
Dynaverse.net => Hawkeye's Roost => Topic started by: stoneyface on November 03, 2007, 09:34:47 pm

Title: =/\= ...And in this corner...
Post by: stoneyface on November 03, 2007, 09:34:47 pm
in what will soon be, i'm sure, round one of a long and lengthy war. i give you the first shot of the hellgate:london war...

frey will hate me but i don't care, he made fun of me first and i am just escalating to nuclear weapons...

so frey and i are both in love with (read hopelessly addicted to...) hellgate:london. if you haven't played it yet or even worse, never heard of it, i feel sorry for your pathetic gamer souls. it is by flagship studios, same people as diablo. (not blizzard, they produced) very fun game as you battle demon infested hell in modern london with futuristic weapons, or old school and be a sword swinging templar.

while on teamspeak, frey non-chalantly asked for a screenshot of my pc character. i complied and he reemed me a new one. he made fun of me in way that made me feel dirty...

here is my revenge...

i give you, frey's character, lovingly named and referred to as


Title: Re: =/\= ...And in this corner...
Post by: Braxton_RIP on November 03, 2007, 09:36:51 pm
Kudos to me for coming up with the nickname "Frey-dolf"
Title: Re: =/\= ...And in this corner...
Post by: stoneyface on November 03, 2007, 09:38:55 pm
i want to light a match on his chin-strip...
Title: Re: =/\= ...And in this corner...
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on November 03, 2007, 09:47:04 pm
oh dear.. *sighs* :BoeseSmilies (71):
Title: Re: =/\= ...And in this corner...
Post by: Sirgod on November 04, 2007, 07:53:04 am
Aargh, I just order NWN2, I should have read this thread first, as I've been thinking Hellgate would be fun. I always seem to get the games, that my friends are not playing.

OK, next month.

Title: Re: =/\= ...And in this corner...
Post by: stoneyface on November 10, 2007, 09:52:43 pm
don't mess with spidey stoneyface!

the rifle alone scares me!
Title: Re: =/\= ...And in this corner...
Post by: Starkiller on November 14, 2007, 12:03:10 am
Fricking LOVE the Hellgate...

meet Eljayess (Yeah, from back in the day @ Urath)  and Rhynn (Chicula LOVES the Rocket Launcher)

Title: Re: =/\= ...And in this corner...
Post by: stoneyface on November 15, 2007, 01:44:25 am
whoooo hooooo!!!!!! the return of eljayess!!! rock on! he and stoneyface (the ranger) used to run around Urath,  a neverwinter nights persistant world. fun times...


heeeeeeeeeeere's red stoney!

Title: Re: =/\= ...And in this corner...
Post by: Braxton_RIP on November 15, 2007, 02:07:38 am
Not as cool as Dark Trooper Brax!
Title: Re: =/\= ...And in this corner...
Post by: FA Frey XC on November 28, 2007, 06:23:22 am

Engineers RULE !!!

Title: Re: =/\= ...And in this corner...
Post by: Cpt_killA_XC on December 02, 2007, 10:40:25 pm
Frey-dolf is my hero
Title: Re: =/\= ...And in this corner...
Post by: Sirgod on December 04, 2007, 07:15:17 pm
So I picked this game up today.

I want you all to know, your a bunch of bastards. I just got my PC back, because Denise is hooked into this. here in a few, I'll get to play it.

Title: Re: =/\= ...And in this corner...
Post by: stoneyface on December 05, 2007, 05:15:58 pm
So I picked this game up today.

I want you all to know, your a bunch of bastards. I just got my PC back, because Denise is hooked into this. here in a few, I'll get to play it.


LOL pwnd!

let us know what  you ingame character name is so we can add you t our list of friends
Title: Re: =/\= ...And in this corner...
Post by: Sirgod on December 06, 2007, 12:36:30 am
The old Lady started one with the name Denny something. Man I'll have to go online and find out. Mind you, I'm doing the free online play, I'm in abit of a financial bind right now, but eventually I'll work out of it.

I did the old account name as F9thRet_XC , Still love the xeno corp, and have used Sirgod as the email thingie.

I think my wife is using either DennyBlaskin or Succibiscourge. That's the old name she used from guild wars.

Hey let me know If you can use a blade master, or evoker, or anything for that matter, and I'll create a character to help out.

IN SP I just used that fawkes device, and I'm sure I have a long wys to go with the sword. Such is life.

Title: Re: =/\= ...And in this corner...
Post by: KOTH-KieranXC, Ret. on December 11, 2007, 03:24:36 pm
w00t Freydolf! ;D
Title: Re: =/\= ...And in this corner...
Post by: FA Frey XC on December 12, 2007, 08:54:57 am

Let me know when you can get online, and we'll add you to the XC guild.


Title: Re: =/\= ...And in this corner...
Post by: Sirgod on December 15, 2007, 07:39:32 pm
Thanks guys, this is the first chance I've even had electricity in about a week. Me and Dracho both got hit pretty bad with the Ice Storm. Give me a few days to do damage control, now that we have heat and light. I know I get to tear out my floors, as a pipe has busted and destroyed them in the Kitchen/Pantry/ Living room area. Horrible water damage, after not having water for 6 or so days.

Well we melted ice of course, but you all know what I mean.

Title: Re: =/\= ...And in this corner...
Post by: FA Frey XC on December 18, 2007, 01:30:49 pm
Jesus, update SirGod?

You okay over there? Need anything?

Title: Re: =/\= ...And in this corner...
Post by: Sirgod on December 18, 2007, 03:31:24 pm
Thanks man, but we are good. Finaly got a plumber out here to fix the water this morning, and the Gods only know how bad I smelled. What with no Bath since monday of last week.

It's just catch up now. It's amazing how big a mess Me and the wife made, now that we actually can see it (power) and have to clean it (water).

I will be replacing the floors though, As heavy as we both are, I don't want the water damage to give them an excuse for us t step through. I always thought the older we got the more we could relax out here, boy was I wrong. I feeel I just came off bivouc and now have Latrine duty. :D :D :D

Thanks again, but we are good. I managed to save all our food, by putting it in plastic containers and letting mother Nature freeze them for us.

Title: Re: =/\= ...And in this corner...
Post by: stoneyface on January 22, 2008, 04:21:16 pm
yay!!!!!!! patch 1.0 is here!

Title: Re: =/\= ...And in this corner...
Post by: stoneyface on February 01, 2008, 03:20:41 am
one cool pic of Freyman!


and one pic to make him drool...


get that boy a towel!
Title: Re: =/\= ...And in this corner...
Post by: stoneyface on February 06, 2008, 05:31:37 am
some useful hellgate london links for all...

a nice in-game money only auctionhouse

want the wasp dye kit? go here

good inventory list here

damn good forum

want to build a test character to see how skills work out?

and here is your sick pic of the day...disgusting. literally millions of in-game palladium in this pic

Title: Re: =/\= ...And in this corner...
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on February 06, 2008, 05:04:58 pm
..And in this corner, we have the rising Cabalist Evoker Fiery SFHQ!!!
Title: Re: =/\= ...And in this corner...
Post by: Braxton_RIP on February 06, 2008, 05:26:47 pm
I have too many uniques.
Title: Re: =/\= ...And in this corner...
Post by: stoneyface on February 07, 2008, 12:44:17 am
Title: Re: =/\= ...And in this corner...
Post by: stoneyface on February 14, 2008, 06:26:10 am
check out some col new pics!

stoney the stormtrooper eh?


also we got together to go after moloch. the big boss in stonehenge...



AND THE VIDEO!!! (use vlc player [www.videolan.org] if windows media player doesn't. you need xvid codec installed)

Title: Re: =/\= ...And in this corner...
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on February 14, 2008, 08:03:16 pm
Continuing in the corner of mastering Evocation...
Title: Re: =/\= ...And in this corner...
Post by: stoneyface on February 27, 2008, 12:26:11 pm
more uber leetness from stoneyface/freyman!


not one but 2 of the ultimate marskman helms! (the new helms from stonehenge)
Title: Re: =/\= ...And in this corner...
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on February 27, 2008, 04:43:26 pm
level 39!
Title: Re: =/\= ...And in this corner...
Post by: stoneyface on May 30, 2008, 03:50:10 am
woot sfhq!

new graduate and take a look at this. congrats


Title: Re: =/\= ...And in this corner...
Post by: stoneyface on June 12, 2008, 05:48:16 am
looks like a storm'sa brewin'...


dude check out sfhq!



Title: Re: =/\= ...And in this corner...
Post by: stoneyface on June 17, 2008, 04:34:15 pm
w00t! damn i look good.

Title: Re: =/\= ...And in this corner...
Post by: Akira_Commander567 on June 17, 2008, 08:15:21 pm
What in the world, what is it? Hell on Earth?
Title: Re: =/\= ...And in this corner...
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on June 18, 2008, 11:33:31 am
Did I mention that I ripped out a demon spine and now wearing it? *snickers evily*
Title: Re: =/\= ...And in this corner...
Post by: stoneyface on June 18, 2008, 07:41:55 pm
Title: Re: =/\= ...And in this corner...
Post by: Pestalence_XC on June 19, 2008, 08:58:35 am
What in the world, what is it? Hell on Earth?

It is a wonderful game that plays nicely on Vista and XP.. Hellgate: London.
Title: Re: =/\= ...And in this corner...
Post by: FA Frey XC on June 03, 2011, 11:39:58 pm
NECRO'ing this thread !!!!

