
Off Topic => Engineering => Topic started by: Bonk on January 28, 2009, 02:44:33 pm

Title: KDE 4.2.0 Released
Post by: Bonk on January 28, 2009, 02:44:33 pm
I like. Considerable improvements over 4.0/4.1 but still not quite as polished as 3.5.x.


The windows builds are coming along too.


Konqueror is working much better on windows and a Koffice beta is out. (I tested Kspread quickly) Also, the Plasma desktop is running on windows now too. I have yet to fully evaluate the current state of plasma on windows. It is redundant the way it is running, but I believe could actually work as a shell replacement soon.


Title: Re: KDE 4.2.0 Released
Post by: Centurus on January 28, 2009, 11:17:27 pm
When I reformat my computer, I may have to use this just to see if I like it.
Title: Re: KDE 4.2.0 Released
Post by: Nemesis on January 29, 2009, 09:07:17 am
I haven't tried the 4.x series yet but I have been following online discussions about it.  It seems quite promising as a from the ground up rebuild.  I'm waiting until the next version of LinuxMint KDE to be released before upgrading though.  That may be a while yet.

Some people don't understand why version 4.2 is nicknamed "The Answer" and think it rather arrogant.  :)
Title: Re: KDE 4.2.0 Released
Post by: Bonk on January 29, 2009, 09:45:17 am
Some people don't understand why version 4.2 is nicknamed "The Answer" and think it rather arrogant.  :)

What is the story on that?  :huh:
Title: Re: KDE 4.2.0 Released
Post by: Nemesis on January 29, 2009, 10:02:31 am
Some people don't understand why version 4.2 is nicknamed "The Answer" and think it rather arrogant.  :)

What is the story on that?  :huh:

It is from The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy (Novels, radio show and now movie).  In it a "super intelligent pan dimensional species" builds a computer (named Deep Thought) to discover the final answer to "Life the Universe and Everything" and after millions of years of processing it decides the answer is 42.  After the yelling stops the computer explains that they don't actually know what the question is :).  It is a recurring theme through the novels trying to find out what the question is to the Ultimate Answer.
Title: Re: KDE 4.2.0 Released
Post by: Bonk on January 29, 2009, 10:24:16 am
Oh, I know that answer... but what has that got to do with KDE? Oh wait, version 4.2... I get it now!  :smackhead:
Title: Re: KDE 4.2.0 Released
Post by: Bonk on February 04, 2009, 04:33:57 pm
I've had a chance to evaluate plasma on windows XP now. It actually works OK, but is still not quite complete. It is very promising for the finished product to actually come together.