
Off Topic => Holodeck => Topic started by: Roychipoqua_Mace on January 15, 2010, 12:33:25 pm

Title: Favorite Trek Movie
Post by: Roychipoqua_Mace on January 15, 2010, 12:33:25 pm
Just for fun and for the heck of it. It's hard to pick one, so there are two votes!
Title: Re: Favorite Trek Movie
Post by: knightstorm on January 15, 2010, 01:17:52 pm
I went for ST II, and ST VI.  The Nicholas Meyers Trek films were the best.  I really wish they had reached an agreement with him to direct Nemesis.
Title: Re: Favorite Trek Movie
Post by: Roychipoqua_Mace on January 15, 2010, 05:36:17 pm
I went for ST II, and ST VI.  The Nicholas Meyers Trek films were the best.  I really wish they had reached an agreement with him to direct Nemesis.

I went I and II, but I agree about Meyers. I didn't know about the Nemesis deal, but it would have been nice if he did.
Title: Re: Favorite Trek Movie
Post by: knightstorm on January 15, 2010, 06:23:38 pm
Basically, the negotiations fell through because they didn't want to give him the level of creative control that he wanted.  But considering that this was the guy who wrote and directed the two most critically acclaimed Star Trek films of all time, they should have met his demands.
Title: Re: Favorite Trek Movie
Post by: Nemesis on January 15, 2010, 06:58:16 pm
I move that anyone who votes for Star Trek Nemesis or later be perma banned.
Title: Re: Favorite Trek Movie
Post by: Tulwar on January 16, 2010, 12:44:43 am
As far as I'm concerned, The Wrath of Khan is the only one that didn't completely suck.  I kinda liked the characters in the last one, but there was about it.
Title: Re: Favorite Trek Movie
Post by: Roychipoqua_Mace on January 16, 2010, 01:24:54 am
I move that anyone who votes for Star Trek Nemesis or later be perma banned.

I dislike the newest movie a lot more than I like it, but one of the positives is that it hooked people. I get testy when people are like "oh yeah, I love Star Trek (meaning only the latest film, and they haven't seen anything else)," but a few people I know saw the newest movie and from that decided to watch the whole run of TOS.
Title: Re: Favorite Trek Movie
Post by: Nemesis on January 16, 2010, 06:24:15 pm
I get testy when people take the work others did and instead of building on it they scrap most of it, not to improve it but to make it theirs.   If you want to build on the work of others treat their work with the respect that it is due.  If you don't think it worthy of respect then it isn't worth building on so go and CREATE YOUR OWN original work instead of polluting the legacy of the original creator of something people love.

They could have made a Star Trek "reboot" that didn't mess with the foundations of Trek, but they didn't.  They could have done it while making a movie both fans and non fans could like, but they didn't.

Consider the TV show Stargate and the movie that it is spawned from.  The TV show made adjustments but only where needed to extend the concept into the new media and format.   The same with the Lost in Space movie where they updated the show and filled in some of the gaps but without tearing up the foundations and erecting a totally new structure.
Title: Re: Favorite Trek Movie
Post by: Tulwar on January 17, 2010, 01:01:54 am
I get testy when people take the work others did and instead of building on it they scrap most of it, not to improve it but to make it theirs.   If you want to build on the work of others treat their work with the respect that it is due.  If you don't think it worthy of respect then it isn't worth building on so go and CREATE YOUR OWN original work instead of polluting the legacy of the original creator of something people love.

They could have made a Star Trek "reboot" that didn't mess with the foundations of Trek, but they didn't.  They could have done it while making a movie both fans and non fans could like, but they didn't.

Consider the TV show Stargate and the movie that it is spawned from.  The TV show made adjustments but only where needed to extend the concept into the new media and format.   The same with the Lost in Space movie where they updated the show and filled in some of the gaps but without tearing up the foundations and erecting a totally new structure.

Excellent point!  The thing I hate so much about the ST franchise is that every ST movie seems to just screw up everything that came before.  The series are much better.  OK, Voyager was inexcusable, and Enterprise derailed at the end of the first season.  A TV series needs consistancy, but when they make movies, the temptation to totally go off the deep end and thash everything must be too great.
Title: Re: Favorite Trek Movie
Post by: Age on January 17, 2010, 01:54:45 am
I move that anyone who votes for Star Trek Nemesis or later be perma banned.
Yeap it is the reason SFC3 was made so bad I won't go any further than that.I went with 2 and 6 as well however I do like 5.I would have to say that all of the ToS crew movies were great after watching Generations for 6th time I must admit Kirk and Spock are Star Trek.
Title: Re: Favorite Trek Movie
Post by: knightstorm on January 17, 2010, 06:13:16 am
OK, Voyager was inexcusable

Could have been worse
Title: Re: Favorite Trek Movie
Post by: Tulwar on January 17, 2010, 11:03:03 am
OK, Voyager was inexcusable

Could have been worse

I've never come across anything that couldn't be worse!  How did that actress even pass the audition?  Maybe a woman that soft-spoken could rise to a command position in a real fleet, but geeze, that was no heroic leader!
Title: Re: Favorite Trek Movie
Post by: Dash Jones on January 17, 2010, 04:55:16 pm
You know, I really really like ST: Nemesis.  I think it get's an unfair rap from some hardcore trekkies who are just a little too nitpicky about it.

It was a FAR better MOVIE (though one may say it wasn't better trek) then Insurrection, Generations, the original Motion Picture, or the Final Frontier...In MY OPINION.
Title: Re: Favorite Trek Movie
Post by: Nemesis on January 17, 2010, 05:13:53 pm
You know, I really really like ST: Nemesis.  I think it get's an unfair rap from some hardcore trekkies who are just a little too nitpicky about it.


I have trouble with issues like the "Slave race builds super ship under the noses of their masters and no one notices" plot point.  This went out with Space Opera in the 1950s.

Cloning Picard to lead the Romulan race????   That would be like Israel cloning Arafat to lead them.

Suspension of disbelief only goes so far.
Title: Re: Favorite Trek Movie
Post by: Sirgod on January 17, 2010, 05:38:11 pm
Heh, don't feel bad Dash, I absolutly loved STIII: the search for Spock.  The whole sequence of events in stealing the Starship was outstanding.

Title: Re: Favorite Trek Movie
Post by: knightstorm on January 17, 2010, 06:22:55 pm

Cloning Picard to lead the Romulan race????   That would be like Israel cloning Arafat to lead them.

He wasn't cloned to lead the Romulans.  He was intended to replace Picard as a sleeper agent.  But there was another regime change on Romulus, and the plan was scrapped.
Title: Re: Favorite Trek Movie
Post by: Nemesis on January 17, 2010, 06:25:26 pm
There were a few things I disliked about Trek III

1/ You killed Spock he is DEAD go on from there. 

2/ Klingons in Romulan ships. 

3/ The Klingon Captains pet.

4/ Hey BONEHEAD you only have 12 crew and you're behind enemy lines, you don't execute any of them on a whim, you don't have any to spare.
Title: Re: Favorite Trek Movie
Post by: Hexx on January 17, 2010, 07:04:33 pm
You know, I really really like ST: Nemesis.  I think it get's an unfair rap from some hardcore trekkies who are just a little too nitpicky about it.

It was a FAR better MOVIE (though one may say it wasn't better trek) then Insurrection, Generations, the original Motion Picture, or the Final Frontier...In MY OPINION.

I wouldn't say I really liked Nemesis, (had the same trek issue of WTF did these Remans come from, and why am I supposed to believe miner picard guy is an awesome spaceship commander), but I'll agree I liked it far more then Insurrection,Generations, Final Frontier.
VI was the best imo, but Christopher Plummer really made it for me. He simply seemed to be having so much fun.
Title: Re: Favorite Trek Movie
Post by: Roychipoqua_Mace on January 17, 2010, 08:53:35 pm
There were a few things I disliked about Trek III

1/ You killed Spock he is DEAD go on from there. 

2/ Klingons in Romulan ships. 

3/ The Klingon Captains pet.

4/ Hey BONEHEAD you only have 12 crew and you're behind enemy lines, you don't execute any of them on a whim, you don't have any to spare.

I agree about and especially about #2 -- when I read that the Romulans were supposed to be the baddies in ST3, I was disappointed that they weren't kept. The Klinks have been in ST1-ST6 in varying amounts, while the most screen time the Romulans got was having one ambassador guy in ST6 . . . they could've had a lot more Romulan stuff without overdoing it.

'course, I remember Kramer in one Seinfeld episode saying that The Search for Spock was his favorite, so that gives the film something right there.
Title: Re: Favorite Trek Movie
Post by: Tulwar on January 18, 2010, 01:25:18 am
There were a few things I disliked about Trek III

1/ You killed Spock he is DEAD go on from there. 

2/ Klingons in Romulan ships. 

3/ The Klingon Captains pet.

4/ Hey BONEHEAD you only have 12 crew and you're behind enemy lines, you don't execute any of them on a whim, you don't have any to spare.

#2 "Klingons in Romulan ships!  Now I remember the first thing I hated about the "Bird of Prey."  Well, asside from the 37mm cannon pods, borrowed from a Stuka, the Romulans were the alien with the bird motif!  That was a common comment back years ago, butsince then, that ship kept showing up until we got used to it.  Spaceships should be cool in the first frame of a film, not shoved down the audience's throat.  Didn't that piece of crap make its debue in ST2 WoK?

There was nothing good about ST3.
Title: Re: Favorite Trek Movie
Post by: KBF-Crim on January 18, 2010, 02:14:50 am
3...reason...none other than this...my favorite trek quote..gene's TRUE message...

Captain Spock: My father says that you have been my friend. You came back for me.
Kirk: You would have done the same for me.
Captain Spock: Why would you do this?
Kirk: Because the needs of the one... outweigh the needs of the many.
Captain Spock: [pacing] I have been and ever shall be your friend.

People often dwell on spocks words of logic "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one"...

But that ISNT gene's message....Spock is only HALF human....he is also half ALIEN...

"the needs of the one... outweigh the needs of the many"

THIS...is humanity....that many would risk all...for one...

That to me is what trek is all about...a human captian would risk all to save a single crewman...not just write him off...

My two cents.
Title: Re: Favorite Trek Movie
Post by: knightstorm on January 18, 2010, 03:39:29 am
There were a few things I disliked about Trek III

1/ You killed Spock he is DEAD go on from there. 

2/ Klingons in Romulan ships. 

3/ The Klingon Captains pet.

4/ Hey BONEHEAD you only have 12 crew and you're behind enemy lines, you don't execute any of them on a whim, you don't have any to spare.

1. Yeah, Spock died, but it upset a lot of fans so they brought him back, and bribed Leonard Nimoy into agreeing by letting him direct (the reason they killed Spock was because Nimoy hated being type cast, and only agreed to come back for WoK if they killed the character). 
2. I don't recall the Romulan bird of prey even remotely resembling the Klingon one, and if I had to place the BoP in any trek race based on its shape, it would be the Klingons. 
3. Klingons wallow in filth, is it surprising that he would have an animal like that on his bridge
4. The idiot disobeyed a direct order and fired to destroy when he was ordered to disable.  Executing him was hardly satisfying a whim.
You know, I really really like ST: Nemesis.  I think it get's an unfair rap from some hardcore trekkies who are just a little too nitpicky about it.

It was a FAR better MOVIE (though one may say it wasn't better trek) then Insurrection, Generations, the original Motion Picture, or the Final Frontier...In MY OPINION.

I wouldn't say I really liked Nemesis, (had the same trek issue of WTF did these Remans come from, and why am I supposed to believe miner picard guy is an awesome spaceship commander), but I'll agree I liked it far more then Insurrection,Generations, Final Frontier.
VI was the best imo, but Christopher Plummer really made it for me. He simply seemed to be having so much fun.

I consider Nemesis to be the worst Trek film (I don't consider that PoS that Abrams produced to be Star Trek).  That said, its still better than any of the other sci-fi films that were produced around that time.  As for Shinzon being a starship commander, they explained that in the film.  The Romulans would regularly draft Remans to run the military missions which they considered too dangerous to risk Romulan lives on.  During the dominion war Shinzon gained a lot of experience as a tactician.  Also, you really don't know how awesome he was a starship commander considering that the ships weren't exactly equal.
Title: Re: Favorite Trek Movie
Post by: Corbomite on January 18, 2010, 08:56:04 am
ST III is awesome. Campy as hell, but awesome. I can forgive a lot because of Christopher Lloyd. Hands down BEST KLINGON EVER!

Also McCoy is at his best with lines like:

"How can you be deaf with ears like that!"


"That green blooded SOB! This is payback for all those arguments he lost!"

Nimoy did a good job, give him some props.
Title: Re: Favorite Trek Movie
Post by: Age on January 19, 2010, 02:07:32 am
There were a few things I disliked about Trek III

2/ Klingons in Romulan ships. 

3/ The Klingon Captains pet.

That is Klingon ship not a Romulan Ship and a pet why not never heard of the dogs of war.I believe that ship is an older K'vort class if it has two disruptor cannons mounted on the wing tips a BoP only as one.
Title: Re: Favorite Trek Movie
Post by: Sirgod on January 19, 2010, 07:22:08 am
Hehe, well, Archer had a beagle.

Ducks the wrath of Nem.

Title: Re: Favorite Trek Movie
Post by: Hexx on January 19, 2010, 08:21:25 am
There were a few things I disliked about Trek III

2/ Klingons in Romulan ships. 

3/ The Klingon Captains pet.

That is Klingon ship not a Romulan Ship and a pet why not never heard of the dogs of war.I believe that ship is an older K'vort class if it has two disruptor cannons mounted on the wing tips a BoP only as one.

The script originally had the Klingons mention they stole/actually showed them stealing a Romulan ship.
This was how they originally got a cloaked ship and why the ship is referred to as a BoP.
Yes, all those "iconic" looking Klingon ships were originally supposed to be Romulan.
Title: Re: Favorite Trek Movie
Post by: Hexx on January 19, 2010, 08:24:34 am

That to me is what trek is all about...a human captian would risk all to save a single crewman...not just write him off...

Would risk all to save a single recurring crewman.
Single episode crewmen are pretyt much inconsequential .
Title: Re: Favorite Trek Movie
Post by: Nemesis on January 19, 2010, 02:45:51 pm
That is Klingon ship not a Romulan Ship

To that point in time Klingon ships did not have bird names or paint jobs.  Romulans were the ones who painted their ships as birds of prey.  Till that movie Klingons did not have cloaks, Romulans did.  That is why everyone I know assumed that it was a Klingon owned and Romulan built vessel.
Title: Re: Favorite Trek Movie
Post by: Age on January 19, 2010, 08:28:42 pm
That is Klingon ship not a Romulan Ship

To that point in time Klingon ships did not have bird names or paint jobs.  Romulans were the ones who painted their ships as birds of prey.  Till that movie Klingons did not have cloaks, Romulans did.  That is why everyone I know assumed that it was a Klingon owned and Romulan built vessel.
Then why don't you see Romulans with them and Klingons use different type of cloak?
Title: Re: Favorite Trek Movie
Post by: Nemesis on January 19, 2010, 09:01:34 pm
Then why don't you see Romulans with them and Klingons use different type of cloak?

From "The Balance of Terror" to Picard meeting the Romulans how many Romulan ships are seen with Romulans flying them?  You don't see Romulans with ANY ships in than time frame does that mean they had none?  Not seeing Birds of Prey in Romulan hands does not mean that they are not Romulan ships, it means they are not SEEN in Romulan hands. 
Title: Re: Favorite Trek Movie
Post by: knightstorm on January 19, 2010, 09:42:53 pm
There were a few things I disliked about Trek III

2/ Klingons in Romulan ships. 

3/ The Klingon Captains pet.

That is Klingon ship not a Romulan Ship and a pet why not never heard of the dogs of war.I believe that ship is an older K'vort class if it has two disruptor cannons mounted on the wing tips a BoP only as one.

The script originally had the Klingons mention they stole/actually showed them stealing a Romulan ship.
This was how they originally got a cloaked ship and why the ship is referred to as a BoP.
Yes, all those "iconic" looking Klingon ships were originally supposed to be Romulan.

While the original script may have had the BoP as a Romulan ship, I think that by the time they designed the model they already dropped that idea.  After all, it does have the general profile of a Klingon warship, ie. phallicly shaped.
Title: Re: Favorite Trek Movie
Post by: Nemesis on January 20, 2010, 07:13:15 pm
After all, it does have the general profile of a Klingon warship

Which could easily be because the Romulans based their later designs on the hulls they had bought from the Klingons but adjusted to their manufacturing and weapons technologies as well as to the sense of aesthetics. 

In SFB the 3rd generation designs are hybrids of Romulan and Klingon designs.  The Bird of Prey could easily be viewed that way.

ie. phallicly shaped.

Myself I see Klingon ships as being sharklike.  I guess it is all in what you are inclined to see ;).
Title: Re: Favorite Trek Movie
Post by: knightstorm on January 20, 2010, 10:32:05 pm

ie. phallicly shaped.

Myself I see Klingon ships as being sharklike.  I guess it is all in what you are inclined to see ;).

I see it as evidence that Klingon males are poorly equipped and over-compensating.
Title: Re: Favorite Trek Movie
Post by: Age on January 21, 2010, 01:58:02 am
Then why don't you see Romulans with them and Klingons use different type of cloak?

From "The Balance of Terror" to Picard meeting the Romulans how many Romulan ships are seen with Romulans flying them?  You don't see Romulans with ANY ships in than time frame does that mean they had none?  Not seeing Birds of Prey in Romulan hands does not mean that they are not Romulan ships, it means they are not SEEN in Romulan hands. 
In Star Trek Generations when the Enterprise D is being attacked by the Lursa sister on the bridge on the Enterprise you hear Riker ask Worf "What do we know about that old Klingone Bird of Prey and he said it is a B'rel class commissioned back in 22xx and a cloaking problem".I would say they are Klingon not Romulan.
Title: Re: Favorite Trek Movie
Post by: Nemesis on January 21, 2010, 08:44:23 pm
In Star Trek Generations when the Enterprise D is being attacked by the Lursa sister on the bridge on the Enterprise you hear Riker ask Worf "What do we know about that old Klingone Bird of Prey and he said it is a B'rel class commissioned back in 22xx and a cloaking problem".I would say they are Klingon not Romulan.

When the British flew fighters and bombers that should have been stamped Made in Canada during WWII they were identified as British.  Even now books about WWII planes list them as British and few mention the Made in Canada part. 

When Dunkirk wiped out their military vehicles most of the replacements came from Canada.  When planes were being destroyed in the hundreds and thousands during the Battle of Britain the replacements were made here but considered British as the British used them.

Title: Re: Favorite Trek Movie
Post by: Age on January 22, 2010, 12:58:02 pm
In Star Trek Generations when the Enterprise D is being attacked by the Lursa sister on the bridge on the Enterprise you hear Riker ask Worf "What do we know about that old Klingone Bird of Prey and he said it is a B'rel class commissioned back in 22xx and a cloaking problem".I would say they are Klingon not Romulan.

When the British flew fighters and bombers that should have been stamped Made in Canada during WWII they were identified as British.  Even now books about WWII planes list them as British and few mention the Made in Canada part. 

When Dunkirk wiped out their military vehicles most of the replacements came from Canada.  When planes were being destroyed in the hundreds and thousands during the Battle of Britain the replacements were made here but considered British as the British used them.

They may have had Royal AirForce makings but were made in Canada as they were taken from Britsh designs atleast most of them and yes the Royal AirForce used them.Those BoP are Klingon not Romulan.
Title: Re: Favorite Trek Movie
Post by: Nemesis on January 22, 2010, 03:07:25 pm
They may have had Royal AirForce makings but were made in Canada as they were taken from Britsh designs atleast most of them and yes the Royal AirForce used them.Those BoP are Klingon not Romulan.

Yet when you look up the deHavilland  Mosquito or the Lancaster Bomber built here in Canada it always cites it as British and only rarely mentioned its being Canadian built.

You haven't cited anything that would demonstrate that the Bird of Prey wasn't Romulan.  It has been cited that the Romulans were the originally planned enemy for the film.  (See the IMBD trivia page (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0088170/trivia) for SFS).  Upper management changed it to Klingon and just continued with the existing model.  It was intended as a Romulan ship and it was a Romulan ship the same way the British Mosquito was actually of Canadian construction.
Title: Re: Favorite Trek Movie
Post by: Age on January 22, 2010, 05:02:17 pm
They may have had Royal AirForce makings but were made in Canada as they were taken from Britsh designs atleast most of them and yes the Royal AirForce used them.Those BoP are Klingon not Romulan.

Yet when you look up the deHavilland  Mosquito or the Lancaster Bomber built here in Canada it always cites it as British and only rarely mentioned its being Canadian built.

You haven't cited anything that would demonstrate that the Bird of Prey wasn't Romulan.  It has been cited that the Romulans were the originally planned enemy for the film.  (See the IMBD trivia page ([url]http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0088170/trivia[/url]) for SFS).  Upper management changed it to Klingon and just continued with the existing model.  It was intended as a Romulan ship and it was a Romulan ship the same way the British Mosquito was actually of Canadian construction.
Yes.But it never came to be so the fact is on screen which is the truth they are Klingon.It states it here as wellbop (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romulan_starship).the british mosquito may have been made in Canada but it was british design so this making it a british plane.Britian was being bombed lost probably most of their factories who built aircraft. Where else are they going to get it built?You were considered a british subject outside of Canada at the time even if you went to the US you were British.
Title: Re: Favorite Trek Movie
Post by: Sirgod on January 22, 2010, 05:14:00 pm
Wait. Canada made airplanes? ;)

I thought they flew around in war Freesbies. :D

Title: Re: Favorite Trek Movie
Post by: knightstorm on January 22, 2010, 07:37:35 pm
The Avrocar was a failure.
Title: Re: Favorite Trek Movie
Post by: Nemesis on January 22, 2010, 08:17:15 pm
Yes.But it never came to be so the fact is on screen which is the truth they are Klingon.It states it here as wellbop ([url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romulan_starship[/url]).

Sorry I've seen enough of Wikipedia "edit wars" to know not to trust it on anything with a fan base.

TOS had the D7, obviously a Federation/Earth designation for the design likely due to not knowing the Klingon name.  Outside of the Bird of Prey the other Klingon ship classes named have Klingon names like the K'Tinga and so forth.  The Bird of Prey is a name characteristic of the Romulans, it has neither a Klingon name nor a routine designation but is named for its appearance as Romulan ships are.

The original script for the Klingon version had Kruge STEALING the ship from the Romulans.  Though it never showed on screen it does show that Roddenberry considered it to be a Romulan ship.

the british mosquito may have been made in Canada but it was british design so this making it a british plane.Britian was being bombed lost probably most of their factories who built aircraft. Where else are they going to get it built?You were considered a british subject outside of Canada at the time even if you went to the US you were British.

You know the Mosquito was British designed how?  I've never seen a reference to where it was designed.  All I've ever seen is the British attribution and the more accurate Canadian built but British operated.  Never have I seen a reference to where it was built. have you or are you just making an assumption?
Title: Re: Favorite Trek Movie
Post by: Nemesis on January 22, 2010, 08:22:26 pm
Wait. Canada made airplanes? ;)

I thought they flew around in war Freesbies. :D


I believe it was President Truman who described Canada as the allies aerodrome.  Partly for the huge number of planes we built and partly for the number of pilots (including American ones) we trained for the allies.

The Avrocar was a failure.

Thats what we want them to believe ;).
Title: Re: Favorite Trek Movie
Post by: Brush Wolf on January 22, 2010, 09:08:15 pm

When the British flew fighters and bombers that should have been stamped Made in Canada during WWII they were identified as British.  Even now books about WWII planes list them as British and few mention the Made in Canada part. 

When Dunkirk wiped out their military vehicles most of the replacements came from Canada.  When planes were being destroyed in the hundreds and thousands during the Battle of Britain the replacements were made here but considered British as the British used them.

Many of the "British" MTB's and MGB's were built on this side of the pond. They were built to a British specification and sailed under the British flag making them British boats. The same would apply to any British planes built over here. General history books will never get down to the level of detail describing where particular pieces of hardware were built.
Title: Re: Favorite Trek Movie
Post by: Tulwar on January 23, 2010, 01:52:46 am
This is why I hate the idea of a ST cannon.  So many different ideas seem to have been forced together that too much has to be explained.  People should stop trying to make sense of it all, and new productions shouldn't pretend to exist in the same universe as previous productions.  There have been so many badly done productions over the last nearly half a century, that the idea of a story cannon is rediculous.  If somebody likes a theme from one production, they shouldn't have to deal with the baggage from another.
Title: Re: Favorite Trek Movie
Post by: Dash Jones on January 29, 2010, 12:52:46 am
Actually Kirk and company were able to spy into the BoP's bridge in balance of terror, and too their surprise they see that Romulans look like Vulcans.

Also, there was the lady spy in STIII who, though she had ridges was obviously not pure or completely Klingon, and my assumption was that she was at least partly romulan.  Of course they blow her up since she saw the data...but I think she was more or less a connection to the Romulans in some way.
Title: Re: Favorite Trek Movie
Post by: Lieutenant_Q on January 29, 2010, 09:28:00 am
Half Romulan Half Klingon is one theory, and perhaps a good one.

My more recent thought was that the "virus" took a little more time to get out of the Klingon females than it did the males.

(Of course the behind the scenes thought is that they were testing the "appeal" of a Klingon woman and didn't want to overdo the forehead ridges until they got fan reaction to the new ridges on the male.  Why do you think Keyh'lr had less pronounced ridges as well?  And they went with the explanation that she was half human.  They got the reaction they wanted and went with the full ridges for Klaa's exec and Lursa and Be'tor)
Title: Re: Favorite Trek Movie
Post by: Nemesis on January 29, 2010, 11:18:51 am
With the ridge vs no ridge issue I wish they had just used the idea that the Klingons had multiple races and a revolution put the bonehead Klingons in power and a future counter revolution might put the ridgeless (or another race) back into power.
Title: Re: Favorite Trek Movie
Post by: Lieutenant_Q on January 29, 2010, 10:14:51 pm
Yeah, but when they gave Kor, Kang and Koloth ridges in DS9, that deep-sixed that idea.  Unfortunately. Because I really would have liked the idea that there was a Ridged Klingon and a Non-Ridged Klingon.  Similar to the way we have different colored skinned humans (because of exposure to sunlight radiation), they have Klingons that evolved with forehead ridges because some unnamed predator in a part of Qo'nos liked to attack from above, the forehead ridges provided an extra second or two for the Klingon to react.  Those without the ridges became the day's meal.
Title: Re: Favorite Trek Movie
Post by: knightstorm on February 01, 2010, 01:47:45 pm

You know the Mosquito was British designed how?  I've never seen a reference to where it was designed.  All I've ever seen is the British attribution and the more accurate Canadian built but British operated.  Never have I seen a reference to where it was built. have you or are you just making an assumption?

Because its referred to as the de Havilland Mosquito after the firm that designed it.  Likewise, British designed Rolls Royce Merlin engines were produced in the US, and were considered one of the primary reasons for the success of America's premier fighter in the European theater, the North American P-51 Mustang.
Title: Re: Favorite Trek Movie
Post by: Age on February 12, 2010, 01:14:58 pm
Yes.But it never came to be so the fact is on screen which is the truth they are Klingon.It states it here as wellbop ([url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romulan_starship[/url]).

Sorry I've seen enough of Wikipedia "edit wars" to know not to trust it on anything with a fan base.

TOS had the D7, obviously a Federation/Earth designation for the design likely due to not knowing the Klingon name.  Outside of the Bird of Prey the other Klingon ship classes named have Klingon names like the K'Tinga and so forth.  The Bird of Prey is a name characteristic of the Romulans, it has neither a Klingon name nor a routine designation but is named for its appearance as Romulan ships are.

The original script for the Klingon version had Kruge STEALING the ship from the Romulans.  Though it never showed on screen it does show that Roddenberry considered it to be a Romulan ship.
I stick to what I see on screen no matter what the script calls for.

the british mosquito may have been made in Canada but it was british design so this making it a british plane.Britian was being bombed lost probably most of their factories who built aircraft. Where else are they going to get it built?You were considered a british subject outside of Canada at the time even if you went to the US you were British.

You know the Mosquito was British designed how?  I've never seen a reference to where it was designed.  All I've ever seen is the British attribution and the more accurate Canadian built but British operated.  Never have I seen a reference to where it was built. have you or are you just making an assumption?
They were also made in Australia with Rolls Royce Engine similar to the Spitfire.The Navy used some American planes.
Title: Re: Favorite Trek Movie
Post by: knightstorm on February 12, 2010, 01:37:44 pm
The Royal Navy was forced to rely on American planes in part because the Fleet air arm was controlled by the RAF before the war which resulted in the British having pathetic carrier based planes, and in part because they made the mistake on demanding a navigator seat in their primary pre-war fighter which caused it to suffer performance-wise compared to single seat fighters.  Eventually, navalized versions of RAF planes became available, however due to the differing requirements of carrier and land based operations, such planes were less than optimal.
Title: Re: Favorite Trek Movie
Post by: knightstorm on February 21, 2010, 12:54:00 pm
ie. phallicly shaped.

Myself I see Klingon ships as being sharklike.  I guess it is all in what you are inclined to see ;).

The truth is revealed.  Dr. Evil created the first Klingon warship.
Title: Re: Favorite Trek Movie
Post by: EschelonOfJudgemnt on February 23, 2010, 10:25:47 am
This one was easy for me.  Star Trek VI - The Undiscovered Country!!!  I would have loved to have seen the further adventures of Captain Sulu as a follow up...

Voted for STII: tWoK mostly because of the phaser buzzsaw effects.  The storyline was OK too.  Almost voted for ST: TMP instead - I love that one too.  Mostly 'cuz of the new Klingon music that was introduced.

I have a hard time getting into the Picard Era movies.  They aren't bad, but I enjoy watching the Kirk/Spock/McCoy character dynamic more.  Plus Scotty, Uhura, Sulu and Checkov come up with some great one liners!  I'll still watch Picard and company, though.

The new Star Trek movie really disappointed me.  Beer factories should never be used as Engineering sections!  I felt like the writer(s) were being too sloppy and too lazy with the storyline and taking too many liberties with the characters.  The special effects didn't save this one for me either.
 I would have much rather have seen Enterprise do the movie thing.  Or Voyager.  Or DS9...
Title: Re: Favorite Trek Movie
Post by: 762_XC on November 05, 2010, 11:16:49 pm
There were a few things I disliked about Trek III

1/ You killed Spock he is DEAD go on from there. 

2/ Klingons in Romulan ships. 

3/ The Klingon Captains pet.

4/ Hey BONEHEAD you only have 12 crew and you're behind enemy lines, you don't execute any of them on a whim, you don't have any to spare.

Title: Re: Favorite Trek Movie
Post by: Nemesis on November 06, 2010, 08:38:30 pm

First of all as a Klingon why would I have a problem with that? 

Second KIRK blew up the Enterprise.