
Taldrenites => Dynaverse II Experiences => Topic started by: Pestalence_XC on May 11, 2008, 09:00:18 pm

Title: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Pestalence_XC on May 11, 2008, 09:00:18 pm
In the interim of The Forge going down, I will put up the HardCore XC server, Difficulty reduced just a tiny bit. The server is running the Hard Core OP shiplist.

For those of you who want to play on the server here is the information.

Hardcore XC Server uses the Stock client side Conquest game map.

Game speed is 9 (real time) however if by popular request in this thread, I will lower it to speed 8.. I need to know this soon since I am running Flat File currently.

To get on the server you will need the OP + v4.0 shiplist installed located at : http://klingon.pet.dhs.org/OP_plusrefit/

Mission scripts : Hardcore XC is running 86 scripts currently.. scripts will be weeded as players post about bugs.

You will need the NW mission pack located at http://www3.telus.net/NuclearWessels/sfc/downloads/NWPack.exe

You will also need the scripts that The Forge used located at : ftp://www.dynaverse.net/sfc2_op/Scripts/TheForgeScripts.exe

Or you can download the scripts from my site, but a couple of steps are involved :

OK what you will have to do is first DL the 3 files

Next, rename HCScripts1.zip to HCScripts.z01

Next, rename HCScripts2.zip to HCScripts.z02

Now extract the scripts and place them into your Assets/specs game folder.

DL Locations :




Sorry for the inconvenience, but I don't have access to a good web host at the moment...

That is it.. Log in and enjoy.. the server starts in Early era. and the settings are tough.. You will have to work for everything you get.

Please take note of bugging scripts. I may have to substitute then for previous versions or just remove them all together.

Please do not Forfeit missions or Alt-F4 out of game unless there is no other choice.

This is your chance to get in some practice before ATOK 4 starts up. Periodically the server may go offline, but it will come back up within 5 to 10 min. This will be due to me swapping OS versions as my computer needs specify. Once ATOK 4 is done, I will see about having it put up on Thor under SQL settings.

Currently this is a 2 sided war with Fed, Lyran, Gorn, and ISC vs Klingon, Hydran, Romulan, and Mirak.

This server is a test base for a possible campaign presented by Dynaverse.net and Xenocorp. Gl and HF.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: marstone on May 11, 2008, 09:44:15 pm
Your link to the hardcore shiplist at 110mb.com comes up with a 404 error.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Pestalence_XC on May 11, 2008, 11:40:34 pm
Thanks.. URL fixed
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Pestalence_XC on May 12, 2008, 06:57:16 pm
Had to reset the DB and restart server.. I forgot to remove Model.siz file from the Validate Client Files.

My apologies to everyone who have tried to log on.. You should be able to get on the server now.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Pestalence_XC on May 13, 2008, 11:03:37 am
Restarted server in Mid era.. maybe you guys would like to play on it now.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: FPF-Paladin on May 13, 2008, 01:35:37 pm
Ah bleh I missed early era... oh well... thanks for putting it up Pestalence :)
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: KBFLordKrueg on May 13, 2008, 04:25:40 pm
Logged, dumped the F5K I started with bought a E4DR.
1st mission: Surprise Reversed, no suprise, easy enough despite having a NCL+, DD+ DDG and 2 POL+ to kill.
2nd mission: Data Recovery, ran like a girl from a NEC and a NCL+, got data only.
3rd mission: Patrol: 1 NCL+, standard grab and bag.
4th mission: Diplomatic Delivery, only a NCL+, grab and bag
5th mission: *patrol: toughone, drew a NEC, NCL+ and DDG, fortunately had a KLRY  (or something) and a F5K as allies or I would have never made it thru it.
5th mission: even tougher, drew a DWA which damn near killed me before I managed to even hurt it. I finally capped it after it H&R me until it had no marines.  :laugh:

Good server...
Oh and did I mention only 5 ships in yard, 2 bases, D5FK, G6 and a E4K...
Hardcore, man... ;)
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Pestalence_XC on May 13, 2008, 06:12:03 pm
For those of you who created accounts on the Hardcore server, I had to reset the DB yet again to fix an error with the chat server.

However the server is still running in Mid era.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: FPF-Paladin on May 13, 2008, 08:39:45 pm
I like it :D ... but I even like early era, so I must be some sort of weirdo.

First half a dozen missions, I'm sure mission #2, #3 and possibly #4 I had to run.  #1 mission (running around in a FFB) I won but limped away on 2/3 hull or so.. later missions I found my stride and started doing much better.

No worries on account resets.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Corbomite on May 13, 2008, 08:46:29 pm
Ok Pesty, starting someone out in a Police Flagship (4 PH-1's, 4 PH-3's,... and that's it!) is not hardcore... its just heartless!  :P ;)

2278? Its almost late era already.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Pestalence_XC on May 13, 2008, 09:04:10 pm
OK restarted server mid era..

Starting BPV for players is 95 min 110 max

Time reset.. I did have it set for 2263 for Early + 15 to Mid, at 25 goes into late, and at 40 goes into advanced.. was hoping to slow the droners some.. but I reset to

2263 early + 10 to mid, late starts at 20, advanced is at 40

Hopefully that will be a bit better.

Had to reset the DB to do that.. sorry again... but see if that is better.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Father Ted on May 14, 2008, 08:41:11 am
I keep getting a "corrupted or incomplete file" notice whenever I try to extract the shiplist.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Corbomite on May 14, 2008, 10:07:06 am
I keep getting a "corrupted or incomplete file" notice whenever I try to extract the shiplist.

Download it again and then try.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: marstone on May 14, 2008, 03:24:32 pm
now that is a hardcore server.  I started as Hydran, in an empty Hydran hex (no planet/base).  Nearest Hydran hex was 10 away.

1st mission patrol, lost a few fighters.
2nd mission surprise reverse, cake walk
3rd mission Homeworld Assualt.  Got cacked on that one.

Then came back on a hex with a supply point so all is nice now.  working on a 100 ep planet hex
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: KBF-Kurok on May 14, 2008, 06:34:22 pm
fun server so far only mission i found impossible  was the FCVA in my D5 only other thin to note so far is that i was on three times today and it went down two of those times. Other than the dropping from the server it has been real fun.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Pestalence_XC on May 14, 2008, 06:42:16 pm
I have been watching the server.. for some reason Kurok.. It is dropping with you.. either when you move, or come back from a mission.. If you are forfitting a mission, then it will cause the server to crash.

No one else has made the server crash that I have seen..

What OS are you running.. If Vista, it may be related. if not then it is maybe something on your end.. outdated scripts maybe.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Corbomite on May 14, 2008, 08:29:18 pm
I had to Alt F4 once due to the Hand of Bethke, but other that that there have been no issues.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Pestalence_XC on May 14, 2008, 08:50:01 pm
I keep getting a "corrupted or incomplete file" notice whenever I try to extract the shiplist.

Try using the latest version of Winzip (11.1) or latest version of WinRAR.. the zip file is legacy compressed so any extractor should be able to extract it.

Try downloading it again with your AV turned off.. that may be a problem in itself.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: marstone on May 14, 2008, 10:37:12 pm
I keep getting a "corrupted or incomplete file" notice whenever I try to extract the shiplist.

Try using the latest version of Winzip (11.1) or latest version of WinRAR.. the zip file is legacy compressed so any extractor should be able to extract it.

Try downloading it again with your AV turned off.. that may be a problem in itself.

Odd, I downloaded the hardcore shiplist (on my none SFC machine so I can peek at the ships alittle).  Worked out just fine.  Maybe try the 5.1 update, it is what I used on my OP machine (the mod chooser loaded in fine with that and put Hardcore in with the other updatesa).  I had tried to put in mod chooser myself before and it didn't work to hot, I liked the new updater.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Pestalence_XC on May 14, 2008, 11:11:43 pm
OP Enhancement Package v5.1 has the Hardcore shiplist already in it if you went through the entire install process and actually read the Dos Window.

The only thing you will need with the OP Enhancement Pack to get on the server is The Forge script package. It has the scripts I sent SFHQ before The Forge went back online.

My new Enhancement Package v5.2 will have the updated scripts.. however currently I am holding off on putting it up since Dizzy and Firesoul are in process of making another OP + package with updated planet models (HP in different locations) and I want to adjust it to make a new Hard Core shiplist based on the current OP + Hardcore..

So, if that project is completed by the end of ATOK 4, then I will have OP Enhancement Package v6 put online instead of settling for the v5.2 that only has updated scripts.

As for using Mod Chooser. It is very easy to install new Mods. If the Mod has a self installer, just verify that the shiplist and ftrlist are installed both to the Assets/Specs folder and the MetaAssets folder.. once you verify that they are the same, launch Mod Chooser and it will ask you if you want to add the mod and to give it a name. After that it will ask you to choose a slot. after that is is done. You can just launch Mod Chooser and swap versions all day long.

If you do not have OP Enhancement Package but you do have the Mod Chooser, then all you need to do is install the OP + v4.0, run Mod Chooser and let it add the Mod, then unzip the shiplist and ftrlist and put them into both the Assets/specs folder and the MetaAssets folder, then run Mod Chooser again and add to a different slot.

It is not hard to add mods to OP and use Mod Chooser.. removing mods or overwriting old mods is where it becomes tricky.

Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: marstone on May 14, 2008, 11:27:38 pm
  Mod chooser is nice, when I tried to put it on my system myself (awhile back) it would error and not work.  But the enhancement pack put it on nice and quick and now it works.  I am a happy little camper.  As time has gone on, most of my quirks for OP has been worked out, some just seemed to fix themselves, others took alittle work.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: KBF-Kurok on May 15, 2008, 12:32:43 am
nope wasnt alting out of missions using the same set up i have  have had for years xpsp2 also the second time it happened i wasnt the only one on the server. The first time i was comming out of the ship yard when it happened.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: FPF-Paladin on May 15, 2008, 03:38:48 am
I had to alt a couple times from bugs, but my sound for effects is not there; causing some weirdness every so often...

I'm going to uninstall/reinstall and see if it clears up... never had this issue before.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: FPF-Tobin Dax on May 15, 2008, 05:44:31 pm
Completely locked up on very first mission, a 3v3 patrol. Mirak flying versus Lyran AI with a pirate thrown in. Didn't get mission title. Was a "*patrol" on mission selector.  I couldn't even alt-4 out and had to reboot.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: FPF-Paladin on May 15, 2008, 10:31:32 pm
Appears to be down at the moment..  :-\
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: marstone on May 15, 2008, 11:45:10 pm
Well, will say it is alot harder then the other ones.  I keep drawing two Lyran BC's in most missions against my Hydran Light Cruiser.  The darn fighters can't decied which one to attack so they split firepower up.

The worst part is that in most missions you go up against mulitiple larger ships, and they almost never slap in an AI to help out.  But when they do, the enemy AI ignores them and keeps pounding on me, even when you run way back behind the friendly ship.
Taking some getting used to, guess I should have picked a race I am better at but wanted to practice Hydran (I am getting practice alright, haven't been blown up yet, not since the first time trying to cross 10 hexes to find a base, but have been turned into flying scrap metel a few times).  It is one to keep working at, and hopefully find a wingman sometime.

Will say, 'tis interesting.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: deadmansix on May 16, 2008, 12:26:42 am
Well, will say it is alot harder then the other ones.  I keep drawing two Lyran BC's in most missions against my Hydran Light Cruiser.  The darn fighters can't decied which one to attack so they split firepower up.

The worst part is that in most missions you go up against mulitiple larger ships, and they almost never slap in an AI to help out.  But when they do, the enemy AI ignores them and keeps pounding on me, even when you run way back behind the friendly ship.
Taking some getting used to, guess I should have picked a race I am better at but wanted to practice Hydran (I am getting practice alright, haven't been blown up yet, not since the first time trying to cross 10 hexes to find a base, but have been turned into flying scrap metel a few times).  It is one to keep working at, and hopefully find a wingman sometime.

Will say, 'tis interesting.

 that is so true, so much so that my body and fender man "BOB" is starting to grumble something about a raise  ;D
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: marstone on May 16, 2008, 01:32:09 am
that is so true, so much so that my body and fender man "BOB" is starting to grumble something about a raise  ;D

 :D yep, I have spent anough points on body work on my light cruiser, that I could have bought a nice big ship with it.  But then, there isn't anything bigger then a light cruiser in the shipyard to buy.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Pestalence_XC on May 16, 2008, 01:33:57 am
Cool.. the server is back up.. I was away today.. had to get a new desk.. my old one is just too small.. I will be taking the server offline for a few hours tonight in order to set up my new desk.. then I will start it back up.. I am intending to have a 2nd box going that will be dedicated to the server..

the box is a Core 2 Duo at 1.86 Ghz with 1 GB ram and will be running either Vista 32 bit or XPSP 3.. the spare HDD I have is small, so the only thing I will be able to do is install the OS, get all the updates, update DirectX, and load the server kit on it.. after that, it will pretty much be at its limit.. the HDD is very old.. I stripped it from a Pent II system.. 1.86 GB total capacity. But it is a 5400 RPM drive with 16 MB cache.. It is more than enough to run the server kit.. I am in process of getting a better HDD for it, but if it works, it works.

So Until I get that box up and going.. the server will remain on my main box.

I do apologize for not getting back sooner to restart it.. but it is up and going now.

I do have a request. Please list the name of the mission script and what kind of terrain you are in if the server crashes again.

I may have to pull the script.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Pestalence_XC on May 16, 2008, 01:38:42 am
that is so true, so much so that my body and fender man "BOB" is starting to grumble something about a raise  ;D

 :D yep, I have spent anough points on body work on my light cruiser, that I could have bought a nice big ship with it. But then, there isn't anything bigger then a light cruiser in the shipyard to buy.

That is the point.. you have to build your economy to get bigger ships.. to build economy, you have to conquer sectors..

There are plenty of 100 Economic value hexes on the map.. but then you have to work at taking them..

Like I stated.. you will have to work for every bit of space you can get.. Your ship is now a real value to you and you will learn how to really manage your ships controls and how to take on superior firepower.

I would suggest to build PP fast.. run Convoy Raids and Capture the Freighters for the Bonus PP.. it is a fast and somewhat easy way to get into a bigger ship when they become available for your race.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: FPF-Paladin on May 16, 2008, 01:41:17 am
Up again.. awesome :)  thanks!
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: marstone on May 16, 2008, 01:45:37 am
that is so true, so much so that my body and fender man "BOB" is starting to grumble something about a raise  ;D

 :D yep, I have spent anough points on body work on my light cruiser, that I could have bought a nice big ship with it. But then, there isn't anything bigger then a light cruiser in the shipyard to buy.

That is the point.. you have to build your economy to get bigger ships.. to build economy, you have to conquer sectors..

There are plenty of 100 Economic value hexes on the map.. but then you have to work at taking them..

Like I stated.. you will have to work for every bit of space you can get.. Your ship is now a real value to you and you will learn how to really manage your ships controls and how to take on superior firepower.

I would suggest to build PP fast.. run Convoy Raids and Capture the Freighters for the Bonus PP.. it is a fast and somewhat easy way to get into a bigger ship when they become available for your race.

True, but there always seems to be a BC guarding those darn freighters.  :(  Makes it tough, I can go after freighters and the BC with wreck me, or I can go after the BC and anough of the Freighters will get away that you get 0 PP.  I'm working at it.

Oh as I said earlier, you are true to hardcore, when I started in this game, I was in an empty Hydran hex, 10 hexes away from any other Hydran hex or base.  Was tough trying to get to a hex that might have a base in it to repair.  So far, it is an interesting server.  Will make you get better, or make you quit.  I am shooting for better, ATM.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Pestalence_XC on May 16, 2008, 01:50:47 am
Imagine the new skills you will develop playing on this server.. then think about when you apply it to PVP. You won't fear someone in a bigger ship like you did in the past. You will know you can tackle it if the right tactics are applied. And those in bigger ships won't underestimate the punch that a smaller ship can produce and they will have to consider alternate ways of flying their ship in order to preserve it or reduce damage being done.

The purpose of the server is to challenge what you were use to in playing the game. Make it harder and increase your skill.

The server kit allows for even higher settings.. just think.. in a years time.. you might just be able to take on DN's in a Frig and come out victorious.. Imagine the impact that would have in PVP..
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Pestalence_XC on May 16, 2008, 01:56:49 am

True, but there always seems to be a BC guarding those darn freighters. :( Makes it tough, I can go after freighters and the BC with wreck me, or I can go after the BC and anough of the Freighters will get away that you get 0 PP. I'm working at it.

Oh as I said earlier, you are true to hardcore, when I started in this game, I was in an empty Hydran hex, 10 hexes away from any other Hydran hex or base. Was tough trying to get to a hex that might have a base in it to repair. So far, it is an interesting server. Will make you get better, or make you quit. I am shooting for better, ATM.

It is strange that you did not start on the Hydran Homeworld..

How many others have this happened to.. I may have to check the map and make sure there is not any errors on Homeworlds...

This is definately something that needs to be looked into with this map. If anyone else has had this problem.. or if it is just Hydran players are having this problem.. please let me know.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: marstone on May 16, 2008, 06:32:37 am
Just my luck, pulled a Pal as an AI ship on a convoy raid, went smooth as silk, and the HC Server dropped out before I got back out of the game.  I'll beat it yet.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Corbomite on May 16, 2008, 07:31:11 am
I would suggest to build PP fast.. run Convoy Raids and Capture the Freighters for the Bonus PP.. it is a fast and somewhat easy way to get into a bigger ship when they become available for your race.

At times I've been faced with three dred carriers in my I-CMP, but I usually get a dred as an ally too, if I get one. I've tried three Convoy Raids and each one put me up against an H-ID and five fully weaponed Frigates going speed 10, with nary a Freighter in sight. The convoy ships have 6 - 14 Marines aboard so the quick hit and capture is out. I haven't been able to win that mission yet what with trying to fend off the ID and 16 fighters and not get whacked bad by a "Freighter" with 2 - 4 PH-G's.

I've found that the "Patrol*" missions do not affect the DV in allied space, i.e. you can't boost DV with them, but they are cool missions and give great payouts so I wouldn't want them pulled. The Diplomatic Delivery mission was getting irritating until I discovered you could bypass the enemy ship and drop the diplomat off at the planet and disengage. It gives you an Astounding Victory  ::), an easy 100 PP and raises the DV so its ok.

I started out on a 10 DV Planet with 10 Econ. I would hope that wasn't our "Homeworld"!  ;D
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Pestalence_XC on May 16, 2008, 08:06:32 am
Just my luck, pulled a Pal as an AI ship on a convoy raid, went smooth as silk, and the HC Server dropped out before I got back out of the game. I'll beat it yet.

That was my fault.. I was adjusting hardware on my system and the server kit didn't like it..

Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Corbomite on May 16, 2008, 08:20:26 am
I just had the lock up problem Dax described. It was a nebula hex in a Patrol* mission. I-CMP, L-DNLp+, L-DNPp vs H-DG+ and 2x H-ID. We traded some fire and it just froze. I had to Ctrl+Alt+Del to get out.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: marstone on May 16, 2008, 04:32:12 pm
Just my luck, pulled a Pal as an AI ship on a convoy raid, went smooth as silk, and the HC Server dropped out before I got back out of the game. I'll beat it yet.

That was my fault.. I was adjusting hardware on my system and the server kit didn't like it..

NO prob, I accept any quirks that are out there, as long as I have a server to play on.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Pestalence_XC on May 16, 2008, 05:31:16 pm
OK.. I am personally testing scripts now.. There was me and Lear on the server just now.. I pulled Met_10PatrolEnemy as the server just crashed out on me in middle of mission. I am not sure which mission Lear took.. however since The Forge was having problems with Patrol scripts, I decided to start there.

I have Mission True Name enabled so please take note of the mission you are going in before you launch .. that way if you do have an error, then we can track specific scripts.

I will test again

However the suspect mission scripts are Met_7Patrol, Met_10Patrol, Met_10PatrolEnemy, Met_17PatrolEnemy, and Met_17Patrol

These are the ones I need tested out..

Met_10PatrolEnemy has already been pulled temporarly.. I will put it back in tonight and test it when no one else is online.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Pestalence_XC on May 16, 2008, 06:10:30 pm
Well, so far tested Met_7patrol, Met_10patrol, Met_17PatrolEnemy, and Met_17Patrol and the server has not crashed.. I think the script causing the crash is Met_10PatrolEnemy which has been pulled..

I will find the older replacement to the script and stick it back in.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Pestalence_XC on May 16, 2008, 06:32:29 pm
OK here is the current list of mission scripts that are now going into the Hardcore server.

If any of these scripts are bugging.. please post them for me to remove

The script that was causing the server to crash had hopefully been removed..

I have Exact Mission Name turned on, so before going into a mission, please take note of the script name and if it bugs .. report it back here so I can remove it..



Also if you don't have the NW scripts they can be located at http://www3.telus.net/NuclearWessels/sfc/downloads/NWPack.exe

These scripts have been added to the Hardcore server this evening to give players many more options when playing.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Pestalence_XC on May 16, 2008, 06:59:39 pm
Just pulled Met_ED6Patrol for incorrect DV shifting.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Pestalence_XC on May 16, 2008, 07:18:52 pm
OK.. done messing with the server for now.. Please log in and play.. report scripting errors to this thread so that I can removed bugged scripts.. Pay attention to the script name before you go into mission so that you can give me exact script name that is messing up.


I will let the server run for a while on XPSP 3 before I swap it back over to Vista 64.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: FPF-Paladin on May 16, 2008, 08:45:40 pm
Will do, and will take notes on mission as I enter it...
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Pestalence_XC on May 16, 2008, 09:01:02 pm
The server just crashed when Lear was taking a mission.. I don't know which one.. but his choices were


Lear, if you read this, can you post which mission you accepted.. It seemed the server crashed on Generating AI for the script.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Corbomite on May 16, 2008, 09:01:18 pm
Well that didn't take long. Very first mission tonight was a Met_ED Fleet Action, same nebula hex as before. Different ships involved, but exactly the same senario I described above. I had to do a hard reboot this time to get out of it.

The weird thing is I don't remember any issues with these missions on The Forge.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Pestalence_XC on May 16, 2008, 09:19:19 pm
Pulled Met_ED5FleetAssault

Restarting server on Vista 64 bit so TV Tuner can record Basttlestar Galactica and Dr. Who.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Pestalence_XC on May 16, 2008, 09:25:35 pm
Server back up on Vista now.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: FPF-Paladin on May 16, 2008, 10:40:06 pm

Have brews handy and a pen and paper... I'll log on at some point (trolling my way through various forums at the moment.. don't call us ninjas for nothing!) and be sure to take down anything strange.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Lear on May 17, 2008, 10:29:43 am
the mission I seem to crash on is the Met_13Monster.scr
has happen twice now also server down agian
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: FPF-Tobin Dax on May 17, 2008, 11:49:17 am
Sorry, but every time that I've logged on in the last 24 hours, I have only seen the boneyard and straays' on the campaign selector and I have refreshed it a few times. That's enough for me.  :(
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Pestalence_XC on May 17, 2008, 12:03:22 pm
the mission I seem to crash on is the Met_13Monster.scr
has happen twice now also server down agian

Met_13Monster.scr has been pulled. It locked the server up hard.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Pestalence_XC on May 17, 2008, 12:11:24 pm
Sorry, but every time that I've logged on in the last 24 hours, I have only seen the boneyard and straays' on the campaign selector and I have refreshed it a few times. That's enough for me. :(

Sorry Dax, I can't stay up 24 hours at a time like I use to. The script Lear took locked the server up hard and the Process Sentential could not close it out and restart it.

I pulled the script that he locked up on and now the server is running again..

the purpose of this thread is to help trouble shoot the server kit and to remove troublesome scripts and bugged scripts.

Your help would be most appreciated and I am sorry that the server has been down when you try to log on.. hopefully the offending scripts are now removed and it won't lock up again.. but it may lock up in 5 min and I have to pull another script.. However I won't know what needs to be fixed unless  people help me by testing it out.

The server is a bit rocky at the moment.. but as people test and post, the server will get smoother and smoother until it is nothing but fun.

I do truly appreciate you trying to get on the server.. now that 3 troublesome scripts have been pulled, it will remain online for a while.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: FPF-Tobin Dax on May 17, 2008, 12:44:37 pm
Sorry, but every time that I've logged on in the last 24 hours, I have only seen the boneyard and straays' on the campaign selector and I have refreshed it a few times. That's enough for me. :(

Sorry Dax, I can't stay up 24 hours at a time like I use to. The script Lear took locked the server up hard and the Process Sentential could not close it out and restart it.

I pulled the script that he locked up on and now the server is running again..

the purpose of this thread is to help trouble shoot the server kit and to remove troublesome scripts and bugged scripts.

Your help would be most appreciated and I am sorry that the server has been down when you try to log on.. hopefully the offending scripts are now removed and it won't lock up again.. but it may lock up in 5 min and I have to pull another script.. However I won't know what needs to be fixed unless  people help me by testing it out.

The server is a bit rocky at the moment.. but as people test and post, the server will get smoother and smoother until it is nothing but fun.

I do truly appreciate you trying to get on the server.. now that 3 troublesome scripts have been pulled, it will remain online for a while.

I know you're doing what you can. It's just not working out for me and I don't have the time to check that frequently anymore.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: marstone on May 17, 2008, 03:33:26 pm
I know you're doing what you can. It's just not working out for me and I don't have the time to check that frequently anymore.

Truthfully it doesn't work out great for me either (I only have two days a week and limited hours on those days right now to play)

And yes it is anoying to fireup the game ready to play and the server is not there.

But heck, that is the nature of the beast.  I have only spent a couple minutes to let the program fire up and check it out.  When I have the time to check it isn't that big a deal (personal thought if you don't have time to check if the server is up, you really don't have time to play on a HC server as some mission can last over an hour if you end up against a big ship).

So I'll keep giving it a shot when I can.  Some time flying is better then none IMHO.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Pestalence_XC on May 17, 2008, 04:03:23 pm
The good news is that the server has not crashed at all today.. that is a good sign.. hopefully the problem mission are gone.. all that is left now is to debug the remaining scripts for PP payout and DV shifting.. and if the mission is working as it is suppose to.

If I can get mission reports on what is not working correctly, I will start stripping those missions out as well..

Once that is done, I will have a competent server kit in which to launch a big campaign.. D.Net is wanting to run a massive campaign and this server is the foundation for it.. Frey and I discussed this a week or so ago.. we are going to work out a storyline and adopt rule sets from previous servers and tweak them out a bit.. the time frame on the server will be extended out some due to the difficulty level and newer ships coming out will take a bit longer to produce.. however with the cost to fix your ship and resupply, it will take a while for you to be able to afford a newer class of ship..

That is where Bonus PP comes in from advancing in rank.. that is the major clencher on this.. If you don't lose your ships And you can minimize damage to your ship and save PP, when you do make a rank, you should have enough to buy that bigger ship and load it out pretty well.. I am trying to get all aspects of the server to work somewhat in harmony as well as be challenging in both AI and PVP..

From what I see, most of you agree that the 2 min AI wash and repeat does not happen on this server.. that you actually have to battle your way through... Taking almost as much time as a PVP mission.. That is the goal since I have seen so many posts about hexflippers and so forth.. this should bring those issues to a head.. There shouldn't be 2 people playing PVP while 5 others run P v AI 2 min battle to flip a VP hex.. now the AI missions will take 7 min + to run and that should help even out the hexflippers.

There is a method to my madness, and plans are in the works.. but before any of that can come to fruition, The server has to work and the scripts have to work.

and I thank all of you who try out my server for helping me make it work and helping me make it fun.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Pestalence_XC on May 17, 2008, 11:39:05 pm
Just restarted my system.. had to get an update for it.. sorry for the disruption of the server.. but it is back up now.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: marstone on May 17, 2008, 11:54:07 pm
Can't find it on the server lists.   
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Pestalence_XC on May 18, 2008, 01:13:03 am
Try again.. I think my firewall glitched.. I was adjusting settings.. Please try again.. that was my fault.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: marstone on May 18, 2008, 02:36:19 am
Try again.. I think my firewall glitched.. I was adjusting settings.. Please try again.. that was my fault.

Yep, back up.

Any way to actually have a freighter or two in the attack the shipping style missions.  Going against a heavy cruiser or bigger and a half dozen police ships (all Lyran for the ones I have played).  Is a bit much, that is alot of P-1's and ESG's to go up against.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Pestalence_XC on May 18, 2008, 02:42:37 am
It depends on the server and what script it offers.. if you see one is Met_11ConvoyRaid.scr, then that is the stock Taldren Convoy Raid script and that is the one you want to take.

the more difficult one is the Met_NW11ConvoyRaid.scr by Nuclear Wessels

I have both options enabled on this server..
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: marstone on May 18, 2008, 03:35:16 am
It depends on the server and what script it offers.. if you see one is Met_11ConvoyRaid.scr, then that is the stock Taldren Convoy Raid script and that is the one you want to take.

the more difficult one is the Met_NW11ConvoyRaid.scr by Nuclear Wessels

I have both options enabled on this server..
Otay, but I have yet to see a freighter.  Waiting for the luck of the draw I guess,.  I have enjoyed the patrol mission, at least I have a chance in that one alone.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Lear on May 18, 2008, 09:12:35 am
OK another one in the bin.
it comes up as Home Patrol,
counts down as though you have drafted
some one (I was the only one on)
then when it get to the end connection to server
is lost and Hiccup happens.server is down
sorry I could not see what mission it was as i did not get to that
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Corbomite on May 18, 2008, 09:13:58 am
It depends on the server and what script it offers.. if you see one is Met_11ConvoyRaid.scr, then that is the stock Taldren Convoy Raid script and that is the one you want to take.

the more difficult one is the Met_NW11ConvoyRaid.scr by Nuclear Wessels

I have both options enabled on this server..

I've run every Convoy Raid available. There are no Freighters in the groups. They are always Frigate hulls. I would assume the scripts are looking for units to fulfill the mission matching requirements and the Freighter BPV's are just too low. NW's Convoy Raid is actually the easy one because the star kills some of the convoy for you.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Corbomite on May 18, 2008, 09:15:10 am
OK another one in the bin.
it comes up as Home Patrol,
counts down as though you have drafted
some one (I was the only one on)
then when it get to the end connection to server
is lost and Hiccup happens.server is down
sorry I could not see what mission it was as i did not get to that

That sounds like you lost connection during load up. I doubt it was the mission.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Pestalence_XC on May 18, 2008, 09:27:07 am
The server did crash.. I need to fine that script.. but I'm not sure which it is.. I will scrutinize the Home Patrol a bit more.

See if you can reporduce the crash.. If you can, see if you can get the script name.

Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Pestalence_XC on May 18, 2008, 09:30:59 am
It depends on the server and what script it offers.. if you see one is Met_11ConvoyRaid.scr, then that is the stock Taldren Convoy Raid script and that is the one you want to take.

the more difficult one is the Met_NW11ConvoyRaid.scr by Nuclear Wessels

I have both options enabled on this server..

I've run every Convoy Raid available. There are no Freighters in the groups. They are always Frigate hulls. I would assume the scripts are looking for units to fulfill the mission matching requirements and the Freighter BPV's are just too low. NW's Convoy Raid is actually the easy one because the star kills some of the convoy for you.

I will check the BPV rating of the freighters.. If it is too low, I will bump their BVP to account for surplus ship parts being transported.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Corbomite on May 18, 2008, 09:32:36 am
The server did crash.. I need to fine that script.. but I'm not sure which it is.. I will scrutinize the Home Patrol a bit more.

See if you can reporduce the crash.. If you can, see if you can get the script name.

Pesty, I'm a little wary of all this script pulling. Do you really think a stock Taldren Monster mission that no one ever complained about for many years was suddenly causing the server to crash?
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Pestalence_XC on May 18, 2008, 09:49:45 am
With the Hardcore shiplist.. it is possible... I may have to revert back to the OP + shiplist..

Looking through the Hardcore shiplist.. there are no freighters...

It is possible that the server it trying to generate specific ships from scripts that do not exist, thus causing the server to crash..

I will have to take a closer look since I didn't make the shiplist.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Pestalence_XC on May 18, 2008, 10:20:28 am
OK.. I just ran a comparator.. I think I found some of the problems in the shiplist

A lot of ships including Freighters, merchant ships and Q ships have been removed from all races..

I will probably have to go in and use OP + and edit it to Hardcore specifications and the ones that are "removed" change the status of them to not show up in the shipyards..

I will leave the current server up for people to play on.. but now I have a major project to undertake since there are many ships removed.

Sorry for the inconvenience..

The debugging phase will have to start all over again once I have a new shiplist done up.

I didn't realize the problems that the Hardcore shiplist could produce.. I will do up a new version of it myself to include in future OP Enhancement Packs.. I would not use the Hardcore shiplist in single player currently.. it may cause problems.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Corbomite on May 18, 2008, 03:26:46 pm
You can swap out the shiplist without losing the map as it is. There is no need to start completely over.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Pestalence_XC on May 18, 2008, 03:38:59 pm
I will swap the shiplists out later tonight when everyone is off the server.. OP + v.40 will be used.. the Hardcore shiplist will be reworked.

Also, I will put back in Met_13Monster.

the ED scripts previously pulled will remain pulled for Nuclear Wessels to review and fix.

there were reports on these same scripts in the past.. so I will take no chances.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Corbomite on May 18, 2008, 07:42:36 pm
I just killed the server with that Home Patrol again. I think that might be the Dizzy Patrol. It counts for a few seconds then just kills the link.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: FA Frey XC on May 18, 2008, 08:23:08 pm
Please send me a PM on exactly what is being reworked on the shiplist.

Don't put "XC Hardcore" on it until that's done.

Thanks !

Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Pestalence_XC on May 18, 2008, 09:54:29 pm
Already got with you Frey..

As for everyone else.. I need to take the server down for a couple of hours.. Doing system maintainence and don't want to corrupt the DB..
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Pestalence_XC on May 19, 2008, 07:33:41 am
Server now running with OP + v4.0
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Ternado on May 19, 2008, 02:34:40 pm
Seems that the allies are screwy,klink shows hydran allied on map but they are not in game... may wanna check out the alliances. Could be causing some problems in drafting and scripts.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: marstone on May 19, 2008, 02:47:43 pm
Seems that the allies are screwy,klink shows hydran allied on map but they are not in game... may wanna check out the alliances. Could be causing some problems in drafting and scripts.

will second that, Klinks see hydran as allies, but hydrans see klinks as enemy.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Pestalence_XC on May 19, 2008, 04:12:53 pm
Seems that the allies are screwy,klink shows hydran allied on map but they are not in game... may wanna check out the alliances. Could be causing some problems in drafting and scripts.

Good call I had Hydran alliances mixed up.. it is corrected

Server being restarted now.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Ternado on May 19, 2008, 05:12:06 pm
Met 22diplomat seems to be a manditory mission I think if you pull it no one will miss it...
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Ternado on May 19, 2008, 05:20:02 pm
ed17 patrol allied..me in klink..got this manditory in a hydran hex...sure hope Im helping and not making more work for ya..
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Ternado on May 19, 2008, 05:21:03 pm
Im on teamspeak when Im on d2
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Pestalence_XC on May 19, 2008, 08:40:52 pm
You are getting mandatory because the DB is messed up from the alliances being messed up.. for me to fix that, I would have to wipe the DB clean and restart the server fresh.

If everyone is agreed.. please post here and I will wipe the DB and restart for Mid Era.

This way alliances will be correct.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: KBF-Kurok on May 19, 2008, 09:35:44 pm
its cool we canrestart to correct things
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Pestalence_XC on May 19, 2008, 11:24:09 pm
I am adjusting the HC shiplist adding in Freighters and Monsters.. going to put previous scripts back in and then restart server tomorrow morning about 9 AM CST..

It will have a clean DB and server will start Mid era

I will post new shiplist before the server goes live... It is Same HC shiplist with Freighters added (q ship freighters) and the standard Monsters from OP + v4.0

This should fix Convoy Raids as well as the Monster ship crashing.. with the Alliances fixed for Hydran, then the map and other missions should work correctly.. I still hve concerns about the newer ED scripts.. so I will keep an eye out on them.

Once it restart tomorrow, please post back any scripting issues.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: marstone on May 19, 2008, 11:29:06 pm
will this be the new "official" HC shiplist then?  Should we change the mod chooser to this shiplist or just manually change it around?
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Pestalence_XC on May 19, 2008, 11:42:19 pm
This is a preliminary test.. the Official HC shiplist by Xenocorp was originally designed for GSA use only.. Just recently has D.Net and XC decided to use the shiplist for Dyna use.. The changes are still preliminary and we want to get rid of the shiplist bugs first before we state it is "Official" replacement .. we want it to be able to be used on both GSA and D2..

If the new list works without locking up the server or giving wierd ships in missions, then I will discuss with Frey and SFHQ about marking it an Official OP + v4.0 Hardcore Xenocorp Edition shiplist.. but testing has to be done first..

But it shouldn't be that hard to get done.. maybe a week or 2 of the server not crashing due to shiplist errors.. lets just take it one step at a time..

the goal is to have a Hardcore shiplist available for both GSA and D2.. Previously Xenocorp was focused on GSA play.. we are now focusing on D2 campaign and getting things worked out..
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: marstone on May 19, 2008, 11:58:32 pm
  Sounds good.  A side question.  What is the changes that HardCore shiplist had compared to the normal shiplist?  Was it mainly the removal of none combat style ships so it was streamlined for GSA?  Thus the lack of freighters, monsters, and such?  Just wondering as shipwise, I didn't see much difference in them.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Corbomite on May 20, 2008, 02:18:44 am
I am adjusting the HC shiplist adding in Freighters and Monsters.. going to put previous scripts back in and then restart server tomorrow morning about 9 AM CST..

It will have a clean DB and server will start Mid era

I will post new shiplist before the server goes live... It is Same HC shiplist with Freighters added (q ship freighters) and the standard Monsters from OP + v4.0

This should fix Convoy Raids as well as the Monster ship crashing.. with the Alliances fixed for Hydran, then the map and other missions should work correctly.. I still hve concerns about the newer ED scripts.. so I will keep an eye out on them.

Once it restart tomorrow, please post back any scripting issues.

Then you can count me out. I had to work my tail off for nearly a week just to get a CA. I'm all up for testing missions and shiplists, but not on this map. It is too haphazard and makes no sense; i.e. 100 Econ hexes with 10 DV, 10 Econ hexes with 50 DV, Planets worth only 10 Econ and 10 DV, Planets in nebulae (makes PA's a bit difficult) and no spacial cohesion to the racial holdings or the terrain. What good is a 100 Econ hex to me if it is 50 hexes away through Neutral and Hostile space, poorly defended by only 10 DV and I'm helpless to reach it or act if it is attacked?  I like the idea of having to build up from practically nothing, but our fiefdoms should be contiguous (albeit small to start) and terrain should make a little more sense Econ and placement wise.

If you want to test shiplists and missions, perhaps a regular old map for this phase would be more appropriate?

Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Strayy on May 20, 2008, 05:44:59 am
Pesty, you still havin settings probs ?  lemme see, a fresh set of  (old)  eyes may help   :P
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Pestalence_XC on May 20, 2008, 08:03:34 am
Getting them worked out.. I think that having alliances messed up on the Hydrans messed up the DB.. the reset with new shiplist should work fine now.. and then we just need to debug the scripts..

I'm putting the server back up right now with the new shiplist and edited settings.. the DL Location of the hew shiplist is


Remember put the shiplist and ftrlist into both your Assets/Specs folder and your MetaAssets folder..

GL and have fun

Strayy, if I do have more problems, I'll shoot you a copy of the GF files to look over.. but I think I have it licked now.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Pestalence_XC on May 20, 2008, 10:04:00 am
OK.. last min adjustment are done .. download away and let me know..

My first concern is Convoy Raids and if freighters are showing up.

My second concern is the server crashing.. I want to be sure that the scripts are not crashing. All scripts have been added back into the kit.

My third concern is Alliances.. if they are working correctly.

My fourth concern is the shipyards and if freighters are showing up.

Anyhow.. Please let me know.

Again, the DL location is

Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Pestalence_XC on May 20, 2008, 11:33:46 am
Chat server error.. fixed.. restarted.. no DB rest

Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: KBF-Kurok on May 20, 2008, 02:39:38 pm
so far  its been pretty good. only real problem so far has been the dizzy assult mission when taken it closes down after 4 seconds have run it 7 times on 2 different planets 9,30 and 8,30 im flying hydran alliances seem to be working so far.
 Also the dizzy heavy assult mission killed mose of the enemy ai defending the planet. 8,30 is a high econ planet in an asteroid field and that is where i ran it.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Pestalence_XC on May 20, 2008, 03:00:34 pm
so the suggestion is to pull the Dizzy scripts?

If so.. I can do that in the morning.. just to give time for others to feed back on it.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: KBFLordKrueg on May 20, 2008, 05:40:32 pm
Well, I got the revised shiplist and tried logging in, got missing scripts message... :huh:
Thinking the missions had changed and I missed the post, I redownloaded the linked missions in the first post.
But, still get the missing scripts message, and they are all the Dizzy missions.  :-\
I can't seem to find any updated mission packs, did I miss something?
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Pestalence_XC on May 20, 2008, 05:49:48 pm
First install the NW mission scripts

Then install The Forge mission scripts.

then try logging on.

I know.. Its not working.. I am uploading the scripts now in zip files.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: KBF-Kurok on May 20, 2008, 05:54:56 pm
yes id pull them since they arent working properly
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: KBFLordKrueg on May 20, 2008, 06:00:59 pm
First install the NW mission scripts

Then install The Forge mission scripts.

then try logging on.

Hm, OK, tried that still get the same message...
Going to eat, I'll try again later...
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Pestalence_XC on May 20, 2008, 06:26:16 pm
Are you installing to the correct directory? and is the directory you are installing to the same as the last install of OP that you did?

I ask because I am also showing a bad shiplist and ftrlist when you tried to log on
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Strayy on May 20, 2008, 06:29:00 pm
I seem to remember the dizzy scripts workin fine on my server... try using my scripts from dizzy & E.D. pesty, see if they work...
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: KBF-Crim on May 20, 2008, 06:30:59 pm
IMHO..it's the shiptlist causing the problems...most of these scripts have worked fine for years...
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Pestalence_XC on May 20, 2008, 06:43:33 pm
I'm uploading 3 zip files for the scripts.. you have to DL all 3 zips to extract.. place scripts into your Assets/Scipts folder.

Sorry for having 3 DL's for the scripts but my new web site only takes 8 mb files max size and the scripts package under legacy compression is 16.6 Mb .. I could pack it smaller, but not everyone uses Winzip.

OK what you will have to do is first DL the 3 files

Next, rename HCScripts1.zip to HCScripts.z01

Next, rename HCScripts2.zip to HCScripts.z02

Now extract the scripts and place them into your Assets/Scripts game folder.

DL Locations :




Sorry for the inconvenience, but I don't have access to a good web host at the moment...

Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Pestalence_XC on May 20, 2008, 06:46:11 pm
The ED scripts are working now.. just the Dizzy scripts seem to be messing up.. I'll just pull the Dizzy scripts and get with NW to see what ships are required for the scripts to work.. the shiplist has all the cheddar removed and I want to try to keep it that way... It was created by Firesoul for XC.. I have limited permissions for changing the shiplist.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Strayy on May 20, 2008, 07:00:55 pm
I'm uploading 3 zip files for the scripts.. you have to DL all 3 zips to extract.. place scripts into your Assets/Scipts folder.

Sorry for having 3 DL's for the scripts but my new web site only takes 8 mb files max size and the scripts package under legacy compression is 16.6 Mb .. I could pack it smaller, but not everyone uses Winzip.

OK what you will have to do is first DL the 3 files

Next, rename HCScripts1.zip to HCScripts.z01

Next, rename HCScripts2.zip to HCScripts.z02

Now extract the scripts and place them into your Assets/specs game folder.

DL Locations :




Sorry for the inconvenience, but I don't have access to a good web host at the moment...

Dont you mean copy the  scripts to the Assets/scripts folder pesty ?      :angel:   also, tried downloading from the links, gettin error tryin to unzip files
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: KBFLordKrueg on May 20, 2008, 07:29:54 pm
Are you installing to the correct directory? and is the directory you are installing to the same as the last install of OP that you did?

I ask because I am also showing a bad shiplist and ftrlist when you tried to log on

I only have (and have always had) 1 install in one drive.
I did try to log in once, then remembered you had made changes and then reloaded everything, which included the shiplist, but it only showed errors messages with the missions.
just tried again, now get missing a bunch of ed missions...no dizzy missions even mentioned... :huh:
Too much aggrivation for one day, it hasn't been fun today...
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Pestalence_XC on May 20, 2008, 07:49:22 pm
I'm uploading 3 zip files for the scripts.. you have to DL all 3 zips to extract.. place scripts into your Assets/Scipts folder.

Sorry for having 3 DL's for the scripts but my new web site only takes 8 mb files max size and the scripts package under legacy compression is 16.6 Mb .. I could pack it smaller, but not everyone uses Winzip.

OK what you will have to do is first DL the 3 files

Next, rename HCScripts1.zip to HCScripts.z01

Next, rename HCScripts2.zip to HCScripts.z02

Now extract the scripts and place them into your Assets/specs game folder.

DL Locations :




Sorry for the inconvenience, but I don't have access to a good web host at the moment...

Dont you mean copy the  scripts to the Assets/scripts folder pesty ?      :angel:   also, tried downloading from the links, gettin error tryin to unzip files

Did you :

Next, rename HCScripts1.zip to HCScripts.z01

Next, rename HCScripts2.zip to HCScripts.z02

Now extract the scripts and place them into your Assets/Scripts game folder.

The 3 files are Linked and will not extract without all 3 files and if the name is not correct for the files they will not extract. which is why you have to rename 2 of the files before you try to extract.

they work on my end with Winzip and WinRar..

Good catch on the directory placement.. I have a bunch on my mind.. 2 or 3 projects going at the same time..
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: KBF-Kurok on May 20, 2008, 10:17:14 pm
ok one more thing i have found the hydrans are still allied to the feds, also when they start they are next to a planet but donot have a planet or base in their starting hex no biggie as you can c i worked around the board untill i found one
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Pestalence_XC on May 20, 2008, 10:45:12 pm
ok one more thing i have found the hydrans are still allied to the feds, also when they start they are next to a planet but donot have a planet or base in their starting hex no biggie as you can c i worked around the board untill i found one

I don't see how Fed and Hydrans are allied..



As you can see.. they are enemies in the GF files.. Mortal Enemies...

So just how can they be allies.. Political tensions are turned off.. the settings are firm..

Are you reporting Fed allies in mission or are you reporting Hex on map as Fed allie?

Scripts have been known to throw the wrong race in as support.. what counts is the Map.

Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: KBF-Kurok on May 21, 2008, 12:13:47 am
this is what i mean
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Pestalence_XC on May 21, 2008, 01:13:41 am
Should be fixed now.. try again.. I had a section of Meta map mis spelled .. DB has been reset so changes can take effect.. should be working correctly now.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: NuclearWessels on May 21, 2008, 12:16:59 pm
The ED scripts are working now.. just the Dizzy scripts seem to be messing up.. I'll just pull the Dizzy scripts and get with NW to see what ships are required for the scripts to work.. the shiplist has all the cheddar removed and I want to try to keep it that way... It was created by Firesoul for XC.. I have limited permissions for changing the shiplist.

Ah, yes, I believe the Dizzy scripts relied on some ships or bases that were unique to one of the SG campaigns.

IIRC there might be some shiplist-related oddities about the HexxPatrol as well.


PS - any chance of anyone mirroring the shiplist/ftrlist?   I've tried dl'ing it a dozen or so times now, but it keeps dying on me part way through.

Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: KBF-Kurok on May 21, 2008, 12:27:15 pm
 Its turning out to be a real fun server. TY for putting it up.here is the sl Dave
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Pestalence_XC on May 21, 2008, 12:43:44 pm
The ED scripts are working now.. just the Dizzy scripts seem to be messing up.. I'll just pull the Dizzy scripts and get with NW to see what ships are required for the scripts to work.. the shiplist has all the cheddar removed and I want to try to keep it that way... It was created by Firesoul for XC.. I have limited permissions for changing the shiplist.

Ah, yes, I believe the Dizzy scripts relied on some ships or bases that were unique to one of the SG campaigns.

IIRC there might be some shiplist-related oddities about the HexxPatrol as well.


PS - any chance of anyone mirroring the shiplist/ftrlist? I've tried dl'ing it a dozen or so times now, but it keeps dying on me part way through.

In that event, I will pull them again, I was thinking it was an error in the GF files.. so I guess I do need to pull them as well as the HexxPatrol.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Pestalence_XC on May 21, 2008, 02:55:35 pm
OK scripts Dizzy scripts are pulled.. never had the HexxPatrol in it.. srver is back up.. no DB reset this time.. hopefully I will not have to take it down again.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Corbomite on May 21, 2008, 05:41:17 pm

Your Hydran ally/enemy problems might have to do with the map set up. Last week, before you reset, I took a neutral planet that had 100 Econ and 50 DV. The only mission it would offer me was Homeworld Assault and I always got the H-PHY planet and Hydran opponents. As soon as I took the hex, my enemies turned to Mirak. If the server is somehow interpreting that Neutral planet as the Hydran Homeworld it might explain why the Hydrans don't show up on a planet to start and why they seem to be allied and opposed to some races at the same time. Of course, the ISC showed up on a 10/10 planet, not a Homeworld, so I may be way off here.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Pestalence_XC on May 21, 2008, 05:55:25 pm
Last night, I reset the server and logged in as Hydran.. Fed were friendly.. I edited the MetaMap file again, using Copy/Paste from working races to the rest of the races..  reset the DB and logged back in, Hydran and Fed were enemies.. the error was due to a type o on my part in the GF file..

It should be working correctly now that the alliances are showing up correctly.

Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Ternado on May 21, 2008, 10:25:55 pm
I ask for the sake of humanity,to get rid of..pull..kill..met22diplomat...it is manditory all over the universe.I dont even like diplomats.they waste money and fuel and time.Everything esle seems to be fine on the server.Pesty keep it going Sir,With respect.Ternado.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Pestalence_XC on May 22, 2008, 12:16:41 am
Done Met_22Diplomate is gone.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: KBF-Kurok on May 22, 2008, 10:36:00 am
ty sir
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Pestalence_XC on May 23, 2008, 05:20:28 pm
well so far running 2 days and no problem posts since I removed the Diplomat mission.. not too bad..

Any reports on missions not working correctly? Improper DV shifting? Incorrect PP payout? Missions not completing or locking up?

I would like to have a listing of the scripts that are messing up.. I don't want to run a campaign in the future that might get ruined with bad scripts...

Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Lear on May 23, 2008, 07:02:06 pm
This is not a Script Issue.
I tractered 1 Fighter with a KDR
(light cruiser) and was dragged backwards.
my speed was 20 but still ,it was only 1 fighter.
never seen that before also have been taking
9 Pt's of damage wile winging with deadman
even though I never got close to the action ??
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: marstone on May 23, 2008, 07:07:52 pm
This is not a Script Issue.
I tractered 1 Fighter with a KDR
(light cruiser) and was dragged backwards.
my speed was 20 but still ,it was only 1 fighter.
never seen that before also have been taking
9 Pt's of damage wile winging with deadman
even though I never got close to the action ??

that is odd, no amount of fighters should ever drag a ship.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Pestalence_XC on May 23, 2008, 07:52:33 pm
This is not a Script Issue.
I tractered 1 Fighter with a KDR
(light cruiser) and was dragged backwards.
my speed was 20 but still ,it was only 1 fighter.
never seen that before also have been taking
9 Pt's of damage wile winging with deadman
even though I never got close to the action ??

Which exe are you launching the game with.. this sounds like a bug if you are using SFCOP.exe .. the file you should launch the game from is StarfleetOP.exe
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Lear on May 24, 2008, 02:49:25 pm
Lanching from StarFleetOP.exe
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Pestalence_XC on May 24, 2008, 03:14:46 pm
Maybe something in the script fubared.. if it happens again, take note of the script.. see if you can reproduce it, and then post the script name here so i can remove it...

It may have just been one of those 1 time things
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Lear on May 24, 2008, 05:22:39 pm
No now it is happing every time Met_10 patrol,Suprise reverse even
salvage 10 but it is not happing to my kilk account?
also the mission about the asteroid base seems bug
as the base will not fire at you.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Pestalence_XC on May 24, 2008, 07:01:41 pm
Ok.. when online, check to see if anyone else is having these problems as well..

Also, you may want to go with downloading the script files I put up.. I have had a couple people not be able to get on because of missing missions and such.. It could be that the installers you used had old versions of the missions..

My zip files have the scripts directly from the server kit.

It could also be a corruption in your game if you installed with AV turned on (including mission scripts)

If there is a problem with the ftrlist, then I will need to edit it, hopefully this is an isolated incident, not that I am wishing your install is corrupt.. just that I don't relish working the fighters..
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Lear on May 25, 2008, 12:55:42 pm
Ok my Rommie account is Tagging all of my ships with 14 pts of dammage,
so I changed to my Klingon acct no tagging,made an other account (Rommie)
both (any klingon or Rommie) ship bought sold or destroyed still tagged for 14
pts.Redownloaded everything (astroid assult base is still not firing) now my
klingon ships are now getting tagged.(for 4pts) if you exit a misson with
any dammage it seems to go up(2,4,8,10 to 14)
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Pestalence_XC on May 25, 2008, 01:59:26 pm
Is anyone else having this problem?

I will try later with a Rom account to see if I can reproduce what you are experiencing.. If I do, I will recheck the shiplist and ftrlist..

If I can't reproduce it, then my suggestion is that I remove your accounts from the DB and you reinstall the game from scratch and try again.

I want to test my end first as well as try to get feedback from others.. if it is just happening to you, then I would consider a total reinstall of your game with the AV turned off, as well as playing online on the D2 with AV turned off and see if that resolves the issue.

If my testing and others report the same thing you are experiencing, like Kurok or Deadman, then I will have to re-evaluate the shiplist / ftrlist and see where the error is coming from..
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: deadmansix on May 25, 2008, 02:57:09 pm

yes I get 29 points every time I take a mission
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Pestalence_XC on May 25, 2008, 03:48:24 pm
OK.. I am resetting the server and running the debug mode in full settings so I can see if I can track down any errors.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Lear on May 26, 2008, 04:39:52 pm
Logged in ran a few last 2 (IN my Klingon acct)
0 shield damage tagged for 5 after misson
also since this is testing could you make the map smaller or
loosen up on the ship list. more willing to play but would like to wing
or pvp some
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Pestalence_XC on May 26, 2008, 04:48:30 pm
I may go to a stock map..

As for the damage.. I may revert back to the OP + v4.0 shiplist until I can figure out what is wrong..

I'll do a reset tonight for that.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Lear on May 26, 2008, 04:55:48 pm
Will be leaving town tomorrow will
not be back until Thursday
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: knightstorm on May 26, 2008, 09:27:41 pm
Ran an asteroid base assault, for some reason the base didn't return fire.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Pestalence_XC on May 26, 2008, 10:09:04 pm
K.. I'm going to reload tonight with OP +.. I will have to go over the shiplist again.. aparantly there are things missing that the D2 needs that GSA does not and I am missing something.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Pestalence_XC on May 27, 2008, 10:31:27 pm
Shiplist changed back to OP + v4.0 and map has been changed to the Client Side Stock Conquest map.
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: KBF-Crim on May 28, 2008, 09:48:59 pm
K.. I'm going to reload tonight with OP +.. I will have to go over the shiplist again.. aparantly there are things missing that the D2 needs that GSA does not and I am missing something.


IIRC...Dizz went through a series of shiplist repairs as some point...maybe check with him on it...
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: FPF-Paladin on May 29, 2008, 07:21:38 am
Flew a handful of missions, no issues whatsoever :)
Title: Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
Post by: Pestalence_XC on June 01, 2008, 10:16:07 pm
Hardcore server pulled in order to run AOTK 4 on my system.. Hardcore will return when the campaign is done.