Off Topic => Holodeck => Topic started by: Sirgod on August 10, 2011, 02:30:43 pm
Enemy Mine (1985) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0089092/ (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0089092/)
The Black Hole (1979) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0078869/ (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0078869/)
Even Yvette Mimieux could not save this for me. Enemy mine was an enjoyable movie.
That's tough. Two very different movies. I liked both of them. I voted for Enemy Mine because The Black Hole could have been better.
Ok you got one here Damn hard to choose. Enemy Mine spoke to me slightly more than The Black Hole bolth were top movies for me.
If Disney did not throw in a madman that ran it all the movie would be quite interesting. Think about Steven Hawking or someone like that ran that mission the movie might have been top overall rateing.
Edit it is real Sad that the Trek universe used the Enemy Mine alien as a race. Look at it you will see :-X
also liked both of these movies, Black hole was interesting, but Enemy mine had more to it.
I'm the lone Black Hole chooser at this point. I simply found Enemy Mine rather boring...Black Hole was boring at parts too, but a little more exciting than Enemy Mine.
I'm the lone Black Hole chooser at this point. I simply found Enemy Mine rather boring...Black Hole was boring at parts too, but a little more exciting than Enemy Mine.
I might agree, but I found the parts that were slower in Enemy Mine to be story building times. Yeah, no action, but needed to give the human the drive to get the kid at the end.
Black Hole had more of the action, but blah action. Sure only so so. Now I am remembering this from when I was 12 when I watched it at the movies, I seen Enemy Mine, not when it came out (entered the service then) but a year or so later so was 20 or 21. So that could be the difference I have in the two.
The more I remember Black Hole the more I remember liking it. I'm glad someone voted for it. I'd still choose Enemy Mine.
The more I remember Black Hole the more I remember liking it. I'm glad someone voted for it. I'd still choose Enemy Mine.
I liked the black hole, but I didn't like the ending of it. Enemy Mine in my opinion had a better story with a few levels, and was a good show dealing with racism as a core, without overly beating you over the head with it. (the message wasn't overwelming, a reason i wouldn't vote for Avatar over almost any other movie, the core of humans suck, and the environment is godlike was to much for me [and I am an environmentalist at heart too]),