
Taldrenites => Starfleet Command Models => Topic started by: Darkdrone on March 01, 2016, 10:36:08 am

Title: The blood vein
Post by: Darkdrone on March 01, 2016, 10:36:08 am
A new race
wanted too get away abit from the same old ship designs and races
so been playing around with a new 3d modelling programme the last 2 days and come up with this
(http://www.freeuploadsite.com/do.php?img=87792) (http://www.freeuploadsite.com/)

right now the model is 40k polys :( but I can cut a lot of polys and keep a lot of the shape just got to work out
how to do it with out messing up the textures


Title: Re: The blood vein
Post by: Klingon Fanatic on March 01, 2016, 05:12:07 pm
Looks like something out of a Wayne Barlowe art book or something that Atolm might make.

Very nice DD!

Much better than the SPACE DRAGON from SFB, LOL!
Title: Re: The blood vein
Post by: Darkdrone on March 02, 2016, 02:44:21 am
How it looks in Sfc1 :)
(http://www.freeuploadsite.com/do.php?img=87820) (http://www.freeuploadsite.com/)
not done the sfc2 version yet well do it this afternoon

Title: Re: The blood vein
Post by: Terradyhne on March 03, 2016, 08:21:39 am
these look great Darkdrone
Title: Re: The blood vein
Post by: Darkdrone on March 03, 2016, 08:38:03 am
So what's the story for this race? They obviously use biological material to grow their ships.

How does a life cycle work? Would each phase of growth be a different class, for instance when young will they be comparable to a fighter or other small craft and grow up over time to be something huge like a battleship?

yeah pretty much as you put it FW the ships are grown over time so older a ship the bigger and more powerfull it becomes
the blood vein is a hive mind kind of like the borg but more biological in design a massive Mass grows the ships (yet to modeled)

Title: Re: The blood vein
Post by: d4v1ks on March 03, 2016, 09:52:09 am
How cool would be, to be able to make an interface for that...
Title: Re: The blood vein
Post by: TarMinyatur on March 03, 2016, 11:22:18 am
Really good work, DD!

I agree, d4v1ks. Such a nice model deserves its own UI.
Title: Re: The blood vein
Post by: Bernard Guignard on March 03, 2016, 03:29:52 pm
That is so cool
Title: Re: The blood vein
Post by: Darkdrone on March 08, 2016, 09:03:49 am
spent a few days playing round with Sculptris that's the programme I`m using its free if anyone wants to give there own ships a go :)
worked out its got it own poly cutting tool
installed it all on my Surface just got to workout how to airbursh the models to do textures having a lot of fun with my surface pen :)
Sculptris is a full package modelling and painting and you export in Obj. format

I plan on doing more bloodvien ships as time goes on

Title: Re: The blood vein
Post by: Darkdrone on March 08, 2016, 10:22:27 am
ok so restarted the whole race fleet first up is the Frigate

(http://www.freeuploadsite.com/do.php?img=88021) (http://www.freeuploadsite.com/)

sfc1 screenshots
(http://www.freeuploadsite.com/do.php?img=88025) (http://www.freeuploadsite.com/)
(http://www.freeuploadsite.com/do.php?img=88026) (http://www.freeuploadsite.com/)

First time Airbrushing textures Hope I get better at it think it come out pretty good for my first go :)
wanted these ships to look more Virus then a fish looking design

going to try and keep the models around 6-12k each as I`ll be using them in my starpoint gemini mod as well

Title: Re: The blood vein
Post by: Darkdrone on March 09, 2016, 01:05:50 am
Or a sub species or relation to Gumtu  from TNG's "Tin man" or Junior from TNG's Galaxy's child.
Not everything organic needs to follow the line of fluidic space let that remain the domain of species 8472... Considering Kes mentioned something about 8472 dominating all of their domain it leaves little wiggle room for other organic races.

Kes says in Voyager that species 8472 has wiped out all life in they domain they are the last race in fluidic space

the Gumtu idea is a good one but not for this race maybe other one :P

Title: Re: The blood vein
Post by: Darkdrone on March 10, 2016, 01:44:11 am
I knew she said something about 8472 been as overpowered as sin and pwning everything in their domain :P

So what is the back story for this race?

I will be posting a story at some point just need to type it all up :)

Title: Re: The blood vein
Post by: Darkdrone on March 10, 2016, 01:45:59 am
Blood vein Ca
(http://www.freeuploadsite.com/do.php?img=88087) (http://www.freeuploadsite.com/)

SFC2 Screenshots
(http://www.freeuploadsite.com/do.php?img=88085) (http://www.freeuploadsite.com/)
(http://www.freeuploadsite.com/do.php?img=88086) (http://www.freeuploadsite.com/)

got sfc2 to work at last they look even better with the glows working :)

Title: Re: The blood vein
Post by: Darkdrone on March 13, 2016, 12:15:00 am
Been redoing the textures on the frigate to match the CA better all yesterday looking far better
also finished off the Destroyer ship
(http://www.freeuploadsite.com/do.php?img=88170) (http://www.freeuploadsite.com/)

just got to get it game ready now

SFC2 Screenshots
(http://www.freeuploadsite.com/do.php?img=88171) (http://www.freeuploadsite.com/)
(http://www.freeuploadsite.com/do.php?img=88172) (http://www.freeuploadsite.com/)

Title: Re: The blood vein
Post by: Darkdrone on March 19, 2016, 05:02:18 am
ok the Cl is up next :)
(http://www.freeuploadsite.com/do.php?img=88347) (http://www.freeuploadsite.com/)

still have to get it game rdy and I`ll post few ingame screenshots later
and I still have to name each ship as well

Ingame Screenshots
(http://www.freeuploadsite.com/do.php?img=88371) (http://www.freeuploadsite.com/)
(http://www.freeuploadsite.com/do.php?img=88372) (http://www.freeuploadsite.com/)
(http://www.freeuploadsite.com/do.php?img=88373) (http://www.freeuploadsite.com/)

Title: Re: The blood vein
Post by: Darkdrone on March 23, 2016, 09:45:44 am
Bloodvein Dn
(http://www.freeuploadsite.com/do.php?img=88548) (http://www.freeuploadsite.com/)

SFC2 Ingame Screenshots
(http://www.freeuploadsite.com/do.php?img=88587) (http://www.freeuploadsite.com/)
(http://www.freeuploadsite.com/do.php?img=88588) (http://www.freeuploadsite.com/)
(http://www.freeuploadsite.com/do.php?img=88589) (http://www.freeuploadsite.com/)
Title: Re: The blood vein
Post by: Tus-XC on March 23, 2016, 11:42:21 pm
looks pretty epic man - I think Atolm would love these, right up his ally!
Title: Re: The blood vein
Post by: Darkdrone on March 24, 2016, 09:17:35 am
Thanks for all the feedback guys :)

Added ingame screenshots of the Dn above
Really enjoying doing these its a nice change from the normal stuff we do
nothing better then sitting dowm with my surface and pen and going mad for a hr or two :)

Title: Re: The blood vein
Post by: d4v1ks on March 24, 2016, 09:13:41 pm
A little off topic...

I also made an youtube video where i demonstrated how to add new models to SFC, increasing their number to infinity (theoretically speaking).
In that tutorial i used one of your models Darkdrone. Hope you don't mind.  ;D

(tactical borg cube)

Title: Re: The blood vein
Post by: TarMinyatur on March 25, 2016, 12:47:04 am
Thanks, Adam!
Title: Re: The blood vein
Post by: Darkdrone on March 25, 2016, 11:21:36 am
Next up Battleship
(http://www.freeuploadsite.com/do.php?img=88619) (http://www.freeuploadsite.com/)

Title: Re: The blood vein
Post by: TarMinyatur on March 25, 2016, 01:38:52 pm
Much better. Thanks Adam.
Title: Re: The blood vein
Post by: d4v1ks on March 25, 2016, 02:27:43 pm
Having trouble getting indexed, sfc-paletted, 8-bit horizontal UI images into the game. The Q3_Editor turns the dark areas bright when it imports them. I've tried inverting the source colors but that doesn't work. Any help is appreciated.

How you doing that?
The images should have no color at all.
Are you you using the SFC palette that comes with the q3_Editor download?
Did you followed the tutorial there?
Maybe it is not so straightfoward... i will see if i make a small tutorial for that and put it on youtube. :)
Title: Re: The blood vein
Post by: d4v1ks on March 25, 2016, 03:07:18 pm
The image doesn't seem to look rigth Tim...
Maybe you saved it in the wrong 8 bit format? I see some bluish colors there...