
Off Topic => Holodeck => Topic started by: Kruk on March 08, 2009, 10:10:33 pm

Title: New Star Trek movie "Spoilers"
Post by: Kruk on March 08, 2009, 10:10:33 pm

Good review of 4 scenes that were released to the media. A few spoilers in here.

This movie I think will rock.

By the way, been a while since I've been here. Hello to everyone.

Title: Re: New Star Trek movie "Spoilers"
Post by: knightstorm on March 08, 2009, 10:39:48 pm
Okay... Sulu using a folding Kitanna sword.

Said it before and I'll say it again, this abomination is going to suck.  Every night I pray that someone will kill TROST.
Title: Re: New Star Trek movie "Spoilers"
Post by: Dizzy on March 08, 2009, 11:22:15 pm
yO kRUK! Oops caps!
Title: Re: New Star Trek movie "Spoilers"
Post by: Kruk on March 09, 2009, 07:54:13 pm
Hi Dizzy, hope your doing well.

I don't know about you guys, but each trailer got better and better. The new one that came out today is very good and I can't wait for it to come out in May.

Let's face fact, StarTrek is dying and if this movie can get it back on track (which it appear like it will) I'm all for it. My favorite as always been the original series. I like the new Spock, he reminds a lot of L. Nimoy. The new Kirk looks good and also the new Doctor. Not to montion that Uhura looks frigging hot.

The new ship looks awsome, now I love the old ship and it is my favorite, but we need to face facts and realize that it was created in the 1960's. Mankind would never build a ship like this. But the new one looks more real.

I think it will rock and I hope that if it does, they will make another movie and get Star Trek going again.
Title: Re: New Star Trek movie "Spoilers"
Post by: knightstorm on March 09, 2009, 08:04:40 pm
If Trek is dying, let it die.  Don't twist it into a pathetic mockery of itself.  I'll admit that Quinto is probably the best choice for Spock, although I am not impressed by the concept of Kirk being able to goad him into attacking him.  I also think TROST's idea to squeeze every single main character from TOS onto the ship in the maiden voyage shows how much of a moron he is.  The new ship is very unattractive, and contains elements reminicent of the shoot-em up low brow sci-fi which Star Trek has historically been distanced from.  TROST is contracted to rape and donkey punch Star Trek two more times if this one is successful.  That is why I want it to fail horribly.
Title: Re: New Star Trek movie "Spoilers"
Post by: Roychipoqua_Mace on March 09, 2009, 09:18:38 pm
If Trek is dying, let it die.  Don't twist it into a pathetic mockery of itself.  I'll admit that Quinto is probably the best choice for Spock, although I am not impressed by the concept of Kirk being able to goad him into attacking him.  I also think TROST's idea to squeeze every single main character from TOS onto the ship in the maiden voyage shows how much of a moron he is.  The new ship is very unattractive, and contains elements reminicent of the shoot-em up low brow sci-fi which Star Trek has historically been distanced from.  TROST is contracted to rape and donkey punch Star Trek two more times if this one is successful.  That is why I want it to fail horribly.
I have a small bit of hope for the film, but I do have to agree with you. One of my friends is not a Trek fan, but is actually very excited for this movie, because he says that they are making Star Trek more Star Wars-like (by that, meaning the second trilogy). If it were like the first trilogy, that might not be bad - but I absolutely hate the new overly-CG-style that almost every big-budget action movie has been taking for the past several years. And all of the trailers make it look like a new Star Wars wannabe.

"Oooh, let's see how many nauseating effects and moving objects we can put into a single shot!!" It's ridiculous. The days of model filming are over, but that doesn't mean computer effects have to be so overdone. Can't they make a Wrath-of-Khan-style ship battle sequence without going completely overboard?
Title: Re: New Star Trek movie "Spoilers"
Post by: Kruk on March 09, 2009, 10:55:07 pm
There's a reason that Kirk will be able to anger Spock according to the link I posted above. Two words "Old Spock".

The only thing I'm not sure about or won't like is Chekov, he shouldn't be there. But then again Khan remembered Chekov, so maybe he was on the Enterprise in the first season but not actually on the bridge. Oh well, it's true that people who are cannon crazy will find a lot of mistake, but I don't really care about that at this point. I just want to see a good Trek movie and this one looks like it will be.
Title: Re: New Star Trek movie "Spoilers"
Post by: knightstorm on March 09, 2009, 11:33:32 pm
There's a reason that Kirk will be able to anger Spock according to the link I posted above. Two words "Old Spock".

The only thing I'm not sure about or won't like is Chekov, he shouldn't be there. But then again Khan remembered Chekov, so maybe he was on the Enterprise in the first season but not actually on the bridge. Oh well, it's true that people who are cannon crazy will find a lot of mistake, but I don't really care about that at this point. I just want to see a good Trek movie and this one looks like it will be.

I read the review, I just don't think that old Spock would be able to tell Kirk some magic way to make his younger self fly off the handle without the influence of some sort of drug.  And if Kirk is still a cadet, how is getting Spock out of the way going to put him in command?  Shouldn't it be that he only gets to be in command after everyone else is sick or incapacitated.  McCoy sneaking Kirk onto the ship seems so idiotic, I can't even put it into words.  Kahn remembering Chekov is one thing, since Space Seed is only a year before he was actually seen on camera.  However, He must really be a bad officer if he is still an Ensign by the time cadet Kirk becomes a captain.  I am also tired of the Abrams whores calling me cannon crazy because I don't want to see Star Trek turned into some low-brow mockery of itself.
Title: Re: New Star Trek movie "Spoilers"
Post by: Villa64 on April 11, 2009, 09:49:25 pm
Everyone knows the story of why Khan knows Checkov...

When Khan was invited aboard the Enterprise, he was also invited to dine with the Captain in his mess.  Now this was a very fancy occasion, with the opportunity for Kirk to impress his guest with some very exotic cuisine, indeed.  Well, Khan, having been in stasis for.. what... two centuries.. well his stomach was not quite up to this new "blast from the future" that Kirk had bestowed upon him.  Excusing himself from his host, Khan hurried down the corridor toward the nearest latrine.  Upon entering the latrine he desperately attemped to enter the one stall that was present.  Unfortunately, that stall was then occupied by one Ensign Pavel Checkov, who had some business of his own to attend to.  Despite the cajoling, banging (actually causing damage to the titanium stall door), and general pandemonium that ensued, Kahn was unable to convince the young Ensign to hurry things up, resulting in , well , kind of a messy experience.  As Checkov finished up and departed the stall, Kahn looked at him and said:


..anyway, now you know the story.
Title: Re: New Star Trek movie "Spoilers"
Post by: EmeraldEdge on April 15, 2009, 09:12:09 am
Heh, and upon hearing the story Kirk though "Hey, I gotta get this kid on my team.  Let's get him out of that red shirt and pullin' some bridge duty"