Taldrenites => General Starfleet Command Forum => Topic started by: d4v1ks on February 01, 2016, 05:19:07 pm
SFC CE HD Patch (c) D4v1ks and TarMinyatur 2016
> The latest and greatest SFC2: Community Edition patches can be found here! < (http://www.hotandspicyforums.com/starfleet-command-f3.html)
Hishe is hilarious. They have a lot of good ones.
;D NOT FUNNY! I had my hopes dashed...
Okay, HISHE was funny AND tied itself into it's own superhero cafe continuity... Because I'm BATMAN!
I made a quick update.
There is a link already available.
Later i will add some instructions and another links.
As not every person will want to play 2677 in HD.
Pretty awesome!
Did this require deep coding of the engine or is there a chance HD can be forced in SFC3 too?
It is pretty straightforward.
It is likely that it can be applied to SFC3 too, as it is based in the same assets' structure that previous SFC versions are.
How about some OP love? :)
How about some OP love? :)
I got you covered 8)
SFBMode is activated by placing SFBMode=1 in your sfc.ini file under the UI section. SFBMode is off if it is not present or if SFBMode=0.
Here is a mirror for the 2.670 --> 2.679 Patch ftp://www.dynaverse.net/Uploads/SFC2CE%202679%20Patch.zip (ftp://www.dynaverse.net/Uploads/SFC2CE%202679%20Patch.zip)
Awesome stuff indeed!
While you're at it, can we see appropriate race emblems for the ISC and Mirak in the security/capture menu? They appear to share them with the Hydrans.
I am having a little trouble with the patch. I had CE working from the initial download, but once updated with 2677 the program simply flashed a black screen and that was it. Help is appreciated, thanks for the game!
Usually this means your monitors resolution is not matching the games SFC.ini set value.
Check to see in SFC.ini what number the resolution is being set to. I believe it's set to 1920x1080. If your monitor isn't then that happens. It must match your monitors resolution and then the game should proceed.
sfc.ini is in the same folder as Starfleet2CE.exe
I recommend these initial settings. Tweak them as you wish.
"windowed=" can be 0 (full screen) or 1 (a portion of screen)
"lowres=" can be 0 through 6
0 = 800 x 600
1 = 640 x 480
2 = 1280 x 800
3 = 1366 x 768
4 = 1440 x 900
5 = 1600 x 900
6 = 1920 x 1080
driver=0 is your computer's primary graphics driver (usually the best option among 0, 1, or 2)
backdrop=1 turns on background galaxies and gas clouds
shipstacking=1 slightly moves the ships in the Z-axis as they approach each other
ambientlighting can be set from within the game too -- 0.2 or 0.3 are usually good values
spacedust=1 creates a gray dusty overlay
Hey, I have the 2.679 patch and every time I try to buy an F-GSC ship the game crashes. Any idea how to fix this?
Hey, I have the 2.679 patch and every time I try to buy an F-GSC ship the game crashes. Any idea how to fix this?
You can buy ships like the F-CA and F-CC? But only the F-GSC crashes? Hmm.
Please attach your shiplist.txt and ftrlist.txt from ..\MetaAssets\. These specs are loaded for the campaign, which I assume you are playing because you are purchasing units. I'll check them out.
You may have to start a new campaign. I don't know if a campaign begun in 2.670, for instance, will work in 2.679.
EDIT: I was able to buy a F-GSC and complete a mission in 2.679. Have you modified your shiplist.txt?
Here are the files. Thank you very much for your response! It's good to see this board is active still. :)
In the meantime, I'll start a new campaign and see if I still crash, I think that's probably the most likely scenario although unfortunately I can't recall weather or not I started the campaign in a different build.
edit: didn't see your edit, no I have not modified anything except lowres in the ini.
I checked your Dynaverse specs. They are identical to the stock MetaAsset's shiplist and ftrlist. That's good...
A campaign started in 2.670 will contain mission data that is incompatible with 2.679. A particular mission (Met_Patrol10.scr IIRC) was removed from 2.670 because it would always crash when you did enough damage to destroy an Orion.
Glad you have an interest in SFC:CE. It has copious moddability.
Nooo...I tried installing and now SFC":EAW doesn't run at all (Windows 10).
Tried everything I could think of but the start CE screen comes up then it closes after a few seconds :(
Help please :(
Nooo...I tried installing and now SFC":EAW doesn't run at all (Windows 10).
Tried everything I could think of but the start CE screen comes up then it closes after a few seconds :(
Help please :(
Right-click the Starfleet2CE.exe and choose properties. Make sure it isn't blocked because it came from another computer.
Anyways, CE is no longer worked on by anyone. I recommend the 2.564 patch for SFC2OP or the 2.037 patch for SFC2EAW. Visit the hotandspicyforums.com site for more attention. Almost nobody reads this stuff here on DNet regularly.
Again, I would personally appreciate seeing double posting here and in hotandspicyforums.
Dynaverse is a SFC site that has off-topic threads. Hotandspicyforums is a forum site that has some SFC.