
Off Topic => Other Games => Topic started by: Lloyd007 on January 27, 2008, 02:21:51 pm

Title: The Orange Box
Post by: Lloyd007 on January 27, 2008, 02:21:51 pm
I'm seriously recommending this if you haven't gotten it already. It's all the Half Life 2 episodes and stuff to date plus Portal and Team Fortress 2 which comes out to 3 or 5 games for the price of one new game depending on how you slice things.

I personally hadn't gotten HL2 so this game being bundled is great. We all know how good HL2 is so I won't go into it.

Portal is great.

Team Fortress 2 for the PC is great. The classes are really well balanced and unlike the X360 which got stuck with the original 6 maps there are plenty of good user and valve made maps. The style is unlike any FPS I've ever played and the cartoonish look and feel of the game really adds something to it that the generic soldier FPS games lack
Title: Re: The Orange Box
Post by: Tus-XC on January 28, 2008, 12:50:27 am
wish they would hurry up and release an orange box lite.... i don't need hl2 again or ep1
Title: Re: The Orange Box
Post by: Lloyd007 on January 28, 2008, 10:06:52 am
Actually The Black Box, which just had the new stuff (and was priced only $10 less) was canceled for retail and only bundled with certain ATi videocards. Since The Orange Box has now dropped in price you're still getting 3 games for the price of one essentially. Portal is great but stand alone is worth $20 since it's so short and non MP. HL:E2 is probably a $20 game expansion as well but I haven't played it yet so I can't judge it's value. TF:2 however is a 40-50 dollar game and is the best FPS experience I've played yet for the PC, and I've played a lot of good FPS although my overall fave is still the oldschool Quake 2 with it's nonsensical health boxes, spinning floaty weapons, and really obvious monster closets that Id just loves to use even in their newest games...

Doom 3... Hmm there's a jacket of armor in the center of the room and a lot of low level grates on one side... very unsuspicious...  ;)
Title: Re: The Orange Box
Post by: Hexx on January 28, 2008, 02:51:05 pm

Doom 3... Hmm there's a jacket of armor in the center of the room and a lot of low level grates on one side... very unsuspicious...  ;)

<sigh> After they'd ambushed me the first three times I really should have learned...
Title: Re: The Orange Box
Post by: Grim on January 31, 2008, 05:22:20 am
Been having a lot of fun in portal and TF2. ;D
Title: Re: The Orange Box
Post by: Grim on February 06, 2008, 05:33:36 am
Been playing Portal a hell of a lot recently, also been looking at some of the fan made levels.

What also suprised me is how the game is amassing a cult status.
Title: Re: The Orange Box
Post by: Lloyd007 on February 06, 2008, 07:14:53 am
Portal acheiving cult status is unsuprising to me. GLaDOS is one of the best new characters to come around in a long time and as you can see I just love my Weighted Companion Cube... It never threatens to stab me...  :drinkinsong:
Title: Re: The Orange Box
Post by: Bonk on November 11, 2008, 05:15:30 pm
They made me incinerate my weighted companion cube!  :(

I'm enjoying Portal quite a bit as well, only cost $10 and lots of fun. I highly reccomend it for the holiday season. Good clean fun.

The only drawback is the Steam account crap, seems to me there was quite a bit of negative comments about Valve and Steam over on Slashdot lately.