
Off Topic => Holodeck => Topic started by: Age on March 02, 2014, 07:40:55 pm

Title: Who would of done a better Jop with Trek George Lucus or JJ?
Post by: Age on March 02, 2014, 07:40:55 pm
Who do you think would of done a better jop with Trek George Lucus or JJ.I am rewatching the the last 3 epsodes of Staw Wars and he has kept it pretty accurate.

corrected for proper name.
Title: Re: Who would of done a better Jop with Trek Steven Spielberg or JJ?
Post by: TAnimaL on March 03, 2014, 11:59:59 am
?? Spielberg had nothing to do with Star Wars, not involved in any episode, other than just be a friend of Lucas'. And JJ hasn't done anything with it that we've seen yet.

Of course, we saw what JJ did with Trek twice now. Unfortunately.
Title: Re: Who would of done a better Jop with Trek George Lucus or JJ?
Post by: Tulwar on May 09, 2014, 09:56:40 pm
I'm ready for Quentin Tarantino to direct a Star Trek movie.
Title: Re: Who would of done a better Jop with Trek George Lucus or JJ?
Post by: knightstorm on May 10, 2014, 01:21:02 am
A Lucas Star Trek would be just as bad as JJ's effort.  JJ was a Star Wars fan who wanted to remake Star Trek for Star Wars fan.
Title: Re: Who would of done a better Jop with Trek George Lucus or JJ?
Post by: TAnimaL on May 10, 2014, 06:34:05 am
yeah, copy that, we've seen a "Star Wars" Trek now. Twice. Blech.

As much as I really like some of QT's films, he's alalso a renowned douche - he'd mess things up just because he could.

Lesee, who else would be a horrific choice to make a Trek movie? How about Michael Bay?  :D
While I can well imagine a Megan Fox-type Uhura in supertight cutoffs having to lean waayyyy over to reach her console, the continous explosions in slow motion would get depressing
Title: Re: Who would of done a better Jop with Trek George Lucus or JJ?
Post by: Corbomite on May 10, 2014, 07:34:12 am
I think Peter Jackson could make an over-bloated, nonsensical mess of Trek. He could add in a bunch of people that were never there, time jump characters to trump up situations that never happened and remove important scenes to be replaced by long, pointless starship chases through boring parts of space.
Title: Re: Who would of done a better Jop with Trek George Lucus or JJ?
Post by: TAnimaL on May 10, 2014, 08:19:30 am
yeah, but it would look soo pretty....
Title: Re: Who would of done a better Jop with Trek George Lucus or JJ?
Post by: Brush Wolf on May 10, 2014, 08:26:58 am
The Luca of old would have nailed it. The old Lucas would completely overdo the special effects and ruin the movie even if the script was decent.
Title: Re: Who would of done a better Jop with Trek George Lucus or JJ?
Post by: TAnimaL on May 10, 2014, 01:39:51 pm
eh, I doubt it, even the Lucas of old said he didnn't like ST, and was all off on his own mhythology/nostalgia obsession.
Title: Re: Who would of done a better Jop with Trek George Lucus or JJ?
Post by: knightstorm on May 11, 2014, 12:37:37 am
How about Ang Lee Trek?
Title: Re: Who would of done a better Jop with Trek George Lucus or JJ?
Post by: Nemesis on May 11, 2014, 11:28:29 am
Someone who is an actual fan would be nice.
Title: Re: Who would of done a better Jop with Trek George Lucus or JJ?
Post by: TAnimaL on May 11, 2014, 02:32:16 pm
How about Werner Herzog doing Trek?

"Aguirre, the Wrath of Khan"?
"The Klingon Friend"?
"The Bad Lieutenant Sulu"?
"Lessons of Into Darkness"?
Title: Re: Who would of done a better Jop with Trek George Lucus or JJ?
Post by: TAnimaL on May 12, 2014, 10:31:23 am
This is making the rounds this morning
http://sploid.gizmodo.com/this-is-what-star-wars-would-feel-if-it-were-a-tarantin-1574945327/+jesusdiaz (http://sploid.gizmodo.com/this-is-what-star-wars-would-feel-if-it-were-a-tarantin-1574945327/+jesusdiaz)

other than some modern music, it doesn't strike me as what a Tarantino Star Wars would really looke like, but it does remind one how pretty damn cool  the original "Star Wars" was.
Title: Re: Who would of done a better Jop with Trek George Lucus or JJ?
Post by: Tulwar on May 14, 2014, 04:36:46 pm
Forget I said anything about Tarantino.  After seeing the first JJ Trek, I think if we could find somebody like Ed Wood we would see some improvement.  The unfortunate think about ST movies is that the directors are given license to change everything, no matter how fecal, and it becomes the new cannon.  The next ST movie needs to go on as if JJ never happened.