Off Topic => Other Games => Topic started by: Hexx on February 29, 2008, 07:11:14 pm
IF anyone's interested.. makes it sound interesting enough I might have to pick it up.
Wish I had a group to play with. I've never really played D&D but I'd like to give it a try.
We still use second edition though we haven't played in nearly a year.
Wow and to think I use to be a sucker and buy every add on known to man from 1st to 3 (stopping at 3.5).
It was nice how he reminded me twice in that article about how much cash (over two decades probably over 10 grand) I dumped into a MIND GAME and have nothing to show for it that's still current and "valid".
So once I get over my anger you think I'm gong to run right out and buy all the new 4e books? Why? I bet when 5ed comes out all the 4e books are gonna get burned anyway. They admit every X years they reboot the system and make you do it all over again. PC games don't make you do that at least, they debug and PATCH IT! :)
Thank god for electronic PDF's is all I'm going to say on the matter... :angel:
It was nice how he reminded me twice in that article about how much cash (over two decades probably over 10 grand) I dumped into a MIND GAME and have nothing to show for it that's still current and "valid".
You have nothing to show for it? I have memories of many good times with friends just for a start. Very worthwhile.
So once I get over my anger you think I'm gong to run right out and buy all the new 4e books? Why? I bet when 5ed comes out all the 4e books are gonna get burned anyway. They admit every X years they reboot the system and make you do it all over again. PC games don't make you do that at least, they debug and PATCH IT! :)
Actually, most games just fad off and the operating systems quit supporting them. Try and play the old X-wing fighter game now, probably will not run (and support is long gone). At least a board game you can keep playing it even if it isn't the current version. (unless of course all your books get taken out in a flood ::))
Good example marstone but X-wing, Tie Fighter and XvT are XP compatable. Though you probably need to run in 95/98 compatability mode for the earlier ones.
It's been so long since I've played D&D, I've forgotten how many sides a d20 has! I just expect 4th ed. to be as bad as 2nd and 3rd. Back when Gary Gygax was running the show, D&D was nice and wierd. I still like the AD&D rulebooks. After the franchise was stolen out from under Gygax, D&D descended to the lowest common denominator. If I ever play again, I'll unpack the old books.
This thread is going off track fast!
Good example marstone but X-wing, Tie Fighter and XvT are XP compatable. Though you probably need to run in 95/98 compatability mode for the earlier ones.
Ah, but how many people still have a floppy drive on their spiffy new computers??
You know they did release them all on CD...three times over. ;D
Good example marstone but X-wing, Tie Fighter and XvT are XP compatable. Though you probably need to run in 95/98 compatability mode for the earlier ones.
Ah, but how many people still have a floppy drive on their spiffy new computers??
I did, you can get a USB one for cheap.