Off Topic => Holodeck => Topic started by: IndyShark on January 09, 2011, 06:07:30 pm
I was just watching "The search for Spock" and was amazed at the improved graphics! It's too bad the story wasn't upgraded!
My favorite series is DS9. I'd love to see that upgraded. There are some very good action scenes that can use the latest special effects. Do you think they will ever do it?
Much of DS9 was already shot in CGI, so really, beyond season 3, there's not much to upgrade. The Blue ray would make the entire thing sharper, but there's really no real work to be done on DS9 or VOY. Now TNG could get a huge overhaul, because the entire series was shot (and the first TNG movie) with motion control.
It's too bad the story wasn't upgraded
And just how do you perpose to upgrade the store of a 25 year old scifi classic? :knuppel2:
:knuppel2: :pirate: :knuppel2: :pirate: :knuppel2: :pirate:
:knuppel2: :pirate: :knuppel2: :pirate: :knuppel2: :pirate:
:cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss:
I was just watching "The search for Spock" and was amazed at the improved graphics! It's too bad the story wasn't upgraded!
My favorite series is DS9. I'd love to see that upgraded. There are some very good action scenes that can use the latest special effects. Do you think they will ever do it?
Yes one day the $ will talk and it will show up.
Now TNG could get a huge overhaul, because the entire series was shot (and the first TNG movie) with motion control.
I don't think TNG would receive much of an upgrade from CGI. Yes, the series used physical models but the scenes were composited digitally.
I don't think TNG would receive much of an upgrade from CGI.
I disagree. TOS remastered has shown the even well composed shots can beefit from the improved effects tech
TOS was significantly more primative than TNG. The series was pre-motion control which meant the actual model had to be moved for shots, the tools for lighting the miniatures were significantly less developed, and the scenes were composited optically. To add to the difficulties, due to budgetary reasons, they had to make extreme use of stock footage. I think the Enterprise Incident was the last episode to use new footage of the 11 foot Enterprise model.
All true but just becuse TNG had more advanced tech doesn't mean the didn't have many of the same stock footage problems TOS did. Also their are just some typs of starship shots that motion control can't do well on a TV budget. You know as well as I do all the Teck stuff would benefit from a complete effects do over.
. . . all the Teck stuff would benefit from a complete effects do over.
I agree that they would look *better*, but part of the fun of TOS and TNG are the models and fuzzy effects. It also seems to match well -- with TOS as an example, 1960s effects and 1960s camera work, lighting, acting, soundstages, and camp. When you keep all of those but swap in the modern CG effects, it just isn't the same. I have seen a few of the remastered TOS episodes and I prefer the old ones for that reason.
But maybe the point of these restorations are to make Trek appeal to a newer audience who might not be able to see past the old effects . . .
Thats what I'm thinking. These younglings nowadays don't seam to understand we didn't always have all this eye candy and that old doesn't men bad.
All true but just becuse TNG had more advanced tech doesn't mean the didn't have many of the same stock footage problems TOS did. Also their are just some typs of starship shots that motion control can't do well on a TV budget. You know as well as I do all the Teck stuff would benefit from a complete effects do over.
I'm fairly sure that TNG didn't go nearly a full season without any new footage of their large model. While they did reuse some stock footage, it was nowhere near the same extent as TOS . I also can't really think of any scenes in TNG where which would require shots where cgi could be a significant improvement.
. . . all the Teck stuff would benefit from a complete effects do over.
I agree that they would look *better*, but part of the fun of TOS and TNG are the models and fuzzy effects. It also seems to match well -- with TOS as an example, 1960s effects and 1960s camera work, lighting, acting, soundstages, and camp. When you keep all of those but swap in the modern CG effects, it just isn't the same. I have seen a few of the remastered TOS episodes and I prefer the old ones for that reason.
But maybe the point of these restorations are to make Trek appeal to a newer audience who might not be able to see past the old effects . . .
You pretty much hit it on the last part. The younger generation is more about flash and less about substance in TV and movies, just look at the majority of the movies made most of them are fight scenes or special effects with little story
What I'd really like isn't so much the high def, but rather whyt hey can't just fit an entire season on one Blu-Ray. That would save so much space and if they did that with all the star trek series and their seasons, I could fit all of my Star trek in one DVD wallet (maybe a large wallet, but I could fit them all in, that would be 29 disks worth if my count is right for one disk per season.
I don't think it would be a huge difference but it would enhance the experience and that's why I want it. I also like Dash's point on the size of the blue ray. 1 disk would be great versus 6 or 7.