Taldrenites => Dynaverse 3 Experiences => Topic started by: GFL Offkey on September 14, 2007, 11:04:25 am
I tried to join in mp but access server is timing out. is it down?
Maint on Frigga(the server which the SFC3 directory servers are hosted), should be back up shortly
Frigga diidnt like the maintainance, access server connects but you cant see any servers
cabnt see the servers when I log on now
It appears that gamespy itself is down. I have another game that does multiplayer through gamespy, and I can't see any games in that one either.
OP is thru gamespy and you can get on op
i hade the same thing but i the server refresh button lit up and then hit refresh and the server list poped up
sorry that doesnt work for me, turned it on at 12 am and it worked fine, went to sleep for 3 hours, got up turned it on and the servers werent there again, hitting refresh does nothing. Is someone working on this? wished someone would say something.
Hi all,
I'm finally back online after problems with my ISP, graon.
Are the access servers down?
I am itching to destroy borgy again, hehe.
Worfy ;D
hey worfy try the legions at war dyna klinks are kicken butt. www.gfluniverse.net/downloads
hey worfy try the legions at war dyna klinks are kicken butt. www.gfluniverse.org in the downloads section
Hey GFL Offkey,
I tried to install the mod but is kinda like scattered the files around, any advice?
Remember i am a bit thick with this files thing, so be gentle, hehe.
I still cant resolve this 'stopping countdown at 30 seconds' for direct X on a new install, groan.
I think there must be a difference in the US and UK versions of SFC3 due to no 'sfc.ini' file on my version.
Anyway it stops before the NAT issues. groan.
Maybe ya could send me a copy of the sfc3.ini fille and i will try installing it, addy 'worfhonour@yahoo.co.uk'
Hopefully i'll be on your server soon GFL offkey, then i'll dominate the players, races and hexes, lol
Worfy :D
I hope that is not a too stupid seeming question, but it's the first time I play SFC3 online ;) so I've no idea how it should work just that something does not work :(
I can connect fine up to the point where I'm asked to login with my gamespy account. I created an account on gamespy just fine and can login via the stand alone program. Yet every time I log in I get the note 'unable to find specified account'
So I was wondering has that to do with this access server down thingy, or with me (aka do I do something wrong)?
The access server ids down
Hi Licenser,
Try logging straight into 'Gamespy' direct to ensure your account is activated.
If so try creating a new account in the log on screen for SFC3.
I usually create 2 accounts 1 using my Hotmail account and a 2nd using my 'Yahoo' account using different name and nickname.
You can force SFC3 to recognise you via the Uk version 'SFC3 configuration' file or US version the 'SFC3.ini file'.
In this file under the META section enter the relevant info.
It is just 3 sections you need to fill in if they are empty :-
Name, Password, Nickname.
Then add the line
Hope that helps,
Worfy ;D
Just in case someone can't find it, download from ftp://ftp.dynaverse.net/sfc3/Patches/sfc3_directory_server_updater.exe then it will connect to another access server.
I really wouldn't recommend the GFL patch for dynaverse. I just tried it and had to fight with my klingon brel fitted with 1 polaron torpedo against much better ships and disengage 3 times (first mission was against the best BB in the mod). Then there was mission with space creature that killed me while I was cloaked and I lost my ship and polaron toredo improvement. The mod just sucks.
Access servers are up and running! Thanks D.net
Access servers appear to be down right now. Any info on when they'll be ready to go?
Please check the General Forums and - our announcement frontpage - on scheduled downtime and outages.
Directory services should be back up in a bit.
The access server is down
First off I do take offense to what you posted. Here you are in a new ship with new officers. Did you really expect to win against a BB? Please. In the intruder alert or monster mission yes it can kill you.It is a bb class monster I can finish in a frigate if officers are leveled up. Our players use that mission to levelup officers and raise dv. how? you just fly out. Our mod is made to make the game more realistic and balanced and anyone without leveled officers and some skill expect to win in a bop against a bb had better fly stock game. I can guarantee you that if Our group retrained you how to fly your ship and play the game you wouldnt lose so easily. The game is supposed to be based on battle and if you think the monster was bad attack a frieghter convoy and watch the fleet of fighters escorting wipe you out. No one said it was easy but dont bash it because you lack the skill or training to play the game the way it was intended to be.
worfhonour email me with details at tljones@vcn.com and post on our forums www.gfluniverse.org and i can get you straightened out.
Offkey think you must have posted in the wrong section.
could someone check and reboot the server I havent been able to get on the Dyna for 2 days
I will take a peek and see what is going on.
Edit: Everything looked fine, but I gave it a restart just in case.