 pm
Very Intrigued and amazed.

Just recently did the upgrade from blank drive to win 10.
Have not installed OP yet...this news makes me tingle and incentivise myself into re-installing the client / upgrading etc.

If I have issues I will know where to start at least.

Would be honored to participate in any testing and "might" be able to rez my buddy to load his client- been awhile since he flew against another human.

Now where is my install disc?
Title: Re: Gamespy and Directory Services replacement for LAN campaigns
Post by: d4v1ks on December 09, 2016, 07:35:16 am

Hi again,
Yesterday i started working on the UI itself. We had a holiday here.
So, probably i will release a fully working beta this "weekend".
This is how it is starting to look.


Title: Re: Gamespy and Directory Services replacement for LAN campaigns
Post by: TAnimaL on December 09, 2016, 11:14:24 am
Fraking awesome - that makes it clear to even a LAN neophypte like me
Title: Re: Gamespy and Directory Services replacement for LAN campaigns
Post by: Tumulorum Fossor on December 09, 2016, 06:20:32 pm
This is GREAT, Carlos!
I also took note from the thread where you and Tar increased the font for the reticles for me that you were integrating THAT functioning into this somehow, too!  If I'm interpreting that correctly, consider also control for the font size for game messages that show up in the lower right corner, too!

Thanks a lot for all this!!!
Title: Re: Gamespy and Directory Services replacement for LAN campaigns
Post by: xeryx on December 10, 2016, 11:08:55 am
Will this also be compatible with SFC 2 EAW?  Please keep up the good work!  I want to be able to create a server so that my nephews and I can play some amazing battles!!

Title: Re: Gamespy and Directory Services replacement for LAN campaigns
Post by: d4v1ks on December 10, 2016, 05:42:04 pm
Will this also be compatible with SFC 2 EAW?  Please keep up the good work!  I want to be able to create a server so that my nephews and I can play some amazing battles!!


Yes, it is currently compatible with EAW.
But, it needs a bit of attenction to configure.
I will give a bit of attention to it, in the days ahead.
Title: Re: Gamespy and Directory Services replacement for LAN campaigns
Post by: d4v1ks on December 10, 2016, 05:52:50 pm
Ok guys, it is time for a beta release of:

Starfleet Command Launcher v1.0.1.0 (beta)  8)


I've spent a lot of time today tunning the last details for it, as i need to redirect my attenction to another matters soon.
It is a beta version. It is not finished. It has a probability to crash.
But today i did some games on my home lan, and it runned fine.
If you want to help test, please do it.
I have wrote some instructions.

Happy games!  :)  8)
Title: Re: Gamespy and Directory Services replacement for LAN campaigns
Post by: d4v1ks on December 16, 2016, 04:57:53 am
Hello all.
Yesterday i took a fast look into SFC3.
In the next update of this tool i will give support to it.  :)

It will be compatible with:
   - SFCOP 2552 and 2563;
   - SFC EAW 2036 and 2037;
   - SFC 3 build 534;

Title: Re: Gamespy and Directory Services replacement for LAN campaigns
Post by: TarMinyatur on December 16, 2016, 01:46:53 pm
This is GREAT, Carlos!
I also took note from the thread where you and Tar increased the font for the reticles for me that you were integrating THAT functioning into this somehow, too!  If I'm interpreting that correctly, consider also control for the font size for game messages that show up in the lower right corner, too!

Thanks a lot for all this!!!

I've been away from the game for a while. It'll take some time to rediscover how the hell I modified the reticle font. My guess is that a font size booster will be a separate download. The regular (albeit tiny) font sizes will probably remain as default. I suppose a GUI tool could be made, but I'm not a GUI guy. I'm good for old fashioned batch files.  :-)
Title: Re: Gamespy and Directory Services replacement for LAN campaigns
Post by: TarMinyatur on December 17, 2016, 09:46:33 pm
This is GREAT, Carlos!
I also took note from the thread where you and Tar increased the font for the reticles for me that you were integrating THAT functioning into this somehow, too!  If I'm interpreting that correctly, consider also control for the font size for game messages that show up in the lower right corner, too!

Thanks a lot for all this!!!

Hey TF, check out the attached fonts.zip. Is this big enough (size 22)? The Volley Info overlaps vertically...I don't know how to fix that.
Title: Re: Gamespy and Directory Services replacement for LAN campaigns
Post by: Tumulorum Fossor on December 18, 2016, 01:03:58 pm
Is this the same one you provided several weeks ago? It looks to be a BIT larger. I think this one is the perfect size (for me). It really helps especially with playing SFCOP on an extremely large projection screen, as the higher resolutions now allow.  It would be cool if the font was OCR like stock, but this look is CERTAINLY adequate. The vertical clipping is NOT an issue.  SFC OP looks more legible on my laptop. And looks amazing on the projector screen!

Would be nice if the new Ez-INI could adjust typefaces for both the HUD text AND the information/scripted text because it seems to go hand-in-hand with the jacked up resolutions.

NOT trying to look a gift horse in the mouth here, and now have BOTH of your modded fonts.zip files in my assets folder so I can select any of the three (stock, first mod, second mod) of them easily. Just curious: what point fonts did you use for those mods?


Merry Christmas!
Title: Re: Gamespy and Directory Services replacement for LAN campaigns
Post by: TarMinyatur on December 18, 2016, 02:25:46 pm
You're welcome, TF.

I modified the bcascii22.fnt yesterday. I assume it's size 22. The one from months ago was bcascii16.fnt. The non-OCR fonts need to be presented as OCR fonts to appear near the reticle. This is done by pasting the OCR footer (32 bytes) to the end of the file.

4F 00 43 00 52 00 20 00 41 00 20 00 45 00 78 00 74 00 65 00 6E 00 64 00 65 00 64 00 00 00 00 00

Which is "O.C.R. .A. .E.x.t.e.n.d.e.d....." in readable characters.

The beginning of the file must be modified too.

** ** ** ** 20 ** 00 00 02 00 00 00 0A C9 01 00

The red stuff tricks the game into treating, for example, the bcascii22.fnt as a replacement for ocra10.fnt -- the default SFC reticle font.

The yellow byte, 0A, means ten in hexadecimal. The reticle demands a nominal size-10 font, but it doesn't care about the data that follows in the file. An oversize font is subsequently drawn without fuss. A size-22 font (16 in hex) can be drawn even if the header declares it to be size 10 (0A in hex).  8)

The third part of this hack is to update the fonts.txt file:

; Following font has a typeface value of:   (eTypeface)(_CustomTypeface + 6)

I gave my custom font the name tar22.fnt. The original ocra10.fnt and bcascii22.fnt are therefore not modified. Restoring the reticle should be easy -- just edit a text file...

Actually it isn't easy because the font assets are zipped without compression! So you have to work on an extracted archive. Then you build a new fonts.zip including the assets\fonts folders. You must use the "store" mode (which doesn't compress). The 7-zip utility works well for this. (The built-in zip capability in Windows 7 will automatically compress the assets and break them for SFC.) Then move that new fonts.zip to the OP\Assets folder.
Title: Re: Gamespy and Directory Services replacement for LAN campaigns
Post by: d4v1ks on December 18, 2016, 03:37:01 pm
Wow, good job Tar!
I'm happy you found how to increase the fonts, and already posted a solution for it.
I was in total darkness about this one.  ::)

I've been busy with adding the Sfc3 support to the SFC launcher. It is like.. Why not right?
All got a working HD patch, a sprites editor, and now all will be playlable in a LAN or public internet.
Sfc3 was tricky, but i managed to understand it today.
It took some hours. But it is working!
All directory services, and gamespy, are all now packed into the small application that is SFC Launcher. Less than 100k, or 5000 lines of code.  8)

Keep up Tar!
Title: Re: Gamespy and Directory Services replacement for LAN campaigns
Post by: TarMinyatur on December 18, 2016, 09:55:28 pm
It took about 12 hours to figure out the fonts puzzle. When we don't have source code, we just stare at the stuff we have and do some experiments. So now anyone can increase the reticle font size. It isn't perfect in F1 view, because the coordinates don't account for the hacked length of the text -- the target's speed extends offscreen. The strings.txt can be edited to reduce the word "speed" to "s" under the reticle so that the speed value, at least the integer part, may remain onscreen.

SFC3 is a relatively good game (compared to the average Star Trek video game). It should get some attention too. If dynaverse.net or any particular middleman disappears, people will be able to play multiplayer dynaverse for many years ahead.
Title: Re: Gamespy and Directory Services replacement for LAN campaigns
Post by: d4v1ks on December 23, 2016, 05:14:53 pm
When we thought all was done, the endeavor on sfc3 support offered a last obstacle!
And how hard this one was. :buck2:
But fear not. After a 3 day battle, this challange is over! :knuppel2:

Title: Re: Gamespy and Directory Services replacement for LAN campaigns
Post by: Tus-XC on December 26, 2016, 03:17:00 am
where is the like button...
Title: Re: Gamespy and Directory Services replacement for LAN campaigns
Post by: xeryx on December 26, 2016, 11:44:42 am
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: d4v1ks on December 31, 2016, 04:45:05 pm
Have you seen anything like this before?
A motd in sfc3?
Will be in version!

Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: Sirgod on December 31, 2016, 11:44:21 pm
I know I don't say it often enough, but you guys just rock! Thank you all so much for the work you have done over the years.

I was just thinking, my first game was on Dec. 24th, 1999 , and that bug to play hits me every time around this year. Due to your hard work, I still can.
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: vonfrank on January 01, 2017, 12:43:23 am
Just found this thread, and I gotta say, I'm VERY impressed.

If I understand this correctly, we will be able to host our own SFC2, SFCOP, and SFC3 Dynaverse servers? And anyone can join so long as they are given the host's IP address, without any need for all the tests and verifications that always seem to fail while trying to log on?

If so, that is AMAZING!

My friends and I have always wanted to play the SFC3 online conquest campaigns but have never been able to get both our machines to properly log-on to dynaverse in order to join a server in the first place.

Whatever wizardry you're using to get this to work, keep it up!  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: d4v1ks on January 01, 2017, 07:30:45 am
Yes, this program lets you host your own dynaverse services, and on top of that, your own gamespy services.
It is all packed into a single application. So, it serves 2 purposes:
   1. You can host those services;
   2. In the client side, you just need to insert the host's IP in the program, and it will set things up for you.

To speed things up, i added the option to enable or disable any port test made by the program (a service provided by dynaverse).

In a real or virtual LAN environment you dont need to setup any port. But remember, that in a public internet enviroment, you still need to redirect the ports used by DirectPlay (2300-2309, 47624), if you playing behind a router (for example), as it still is required by the version of the directX used in the games.

It features its own client and server lists, and provides a basic webserver service, so you can see which servers and clients are online. And provides its own motd service.

And works with SFC2EAW, SFCOP and SFC3!

Cool right?  8)
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: d4v1ks on January 01, 2017, 03:17:31 pm
Indeed, very cool. Look forward to the final product with one download. Very excited.

I have posted 2 versions for testing already.  :)
Today i've compiled the 3rd one, compatible with Sfc3.
I improved some things today. Also expanded the Launcher options, and added another tab for SFC3.
Eventually i will need to write some instructions. Sfc3 has some tiny differences. Basic stuff, but still...
Probably will post it in the start of this week.
Of couse, if anyone wish to help test it, or give any suggestions, better.

Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: vonfrank on January 01, 2017, 05:57:59 pm
Amazing work so far, but I am a little confused on how to get it working.

Right now I have a fresh install of SFC2 EAW with the official 2036 patch and the 2037 HD patch. I also have the official 2036 server kit.

Sorry if I'm being completely basic, but how do I set up the server and log in? Do I need to host on a different computer than the one I'm trying to run the client on?
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: TarMinyatur on January 01, 2017, 09:32:50 pm
For best results, the server software (ServerPlatform.exe) should not run on the same computer as the client (StarfleetX.exe). They would have the same external IP address, if I understand all this. The resources required by ServerPlatform are not great. An old 500MHz PC with an ethernet card can do the job.
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: d4v1ks on January 02, 2017, 05:08:08 am
Amazing work so far, but I am a little confused on how to get it working.

Right now I have a fresh install of SFC2 EAW with the official 2036 patch and the 2037 HD patch. I also have the official 2036 server kit.

Sorry if I'm being completely basic, but how do I set up the server and log in? Do I need to host on a different computer than the one I'm trying to run the client on?

The last 2 versions i posted only work "out of box" with sfcop 2563.
I managed to get sfceaw 2037 working, but was only here in my home, as the server had to be tweaked.

I have written a readme file in the last post for SFCOP.
Some *.gf files need to be tweaked for gamespy.

That is why i need to write some instructions, or automate the process.
Little details, but important.
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: d4v1ks on January 02, 2017, 09:52:57 am
For best results, the server software (ServerPlatform.exe) should not run on the same computer as the client (StarfleetX.exe). They would have the same external IP address, if I understand all this. The resources required by ServerPlatform are not great. An old 500MHz PC with an ethernet card can do the job.

For best results yes.
But for example, in my LAN tests, i was able to run everything on same machine.
But it seems to run better if you run the server + launcher on another machine (i've used a virtual machine for that sometimes).
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: d4v1ks on January 03, 2017, 07:20:35 am
Yesterday started testing and prepare the "readme" files for all versions i mentioned.
I thought it would be fast, but it wasn't.

Tested the launcher with sfc eaw 2036, sfcop 2552 (last 2 serverkits builds)

Just look what happened when i tried the launcher with sfc eaw 2036  :)

Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: d4v1ks on January 03, 2017, 04:43:57 pm
Ok, here it is the 3rd release of the Starfleet Command Launcher (v1.0.2)

It has been tested with:
   SFC EAW 2036;
   SFC OP 2552/2563;
   SFC 3 v1.01 b534;

Includes readme files for both versions.  8)


Don't forget it is a beta version. It is meant to crash in any unknown circunstances.
Feel free to report anything or give sugestions.

Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: vonfrank on January 05, 2017, 06:41:07 pm
Just tried the latest version. For setting up the client and server with the launcher, it tells me "The Program Can't Find the File" when I click on the "Start Services" button. Not sure what file it's referring to. I did correctly list the server and client path to the .exe files.
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: TarMinyatur on January 05, 2017, 08:15:50 pm
Hmm, I tried it too, vonfrank. Skipping file --> "The program can't find the file." And no mention of the file by name...
Then when I run the 4 services I get an unhandled exception.

I have Windows 7. I think d4v1ks is testing on a Windows 10 machine. That might not matter. I was just trying the basic setup (OP 2.563 server, client, directory service all on same laptop) and I followed the .pdf instructions -- I think.

It is a beta, so we should expect a few issues.
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: d4v1ks on January 06, 2017, 03:09:32 am
Just tried the latest version. For setting up the client and server with the launcher, it tells me "The Program Can't Find the File" when I click on the "Start Services" button. Not sure what file it's referring to. I did correctly list the server and client path to the .exe files.

Yeah, dont worry about that one.
I forgot to add a simple check. It just means that the launcher was not able to find all the executables (eaw, op and sfc3).
I already fix it. Thanks. :)
But apart from that, did it worked with you?
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: d4v1ks on January 06, 2017, 03:41:37 am
Hmm, I tried it too, vonfrank. Skipping file --> "The program can't find the file." And no mention of the file by name...
Then when I run the 4 services I get an unhandled exception.

I have Windows 7. I think d4v1ks is testing on a Windows 10 machine. That might not matter. I was just trying the basic setup (OP 2.563 server, client, directory service all on same laptop) and I followed the .pdf instructions -- I think.

It is a beta, so we should expect a few issues.

It crashed when you clicked on the START?
Dont forget that at this point the Launcher just hexedit the custom gamespy IPs at the executables. We still need to edit the *.GF files like instructed in the readme files. Maybe i should have mentioned that.
You just need to do it one time, if you are going to use the same machines/ips.
And that should be done on every client and server.
The IP that you write in the launcher is the ip where the services will be hosted (gamespy\ Sfc directories).
If you want to run everything on the same machine use  "".
When you click START it tries to bind sockets to specifics IPs and PORTs. So the IP has to be valid.
 You can ping the ip before inserting it in the SFC Launcher (the one you wish to use) to see if it will work.
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: d4v1ks on January 06, 2017, 06:13:08 am
I will simplify things a little more in the next release.

The objective will be to release something inside the idea initially stated at

http://www.dynaverse.net/forum/index.php/topic,163396609.msg1123054742.html#msg1123054742 (http://www.dynaverse.net/forum/index.php/topic,163396609.msg1123054742.html#msg1123054742)
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: TarMinyatur on January 07, 2017, 06:45:24 pm
Ok. I used for the directory service, for the dyna server, and allowed ServerPlatform.exe through the firewall. Fired up the SFC Launcher with the 4 services enabled, started the OP server, and then launched StarfleetOP.exe all on the same computer. It works.

Did a scan mission. Blew up a freighter. Got 320 points. Repaired my ship. If only there were 60 human players instead of AI, it might be fun.   
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: Tiberius on January 08, 2017, 11:57:37 am
yea does the same thing for me crashes everytime..
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: FPF-Tobin Dax on January 08, 2017, 12:01:59 pm
Ok. I used for the directory service, for the dyna server, and allowed ServerPlatform.exe through the firewall. Fired up the SFC Launcher with the 4 services enabled, started the OP server, and then launched StarfleetOP.exe all on the same computer. It works.

Did a scan mission. Blew up a freighter. Got 320 points. Repaired my ship. If only there were 60 human players instead of AI, it might be fun.

When this gets made into an all-in-one installer for the public, you might get your wish for players. The number of "guests" who drop by but don't log in is still encouraging. They are possibly just waiting for the end version.
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: d4v1ks on January 08, 2017, 06:04:21 pm
yea does the same thing for me crashes everytime..

Probably the way it needs to be configured at the moment, it's not very intuitive for the end-user. But it can get better!  :)
I've been playing here at home with OP and its serverkit build 37. And it runs without any issue or error. It is a good sign!
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: d4v1ks on January 09, 2017, 05:31:32 am
Ok. I used for the directory service, for the dyna server

It worked with those IPs? is a loop-back address (IPv4). It is like the "local" IP of our computer. We can use it in the place of the "real" IP of the computer.

The IPs i used on the readme files are hypothetical. They only would make sense, if you had a real network configured in that particular way.

The real IP of our machines can be known, for example, by running IPCONFIG in a command line.
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: TarMinyatur on January 09, 2017, 08:28:25 am
I guess any IP with 127.0.0.* is a local address. It didn't hurt to assign the various SFC elements to different IP's. Maybe it is irrelevant to use and They may be treated exactly as if all three applications are on the same computer.
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: d4v1ks on January 09, 2017, 09:52:35 am
Hey Tar, i've started working on an update for SFC OP 2563.

Will update the serverkit, that uses the build 36 as base, to the latest build 37 (compiled for perfomance + some fixes).

I also coded a little parser for the *.gf files, and found in the process, that there are some little errors on the syntax, on a few of them. Probably not very important. But i fixed those.
The *.gf files have now a standard format, and can be open on excel, for example, using TAB as delimeter, to be more readable.

On the client, i replaced "lowres" on sfc.ini, by the 2 new variables "width" and "height", like happens in sfc EAW 2037.
I replaced the function there for something like:

Code: [Select]
if sfcini.contains("width") && sfcini.contains("height") {
   screenWidth =  sfcini.width
   screenheight = sfcini.Height
} else {
   screenWidth =  800
   screenHeight = 600

if (screenWidth < 640) screenWidth = 640
if (screenHeight < 480) screenHeight = 480

Probably i can get rid of the hardcoded gamespy links on the executables too, and put them in the sfc.ini. Will take a look on that.

In the next release of SFC Launcher, i will automatate a little more the server configuration, and use it to launch the clients. This will give the option to launch the game in the correct "resolution", and adjust the sprites.q3 layouts accordingly.
So, in windows mode, the client will have the option to run in "maximized" mode, or then in one of the "standart" resolutions. Is what offers less problems and better perfomance on Windows 10.

Lets see how it goes, as i need to merge some code of the other projects on this new features, and get time for it.
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: TarMinyatur on January 09, 2017, 04:47:27 pm
Carlos, I was thinking of that yesterday -- putting the directory service IP in sfc.ini. More people could have identical CRCs if that were the case. Sfc.ini would be the Hi-Def and Dyna client customizer as a simple text file. I've forgotten how I added Width and Height to EAW's sfc.ini. But I remember that it wasn't very difficult.
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: Tiberius on January 13, 2017, 01:47:52 pm
ok got it working server works .but what i did notice is when moving from a normal hex to another normal hex movement was fine not lagging like it used to but.. when moving from a normal hex to a hex with a planet or shipyard the display on left were it shows your mission or shipyard or supplies the shipyard and other buttons takes about 3-5 secs to go from greyed out to clickable didnt time it but  seems like 3-5 secs would be about right..
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: Tiberius on January 14, 2017, 01:36:50 pm
i have to say why the hell dont they (Dynaverse.net keeper of the code) give you the code to work on.. its just dumb to not let you work on it ...

thanks for all you do
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: Tiberius on January 15, 2017, 02:56:47 pm
i realize they dont have the op code but the multiplayer code for eaw is in there mabe there would be something you could come up with for op having looked at the eaw code..just thinking out loud
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: d4v1ks on January 17, 2017, 07:58:25 am
i have to say why the hell dont they (Dynaverse.net keeper of the code) give you the code to work on..

The source code is an asset of an enterprise.
Why would they share it with anyone?
Who wins, and what?
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: Javora on January 17, 2017, 06:09:19 pm

The source code is an asset of an enterprise.
Why would they share it with anyone?
Who wins, and what?

While I don't want to stray off topic too much, I think Dyna team should allow you to work on the CE source code if you want to.  At this point no one is working on that hot mess and with you and Tar I think some real progress can be made.  Who knows, you might even be able to recreate some of the X Weapons from OP into the CE code and have both games under one roof.  That is my 2 cents, I'll go back into lurker mode now.
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: Tiberius on January 17, 2017, 06:12:15 pm
You mean an asset that is just sitting there collecting dust..after all this time its obvious they dont plan on doing anything with it..whats the point? is it just to say we have the code and nobody else does?..They should just give it back to whom they got it from.. You d4v1ks and Tar are the assets this community needs to come up with something to get this game moving again D.net doesnt have the skill or time needed to work on the code.. Time to hand it off to the people who do... 
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: Nemesis on January 18, 2017, 09:56:49 am
All this work has been a thankless and expensive job.  I am grateful to Frey for having what it takes to do it.  Without all the effort and yes money Frey has put into the SFC community we wouldn't be here, there would be no SFC:CE.  There would be nowhere to post the recent developments where fans of SFC would see it.  In fact there would only be a very few isolated players still wishing for the glory days but with no one to share those wishes with. 

So thank you Frey.  Wish I could do more to help. 

And yes thanks to those who have used Freys dedication as a springboard to the recent developments in hacking the game.  Well done to you guys too, wish I knew how to help even though I don't currently have a machine suitable for game play and my disks were destroyed.  Well done to you but remember you are standing on Freys broad shoulders.  Without those shoulders to stand on you would have no place and no one to share your efforts and to praise your efforts. 
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: Tiberius on January 18, 2017, 01:32:33 pm
MY MY MY.... d.net was givin the code by a guy who was patching the game early on.. taldren gave d.net the tools to create keys  for the game..so in my opinion frey is not the saviour of sfc only a guy who was givin a few things..

yes he owns the forums but anyone who mods this game can create a free forum to discuss and mod further..all im saying is give the dam code to those in this community that have the ability to do something with it they can sign an NDA ffs..

 unless the true goal here is to sit on the code and do nothing and just keep a dead games forum going..again whats the point in having the code if you caint do anything with it its pointless...

 PS d4v1ks touching story.. but doesn't have anything to do with this discussion..i'll shut now cuz its obvious members here do nothing but pat one guy on the back who truly is holding up any future this game could have...so sad
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: TAnimaL on January 18, 2017, 02:31:13 pm

Not trying to muddy the waters  with comparisons but in support of Frey et. al. - the source code you want to see released is still covered under a great deal of legalese and NDAs, whether Taldren etc still exist or not, and the basic intellectual property of this game is owned by CBS & Paramount.

Whatever your personal opinion of the "Axanar" debacle is irrelevant; it merely shows the the holders of the IP are aware of what fans do. Let's not incur a world of pain on us.

D.net is not a signatory to the NDAs that cover the IP. The IP has many more lawyers and $$ to bury this game and site forever. Your insistence Tiberius makes your motives seem questionable, coming from someone who has 35 posts and is relatively new here.
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: Nemesis on January 18, 2017, 03:22:51 pm
Well Tiberius go ahead and create your own SFC forum and promote it as the "New home of SFC" and see how far you get.  Try and get together a group of free programmers and create an up to date clone of SFC. 

You also need to ask yourself WHY was Frey "given" this stuff and under what conditions.  The fact that after all these years the Dynaverse is still here shows that he was and is a good choice.  The existence of SFC:CE shows that the choice worked. 

You don't like how Frey has done things?  Make constructive and practical suggestions.  So far you are just going WAAH! Frey hasn't fullilled all my fantasies without any regard to what he has done or is allowed to do. 
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: TarMinyatur on January 18, 2017, 03:38:16 pm
From a practical standpoint, the SFC2CE source code is not useful and not relevant. D4v1ks, Adam, TAnimaL, and I are not C++ programmers. Frankly, nobody wants to play with or work on that neglected application, and I say this as CE's most dedicated promoter and 1000-hour contributor. Even if Frey or Strat or Exeter made the C++ sources secretly available, nobody is going to bother with it. I don't have the time to deal with spaghetti code and inheritances and virtual classes.

The game that interests people is SFC OP 2.563. Nobody on Earth has the source code for this game. We can use a disassembler to hack OP. It is impressive what we have done without one line of C++ code from StarfleetOP.exe.

And I will now fire up IDA to find more ways to improve a game that people actually play and care about. 
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: d4v1ks on January 18, 2017, 06:30:52 pm
This is a very complex topic to talk about.
There is a lot of positive and negative sides.
I believe all did their best.
But it really doesnt matter...
Who will have the time or skills to work on it?
It was made by a team of people, in a fulltime job, during months and months of their lives. And they were getting paid!
From my perspective i dont even know what i could do for it. Have no idea of its complexity.
One thing i know:

This afteernoon, i  got some free time to work on the next update for SFCOP 2564.
Today, i was finally able to open the SFC Launcher, select the sfc op client on a list, hit a button, and it automatically resized itself to the primary desktop resolution, and it started working as i advertised earlier.
No more painfull setting files, or hexediting to play in HD. :)
It is all that matters.
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: TarMinyatur on January 18, 2017, 07:39:40 pm
We work with the tools we have. The Phaser-A has a broken minimum damage estimator. It's been that way for 16 years or so.

StarfleetOP.exe has 1000 bytes of free space at the end of the code (.text) section for custom functions. I just realized this today! So I copied the working Ph-A max damage function, modified one offset inside it, modifed the call to the broken function, and tested the new Ph-A minimum damage function...

Notice the "8" instead of the misleading zero? Heh. IDA is a cool tool. Look for v2.564 someday. I'd like to fix the Ph-B minimum damage estimator too. Fixed that one too.
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: Captain Adam on January 19, 2017, 06:26:08 am
Very good news indeed. Slightly off topic but not that far out there...

I have been thinking of an idea. There's a couple of people who I speak with who still mod and add stuff to OP. Some of the guys have difficulties with adding UIs to the game. Some because they lack the expertise, others because they lack the necessary software. There's also the fact that if I introduce let's say an Oberth Class UI into the download package, someone else won't be able to see this in their game without making the necessary manual changes themselves. Sometimes I kitbash ships and I would like people to have my specific UIs but they don't and I have to set the ships hardpoints to something that is compatiable with their exe/sprite.
Then there's the shiplist. Another manually intensive obstacle when people just really wanna add the ship and see it the way the author intended.
Some people like Tar and others know how they want their ships to be added and do it themselves but others are left to the mercy of sifting through pages on the forums and searching for old links to software and programs/plugins they don't have or waiting for a response on the forum that seems to be as long as like waiting for the Israelis and Palestinians to broker peace. Anyways, is it possible to create a tool so when someone like me kitbashes a ship, with everything included like hardpoints, UIs and the recommended shiplist specs to automatically plugin the UI into the sprites, plug a new line into the shiplist and place the ship in the right folder in order to make things easier and quicker.

This tool needs to account for several issues. Such as a button that adds it to the primary shiplist/fighterlist in the assets folder. Another button to add it to the metaAssets shiplist/fighterlist version bc people like Tar have two sets that necessarily aren't the same.
Another button to add the UI if the person wants to bc as I stated above it's difficult to custom make everyone's request. In my example I may want the Oberth to be just a survey ship being only one ship and one line within the shiplist entries and not an entire overhaul of the frigate list. The UI feature would be extremely useful for those who need a person like me to make UIs for their game bc they are unable to themselves. Again, just a suggestion. I'm very satisfied with all the tools we currently have and for me it's no big deal but for others it seems like a lot of work to simply make/add a UI or an entry into the shiplist.
If you think it's a cool idea and wanna give it a shot I would glad give you my thoughts on how the layout should appear so it's fluid for the users such as the recipients of the download but also fluid for the creators of the model packages.   
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: d4v1ks on January 19, 2017, 07:42:36 am
Anyways, is it possible to create a tool so when someone like me kitbashes a ship, with everything included like hardpoints, UIs and the recommended shiplist specs to automatically plugin the UI into the sprites, plug a new line into the shiplist and place the ship in the right folder in order to make things easier and quicker.

This tool needs to account for several issues. Such as a button that adds it to the primary shiplist/fighterlist in the assets folder. Another button to add it to the metaAssets shiplist/fighterlist version bc people like Tar have two sets that necessarily aren't the same.

If you think it's a cool idea and wanna give it a shot I would glad give you my thoughts on how the layout should appear so it's fluid for the users such as the recipients of the download but also fluid for the creators of the model packages.

Yes, i can do something like that for sure.
You would be amazed how easy is to work with the sprites.q3 atm.
But i have such a big 'to do' list atm... Let me finish the SFC Launcher first.
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: d4v1ks on January 19, 2017, 07:48:58 am
Did you saw how the SFC Launcher's interface looked like?
I'm having problems with the look of the Main Tab at the moment... It just doesnt feel right.
I will post a pic after leave work.
Maybe you can help make it look better.
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: Captain Adam on January 19, 2017, 09:26:14 am
Yup, I understand you have a priority. I just wanted to get it out there so you would know. Anything I can do is willing to help. Time permitting of course. I work crazy hours 0400-1230 so sometimes I'm exhausted during the week. Thanks again.

Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: d4v1ks on January 19, 2017, 02:52:44 pm
It does its job, but looks bad, right?  ;D
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: Captain Adam on January 19, 2017, 03:23:04 pm

You too funny. If it does the job then it's fine by me. Idk what I can do. I'm just a kitbasher. I cannot tackle this aesthetically without seeing the components. Looks like you need an artist with a little knowledge in making pop up programs textures.
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: TarMinyatur on January 19, 2017, 05:18:55 pm
I like the idea of a 2.563->2.564 patch that is not too disruptive. Some players are very accustomed to the 2.552 patch as a platform. A 2.552->2.564 patch seems reasonable. I don't have a personal preference. A CD (or .iso) to 2.564 patch is good too if someone gets a newer computer.

I didn't isolate many variables in OP. They could be moved to the free space. I didn't verify all of TAnimaL's offsets for the SFC_Editor. I found one variable (Hellbore charge rate 2.5d) that is shared with a vessel library function and should be isolated. But I bet 99% of them are fine because the OP code uses more immediate values than SFC2CE, which uses tons of shared values. Changes to the Fusion Beam, Scanner, and Sensor code are not worth relocating. They're just minor edits of conditional jumps and general register math.

The complex function you did for Space Backgrounds is working. It's up to you if you want to do it in a "safer" way.

Carlos, you work on the functions for HD and gamespy. When that looks good, send the .exe to me. I can add the Ph-A and Ph-B estimator functions and any other bug fixes in the meanwhile. I have copies of the Heavy Phaser functions and other notes in a text file to refresh my memory.
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: d4v1ks on January 20, 2017, 03:06:35 am
Ok, the exe has all the changes already coded.
It is not much.

Yesterday i tested the SFC Launcher with sfc eaw 2037, and it also worked as well.
Later, i will send you the file, so you can add your last touches.

Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: xeryx on January 25, 2017, 10:45:02 pm
Take your time guys!
I think having a patch is the best idea. 

Capt Adam,
That is a great idea. 

Keep up the good work, there is no pressure, it isn't like this game was released yesterday.
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: d4v1ks on February 04, 2017, 10:55:55 am
As the work on the new SFC Launcher release continues,
I've finished the work on the SFC3 executable.
It took some time, but the final result is very cool.
I’ve replaced 2 functions in there, to reproduce the same 2 new mechanics that will be used in SFCOP.
With these changes in place, you will not need to hexedit anything anymore, to use Gamespy, or any custom HD resolution.

I will publish it in the next SFC Launcher release.


Code: [Select]
// New gamespy mechanics (with the old hardcoded hostnames as example).


// New resmode mechanic (with the default/lowest resolution, as example).


// You can use the sprites.q3 Editor at
// http://www.hotandspicyforums.com/post201588.html#p201588
// to manually replace any default resolution you wish.
// or wait a bit for the new SFC Launcher release, that will automate the process.
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: Captain Adam on February 04, 2017, 05:06:50 pm
Very cool
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: d4v1ks on April 27, 2017, 06:36:30 am
("SFC Launcher" to be released near the end of this summer, it time permits.)

Youtube video:
    Full "Starfleet Command 3" support demonstration, now with a built in peerchat server included!
    Everything you will ever need in a single application.



Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: Tumulorum Fossor on April 27, 2017, 08:34:23 pm
this... is... fricking AWESOME!!!!!!
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: vonfrank on April 27, 2017, 09:24:23 pm

I am SO pumped for the release of this! Cant wait to play it with friends.
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: AlDaja on April 29, 2017, 12:06:20 pm
Looks great.  Do you think you'll have a version that will operate for SFC3?  If so, like to give it a try with our mods we've been working on.
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: d4v1ks on April 29, 2017, 02:15:55 pm
Yes, it works perfectly with SFC3.
That was the point of the video. :)
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: FA Frey XC on May 15, 2017, 12:41:59 pm
I have stickied this thread.

Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: vonfrank on September 25, 2017, 10:32:57 am
Good to see this hasn't been forgotten... I was starting to wonder if the project had quietly died.
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: d4v1ks on September 26, 2017, 10:35:19 am
Quiet, but not dead.
This project will eventually materialize in some kind of release as we did before.
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: GodlyDevil on October 05, 2017, 11:19:45 am
My first post in these forums.. Please forgive me if I'm overstepping it something.

I've tried the link at the top of this topic and all links in between, but i can't download the server prog.. Where do I get or where can I download it?

thanks in advance
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: matchbox2022 on November 18, 2017, 08:49:25 pm
Hope its not a "demand to donate thing" which is illegal for mods based on another license.
I'd love to donate but forcing isn't cool (I design my own sounds and scripts for mods for other games and never do that).
That'd defn alienate any players.
Organizing with buying the game itself from dynaverse as part of "upkeep costs" is an entirely different story.
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: d4v1ks on November 19, 2017, 08:57:08 am
Previous versions of the SFCLauncher, like all the tools related to these games, were made available for free in the last 2 years.
The work on the games, like the SFC3 , SFC2CE, SFC2EAW or the SFC2OP patches, that we can call a MOD, were also distributed for free.

The SFCLauncher software is not a mod. It is a personal project developed by me, updated, and maintained for private use.
The program is not required to use any of the mods above.

Which you call a "demand to donate" has nothing to do with the program.
It is a way for people to show appreciation for the time I invested in these projects.
You can't buy the SFCLauncher, nor i will give to you based in any kind of donation.
It is something that i decided to do, an improvement. It is up to people to choose how they will interact.
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: vonfrank on November 20, 2017, 02:58:16 pm
Wait a minute...

Is this no longer available unless a patreon donation is made?  :huh:
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: matchbox2022 on November 20, 2017, 09:38:58 pm
Yeah...I've made exes specifically linking to another exe for a mod as well....to the point where it solves individual errors in the original program and hex edits on the fly......
that's still called A MOD, and because it's based on another guys work, I can not charge for it.
Providing a doorway to use the original game in a new way still uses the original game so....can easily see a legal issue here with demand to donate, which is exactly what you've done.

It's no different than other programs people "coded" to work with assets in the game. (Shipedit.exe Q3Editor.exe FMSE.exe, even hexeditors and various shareware/freeware).

Is it a standalone game, use your own assets or allow for a license to create additional IP? No? Then what you've done is began to alienate player bases, potentially illegally. Like I said before, donate to download is a fancy way of saying I need compensation, which is fine to ASK for, not demand for personal projects based on OTHER IP.

If people aren't donating the solution is pretty simple....make your own content based on your own IP completely where you CAN charge.....or stop providing your experience in volunteering and make it known as to the time limitations and some need to keep afloat.
Making people "donate to show appreciation" in order to use something which links to a license for software they "already bought" is a slippery ####ing slope.
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: vonfrank on November 20, 2017, 10:05:53 pm
Yeah...I've made exes specifically linking to another exe for a mod as well....to the point where it solves individual errors in the original program and hex edits on the fly......
that's still called A MOD, and because it's based on another guys work, I can not charge for it.
Providing a doorway to use the original game in a new way still uses the original game so....can easily see a legal issue here with demand to donate, which is exactly what you've done.

It's no different than other programs people "coded" to work with assets in the game. (Shipedit.exe Q3Editor.exe FMSE.exe, even hexeditors and various shareware/freeware).

Is it a standalone game, use your own assets or allow for a license to create additional IP? No? Then what you've done is began to alienate player bases, potentially illegally. Like I said before, donate to download is a fancy way of saying I need compensation, which is fine to ASK for, not demand for personal projects based on OTHER IP.

If people aren't donating the solution is pretty simple....make your own content based on your own IP completely where you CAN charge.....or stop providing your experience in volunteering and make it known as to the time limitations and some need to keep afloat.
Making people "donate to show appreciation" in order to use something which links to a license for software they "already bought" is a slippery ####ing slope.

Completely agree.

IF this is whats happening (and d4v1ks, correct me if I'm wrong) this is not good at all. And with all of the controversy about EA going on right now, this is really poor timing to try and charge people for access to things that should not be paid for. Regardless of the fact that this is an external program for the SFC games, it is still FOR the SFC games, and as a result, there can be no pay-wall for it.

I appreciate that modding is something that takes a lot of time, and we, as adults, quite often have little time to spare, but that doesn't excuse this. If you don't want to make the mod, then you don't have to. We may all appreciate the release of the mod, but no one is forcing you to devote your time to it. Conversely, you shouldn't force us to pay you if you decide to create it anyway.

If you want, put an optional donation up on the download page. This will enable people to download, test, and enjoy the mod with the availability to donate to you for your service to the community AFTER they have given it a try. This is the proper (and only legal) way to go about it.
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: d4v1ks on November 21, 2017, 08:49:51 am
...stop providing your experience in volunteering and make it known

you shouldn't force us to pay you if you decide to create it anyway.

The patreon page was created for people with a different mindset.
There is a lot of people that think my time and efforts are meaningless and so on, at least when compared to theirs.
And then there is a hand of people that contacts me and write: 'I like what you are doing and I want to support you!'
This version is being updated for those.

Like I said, the program is not for sale. Nor available based in any kind of donation.
The patreon is just a way of setting goals for me and let you be part of it.

Because lets be realistic.
You can see the pictures and videos. I've got a working version for more than an year by now. Even if it was not 'perfect' i know how it works, and i know how to operate it well.
The new version is not being made for me. It is for you. Those that have problems setting a working version or wish something more.

I've raised the goal there to 1 billion dollars.
That should put things in the right perspective.
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: vonfrank on November 21, 2017, 09:02:46 pm

There is a lot of people that think my time and efforts are meaningless and so on, at least when compared to theirs.
And then there is a hand of people that contacts me and write: 'I like what you are doing and I want to support you!'
This version is being updated for those.

No one said we thought your time and effort was meaningless. In fact, most of us were praising your efforts.... up until now.

And as far as donations for support are concerned, there's nothing wrong with accepting them, but requiring them for the 'updated version' is completely different. Essentially what you're saying is; "Here's the free version of my modding program! It's great inst it? A few bugs and its incomplete.... BUT WAIT! You can get the 'New and improved' version for a mere $5 donation! And I'm not just trying to make money because I'm not SELLING it to you, I'm letting you be a part of the creation process! Don't you feel a sense of accomplishment?"

Do you see how messed up that is? I'm sorry man, because I really love the work you've done and I probably would have even supported you with a gratuity donation once the completed version was made available and I had given it a try.  But now? Now you're just trying to make a buck.... And that's sad, especially since you cant even admit it to yourself.

So as far as I'm concerned, this mod is dead. My friends and I who were all looking forward to this will be quite disappointed. If you decide to change your mind down the road, then I'll be back. Until then, good luck...
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: d4v1ks on November 22, 2017, 04:12:49 am
Lets assume you are right, when you say that i'm just trying to win a buck and sell the software for a minimum of $5.
Imagine that you and your friends pay that amount between yourselfs, 50 cents each, in a 10 people sample.
I dunno who you are or were you live, but lets assume you work in USA in a laundry and win an average of $10 per hour (hypothetical example):

$10 = 3600 seconds
50 cent = 180 seconds

From this point of view you and your 9 friends would have access to the new version in exchange of 3 minuts of your time, right?

But lets continue with this assumption...
When you write things like "I appreciate that modding is something that takes a lot of time", "no one said we thought your time and effort was meaningless", "I probably would have even supported you", what you mean by that?
When you write "we may all appreciate the release of the mod" and "now (...) as far as I'm concerned, this mod is dead", what message are you trying to send?

Looking at the example above i could argue that this project, for you and your friends, is not worth 3 minuts of your time.
Even worse, i could assume that this project don't even deserve the time you spent reading and replying to these posts, right?

But lets keep this assumption...
Put yourself in my place.
What you would reply to a person that writes that several days of your time is not worth 3 minuts of theirs?
If that person said that he appreciates your time would you really believe in him?
And then your wife takes just takes a look in your monitor, reads the replies, and yawns: "I'm tired of seeing you wasting time with people that clearly doesn't care about you. Why don't you just stop it?"
"Don't you feel a sense of accomplishment?"

Even if i was trying to sell the software "do you see how messed up" this assumption is?
It just gets worse and worse...

good luck...

Thanks man :)
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: d4v1ks on November 22, 2017, 04:13:36 am
The progress of the project can be tracked here (https://hotandspicyforums.com/sfc-launcher-a-dynaverse-and-gamespy-s-service-rep-t19331-s25.html#p247711).
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: TarMinyatur on November 22, 2017, 08:47:35 am
Curious that some humans will pay $6 for a game that doesn't work for multiplayer dynaverse mode. Curious that they will pay $6 for an archived game with no active support. But if an unpaid & unassisted programmer devotes hundreds of hours of labor to fix this situation, he is criticized for being greedy or antisocial for valuing his work. Curious that some people believe that any software that is SFC-related actually belongs to the public (as soon as proof-of-concept is established), must be given freely forever, or never made available. I'm not talking about lawyers (who will sue over hot coffee or shut down Star Trek fan-made material), I'm talking about players.

If dynaverse.net were selling 2.564 with enhanced multiplayer services for $6, would anyone complain? I doubt it.

I'm glad I'm a Gorn and not a human. We are an appreciative speciesss with good mannersss. You humansss are ssstrange.
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: Captain Adam on November 22, 2017, 09:11:37 am
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: AlDaja on November 22, 2017, 03:12:11 pm
Curious that some humans will pay $6 for a game that doesn't work for multiplayer dynaverse mode. Curious that they will pay $6 for an archived game with no active support. But if an unpaid & unassisted programmer devotes hundreds of hours of labor to fix this situation, he is criticized for being greedy or antisocial for valuing his work. Curious that some people believe that any software that is SFC-related actually belongs to the public (as soon as proof-of-concept is established), must be given freely forever, or never made available. I'm not talking about lawyers (who will sue over hot coffee or shut down Star Trek fan-made material), I'm talking about players.

If dynaverse.net were selling 2.564 with enhanced multiplayer services for $6, would anyone complain? I doubt it.
Well said.
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: Tus-XC on November 22, 2017, 07:48:49 pm
to many fools out there.   keep it up D4, I've bought you a beer for your time and effort - it was the least i could do.
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: matchbox2022 on November 22, 2017, 11:41:51 pm
Curious that some humans will pay $6 for a game that doesn't work for multiplayer dynaverse mode. Curious that they will pay $6 for an archived game with no active support. But if an unpaid & unassisted programmer devotes hundreds of hours of labor to fix this situation, he is criticized for being greedy or antisocial for valuing his work. Curious that some people believe that any software that is SFC-related actually belongs to the public (as soon as proof-of-concept is established), must be given freely forever, or never made available. I'm not talking about lawyers (who will sue over hot coffee or shut down Star Trek fan-made material), I'm talking about players.

If dynaverse.net were selling 2.564 with enhanced multiplayer services for $6, would anyone complain? I doubt it.

I'm glad I'm a Gorn and not a human. We are an appreciative speciesss with good mannersss. You humansss are ssstrange.

Then that's what needs to happen, to allow for financial contribution without relying on a donation.
FYI, we don't mind donating as a lot of us still play and think it's worthwhile. Me paying to get things running on a new machine slickly for the price of a coffee? like an expansion idea? Yeah I would. But it needs to be done the right way.
It is just as much about the lawyers as it is the players. That's the real world guys, licensing and intellectual property / what you can do with it MATTERS.

There's a few artists that go about this in a more creative way (although its entirely their own intellectual property) too, asking for donations for their music as a "pay what you think its worth" scheme. I think Ben Prunty was one of them as I bought a few albums off of him. And I did not select 0$.
I justified what made sense based on my income and the value of the entertainment I was getting and paid based on that. Fact is, they made money off me by not subjecting me to a way of thinking that required me to justify myself why "NOT" to get it, the pricetag.

Just a thought as to having a donation button versus a paytag....it's partly lack of advertising / popularity and partly the limited playerbase at fault for why the donation method may not have been providing "ANY" compensation (especially when all your players donate "once" and then that's that without any new players coming in from either buying from GOG or here), which when you are providing something to the public in order to continue "ENJOYING it", far past its lifespan, yeah I agree you could use some.
The way you ask for something has a much larger impact than you think as well as the passage of time.
So maybe what I wrote above is a potential solution? Certainly getting people who buy the game now in the "know" about how to truly "get the game working the way it should" through these mods...that or updates simply rolled into the stock game and collecting revenue as a contributor to the update.
But tying the hands of the limited playerbase is NOT the way to do it.

Look at Black Mesa Source. Hell they didn't charge for YEARS of work as a MOD based on Half-Life (Valve/Steam), and BAM its being sold on Steam like bikinis sell cars...where the creators are getting compensation legally.
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: TarMinyatur on November 23, 2017, 10:07:44 am
How are anyone's hands "being tied" by the SFC Launcher? There have been free versions of everything that Carlos, Adam, TAnimal, and I have worked on for years as hobbyists.

Taldren, Interplay, Paramount, Activision, ADB, Quicksilver, and Gamespy have been the corporations that have tied the hands of the players of SFC. Facing these challenges, Dynaverse.net has been unable or unwilling to fix Orion Pirates (no source code is clearly a hurdle) and the results of a discordant volunteer effort gave us SFC: Community Edition in 2012, which is essentially obsolete and historical software. But we ought to honor these defunct and uncooperative corporations? Because that's how the real world works?

The SFC community is an insignificant blip to commercial Star Trek interests. Steve Cole wants $50,000 minimum to consider any idea related to Star Fleet Battles. He'd take the money and then could reject the idea. His stubborness is ridiculous.

No, we will almost certainly get no help from the IP holders (aside from this forum). It is up to those who love the game to work on it. And those of us who appreciate that investment of intellect, can show our appreciation through their own hex-editing, artistic content creation, or by giving money to those who have the time and talent for SFC. If we expect something for nothing, we've done pretty well thus far! The modding utilities, texture upgrades, and 2.037, 2.563, 2.679 are all improvements on the official versions. They cost exactly $0.
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: Lieutenant_Q on November 23, 2017, 12:53:49 pm
The size of the playerbase is the biggest issue, even back in its prime, SFC was really a niche market.  It hurt that networking infrastructure and technology limited it to what it was.  Could you imagine what the game would be like if SFC1 was released just 4 years later?

Today's players don't really want what SFC was, it is a blessing and curse.  A DD is a DD is a DD, no matter how many times you see it and fly it.  That's not what the players want anymore.  They want the customization, they want the ability to grow their ship as they keep playing.  But most of all, they want all their work to be recognized.  If someone's put 300 hours into the game, they want something for it.  Not what happened at the end of every SFC game, Side A wins, Side B loses, reset the game and start again.  I love that aspect of the game, as do most of the people here, but unfortunately we are a part of shrinking minority.  I don't want to speak for everyone, but I'm sure that most of the people here would have jumped at the opportunity to play in a 10v10, or a 15v15 match.  But instead the best we could hope for was an experimental (and very unstable) 4v4.  Even the 3v3s didn't work very well if even one person wasn't on DSL or better.  And in 2000-2003 most people were still on dial-up.  And the problem is that that can't change without a major re-writing of the code, the network code was a product of its time, and hardcoded into it.

Its just unfortuante that we are where we are with SFC.  Because I would put the depth and the immersion of SFC up against even the most popular MMOs.  But the complexity of the game scares away casual gamers, and the inability to "Level" pushes away the hardcore gamers.  To be frank, I don't want to simplify the game, and I don't want leveling, and that makes me a minority in the gaming community at large.
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: d4v1ks on November 25, 2017, 07:09:00 pm
Thanks for your opinion Q. :)
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: Nemesis on November 26, 2017, 10:05:59 am
They want the customization, they want the ability to grow their ship as they keep playing. 

If that is what was wanted we would all have moved to SFC 3 - but we didn't.

Sure it would be nice to be able to just upgrade the existing D7 to D7B when the newer model came out without having to trade in the existing ship but it works well enough as is.

Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: Tumulorum Fossor on December 14, 2017, 08:54:53 pm
I know it's getting CLOSE, Carlos!
Let me know how I can contribute when the time comes!!!
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: d4v1ks on February 06, 2018, 07:32:50 pm
I know it's getting CLOSE, Carlos!
Let me know how I can contribute when the time comes!!!

It is done.
I sent you an email with it!
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: outlaw78 on March 18, 2018, 10:03:52 pm
So how can I get on the bandwagon for SFC III servers??? Haven't played this game in many many years.  Would love to experience the online part again if that's even possible since I can't see to get the dynaverse side of it working.
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: d4v1ks on August 09, 2018, 10:06:27 am
Latest SFC Launcher version:


Compatible patches:

SFC1 : https://hotandspicyforums.com/sfc-1-hd-patch-t24716.html#p249851
SFC2EAW : https://hotandspicyforums.com/sfc2-empires-at-war-patch-2-037-t20068.html#p212438
SFC2OP: https://hotandspicyforums.com/starfleet-command-orion-pirates-2500-2564-patch-t25292.html#p254917
SFC3 : https://hotandspicyforums.com/starfleet-command-3-hd-gamespy-patch-t18931.html#p202317
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: d4v1ks on August 24, 2018, 05:54:02 pm
"-What ship is that?"
"-I dunno. But i have a bad feeling about running into plasmas..." (https://hotandspicyforums.com/sfc-launcher-t26181.html#p264892)

Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: Praxis on October 29, 2018, 01:51:49 pm
I tried to get SFC  2, OP, or 3 working in a dynaverse a couple months ago and eventually gave up.  Nothing I found online seemed to work anymore.

d4v1ks, does this new version of SFC launcher work?  And *how* does it work?
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: TarMinyatur on October 29, 2018, 02:45:03 pm
I was playing on Falconer's server for Orion Pirates 2.564 recently. The launcher works. ZeroTier is an application that creates a virtual LAN that you'll need.

Check out the Starfleet Command subforum in hotandspicyforums.com
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: PoleronCrow on November 09, 2018, 12:09:46 am
Gameranger works fine.. i read on another forum were some were saying it crashed all the time..i haven't experienced any crashes

it seems everyone i played with uses the op+4.0 mod ship list...we must of played like 20 games ranging from early to adv 3v3's was awesome

usually at night during the week and on weekends is when i found games these last few weeks...
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: [UFP]Picard on April 19, 2020, 07:35:54 am
I am trying to set up SFC2 so me and some old friends can play. I got the SFC2 Community Edition a few years back.

1. Is it better to use SFC2 EAW instead of SFC2 CE with the launcher?
2. Will the SFC launcher work with the latest 2037 patch?

Thank you!
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: d4v1ks on April 19, 2020, 08:40:31 am
you will need 2.037 for the launcher to work


the launcher is not compatible with the 'community edition'
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: Tulwar on April 25, 2020, 09:53:06 pm
They want the customization, they want the ability to grow their ship as they keep playing. 

If that is what was wanted we would all have moved to SFC 3 - but we didn't.

Sure it would be nice to be able to just upgrade the existing D7 to D7B when the newer model came out without having to trade in the existing ship but it works well enough as is.

I don't want to wait months while the workers in the ship yard strip the old equipment and install the new equipment!  I couldn't agree with you more.  If I want to change the equipment on a ship, I want to do so, because it wasn't designed right in the first place, or I want the ship to perform a different role.  That means that the weapon available in the game must serve some specialized purpose.  The SFB based game did that very well.  You couldn't change the ships in game, but a destroyer escort was a very different animal from the standard configuration.

In SFC III, "customization" boiled down to what worked best for the player.  If a configuration worked better for one player, then it would probably work better for most.  Any ship that wasn't configured that way would be a mistake, so how could a responsible authority allow it out of the ship yard?  If it came to old vs new equipment, then why would upgrades be done piecemeal?  I can't make sense of customization.

I meant to just say "bump."  I didn't mean to relight the SFC II vs. III flame war!
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: TarMinyatur on June 27, 2020, 10:05:12 pm
On the new server, we could make refits more customizable and novel. Like a K-D7 with +1 APR for 40 total power. This ship would not exist in any player's static shiplist. It would exist only on the server. This is a subjective can of worms to pop open though.

We can give better or worse quality officers to the AI and to players, instead of every officer in the campaign being junior. The game mechanics do change when a legendary officer is present in SFCOP! We simply never saw this in EAW/OP (outside of SFC:CE, briefly) because the default officer grants neither a bonus nor a penalty. Green officers really are poor. And legendary officers are very effective. If every player has a LWO, then that concept of rarity is broken. The new server can limit the availability of legendary officers, through an officer "shipyard". But this is a level of micromanagement. Some players may not want to go through the tediousness of searching for and recruiting officers. Just assign them randomly at 1%(legendary), 19%(veteran), 40%(senior), 40%(junior), 0%(no rookies) or similar.

Obviously many of us didn't care for SFC3's "pimp-my-ride" approach, and we preferred navies with standard refits and very limited customization (e.g. missile load out: TypeI or TypeIV, slow/med/fast). But the SFC1 refit and officer systems were not too bad. 
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: d4v1ks on December 24, 2020, 06:58:09 pm
Latest release:   SFC Launcher
Link for executable and source code:   https://github.com/D4v1ks/SFCLauncher
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: E_Look on December 27, 2020, 07:23:27 pm
This is much appreciated.

I do want to mention one thing though- on my computer, Win 10, Core i7, the windowed mode does not work.  It appears the icons don't show and if you click in the dark and accidentally hit a button, the music plays, but the box is still dark.
It seems to work fine in regular mode.
This is so for both versions 14 and 17.d
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: d4v1ks on December 28, 2020, 10:33:47 am
This is much appreciated.

I do want to mention one thing though- on my computer, Win 10, Core i7, the windowed mode does not work.  It appears the icons don't show and if you click in the dark and accidentally hit a button, the music plays, but the box is still dark.
It seems to work fine in regular mode.
This is so for both versions 14 and 17.d

The game is a 16-bit color application. Current windows versions can't run them directly.
Or you run the game in 16-bit color compatibility (check its properties) or you have to use a compatibility layer like dgVoodoo (https://1drv.ms/u/s!AiumJZOPROpbhMwXNrWVi-Hj7hIIBw?e=pmo5cn)
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: E_Look on December 28, 2020, 03:00:27 pm
Thanks for the explanation.
It's been so long I've forgotten that SFC IS 16-bit color!

When was the game introduced?
I think I bought a copy in 1994!  It IS old...
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: Panzergranate on December 28, 2020, 06:32:14 pm
SFC 1 was released in 1999. I even have a pre-release demo that was not as slick as the finished product, but playable.

Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: E_Look on December 28, 2020, 07:49:49 pm
1999! The year the Moon blasted off into space!

Eh, less than a 25% error...
... of course, if d4v1ks makes that much error, its unacceptable!  ;)
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: Klingon Fanatic on January 16, 2021, 10:42:12 am
SFC 1 was released in 1999. I even have a pre-release demo that was not as slick as the finished product, but playable.

I got my SFC1 demo in 1999 from a Computer Gaming magazine. Back then, it was like nothing else on PC. I remember playing the Repair Rondevous  skirmish repeatedly for fun for hours until SFC1 came out. I remember when SFC: OP came and I was disappointed that the old skirmish missions were never carried over.
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: Panzergranate on January 16, 2021, 02:36:05 pm
I updated the demo models with the correct CLH, CA and D7, in my version.

No big deal to recreate the demo scenario in SFC 1 / SFC 2 / SFC OP using FMSE.

Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: Klingon Fanatic on January 17, 2021, 06:47:07 am

No big deal to recreate the demo scenario in SFC 1 / SFC 2 / SFC OP using FMSE.

For Orion Pirates? That I have to see!
Title: Re: SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Post by: Panzergranate on January 25, 2021, 02:33:23 pm
The scenario is from Star Fleet Battles Volume III, which I have, so I can create it using FMSE. I've been gradually converting SFB scenarios into SFC ones for a number of years now.

It's the translation of the initial Hex grid map start positions in SFC square grid map system that's tricky.

Floating maps are also a big issue.....