Off Topic => Holodeck => Topic started by: Nemesis on March 29, 2010, 09:30:33 pm
Anyone seen it? Opinions?
Seen a few episodes of it.
It is not the stargate as we know it. Think more along the lines, of them trying to take the BSG feel, and redoing Lost in Space, but instead of campiness and space hippies, we have dissension between the military, the science team, and the civilians.
That being said, the first episodes where pretty good, if not somewhat far fetched. Solving a video game problems gets you a spot on an SG team. I guess there recruiting numbers are low or the like.
But they focused on Good issues, like life support, food, water, etc. I missed probably the last half of the season so, so keep that in mind as I offer my opinion.
I'd say good to watch, or rent, only buy if your a scifi nutter.
Its definatly different from the other series. Alot darker, alot more 'drama' between the crew members. Some of which i like, some of which i wish they would just back off on (I'm not a fan of stabbing each other in the back). One thing that does irritate me to hell though is the damn shakey camera and this need to 'zoom' in on everyones face to make the suspense... What ever happened to just good ole fashioned camera work.
Outside of those, its pretty good, i'm looking forward to the season starting up again.
Tus, I couldn't agree more with your comments on the camera. That just drives me up the wall.
Stephen still wants to destroy those who made the Blair Witch and started that whole thing.
Anyone seen it? Opinions?
Not a fan because its not "stargate" more like star ship with er Stargate that works sometimes. I get a brain though of Firefly/Earth2 feeling when i watch it.
It's got all the cheerfulness of the BSG remake and it's based on SG. I would call it the worst of both worlds. Who needs more nihilism? Isn't everybody's life crappy enough, without watching this manure?
A belated thank you for the information guys.
I don't think I'm willing to pay the premium prices to buy it (apparently they are selling it in 1/2 seasons) on my limited budget as it doesn't seem like I will like it very much.
I hear this show might be cancelled.
I was Realllly skeptical - but it's actually grown on me quite a bit.
(and I HATED the new BSG remake - except for the 33 episode - that was some old school goodness imho...)
- Conflicts between military and civilian science teams (seems realistic)
- No more "primitive" medieval faire worlds (those were rediculous)
- Protagonists actually have character flaws/issues (not ultimate boyscouts)
- Effects (pretty well done so far)
- Somewhat tedious first couple of episodes (each one had some critical supply running out)
- Somewhat forced romantic issues (really not too many)
- Lack of Inhabitted planets (but this will likely change as series continues - as long as they do it intelligently)
Definitely better than your average Sci Fi show - and a little less campy then some of the previous Stargate series have been - although with fewer stand out episodes so far...
I'd give it 3 out of 4 thumbs up!
Feels more like a daytime drama tv show instead of scifi: As the Stargate Turns or something else as corny. I heard As the World Turns had aliens in it too, so I see where they get their story ideas. "Commander, I'm having your baby!" With a bleached out pittyful looking sad face. HAhhahahahahaha. So dumb.
And I don't see how those soldiers got into SGC with the way they act around. They are worse than a bunch of school kids! In SG1 and Atlantis you never saw such ignorance and teenage immaturity from their ranks, you saw professionals doing their stuff. Such drama, it really disappoints me, cause I like the idea of the series.
Anyhow, I watch it because its Stargate, and every time I watch it I feel like I wasted my time.
All things considered its still much better than some of that stuff on TVs these days. I do wish they had stuck with a more classical stargate but it has grown on me, so I enjoy it.
Perhaps these soldiers/tempermental scientists were put on babysitting this longshot project precisely because they were NOT the best and the brightest in the SG heirarchy...
At least thats how I see it - and it may sometimes be a little melodramatic - but the idea that these people actually have realistic flaws is something new in the series - and I think it could make future alien culture conflicts more interesting in the long run.
I still find the original series to be the most interesting - but I remember when it came out I could hardly stand it the first two seasons - so give this one a little time.
Best thing they could do in this series - imho - is to let some characters die occasionally - and bring on new one's ocassionally as well - just to keep a sense of real tension and real consequences...
(too bad most MMO's / many video games don't have servers where this is an option as well)
Still 1 million times better than the soft core pr0n / soap opera that was then new BSG!
I have to say Lono is right on some of these points.
Likely the reason I watch it even though its not as good as the original. I'm waiting to see if it gets better. I liked the season finale, sorta.
I kind of like "math boy" too - for once an intelligent hacker character that's pretty dang realistic and not some ludicrous charicature of a human being.
He could easily be a participant here on the dynaverse - arguing about magic photons and whatnot.