
Taldrenites => Dynaverse II Experiences => Topic started by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 04, 2007, 04:38:55 pm

Title: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 04, 2007, 04:38:55 pm
The Forge - The Hammer of Thor Campaign Server

Down Time Expected: Scraped

Running on latest build of the MySQL server.

Online Campaign Interface:
The Hammer of Thor Online Campaign Interface(OCI) (http://www.dynaverse.net/oci/index.php/cfg,forgecamp.html)

Installation Instructions(In this order)
1. Stock OP
2. 2552 patch (http://www.dynaverse.net/downloads/sfc2_op/patches/SFCOP_Patch_2500-2552.exe)
3. OP + 4.0 (http://www.dynaverse.net/downloads/sfc2_op/Mods/opplus_40_models.exe)
4. The Forge Scripts 1 (http://www.dynaverse.net/downloads/sfc2_Op/Scripts/TheForgeScripts.exe)
5. The Forge Scripts 2 (http://www.dynaverse.net/downloads/sfc2_Op/Scripts/TheForgeScript2.exe)


The Forge - The Hammer of Thor is the second in a series of "minicampaigns" hosted by Dynaverse.net and Xenocorp.

These campaigns are the pilot for our SQL based server kit, and will run until the VCs are met, the other side surrenders, or the other side is wiped out.    This server is running on beta builds of our SQL server kit.  The schedule for the server (outlined below) is to give our developers much needed data and a field test of the latest build.

Special Victory Conditions will be unique to each side.

PVP points will be awarded for the following:
BB - 10 points
CVA - 7 points
DN - 5 points
BCH - 2 points

-Please report your kills in the OCI interface. Be sure to have it screenshot-ed as well, even though this is a more of a "fun" server over a full campaign.

PvP Area
Although PvP is allowed in all hexes of the map, the CENTER (hexes with DV 15) will be most favorable to PvP in this map. Lower DV then the outside neutral barriers, each side will easily be able to reach eachother so that those who wish for PvP will not have to wait a while

Hex Flipper Area
Outside of the DV 15 hexes(above and below) is very high DV hexes specifically for hex flippers. With such high DV hex flippers will have to work together to quickly lower the DV of hexes, and quickly raise it as well. These 2 areas are designed to take a while to flip.

Inside your Territory:
Except for the first line of hexes, most remain at a low DV. They are easily flipable, so therefore be wary of the otherside, as if they break through the first line, then it will be hard to repel them.

Fleeting Rules
Capital ships may not fleet together.  Fleets may consist of no more than one Capital ship and two other ships.  All fleet are required to have a CA Command Cruiser if the fleet contains 3 ships(More then 1+ ships will allow the fleeting rule to apply).

Hex Ban
Disengagement - 20 turns
Destruction - 10 turns

"The Hammer"
Unique set of VC territories and Planets. Each will be unique to the other side, and if all are captured equals the destruction of the other side. All hexes that add to the completion of "The Hammer" VC must reach DV of at least 50% of the max DV before they count, and should they drop below it, then the VC will not count till it is back up to the DV requirement.

Other Notes
-Note this map has little in the way of planets or starbases compared to most maps, especially within the territories itself.
-The "Homeworld Ring" around each race that has economy CAN NOT BE ATTACKED until all other hexes of that race have been removed. Static Economy.
-The "Front Races" (Kzinti Hegemony and ISC) have the lowest econ while the races in the back of the map have the highest starting economy
-BB's will be available this time
-SFB shiplist and fighterlist
-Some new missions, and some updated missions are in thanks to Dave :)
-Have fun!
Title: Re: The Forge - (ToBeNamedSoon)
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 04, 2007, 07:36:16 pm
Working on getting it up now.. getting a small error server side Im trying to sort out, before I keep it up permanetly
Title: Re: The Forge - (ToBeNamedSoon)
Post by: Farfarer on September 04, 2007, 08:02:14 pm
Rarely, in the history of posting, has there been one so exploitable as a "double entendre", but I shall refrain lest I diminish your ardour, no, weaken the stiffness of your effort, no again, ummm, soften your penetrating perspicacity, no that's not right either...
Title: Re: The Forge - (ToBeNamedSoon)
Post by: FPF-Tobin Dax on September 04, 2007, 08:06:05 pm
Call it The Viagra Effect.    :angel:
Title: Re: The Forge - (ToBeNamedSoon)
Post by: Lear on September 04, 2007, 08:16:34 pm
it is up but I keep getting file errors
Title: Re: The Forge - (ToBeNamedSoon)
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 04, 2007, 08:19:22 pm
You've updated your install with the new missions and shiplist right?

EDIT: I see ternado managed to log in
Title: Re: The Forge - (ToBeNamedSoon)
Post by: Ternado on September 04, 2007, 08:31:20 pm
But I havn't updated yet..d/n new scripts now.
Title: Re: The Forge - (ToBeNamedSoon)
Post by: Lear on September 04, 2007, 08:32:59 pm
yes already did
Title: Re: The Forge - (ToBeNamedSoon)
Post by: Lear on September 04, 2007, 08:34:58 pm
error in fighter.txt, and a bunch of ed missions
Title: Re: The Forge - (ToBeNamedSoon)
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 04, 2007, 08:37:39 pm
yes, Im working on it now.. we might have to stay with the original shiplist and fighterlist.. working on it now
Title: Re: The Forge - (ToBeNamedSoon)
Post by: Lear on September 04, 2007, 08:41:18 pm
errors in,
Title: Re: The Forge - (ToBeNamedSoon)
Post by: Lear on September 04, 2007, 08:42:26 pm
just trying to be helpful take your time./
Title: Re: The Forge - (ToBeNamedSoon)
Post by: KBFLordKrueg on September 04, 2007, 08:42:33 pm
errors in,

Yeah, same here... :(
Title: Re: The Forge - (ToBeNamedSoon)
Post by: KBFLordKrueg on September 04, 2007, 08:43:24 pm
just trying to be helpful take your time./

Agreed...if you need another day to make it work, no problem.
It's not like we've got 25 guys waiting on ya... ;)
Title: Re: The Forge - (ToBeNamedSoon)
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 04, 2007, 08:46:24 pm
Im thinking it is not liking the number of missions in the scripts folder even though severl of those arent enabled in the server kit..Im going to go through and clean up the mission files..
I could use an extra day, as Im not sure how long this will take to do.. I will put up the Forge while you guys wait on me(old shiplist and scripts, not the new ones).
Sorry for this.. I so was not expecting it to not detect all the new missions. >:(
Title: Re: The Forge - (ToBeNamedSoon)
Post by: KBFLordKrueg on September 04, 2007, 08:50:25 pm
NP, man.
I did just check, I do have the SFB shiplist installed.
Not sure about the missions, too many to look thru.
It might be even better to take a few days and shoot for a Fri start, if for no other reason it'll give us time to spread the word.  ;D
Title: Re: The Forge - (ToBeNamedSoon)
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 04, 2007, 08:53:10 pm
Sounds good.. its been a while since the main Forge has been up, so use the time to enjoy yourselves on that. I'll work on this, and consult with Braxton to get this working ASAP.
Title: Re: The Forge - (ToBeNamedSoon)
Post by: KBFLordKrueg on September 05, 2007, 03:05:20 pm
Just a on-a-whim suggestion.

The shape of the map reminds me of the symbol of Thors Hammer from the StarGate series...

Maybe name the campaign "Thor's Hammer" or something...?

Thor's Anvil...?

Title: Re: The Forge - (ToBeNamedSoon)
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 05, 2007, 03:28:19 pm
Actually you know that would be most appropiate since its also running on the server Thor :D .. its been a while since I saw Thor's hammer episode, but it does somewhat look like it :)
Title: Re: The Forge - (ToBeNamedSoon)
Post by: KBFLordKrueg on September 05, 2007, 03:34:08 pm
Actually you know that would be most appropiate since its also running on the server Thor :D .. its been a while since I saw Thor's hammer episode, but it does somewhat look like it :)

Especially after a few beers thru tired, squinty eyes... :P
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 05, 2007, 03:35:55 pm
Update: Gah! It does wonders to get some sleep at night :D .. now I just opened up the server kit for The Hammer of Thor, and bam! I realized what the problem was right away..
Good News: Im gonna run a private test tonight with the new scripts, and Im reasonably certain that it will run correctly, and if it does, it goes up without a hitch on Friday.
I'll post all the rules and VCs on Thurs.

No bad news as of yet ;D
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Ternado on September 05, 2007, 06:29:23 pm
any chance of making black holes and homeworlds like the first run stargate hexes...too bases in the last run in my opinion.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 05, 2007, 08:07:51 pm
^^Perhaps.. I havent looked into the black hole/homeworld gate code yet..

OK, the Hammer of Thor is running, and my DSL modem is being evil and wont let me into the directory servers despite having the ports forwarded.. can 1 person please on their default Forge install(with TheForgeScripts.exe) and run the new scripts(TheForgeScripts2.exe) and try to log in once? I just need to make sure that its validating the files correctly this time, then I'll shut it down to preform and final tweaks necessary.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: [KBF]MuadDib on September 05, 2007, 08:51:23 pm
^^Perhaps.. I havent looked into the black hole/homeworld gate code yet..

OK, the Hammer of Thor is running, and my DSL modem is being evil and wont let me into the directory servers despite having the ports forwarded.. can 1 person please on their default Forge install(with TheForgeScripts.exe) and run the new scripts(TheForgeScripts2.exe) and try to log in once? I just need to make sure that its validating the files correctly this time, then I'll shut it down to preform and final tweaks necessary.

done...  8)

logged in np...
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 05, 2007, 08:52:47 pm
Excellent :) .. I saw you log in viewing the Server Platform and got no errors showing up either, so we shall proceed on schedule :D

RMs: Prepare your sides for battle  8)
Friday: 8:30EST PM Launch.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: [KBF]MuadDib on September 05, 2007, 08:55:56 pm
Excellent :) .. I saw you log in viewing the Server Platform and got no errors showing up either, so we shall proceed on schedule :D
An Error Has Occurred!
Sorry, you can't repeat a karma action without waiting 12 hours. 
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Fox on September 05, 2007, 09:45:32 pm
Hey Guys

Not sure if anyone remember this is XTF_Fox. I been trying to get back into playing SFC. I was able to find my SFC 2 EAW CD and CD Key. I couldn't find my CD Jewel Case for OP. I have one more chance on finding my CD key at my work computer Register. Hopefully it still there and hasn't been formatted. :'( wish me luck !
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: KBFLordKrueg on September 06, 2007, 09:37:17 am
Hey Guys

Not sure if anyone remember this is XTF_Fox. I been trying to get back into playing SFC. I was able to find my SFC 2 EAW CD and CD Key. I couldn't find my CD Jewel Case for OP. I have one more chance on finding my CD key at my work computer Register. Hopefully it still there and hasn't been formatted. :'( wish me luck !

Check your PMs and remember to sign up for the Forge Coalition Forums found here:


You do need to register on sfc2net first if you havn't already. Then use the "usergroups" option at the top to request access to the group "forgec".
Cya there, sir.  ;)
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Fox on September 06, 2007, 01:43:29 pm
Have a question what is OP+ 4.0 ? is it a patch if so where do I find it?
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: KBFLordKrueg on September 06, 2007, 03:00:10 pm
Have a question what is OP+ 4.0 ? is it a patch if so where do I find it?

Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 06, 2007, 03:00:38 pm
In order not to confuse anyone, the first post has been edited to include the full summary of The Forge - Hammer of Thor. Refer back to post 1 for a full report on links, rules and the status of the server
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: KBFLordKrueg on September 06, 2007, 05:06:55 pm
About Capitol ships...
CVA=DN hulls only?
Ships with 14 or more fighters?
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: [KBF]MuadDib on September 06, 2007, 06:19:13 pm
is there any way to move the Rules post onto the first page in the first post?
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: [KBF]MuadDib on September 06, 2007, 06:25:33 pm
oh and if your ready to roll...throw it up tonight for a little fun before the real start...

maybe i can get some mission testing in and possibly weed out any that malfuntion in one way or another before tomorrow...
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 06, 2007, 07:09:27 pm
is there any way to move the Rules post onto the first page in the first post?
Done :)

oh and if your ready to roll...throw it up tonight for a little fun before the real start...

maybe i can get some mission testing in and possibly weed out any that malfuntion in one way or another before tomorrow...
and done. Server tables will be reset tomorrow at 8:30 EST PM signaling the begining of the official kickoff :)

About Capitol ships...
CVA=DN hulls only?
Ships with 14 or more fighters?
Ships with 14+ fighters
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: [KBF]MuadDib on September 06, 2007, 07:43:12 pm
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Fox on September 06, 2007, 08:05:57 pm
Okay this is my first time trying to login. I have download and install all files. How do you actually login to the server guys. Are we still using the Dynaverse login?

Sorry just not sure how to get on.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 06, 2007, 08:07:02 pm
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Fox on September 06, 2007, 08:43:03 pm

SFHQ, I can login. Every mission I go into the I get the UI but the Ship and playing field is Black. I can adjust Power speed everything. But can't see any ships or space. After awhie I crash to the desktop with no error.

I hope there a fix for this.

I'm using Windows XP (home Edition) my Screen Settign are set to Wide screen 1680 X 1050 32 Highest

Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 06, 2007, 08:45:18 pm
ahhh, that sounds more like a graphics error to me then anything, but about the crashing to the desktop, does an event show in the Event Viewer about it?
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Fox on September 06, 2007, 08:49:48 pm
Any setting I should use

I have a NVIDIA GeForce 6200 A-LE
Driver Version: 6.14.0010.9147 (English)

I get into the mission it just the area where the ships are suppose to be it all Black. The rest of the interface are there.

Any advice
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Fox on September 06, 2007, 09:32:52 pm
It also happens on the Single player camp.

I notice that I do get the play area to come up for a second then it all turn blacks

Here is my instal order

Installation Instructions(In this order)
1. Stock OP
2. 2552 patch
3. OP + 4.0
4. The Forge Scripts 1
5. The Forge Scripts 2

After I installed the Server connection patch

Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: [KBF]MuadDib on September 06, 2007, 10:14:05 pm

SFHQ, I can login. Every mission I go into the I get the UI but the Ship and playing field is Black. I can adjust Power speed everything. But can't see any ships or space. After awhie I crash to the desktop with no error.

I hope there a fix for this.

I'm using Windows XP (home Edition) my Screen Settign are set to Wide screen 1680 X 1050 32 Highest

have you tried another screen setting?
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: KBF Soth on September 06, 2007, 10:18:50 pm
Logged on to Thor as hydran got a H-CAV loaded it up and took a mission.Went to launch fighters and nothin happened,checked bay no fighters.Was pretty sure I bought the fighters so got 14 more and launched another mission.Checked bay again ...no fighters.Tried a fed carrier same thing, purchase fighters  but none show  in mission but empties your bays to 0 fighters... >:(
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Fox on September 06, 2007, 10:20:18 pm
I just reinstalling the game.

And Checking by running a single player camp to make sure it work

I just check with OP Stock and patch 2552 and so far so good.

I'm downloading The OP Model 4.0 and going to run this next

(I'll let u know soon)

I think it was the OP MODEL which was the problem. (I may have downloaded the wrong on)
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 06, 2007, 11:02:16 pm
Logged on to Thor as hydran got a H-CAV loaded it up and took a mission.Went to launch fighters and nothin happened,checked bay no fighters.Was pretty sure I bought the fighters so got 14 more and launched another mission.Checked bay again ...no fighters.Tried a fed carrier same thing, purchase fighters  but none show  in mission but empties your bays to 0 fighters... >:(
Thx for letting me know. Will fix tomorrow after I get back.
More then likely it'll require a slightly amended version of TheForgeScripts2, so be on the lookout.. I will be sure to let you guys know if I do.. fairly sure I know what the prob is, you wont need to reinstall or anything, so look for something about it tomorrow if Im right :)
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: koghemah on September 07, 2007, 01:56:41 am
every time i run a mission it starts an instantly says mission incompleat?
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Farfarer on September 07, 2007, 08:46:46 am
Four of us ran many missions last night without a hitch.  No carriers though, so I can't comment on the report of a fighter bug.  The AI had no problem launching fighters.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: KBFLordKrueg on September 07, 2007, 09:46:27 am
Four of us ran many missions last night without a hitch.  No carriers though, so I can't comment on the report of a fighter bug.  The AI had no problem launching fighters.

what he said... ;D
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 07, 2007, 12:06:33 pm
Four of us ran many missions last night without a hitch. No carriers though, so I can't comment on the report of a fighter bug. The AI had no problem launching fighters.
Good to know, but I still will fix the fighters.. so check before you log on again at 8:30PM EST to be sure I havent updated the .exe .. I will be taking a look at in about 1 and a half hours or so :)
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: marstone on September 07, 2007, 12:50:10 pm
I just tried a fighter mission, was just as was told earlier.  Entered fight, had no fighters on my ship.

Also the fighter list given isn't the SFB fighter list, it had the Jay fighters and such for the Feds, not F-4, F-8, A-10 etc of SFB.  Not a big deal, but I still don't know what a Jay carries.  (I keep a fighter list pulled up so I know what fighters to buy).
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: marstone on September 07, 2007, 02:17:51 pm
okay a silly question I should know the answer to.  The Shiplist and fighter list for online games is in what directory?

is it starfleet command orion pirates\Assets\Specs?

and what is the directory for the local game one?  Things just don't seem to match up right.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 07, 2007, 02:59:49 pm
Updated TheForgeScripts2(now 15.5MB instead of 10MB) to include some additional files. Please redownload it if you have downloaded the previous version and have it installed. You wont need to uninstall or anything, just run it over your current install of the Forge.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 07, 2007, 04:09:30 pm
Some notes before we start tonight:
Server Wise:
-Keep in mind we have, in this mini-campaign, completely switched shiplists and fighter lists to SFB
-The number of mission possibilities is now basically double of the orig Forge, so do expect some of the new missions to possibly be bugged. If so, just report here, and if its a major thing I will pull the mission from the selection list.
-As this is the latest build of the SQL server, we need as many people as we can possibly to get on, preferably the same or more in numbers of a full fledged campaign! When it crashed due to player load we get some good data on how to improve the code.. so get on! :D
-I do expect bugs to pop up, weird anomalies to appear, so if you spot anything please post it here.. :)
-If the server does crash at all, or requires a reboot to get rid of ghosted players, please PM Me, Braxton, or Frey.
Player Wise:
Please try to keep even numbers on each side.. gets things much more interesting :)
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: marstone on September 07, 2007, 05:17:32 pm
I downloaded the new forge pack, installed it, played a game.  Still no fighters on the Carriers.  Also still seeing the Jay fighters for the feds.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: KBFLordKrueg on September 07, 2007, 05:34:28 pm
I downloaded the new forge pack, installed it, played a game.  Still no fighters on the Carriers.  Also still seeing the Jay fighters for the feds.

As a test I bought a Klingon carrier and, poof, no fighters seen after launch.
Something's not right.
I think we should fix it before we launch the campaign, just in case... ;)
But, since we all have the same issue, I'll bet it turns out to be something simple.
Model Pointers maybe...?
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 07, 2007, 06:43:40 pm
OK, umm can someone send me a copy of the SFB fighterlist(not the one that you have in the Forge install, but a independent copy), and shiplist to be safe .. there is a chance mine I have was corrupt, though I severely doubt it since I haven't touched it..
this is rather puzzling since in looking just say at the hydran Stinger 2..

and that file is there.. right where its supposed to be.. <_<

Send it to my e-mail in my profile please.. we need to eliminate me as the culprit here just to be safe. Puzzling indeed.. I'll keep the dry run up for now, and what I will do is when we get this fixed, I will manually redo the map to reflect the progress you guys have made in it, so head towards your VCs for now, your progress will be saved :)
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: marstone on September 07, 2007, 06:46:28 pm
  Is it possible that the Forge server has a different version of the fighter list, it not checking if we have the same one, thus when the information is passed off to the game, we don't have the data for the fighter that is suppose to be on the carrier so the game deletes them?

Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: KBFLordKrueg on September 07, 2007, 06:55:57 pm
OK, umm can someone send me a copy of the SFB fighterlist(not the one that you have in the Forge install, but a independent copy), and shiplist to be safe .. there is a chance mine I have was corrupt, though I severely doubt it since I haven't touched it..
this is rather puzzling since in looking just say at the hydran Stinger 2..

and that file is there.. right where its supposed to be.. <_<

Send it to my e-mail in my profile please.. we need to eliminate me as the culprit here just to be safe. Puzzling indeed.. I'll keep the dry run up for now, and what I will do is when we get this fixed, I will manually redo the map to reflect the progress you guys have made in it, so head towards your VCs for now, your progress will be saved :)

It just clicked...it's using the OP+4.0 models instead of the SFB ones.
The Klingon carrier I had had the OP+4.0 ones available only.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 07, 2007, 06:57:00 pm
Is it possible that the Forge server has a different version of the fighter list, it not checking if we have the same one, thus when the information is passed off to the game, we don't have the data for the fighter that is suppose to be on the carrier so the game deletes them?
no, since the game validates that file with your install.. if it mismatches you get an error.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: marstone on September 07, 2007, 07:02:21 pm
I understand that, just a devils advicate's question.  Mainly being, is the fighterlist in the validate area, or was it missed.

I figure it would be right, but heck, a double check couldn't hurt.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 07, 2007, 07:04:16 pm
Re pasted all the files in the serverkit, so if there was any mismatch it should be gone now, so give it a try, but I do doubt it since I get the same thing in SP

reseting tables as well, so that everything will rewrite should there had been something wrong in the kit in the first place.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: KBFLordKrueg on September 07, 2007, 07:11:51 pm
No joy.
but, again I notice the only choices for fighters are the OP+4.0 ones, none of the SFB fighters are there.
I think the serverside list is fine, it's clientside.
I suspect the installer put together has the wrong list, that's all.
Understandably, it'll require at least a small download, right?
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 07, 2007, 07:12:58 pm
yep, I thought it would be client side as well when it didnt work in SP.. looking through the lists and files now
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: KBFLordKrueg on September 07, 2007, 07:14:55 pm
yep, I thought it would be client side as well when it didnt work in SP.. looking through the lists and files now

Well, I shopuld have done it sooner but didn't.
Opened the fighterlist and it shows the dang SFB fighters there.  :huh:
I have no friggin idea...
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 07, 2007, 07:22:35 pm
Yeess, one of the ftrlist locations didnt compile on the .exe.. I have it fixed on my machine, so I'll throw up a quick .exe to fix this, and tomorrow, I will alter the big ForgeScripts2.exe to have it rectified without having to DL 3 files. Give me 10 mins to put it up
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: [KBF]MuadDib on September 07, 2007, 07:24:04 pm
there are still ships in the yard that give a blank screen when trying to look at the model...
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: KBFLordKrueg on September 07, 2007, 07:24:31 pm
Yeess, one of the ftrlist locations didnt compile on the .exe.. I have it fixed on my machine, so I'll throw up a quick .exe to fix this, and tomorrow, I will alter the big ForgeScripts2.exe to have it rectified without having to DL 3 files. Give me 10 mins to put it up

Good deal, NP.
It'll give me time walk the beast... ;D
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: [KBF]MuadDib on September 07, 2007, 07:25:23 pm
Yeess, one of the ftrlist locations didnt compile on the .exe.. I have it fixed on my machine, so I'll throw up a quick .exe to fix this, and tomorrow, I will alter the big ForgeScripts2.exe to have it rectified without having to DL 3 files. Give me 10 mins to put it up

sweet...as im sure the hydran wanted to have some kind of fighters...if not the SFB ones...
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: marstone on September 07, 2007, 07:29:56 pm
what all locations is the ftrlist suppose to be located in the game?
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 07, 2007, 07:37:52 pm
Just do a search in your root OP directory for "ftrlist.txt"
but anyways..

Will bring the server down in 10 mins, we shall start at 9PM.. so only 30 mins late :) ... unless you guys find any other major probs, but post here if you do.. I shall refresh this page continuously till 9
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: [KBF]MuadDib on September 07, 2007, 07:44:35 pm
Just do a search in your root OP directory for "ftrlist.txt"
but anyways..

Will bring the server down in 10 mins, we shall start at 9PM.. so only 30 mins late :) ... unless you guys find any other major probs, but post here if you do.. I shall refresh this page continuously till 9

does it take a reset to get the fighters working?

d/l and installed the new executable...logged on...still got reg fighters...launched into mission and no fighters...
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 07, 2007, 07:46:17 pm
Which fighters are you taking? I just tested on SP, and I tested with H-St-2, and some Fed fighters, and they all worked
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: [KBF]MuadDib on September 07, 2007, 07:47:24 pm
Which fighters are you taking? I just tested on SP, and I tested with H-St-2, and some Fed fighters, and they all worked

logged in as hydran...didnt see any of the SFB as choices...only hornet yellow jacket etc...
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 07, 2007, 07:48:20 pm
I will try a reset of the tables then.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: marstone on September 07, 2007, 07:49:44 pm
same here had fighters in a mission but they were sfc ones
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: KBFLordKrueg on September 07, 2007, 07:56:13 pm
well, I fubared something, now I can't even log in, gives bad fighterlists error...*sigh*
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 07, 2007, 08:06:16 pm
Server reset. Talked to Dib on TS and were good to go.. he logged in perfectly and Were good to go. Fighters are good. Be sure you have run the FighterFix!!

Campaign Officially launched
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: KBFLordKrueg on September 07, 2007, 09:52:30 pm
TheMetDizzyAssault closes as soon as the mission loads. Probably need to pull it serverside.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FPF-Thrain on September 07, 2007, 10:34:05 pm
would it be possible to move the fighter fix link to item 6 of the instructions on page 1 to make  a tad easier to locate? I'd hate to lose some one who may be a wee more impatient than I am when it comes to locating all the files....I want all the old guys to have it easy.....and I be one of them! lol
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 07, 2007, 10:57:43 pm
would it be possible to move the fighter fix link to item 6 of the instructions on page 1 to make a tad easier to locate? I'd hate to lose some one who may be a wee more impatient than I am when it comes to locating all the files....I want all the old guys to have it easy.....and I be one of them! lol
Tomorrow Im gonna make i am gonna update TheForgeScripts2.exe with the fighter fix, so new users can just DL those 2 files, but its late tonight which is why I'll wait till I get up tomorrow.
TheMetDizzyAssault closes as soon as the mission loads. Probably need to pull it serverside.
ok, will do in the morning.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: KBF Soth on September 08, 2007, 12:20:36 am
no gorn ships in dockyard but can still be bought at OCI.You can also resup had no other problems yet. I like that  the ai try to to cap  but some of those 3v1 with them gets a little harsh but still very do-able .Nice job so far guys.Kudos to Dave.Oh. I think for the numbers the dv 100 is a bit much 50 wouild have been better I think.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: [KBF]MuadDib on September 08, 2007, 06:43:24 am
The Met_DizzyAssault closes as soon as the mission loads. Probably need to pull it serverside.

MET_DizzyHvyAssault too
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FPF-Thrain on September 08, 2007, 07:17:35 am
I have tried to dl the second forge scripts pack half a dozen times and I keep getting an error saying the file contains invalid data. Anybody else having this problem show up?
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: NuclearWessels on September 08, 2007, 07:42:57 am
The Met_DizzyAssault closes as soon as the mission loads. Probably need to pull it serverside.

MET_DizzyHvyAssault too

Can't remember if the Dizzy missions had any special shiplist requirements or not (that would explain the instant-close) but I'll go through the mission list posted in the QA forum and see if there are others that may be a concern

Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: KBFLordKrueg on September 08, 2007, 10:36:00 am
I have tried to dl the second forge scripts pack half a dozen times and I keep getting an error saying the file contains invalid data. Anybody else having this problem show up?

How are we ever going to answer your challenge if you don't show up...?  :P
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FPF-Thrain on September 08, 2007, 12:01:10 pm
trying the dl by another method. I'll have an answer in a sec. I think DAP was the problem.

Krueg you just have your folks line up with thier clocks in hand. I'll have my q-tips and alchohol ready, lol.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 08, 2007, 12:11:24 pm
Several missions pulled serverside, and now server is back up from a reboot :)

EDIT: A few of those map errors(the few neutral hexes with Econ) and plantes in Nebs have been removed, but the way the map editor works, you need to run a mission in those hexes to show up when you view the map inside the game.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: KBFKaz on September 08, 2007, 07:48:02 pm
Will need to do an edit on the OCI Kills area. I posted a kill that wasnt worth any points. I thought specialty ships like NCD+ were worth points. Sry bout that. :)
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Dfly on September 09, 2007, 09:29:55 am
While attempting to connect to the campaign, I logged in with no problems.  I joined a race, put in a simple name, and tried to join that race.  I received a message stating there was "an unknown error while logging on" .  I backed out, relogged to dyna but it wont log me into dyna now.  Any suggestions?

amendment:  It appears I have logged on as Gorn on the OCI interface.  Perhaps I got ghosted as the game never started when I tried that.??
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: KBFLordKrueg on September 09, 2007, 09:49:28 am
While attempting to connect to the campaign, I logged in with no problems.  I joined a race, put in a simple name, and tried to join that race.  I received a message stating there was "an unknown error while logging on" .  I backed out, relogged to dyna but it wont log me into dyna now.  Any suggestions?

amendment:  It appears I have logged on as Gorn on the OCI interface.  Perhaps I got ghosted as the game never started when I tried that.??

Gorn..?!?  >:(
I don't see you showing as longged in tho, just listed in the roster.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FPF-Thrain on September 09, 2007, 09:50:07 am
I had that happen on the last incarnation of The Forge. I wound up having to create a new account. I think your idea on the ghosting is probobly right as the is what happened to me prior to experiencing the same symptom.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Dfly on September 09, 2007, 09:54:10 am
Ya Krueg,  GORN.  I had done that prior to reading the private message lol.

Any chance of just getting that Gorn one erased?
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Dfly on September 09, 2007, 09:58:53 am
I had that happen on the last incarnation of The Forge. I wound up having to create a new account. I think your idea on the ghosting is probobly right as the is what happened to me prior to experiencing the same symptom.

How did you manage to create a new account?  I cant even seem to do that.  Strike that, I have found another of my accounts and tried logging in with that.  I got logged into dyna, tried to join Thor, and instead of getting in I still get the full coundown.

I got in now, and I think I know why I did not before, and maybe others have had problems.  I shut down the OCI .  Perhaps it keeps you logged in with that and you cannot change accounts and get back in while you are on that site.  I am in now with my secondary account.

Anyone mind if that Gorn account is there?  I wont use it, unless there seems a real blowout and I feel switching sides is valid at that time.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 09, 2007, 12:12:33 pm
I had that happen on the last incarnation of The Forge. I wound up having to create a new account. I think your idea on the ghosting is probobly right as the is what happened to me prior to experiencing the same symptom.

How did you manage to create a new account?  I cant even seem to do that.  Strike that, I have found another of my accounts and tried logging in with that.  I got logged into dyna, tried to join Thor, and instead of getting in I still get the full coundown.

I got in now, and I think I know why I did not before, and maybe others have had problems. I shut down the OCI . Perhaps it keeps you logged in with that and you cannot change accounts and get back in while you are on that site. I am in now with my secondary account.

Anyone mind if that Gorn account is there? I wont use it, unless there seems a real blowout and I feel switching sides is valid at that time.
OCI wont like it if your using any of the controls in Player Controls while you attempt to log in, but if your like viewing the OCI General Info functions, then It shouldnt .
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: KBF Soth on September 09, 2007, 09:36:47 pm
I'm sorry but I gotta push for a hvy iron rule
2 BB
3 DN
and a light cruiser
a little excessive considering there is only 3 of us on
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Mazeppa on September 09, 2007, 10:37:22 pm
Fleeting Rules
Capital ships may not fleet together.  Fleets may consist of no more than one Capital ship and two other ships.  All fleet are required to have a CA Command Cruiser if the fleet contains 3 ships.

I had a B10 and a D5D, and bought a D5K, I think.  I had read the rules, but failed to properly process the term "CA Command Cruiser", thinking that the B10 was an appropriate command ship. Lord K reminded me of the rule on fleets.

 I sold the D5K and bought a D5L, which I hope counts as a Ca command ship. 

Pray, what is the rationale in requiring a Ca command Cruiser when a BB is involved in the fleet? 

I'll comply, of course, and i don't have a problem with the rule, but just want to know why the distinction. 

Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: marstone on September 09, 2007, 10:51:45 pm
Fleeting Rules
Capital ships may not fleet together.  Fleets may consist of no more than one Capital ship and two other ships.  All fleet are required to have a CA Command Cruiser if the fleet contains 3 ships.

I had a B10 and a D5D, and bought a D5K, I think.  I had read the rules, but failed to properly process the term "CA Command Cruiser", thinking that the B10 was an appropriate command ship. Lord K reminded me of the rule on fleets.

 I sold the D5K and bought a D5L, which I hope counts as a Ca command ship. 

Pray, what is the rationale in requiring a Ca command Cruiser when a BB is involved in the fleet? 

I'll comply, of course, and i don't have a problem with the rule, but just want to know why the distinction. 


I'll agree, I would read it as a CA command ship or larger is needed.   

But wouldn't any command ship work for it's size and smaller.  A frigate wing of two frigates and a frigate leader should be alright, as you still have a true command ship, alabit a small one.  But I can live with the need for a hull size 3 or 2 command ship for a three ship fleet, sounds reasonable.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: marstone on September 09, 2007, 10:54:34 pm
A side question, I was told before when I was flying two ships in the Frag game that it is an understood rule that you only fly one ship.  But I see a few that fly two or three.  What is the rule on this.  I prefer the single ship myself, but sometimes when you have a big target it is nice to have a few to back yourself up with. 

Just wondering.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: marstone on September 10, 2007, 02:20:19 am
okay have to throw one more out there.  Who made the SFB ship and fighter lists.   Some of the entry dates for ships and fighters are way off.  The Klinks have the B10 but the Feds do not have the BCG that came out 18 years before the B10.  The Fed CB was 20 years before the B10. But it has a few years to go yet.

I am slowly going through a list and trying to get them to match up with the years in SFB and the ship systems also (they have been off alot).  But the ship and fighter list being used is a good start.  (lots of questions on this ship edit program and how SFC does things in general, but slowly learning it.)
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: C-Los on September 10, 2007, 10:09:56 am
Mission Problem ........

Met ED10Patrol Enemy  ....  Start of mission went straight to incomplete and Forfeit


So far though having a "Great Time"     TY      :notworthy:
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: KBFLordKrueg on September 10, 2007, 11:01:16 am
Fleeting Rules
Capital ships may not fleet together.  Fleets may consist of no more than one Capital ship and two other ships.  All fleet are required to have a CA Command Cruiser if the fleet contains 3 ships.

I had a B10 and a D5D, and bought a D5K, I think.  I had read the rules, but failed to properly process the term "CA Command Cruiser", thinking that the B10 was an appropriate command ship. Lord K reminded me of the rule on fleets.

 I sold the D5K and bought a D5L, which I hope counts as a Ca command ship. 

Pray, what is the rationale in requiring a Ca command Cruiser when a BB is involved in the fleet? 

I'll comply, of course, and i don't have a problem with the rule, but just want to know why the distinction. 


Fleeting Rules
Capital ships may not fleet together.  Fleets may consist of no more than one Capital ship and two other ships.  All fleet are required to have a CA Command Cruiser if the fleet contains 3 ships.

My bad, I did say just a command criuser of some type.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: KBFLordKrueg on September 10, 2007, 11:07:22 am
okay have to throw one more out there.  Who made the SFB ship and fighter lists.   Some of the entry dates for ships and fighters are way off.  The Klinks have the B10 but the Feds do not have the BCG that came out 18 years before the B10.  The Fed CB was 20 years before the B10. But it has a few years to go yet.

I am slowly going through a list and trying to get them to match up with the years in SFB and the ship systems also (they have been off alot).  But the ship and fighter list being used is a good start.  (lots of questions on this ship edit program and how SFC does things in general, but slowly learning it.)

The B-10 has always come out in 2273, it was the first BB built period.
And in SFC, the CB and BCG have always come out a couple years later.
All the other races get their BBs in 2275 and the B10K comes out in 2275.
The B11K comes out just after that.
I believe DH put it all together, using SFB material as background.
And you'll find not EVERYTHING is EXACTLY like it was in SFB.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: NuclearWessels on September 10, 2007, 11:25:21 am
Mission Problem ........

Met ED10Patrol Enemy  ....  Start of mission went straight to incomplete and Forfeit


So far though having a "Great Time"     TY      :notworthy:

This almost always means it was having trouble generating an opponent it thinks is in a suitable bpv range ... for ED10 that could be either the  ally AI, the enemy AI, or a third party pirate/monster/freighter. (It probably means I've got one of the ranges set a little too tightly given the current year and shiplist.)

Could I ask which race/ship you (or whoever did the drafting) was flying and in which hex?   

Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: C-Los on September 10, 2007, 06:45:42 pm
Hex 14.15 .... at that time it was a Hydran hex and I was Flying a Barron to boost the hex just me in mission.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: [KBF]MuadDib on September 10, 2007, 09:34:08 pm
Fleeting Rules
Capital ships may not fleet together.  Fleets may consist of no more than one Capital ship and two other ships.  All fleet are required to have a CA Command Cruiser if the fleet contains 3 ships.

I had a B10 and a D5D, and bought a D5K, I think.  I had read the rules, but failed to properly process the term "CA Command Cruiser", thinking that the B10 was an appropriate command ship. Lord K reminded me of the rule on fleets.

 I sold the D5K and bought a D5L, which I hope counts as a Ca command ship. 

Pray, what is the rationale in requiring a Ca command Cruiser when a BB is involved in the fleet? 

I'll comply, of course, and i don't have a problem with the rule, but just want to know why the distinction. 


hey maz...until a 1 ship per person rule is specific...as long as you dont have a live wing...dont see how the 3 ships if legal...should be a problem...

i kind of wondered about the race/ship ur flying too as i tend to fly them all at one point or another...and really want to be in whatever slot is closest for resup...ive always wondered why it should be a problem when realistically you would be able to get some sort of supplies if not all...at an allied resup point...whether it be planet or base...but you cannot supply there unless your in that slot...definetly one of the features i enjoy with the OCI...
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: marstone on September 10, 2007, 11:38:22 pm
The B-10 has always come out in 2273, it was the first BB built period.
And in SFC, the CB and BCG have always come out a couple years later.
All the other races get their BBs in 2275 and the B10K comes out in 2275.
The B11K comes out just after that.
I believe DH put it all together, using SFB material as background.
And you'll find not EVERYTHING is EXACTLY like it was in SFB.

I understand not erverything will be the same, just that when the release date of stronger ships for the other races are slowed down, the B10 becomes a stronger ship as there is nothing close to it in the game.  (I have always played that the Klingons are the only race to get a BB as the others are conjectural).  Will just plan the for the best.  (no real complaint's, enjoying the server).
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Mazeppa on September 11, 2007, 12:57:34 am
Fleeting Rules
Capital ships may not fleet together.  Fleets may consist of no more than one Capital ship and two other ships.  All fleet are required to have a CA Command Cruiser if the fleet contains 3 ships.

I had a B10 and a D5D, and bought a D5K, I think.  I had read the rules, but failed to properly process the term "CA Command Cruiser", thinking that the B10 was an appropriate command ship. Lord K reminded me of the rule on fleets.

 I sold the D5K and bought a D5L, which I hope counts as a Ca command ship. 

Pray, what is the rationale in requiring a Ca command Cruiser when a BB is involved in the fleet? 

I'll comply, of course, and i don't have a problem with the rule, but just want to know why the distinction. 


hey maz...until a 1 ship per person rule is specific...as long as you dont have a live wing...dont see how the 3 ships if legal...should be a problem...

i kind of wondered about the race/ship ur flying too as i tend to fly them all at one point or another...and really want to be in whatever slot is closest for resup...ive always wondered why it should be a problem when realistically you would be able to get some sort of supplies if not all...at an allied resup point...whether it be planet or base...but you cannot supply there unless your in that slot...definetly one of the features i enjoy with the OCI...

Dib, I was Klink at the time. 

And three ships is really a bother to fly.  The AI uses up consummables like they were free.  I decided to get rid of the droner, it's just too expensive.  I might go with two ships, but three is just too hard, and cuts down on mission times if you are not hunting. 
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 11, 2007, 07:07:20 pm
My apologies for not being on the Forge with all you yet, currently my ZyXEL P-660R modem is deciding to disobey my port forwarding rules(thus I get that wonderful Firewall message when logging into D2), and since Ive had it with this modem, Im jumping through ISP hoops right now, even though Im talking to tier 2 support about getting a new modem *sighs* :( .. from looking at the map though, glad the rest of you seem to be having fun and some intense battles going on in that center area :D , and feel free to PM me or if Im on TS come down to ask me a question.. :)
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: [KBF]MuadDib on September 11, 2007, 07:41:04 pm

mission ends after load and going to warp...

was flying F-CVA+ in fed slot both times...

2273.933 and .940

earned 50 prestige both times...both times said devastating defeat...

didnt notice if the first time i got a shift in my favor...but the 2nd time i did...

another one to yank...
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: NuclearWessels on September 11, 2007, 08:10:33 pm
OK, I found out what is happening with the closing missions -- ED6 and ED10 both generate monsters from time to time, but this shiplist is missing some of the standard ones:  M-AMS, M-AMM, M-LCS, and M-LCM at least. 

When the script tries to generate one of these, the game can't find a definition for them and shuts the mission down.  (We haven't run a server without those monsters in so long that it took me awhile to realize what was taking place, sorry 'bout that.)

Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Bonk on September 12, 2007, 12:14:33 am
I love those monsters! :)

It just occurred to me to remind you guys that the same shiplist that is used serverside must be placed in the oci directory as well (and kept current!). I'm not sure if you figured that out or not or if I left a note somewhere or if it is just obvious, but I wanted to be sure you know, as it would produce nasty bugs in game of course if the oci and serverside shiplists did not match.

Plus there's a setting to allow 6 or more ships in the oci somewhere too! Though the in game docks can only handle 3 so this must be considered and disposable ships used in the extra slots (though an oci 6+ ship repair/supply could be made). This would allow for more realistic adherence to SFB Command and Control (CnC) and would address many game balance issues by forcing proper play tested fleet structures. Of course then one needs an OoB as the next step. All the equipment is there now with the OCI and the data in OP+4's extra columns.

I miss the dynaverse. I think I'll try and get logged in on The Forge before I have to go back to work.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 12, 2007, 08:44:27 am
I love those monsters! :)

It just occurred to me to remind you guys that the same shiplist that is used serverside must be placed in the oci directory as well (and kept current!). I'm not sure if you figured that out or not or if I left a note somewhere or if it is just obvious, but I wanted to be sure you know, as it would produce nasty bugs in game of course if the oci and serverside shiplists did not match.
Oh yea, it actually was one of the first things I did when setting up the Hammer of Thor :) .
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: [KBF]MuadDib on September 12, 2007, 05:29:02 pm
I miss the dynaverse. I think I'll try and get logged in on The Forge before I have to go back to work.

Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: [KBF]MuadDib on September 13, 2007, 12:09:13 am
Battle location: 13,14
Battle Participants:
Host: KBFDib Victory level: Astounding Victory
Regular prestige: 326 Bonus prestige: 0
Empire Defence value shift: 23-->44
Cartel Defence value shift: 15-->2315
Battle finished at: 2007-09-13 00:02:42

um so ya...23--->44...s/b 22

flying L STL in lyran slot...

think it was a stock patrol...didnt think to worry about the mission as everything ran smoothly...until i noticed it went to 44 instead of 22...

please fix...will probably continue to run missions in that hex unless it keeps going up... :(

in which case i will move to another hex...
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: marstone on September 13, 2007, 12:37:40 am
A cudo's post.  I think this server is running great, lot of action.  PVP is happening, although it seems both sides have different times they can be on in force.

REALLY enjoying,  a big :thumbsup: to the admin (even with the funky missions).
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: koghemah on September 13, 2007, 12:49:00 am
ran a convoy escourt mission as mirak an got attacked by a fed cva
Battle location: 14,14
Battle Participants:
Host: Karim Victory level: Defeat
Regular prestige: -140 Bonus prestige: 0
K.O.Taylor Victory level: Victory
Regular prestige: 110 Bonus prestige: 0
Empire Defence value shift: 63-->64
Cartel Defence value shift: 15-->15
Battle finished at: 2007-09-13 00:40:59
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: koghemah on September 13, 2007, 04:07:46 am
went mission incompleate at 4 min when it wasent
Battle location: 13,15
Battle Participants:
Host: Karim Victory level: Devastating Defeat
Regular prestige: 50 Bonus prestige: 0
Empire Defence value shift: 0-->0
Cartel Defence value shift: 15-->15
Battle finished at: 2007-09-13 04:05:58
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: NuclearWessels on September 13, 2007, 06:47:22 am
Battle location: 13,14
Battle Participants:
Host: KBFDib Victory level: Astounding Victory
Regular prestige: 326 Bonus prestige: 0
Empire Defence value shift: 23-->44
Cartel Defence value shift: 15-->2315

Battle finished at: 2007-09-13 00:02:42

um so ya...23--->44...s/b 22

flying L STL in lyran slot...

think it was a stock patrol...didnt think to worry about the mission as everything ran smoothly...until i noticed it went to 44 instead of 22...

please fix...will probably continue to run missions in that hex unless it keeps going up... :(

in which case i will move to another hex...

There had to be something funky happening server-side at that time - did you see the previous mission in that hex?
Battle location: 13,14
Battle Participants:
Host: Karim Victory level: Astounding Victory
Regular prestige: 136 Bonus prestige: 0
Empire Defence value shift: 23-->1067030939
Cartel Defence value shift: 15-->2315

Battle finished at: 2007-09-12 23:56:16

Scripts can't control the size of the DV shift (they just tell the server won/lost etc) so there pretty much had to be a server hiccup of some form around midnight.  Icky!


Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: NuclearWessels on September 13, 2007, 06:51:03 am
went mission incompleate at 4 min when it wasent

Battle location: 13,15
Battle Participants:
Host: Karim Victory level: Devastating Defeat
Regular prestige: 50 Bonus prestige: 0
Empire Defence value shift: 0-->0
Cartel Defence value shift: 15-->15
Battle finished at: 2007-09-13 04:05:58

Are you sure you didn't get captured by the AI Kog?    ED5 Fleet is one where the collective enemy ai will (once in awhile) try a group capture on you -- if you aren't keeping half an eye on your marine count you have no warning until it's all over...

Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 13, 2007, 08:53:50 am
Battle location: 13,14
Battle Participants:
Host: KBFDib Victory level: Astounding Victory
Regular prestige: 326 Bonus prestige: 0
Empire Defence value shift: 23-->44
Cartel Defence value shift: 15-->2315
Battle finished at: 2007-09-13 00:02:42
:o  humm.. well I suppose I probably should turn on some additional debugging for the server kit then... Im guessing that the one error serverside that pops up everynow and some how is happening exactly at that moment or there is something the server is not liking with the updated missions.. dunno for sure, Id have to really be watching the server platform as it happens to be 100%, but when I get back home, I think I'll turn on some higher levels of debugging to see..

Also, were there a lot of people on when this happened?
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: koghemah on September 13, 2007, 10:58:54 am
question about captured pvp ships... where are they at or shal i say made available to fly?
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 13, 2007, 12:09:33 pm
question about captured pvp ships... where are they at or shal i say made available to fly?
Ships captured can be kept, so long as the RM decides not to take it, and is done by admin edit of your acct in the OCI :)
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 13, 2007, 06:32:56 pm
Scripts can't control the size of the DV shift (they just tell the server won/lost etc) so there pretty much had to be a server hiccup of some form around midnight. Icky!

OK, just enabled some more explicit logging of server errors, so someone run a mission and make the server so that huge Cartel DV jump so I can see what, if any errors are generated the exact second you finish a mission and see Cartel DV or Empire DV jump more then +/- 1 DV, and be sure to post the exact time you finish it, as it'll be easier to search the log for it then :)
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: [KBF]MuadDib on September 13, 2007, 09:27:04 pm
Battle location: 13,14
Battle Participants:
Host: KBFDib Victory level: Astounding Victory
Regular prestige: 326 Bonus prestige: 0
Empire Defence value shift: 23-->44
Cartel Defence value shift: 15-->2315

Battle finished at: 2007-09-13 00:02:42

um so ya...23--->44...s/b 22

flying L STL in lyran slot...

think it was a stock patrol...didnt think to worry about the mission as everything ran smoothly...until i noticed it went to 44 instead of 22...

please fix...will probably continue to run missions in that hex unless it keeps going up... :(

in which case i will move to another hex...

There had to be something funky happening server-side at that time - did you see the previous mission in that hex?


dont remember if i ran a mission in that hex prior to that happening...think i ran over a couple dozen last night...if not 3 dozen...subsequent missions did lower the dv tho...

Battle location: 13,14
Battle Participants:
Host: KBFDib Victory level: Astounding Victory
Regular prestige: 326 Bonus prestige: 0
Empire Defence value shift: 23-->44
Cartel Defence value shift: 15-->2315
Battle finished at: 2007-09-13 00:02:42
:o  humm.. well I suppose I probably should turn on some additional debugging for the server kit then... Im guessing that the one error serverside that pops up everynow and some how is happening exactly at that moment or there is something the server is not liking with the updated missions.. dunno for sure, Id have to really be watching the server platform as it happens to be 100%, but when I get back home, I think I'll turn on some higher levels of debugging to see..

Also, were there a lot of people on when this happened?

i think at the time there was just karim and myself on...
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 14, 2007, 11:43:10 am
Must have been a serverside error since if there were only 2 of you on then it wouldnt be caused by the sever becoming so busy updating and processing that it goes bezerk...
So, like I said, I have error logging on so next time you see this jump, let me know so I can check the error log :)
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 14, 2007, 04:14:51 pm
True mission names finally enabled(yay! I finally found the setting for this :D ) so now youll see the *exact* name of the mission you are running to make it easier for you to ID missions with probs
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: [KBF]MuadDib on September 14, 2007, 07:50:07 pm
Battle location: 11,15
Battle Participants:
Host: KBFDib Victory level: Victory
Regular prestige: 350 Bonus prestige: 0
Empire Defence value shift: 9-->9
Cartel Defence value shift: 15-->15
Battle finished at: 2007-09-14 19:31:28

gonna run another one and see if its still stuck at 9...

Battle location: 11,15
Battle Participants:
Host: KBFDib Victory level: Astounding Victory
Regular prestige: 248 Bonus prestige: 0
Empire Defence value shift: 9-->9
Cartel Defence value shift: 15-->15
Battle finished at: 2007-09-14 19:42:11

ayup...its stuck...the latter mission was Met_17Patrol

Flying STL in lyran slot...

think the first mission was Met_ED17PatrolAllied but not completely certain...

thank you! 8)
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Fox on September 14, 2007, 08:56:28 pm
Having a issue with Fighter not loading in all mission.

I buy the Fighter in this case 3 F-15 Squadarn and 1 Squadran A-10(800 pp worth of fighters)

I have downloaded the new
TheForgeScripts2 15.5MB
The Fighter list

Flying a CVA+
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: [KBF]MuadDib on September 14, 2007, 09:33:44 pm
another oddity...Kaz and Lear running this one...Kaz in a B10 and Lear in a FH-P...i think...neither said they saw a "host left"...from Fed DV of 2 to a Nuetral of 1???  neither remembered the mission name...

Battle location: 13,13
Battle Participants:
KBFKaz Victory level: Astounding Victory
Regular prestige: 450 Bonus prestige: 55
Host: Lear Victory level: Astounding Victory
Regular prestige: 450 Bonus prestige: 55
Empire Defence value shift: 2-->1
Cartel Defence value shift: 15-->15
Battle finished at: 2007-09-14 21:27:42
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: KBFKaz on September 15, 2007, 12:03:11 am
The Forge is down  :-[
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: koghemah on September 15, 2007, 12:32:25 am
been over 30 min no forge server but oic says 3 loged in?12.30am sat morning
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: [KBF]MuadDib on September 15, 2007, 02:43:41 am
well it was short lived but it was up for a few minutes about an hour ago...

thanks Braxton for flipping the switch...too bad that didnt keep it up...hope you get things working again soon...

oh...that kinda came out wrong...no pun intended...  ;D

thanks for filling in while SFHQ is away as well!
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Braxton_RIP on September 15, 2007, 03:15:27 am
Looks like someone corrupted the database.  Guess everyone knows what that means.  I'm going to have to actually do some work on it, but I am 99.999% certain it is unsalvageable.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: KBFKaz on September 15, 2007, 09:03:51 am
Tried to log onto the forge but I now apparently don't have the correct mission scripts.
Link? :huh:
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Farfarer on September 15, 2007, 09:08:54 am
It is back to the Stock Forge.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: KBFKaz on September 15, 2007, 09:11:48 am
So one must then uninstall Forge scripts 2?
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: KBFKaz on September 15, 2007, 11:22:02 am
Well, I uninstalled forge scripts2 and reinstalled the original forge scripts which fixed that error to log in. But, then I had the wrong ship and fighter list.

I uninstalled and reinstalled OP 4.0+ which fixed that problem but now I haven't got any sound effects just the game music. I can log in and run missions just fine. I checked my game sound effects volume and master volume and they are all good. I tried restarting numerous times and even did a restore to the beginning of sept. Still no change. I'm out of ideas, but crushing the disk and chucking it out onto the road is sounding better every second I have to spend trouble shooting this frackin piece of crap. >:(

Its becoming more clear every day why Taldren bailed on this game. Maybe I just need to move on to something else for the time being. I don't know, as you can see the frustration is finally getting to me after all these years. :-\
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: TopMoxie on September 15, 2007, 02:59:43 pm
I have triesd everything to get on, it still tells me that starfleet op.exe is the problem
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: [KBF]MuadDib on September 15, 2007, 03:14:41 pm
Well, I uninstalled forge scripts2 and reinstalled the original forge scripts which fixed that error to log in. But, then I had the wrong ship and fighter list.

I uninstalled and reinstalled OP 4.0+ which fixed that problem but now I haven't got any sound effects just the game music. I can log in and run missions just fine. I checked my game sound effects volume and master volume and they are all good. I tried restarting numerous times and even did a restore to the beginning of sept. Still no change. I'm out of ideas, but crushing the disk and chucking it out onto the road is sounding better every second I have to spend trouble shooting this frackin piece of crap. >:(

Its becoming more clear every day why Taldren bailed on this game. Maybe I just need to move on to something else for the time being. I don't know, as you can see the frustration is finally getting to me after all these years. :-\

well your one up on me...so tired of the old forge i just couldnt bring myself to take HoT off...

hope braxton can get it working again...have no interest in flying on the old forge...
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: TopMoxie on September 15, 2007, 03:27:25 pm
Havent seen a game yet that doesnt have problems and whos maker hasnt bailed on them, but they dont bail because of the problems they bail because the game has made them as much as it is going to.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Farfarer on September 15, 2007, 05:27:30 pm
No Kaz!  I uninstallled OP4+, re-installed OP 4+, then D/L the Forge 3rd Ed scripts from the first post in that stickie, made sure I saved it as ForgeOriginal.exe so it wouldn't ovewrite, ran the .exe and I got on the Forge Server and The Boneyard.  I was amazed (usually I screw it up).
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: [KBF]MuadDib on September 15, 2007, 07:30:01 pm
using these loadouts in gsa if anyone cares to join in...

looks as though gsa is having issues as well so hop on TS or VT and in between outages we can IP...
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Bonk on September 16, 2007, 12:09:25 am
...so tired of the old forge i just couldnt bring myself to take HoT off...

Can't blame you there, we ran that as it was for way too long (though the time saved on campaign design was well spent on the oci and server debugging). A fresh set of hands on The Forge is just what it needed. Just be patient and give the boys some time to work out the kinks, I think they have a good thing going here and figuring it all out is no easy task. I'll see if I can lend a hand to find the problem to get things rolling again on the new server before I have to go back to work next week.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: [KBF]MuadDib on September 16, 2007, 04:48:05 am
...so tired of the old forge i just couldnt bring myself to take HoT off...

Can't blame you there, we ran that as it was for way too long (though the time saved on campaign design was well spent on the oci and server debugging). A fresh set of hands on The Forge is just what it needed. Just be patient and give the boys some time to work out the kinks, I think they have a good thing going here and figuring it all out is no easy task. I'll see if I can lend a hand to find the problem to get things rolling again on the new server before I have to go back to work next week.

kewl thanks bonk! im sure they could always use the help... 8)
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FA Frey XC on September 16, 2007, 08:23:44 am
SFHQ has been alerted.

Bear with us guys... and is that BONK posting again?

 :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Ternado on September 16, 2007, 10:48:02 am
Good to cya Bonk,the old Forge.was and is great.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 16, 2007, 06:01:42 pm
Im back!! Im back!
Gosh, naturally the Forge decides to crash when Im gone *sighs* just my luck *grumbles*

Sorry for the crash and burn guys, now tomorrow I'll be busy at school till my usual time, but I will get to work on this ASAP.. glad I turned on error logging.. should make things a bit easier to understand what went wrong. Not sure of details yet as I just sat down and havent turned on my remote desktop yet, so Im not sure how long it will take, and I would like to figure out the problem before I bring it back up, or a reseted Hammer of Thor as well.. so..
Keep checking back for updates on my progress... and lets hope I manage to find that .00001% chance of salvaging it..
Finally my apologies for it going down.. for those few hex flipers, enjoy the regular forge, and for those waiting for HoT to come back up, well you'll have a few days off.. I will try to get it back up ASAP :)

Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FPF-Tobin Dax on September 16, 2007, 06:15:56 pm
You're entitled to a life. Thanks for all your efforts.  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 16, 2007, 06:46:15 pm
Your peliminary damage report #0048-2836:
Well well well.. DB is a bit of a mess, but I will see if I can save anything...
Has to do with the shiplist, it appears that its slowly been throwing the DB out of wack, so I also have the old SG6 SFB shiplist, so I'm gonna use it and compare it to the current SFB shiplist to see what the prob is and all the inconsistanties, so basically I need to reconstruct part of the shiplist to SFB standards(appears there are a few parts in error), so I need a day or two to go through and straighten all the balls of steel to fine strips we need.. I will keep you all updated

EST till Server coming back up(wether it starts off fresh or not) : 3 or 4 days
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: [KBF]MuadDib on September 17, 2007, 01:35:05 am

i bet braxton was hoping for the same thing...no problems...heh...

look forward to getting back to work once u get things straightened out...

and no fair killing fragmentation...btw...

i will check forums after work as usual...about 7pm ish pst if u need something done...or we are a go again!

thanks SFHQ!  Braxton!  Frey!  and always...Bonk!    :drinkinsong:
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 17, 2007, 01:35:52 pm

Oh, btw everyone, go ahead and get a nice fresh Forge install going(setup to just the STOCK forge, as I will be updating the SFB shiplist fixing a few errors, everyone will need to redownload thescripts2 once Ive finished fixing it, so if you want to be able to install it on the dime then do up to step 4 on the install instructions from the first post :)
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: koghemah on September 17, 2007, 10:35:52 pm
You Having Any Luck With Your Server?  Im Going Through Posr Op Disorder!!!  Im Looking Forward To Your Services. Wish You The Best Of Luck.
P.S.    Any ETA On A Compleation?
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 18, 2007, 08:51:29 am
You Having Any Luck With Your Server? Im Going Through Posr Op Disorder!!! Im Looking Forward To Your Services. Wish You The Best Of Luck.
P.S. Any ETA On A Compleation?
Well its coming along slowly. Probably just a few more days.. I want to see if there is anything I can salavge from the DB, and fix the shiplist better.. also have to re-do a few files/settings so it doesnt crash this time.
Check the first post in this thread for status, and once I get the shiplist fix, the links to DL the files from.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 18, 2007, 07:18:24 pm
Made some good progress these last 2 days.. the goal of having it back up within the week should be met :D

Now.. I need your opinion on this..
I wont be able to save the tables, which means usually a fresh start, HOWEVER,
I am willing to do this:
A) If you want a full redo, then I will be glad to just put it right back up once I get the corrected files in a DL ready etc.
B) I can set the map to what it is before crash, but you all can start on new chars
C) I can set the map to what it is before crash, and after I carefull record all your stats from the OCI, as you create the same chars, spend a few hours each day for a bit setting you back to the same ship, prestige, etc so you basically start as if the server never crashed.

Let me know before Im ready to bring it back up in a few days :)

Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: KBFLordKrueg on September 18, 2007, 07:27:48 pm

A fresh start will be fine.
Considering the short length of time it was up and it's relatively small player base.

Of course, if there are objections, I will go with whatever is decided.

I imagine a fresh start will be a 'ellva lot less work to set up, too.  ;)
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 18, 2007, 07:29:42 pm
Option A or B(only 35 seconds of extra work :) ) isnt that much work at all, its option C that would be a pain, but Im willing to do it if the majority want.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Ternado on September 18, 2007, 07:51:25 pm
B ..some players have ran alot of missions,and if it only takes 35 seconds longer than A,we maybe able to hang on to some of the newbies,or old time players that have came back because of OCI.my 2 cents.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Dfly on September 18, 2007, 09:00:01 pm
Either A or B is fine here.

I dont want you to have to redo all that work, as you have done more than enough.  Thanks.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FPF-Tobin Dax on September 18, 2007, 09:24:34 pm
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: deadmansix on September 18, 2007, 09:27:04 pm

 A or b would be ok by me
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: [KBF]MuadDib on September 18, 2007, 11:25:10 pm
B ..some players have ran alot of missions,and if it only takes 35 seconds longer than A,we maybe able to hang on to some of the newbies,or old time players that have came back because of OCI.my 2 cents.


but i would not see a problem with going over the previous list and just giving those of us that have ran missions...a little extra more pp...

i know i had 41k to spend...but some players had 2+ accounts...tallying that could be a pain if we went with option C...

think if u just gave those that have already put some time in on HoT a little bit extra...that would hopefully...be satisfactory to all involved...

and after a week...hopefully the server coming back online...and a little extra pp as enticement...they will all come back...
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 19, 2007, 09:10:40 am
Im partial to option B, so I believe we'll go with that option since its a nice in-between, and wont be too much work :) .. I'll think about the extra PP, but for now, unless I get major objections in the next day or 2, I'll do B :)
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 19, 2007, 01:48:01 pm
tomorrow the new ForgeScript2 downloads go up, so look for those coming to a dynaverse near you :)
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: koghemah on September 19, 2007, 05:48:58 pm
ok bro tomorrow the downloads will be up.. but on the flip side when will the server spin off?
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 19, 2007, 06:43:09 pm
Im shooting for an early server re-startup Friday at around 7:30 EST, though it probably will be closer to 8:00 EST
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 20, 2007, 02:39:27 pm
New scripts available for Download. See first post in this thread for a link!

Launch tomorrow at around 7:30 to 8:00PM EST!
Install and prepare for battle! 8)
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: KBFLordKrueg on September 20, 2007, 05:13:02 pm
New scripts available for Download. See first post in this thread for a link!

Launch tomorrow at around 7:30 to 8:00PM EST!
Install and prepare for battle! 8)

I've tried to download this 3 times...it keeps timing out... :huh:
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: koghemah on September 20, 2007, 06:58:09 pm
i got it no prob!! hehe :laugh:
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 20, 2007, 08:57:48 pm
New scripts available for Download. See first post in this thread for a link!

Launch tomorrow at around 7:30 to 8:00PM EST!
Install and prepare for battle! 8)

I've tried to download this 3 times...it keeps timing out... :huh:

Its up and working.. just tried to DL it, and although its a bit slow since internet traffic is high right now for me, I got it in good time.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: koghemah on September 21, 2007, 01:23:31 am
well i only got 1 thing to say.  thanks for the time an effort, i dont know how to show how much i appreciate playin on your servers.

Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 21, 2007, 01:41:33 pm
your welcome :) .. well I believe its time for me to make the final preparations for the serverkit
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: koghemah on September 21, 2007, 03:56:53 pm
its almost time, i keep hittin the server refresh button an seeing the forge server an keep gettin excited damm it.....  im goin to get me some beer an take the dog for a walk, seems like im stalkin the hammer
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 21, 2007, 06:06:50 pm
Launch in 20 mins! :)
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 21, 2007, 06:30:01 pm
Server Launched! Enjoy! :D

QA members, also check the QA thread as well.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Lear on September 21, 2007, 06:44:47 pm
NOTICE   Must redirect the 2nd update to the Starfleet Dir not
the Starfleer Dir so far so good
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Farfarer on September 21, 2007, 09:33:57 pm
Can't DL scripts 2 keep timing out
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 21, 2007, 10:50:12 pm
humm, well several people including me havent had trouble DLing at all from the D.net FTP.. I'll ask Frey to check his side, but if you try to DL it right at a time of high bandwidth useage from D.net and high bandwidth useage on your side I can see how it might time out. Use an FTP client like FireZilla or something and go to ftp.dynaverse.net then navigate to downloads -> sfc_op -> scripts -> TheForgeScript2.exe and download it that way if all else fails.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 21, 2007, 11:39:48 pm
OK, Frey's made some adjustments to the FTP(700% increase) so you should be able to DL it well now.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Tus-XC on September 22, 2007, 12:01:01 am
hmm out of curosity... the second install isn't suipposed to install to starfleer command orion pirates now is it?
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Tus-XC on September 22, 2007, 12:08:50 am
Well i joined ok :)... cept i clicked through to fast and joined feddies instead of me good all friends the rommies... *grumble*
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 22, 2007, 01:09:47 am
Well i joined ok :)... cept i clicked through to fast and joined feddies instead of me good all friends the rommies... *grumble*
Fixed, and yep, that was a typo on my part when scripting where its "starfleer", Will replace it with a non-typo version tomorrow.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 22, 2007, 11:15:16 am
ForgeScripts2.exe typo fixed, so those that have it already installed, there is no need to re-DL it, but for those that havent yet.. you need not worry about a typo this time :)
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Fox on September 22, 2007, 03:13:33 pm
I'm still losing my fighter when I go into mission.

I took out a CVS+ and bought 2 squadron of F-15 and went into 2 mission and each time I had no fighters in the mission.

Each time I return the starbase the fighter were gone. They never make it into the any mission
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 22, 2007, 04:11:03 pm
I've checked SP side, and they work perfectly well for me.. is everyone not seeing the F-15's?

Im still stuck off MP so I cant check myself unfortunatly :( :(
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Hexx on September 22, 2007, 05:14:55 pm
OK I completely admit I haven't been paying much attention so apologies if this is worng, but from another thread...

It looks (to me) like the only shiplist to be downloaded here is for OP 4.0
That shiplist will not give you donated carriers and PF tenders-so no carriers for Roms, no PF's for Klingons etc
You also (assuming it's the generic 4.0 dl) not have F15s and such-they're from DH's list, not Firesouls (which is OP4.0)
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: KBFLordKrueg on September 22, 2007, 05:23:41 pm
Installation Instructions(In this order)
1. Stock OP
2. 2552 patch
3. OP + 4.0
4. The Forge Scripts 1
5. The Forge Scripts 2

The Forge Scripts includes the shiplist and fighterlist, we are using the one frome SGO6 (I think) and it is DH's SFB shiplist.  ;)
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Hexx on September 22, 2007, 05:27:06 pm
Ah thats where it is cool.

OK back to my drawing board of why Farfarer can't get his K7VR up and running.

(Yes I'm bored  ;)  )
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: [KBF]MuadDib on September 22, 2007, 05:37:35 pm
Battle location: 13,13
Battle Participants:
Host: KBFDib Victory level: Astounding Victory
Regular prestige: 274 Bonus prestige: 0
Empire Defence value shift: 10-->10
Cartel Defence value shift: 15-->15
Battle finished at: 2007-09-22 17:20:54

think this was Met_6Patrol...

dunno if its stuck on 10 or not...will run another...

Battle location: 13,13
Battle Participants:
Host: KBFDib Victory level: Astounding Victory
Regular prestige: 450 Bonus prestige: 21
Empire Defence value shift: 10-->10
Cartel Defence value shift: 15-->15
Battle finished at: 2007-09-22 17:32:57

this one was Met_ED10Patrol...def appears to be stuck at 10...
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Hexx on September 22, 2007, 05:58:52 pm
Just extracted the shiplist from Scripts pt 2.

Can anyone with a Lyran,Rom or Gorn carrier launch more than 1 fighter from each group?

Doesn't look like the list has the donated ships .
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: [KBF]MuadDib on September 22, 2007, 06:04:41 pm
Battle location: 13,14
Battle Participants:
Host: KBFDib Victory level: Astounding Victory
Regular prestige: 248 Bonus prestige: 0
Empire Defence value shift: 13-->13
Cartel Defence value shift: 15-->15
Battle finished at: 2007-09-22 17:45:36

Battle location: 13,14
Battle Participants:
Host: KBFDib Victory level: Victory
Regular prestige: 350 Bonus prestige: 0
Empire Defence value shift: 13-->13
Cartel Defence value shift: 15-->15
Battle finished at: 2007-09-22 17:49:35

heres another one stuck...

will transfer to rom and see about the fighters...
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 22, 2007, 06:06:47 pm
Thats because the max DV for those hexes are 13 and 10 . Iwill change them to max DV of 15
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: [KBF]MuadDib on September 22, 2007, 06:27:53 pm
flew the SUA with G2's...when launched only 2 out of the 5 came out...guessing 1 for each of the 2 bays...
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Hexx on September 22, 2007, 06:35:12 pm
Cool, thanks

Sounds like the shiplist doesn't include the donator versions of the carriers.
Might want to let the powers that be know.

(I don't think PF's will work for Feds,Kzin,Klinks and ISC either-)
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Farfarer on September 22, 2007, 07:00:55 pm
This would explain my posts about ROM carriers in a separate post. 
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Fox on September 22, 2007, 08:35:01 pm
Installation Instructions(In this order)
1. Stock OP
2. 2552 patch
3. OP + 4.0
4. The Forge Scripts 1
5. The Forge Scripts 2

The Forge Scripts includes the shiplist and fighterlist, we are using the one frome SGO6 (I think) and it is DH's SFB shiplist.  ;)

I did do this and still can't get my fighters to appear in mission. I buy them and when I get into a mission they are gone.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 22, 2007, 09:01:12 pm
Can you see them if you run a skirmish SP, and launch them there?
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Fox on September 22, 2007, 09:18:49 pm
Can you see them if you run a skirmish SP, and launch them there?

SFHQ can you get me the Fighter list make sure it the right one and also tell me what folder it belong in
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: [KBF]MuadDib on September 22, 2007, 10:49:25 pm
Can you see them if you run a skirmish SP, and launch them there?

flew the SUA again in a SP skirmish...fighters launched as in dyna...2 fighters...instead of 5...
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: marstone on September 23, 2007, 12:44:24 am
not sure about why your is odd.  Did reinstall of scripts 1 and 2 on saturday afternoon.  flys fine.  Have all 16 fighters for my carrier.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: [KBF]MuadDib on September 23, 2007, 04:36:14 am

this one seems to draft your ally as enemy...

lear was rom in a fh-p...i was lyran in a stl...
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Capt Jeff on September 23, 2007, 07:05:36 am

this one seems to draft your ally as enemy...

lear was rom in a fh-p...i was lyran in a stl...

That is a stock OP mission.   Stock convoy raids/escorts will consider ANY race other then the race of the person drafting to be a enemy.  Just the way it is.....
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: [KBF]MuadDib on September 23, 2007, 04:19:20 pm

this one seems to draft your ally as enemy...

lear was rom in a fh-p...i was lyran in a stl...

That is a stock OP mission.   Stock convoy raids/escorts will consider ANY race other then the race of the person drafting to be a enemy.  Just the way it is.....

just pointing it out as the mission has been pulled many times because of the incorrect drafting it causes....
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 23, 2007, 05:03:50 pm
Didnt realize that particular mission had drafting issues, umm, I'll pull it serverside, but it probably will still show up since it is part of the initial building of the SQL tables, so if while your drafting notice its a Met_12ConvoyEscort then each ally will need to take it separatly(so that the other allies dont get drafted in the order the allies entered the hex)
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Fox on September 23, 2007, 05:30:58 pm
SFHQ can you get me the Fighter list make sure it the right one and also tell me what folder it belong in
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 23, 2007, 06:13:50 pm
SFHQ can you get me the Fighter list make sure it the right one and also tell me what folder it belong in

Check your PMs
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Capt Jeff on September 24, 2007, 06:09:19 am
Hey guys, be sure to slap some + karma on SFHQ for all the hard work he's been doing to get everything up and running right!
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 24, 2007, 03:10:14 pm
Ok, well the Met_12ConvoyEscort mission is off the scripts but it will still show up in game since its in the SQL tables as well. Id pull it from there as well but its in one of those LOCKED row locations, and that isnt a place Id like to be making changes mid-server.

BTW SFC2.net is back up as well (as well as all websites hosted on Frigga) .. had to restart the HTTP service for it.  8)
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Fox on September 24, 2007, 05:17:48 pm
SFHQ can you get me the Fighter list make sure it the right one and also tell me what folder it belong in

Check your PMs

Thanks SFHQ , I will test it tonite.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: koghemah on September 24, 2007, 06:06:21 pm
monday 6pm cant get on server says i have offending files? i got whats posted an there correctly installd? any help?
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 24, 2007, 06:23:02 pm
Which offending file?
And just to be on the safe side, try a good reinstall from step 1 to step 4 just to be sure something wierd didnt happen during installation.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Fox on September 24, 2007, 11:15:03 pm
Still no Figther when I enter mission

I have uninstall SFC:OP 3 times. Downloaded all the files and reinstall.

I did a test and when I go into the Single Player and try to use a carrier the fighter Icon on the Space Dock area it doesn't lite up. No matter what Carrier or race I use.

Any help would be nice

Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Capt Jeff on September 25, 2007, 06:09:01 am
Still no Figther when I enter mission

I have uninstall SFC:OP 3 times. Downloaded all the files and reinstall.

I did a test and when I go into the Single Player and try to use a carrier the fighter Icon on the Space Dock area it doesn't lite up. No matter what Carrier or race I use.

Any help would be nice


Try this.

Go to your SFC folder ( it's usually in your c/ program files folder)

open it up and look for a icon called "Starfleet OP.exe"

right click on that icon and click "create a shortcut"

use your mouse and drag it onto your desktop.

Now, click on that icon and the game should start up.   

Try the fighters now and see if you see them.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: C-Los on September 25, 2007, 07:13:35 am
I had this problem for a long time till I checked out what Jeff says above....

I was at the point of never playing again I was so frustrated, I was using the wrong "exe" to start the game, if that hadn't worked I wouldn't be here right now thats for sure. I reinstalled 6-8 times and even walked away for a couple of months !

I'm positive thats your problem Bud....  ;)
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 25, 2007, 09:06:59 am
Still no Figther when I enter mission

I have uninstall SFC:OP 3 times. Downloaded all the files and reinstall.

I did a test and when I go into the Single Player and try to use a carrier the fighter Icon on the Space Dock area it doesn't lite up. No matter what Carrier or race I use.

Any help would be nice


I'll wait on some of my suggestions/thoughts till we find out if the above fix by Jeff works for you or not :)
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: KBFLordKrueg on September 25, 2007, 09:13:45 am
You can fix the "exe" problem by also:
Right click on your OP icon on the desktop, go to properties, in the "Target" box it should have:
"C:\Program Files\Taldren Software Inc\Starfleet Command Orion Pirates\StarFleetOP.exe"
In the "start in" box it should have:
"C:\Program Files\Taldren Software Inc\Starfleet Command Orion Pirates"

That is assuming you have it in "C" drive, if not, insert your drive location.

I would have sworn that fix was included in the last patch...or was it with something else?
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Fox on September 25, 2007, 10:20:51 am
Thanks guys I will try that tonite when I get  home.

My installation of SFC:OP, SFC: EAW and SFC3 is on the E drive
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: koghemah on September 25, 2007, 07:27:25 pm
there are reports of ship that dont have fighters workin
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 25, 2007, 07:58:22 pm
there are reports of ship that don't have fighters workin
Indeed, currently I'm trying to look through the 2-ton archives to see if I can find a fighterlist that actually works.. the last 2 were a bust obviously... <_<
If I can get it going before this server ends, I'll let you guys know. PFs for many races never have really worked well from the start on a proper ship/fighter list but still.. I'm working on it.
Right now I'm sorta caught up in fixing the SFC2.net and 9thfleet e-mail system, as well as RL etc, so its slowly progressing.
Good news is that there aren't really any significant server side errors Ive seen pop up, its running smooth and stable, no weird DV jumps, etc. :)
So enjoy the limited fighters, hey it might actually be a new challenge/aspect trying to fly with just a few fighters instead of many, if you want to think of it that way, but I'll get this fixed ASAP.
At the very least the server is going well despite this, and Ive been able to collect some useful data for the serverkit development 8)

Have fun on Hammer of Thor!
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: KBFLordKrueg on September 25, 2007, 09:31:48 pm
there are reports of ship that don't have fighters workin
Indeed, currently I'm trying to look through the 2-ton archives to see if I can find a fighterlist that actually works.. the last 2 were a bust obviously... <_<
If I can get it going before this server ends, I'll let you guys know. PFs for many races never have really worked well from the start on a proper ship/fighter list but still.. I'm working on it.
Right now I'm sorta caught up in fixing the SFC2.net and 9thfleet e-mail system, as well as RL etc, so its slowly progressing.
Good news is that there aren't really any significant server side errors Ive seen pop up, its running smooth and stable, no weird DV jumps, etc. :)
So enjoy the limited fighters, hey it might actually be a new challenge/aspect trying to fly with just a few fighters instead of many, if you want to think of it that way, but I'll get this fixed ASAP.
At the very least the server is going well despite this, and Ive been able to collect some useful data for the serverkit development 8)

Have fun on Hammer of Thor!

Where's DieHard when ya need him...?  :P
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 26, 2007, 07:09:10 pm
Some additional(and more on a personal level) good news as well, I finally have resolved my port forwarding problems so I'll be able to finally get on the server as well :D
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Hexx on September 26, 2007, 11:02:49 pm
there are reports of ship that don't have fighters workin
Indeed, currently I'm trying to look through the 2-ton archives to see if I can find a fighterlist that actually works.. the last 2 were a bust obviously... <_<
If I can get it going before this server ends, I'll let you guys know. PFs for many races never have really worked well from the start on a proper ship/fighter list but still.. I'm working on it.
Right now I'm sorta caught up in fixing the SFC2.net and 9thfleet e-mail system, as well as RL etc, so its slowly progressing.
Good news is that there aren't really any significant server side errors Ive seen pop up, its running smooth and stable, no weird DV jumps, etc. :)
So enjoy the limited fighters, hey it might actually be a new challenge/aspect trying to fly with just a few fighters instead of many, if you want to think of it that way, but I'll get this fixed ASAP.
At the very least the server is going well despite this, and Ive been able to collect some useful data for the serverkit development 8)

Have fun on Hammer of Thor!

Where's DieHard when ya need him...?  :P

<sigh> overlooked by a jealous klink yet again...  ;)

The reason some races (Rom.Lyran,Gorn) can't use fighters has nothing to do with the fighterlists.
The carrier that the race uses (K7VR from far's post) must be in two places-in the shiplist-
1) The race that wants to use it (in this case Romulan)
2) A fighter using race (usually -iirc- one of the pirate races)

The #2 seems to be missing from the lists
(ie every single carrier the Roms,Gorn,and Lyran have would need to be placed into the shiplist in a race that uses fighters list)

Now I could be wrong- I've been more concerned with my system meltdown than this (and more thanks to Capt SFHQ btw!)
If someone wants to take a quick look through the shiplist and see if those carriers do indeed appear in two spots would answer the question.
( Basically just look for a number of rom carriers in the Fed/Klink/ISC/Hydran/Kzin or one of the fighter using pirate races)

Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: koghemah on September 27, 2007, 03:14:07 am
killer news need more player all the better glad to have u around xc
  heamh as always siging off... hehe more like login back on forge
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 27, 2007, 11:37:08 am
In looking at the map, it seems things are fairly balanced.. mostly I notice it seems that every few hours the hex for 14,14 changes(which is good :D ) .. I probably will fly alliance when I am on, but for admin fairness, I also will switch over to coalition as needbe.
I need to make sure that table will handel well under a lot of entries.. I severly doubt there would be an issues, but Id like to make 100% sure, and this map seems great for PvP, so it should grow fairly rapidly :)
Glad to see a good number of you are enjoy yourselves on Hammer!
.. besides the reported bugs already posted.. anything else odd popping up?
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: koghemah on September 27, 2007, 02:43:51 pm
the dv's holding with out the odd jumps so its lookin good
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Fox on September 27, 2007, 08:22:06 pm
You can fix the "exe" problem by also:
Right click on your OP icon on the desktop, go to properties, in the "Target" box it should have:
"C:\Program Files\Taldren Software Inc\Starfleet Command Orion Pirates\StarFleetOP.exe"
In the "start in" box it should have:
"C:\Program Files\Taldren Software Inc\Starfleet Command Orion Pirates"

That is assuming you have it in "C" drive, if not, insert your drive location.

I would have sworn that fix was included in the last patch...or was it with something else?

Guys , finally I got it to work. KBFLordKrueg The SFC:OP Icon didn't have anything in the "start in" box

I add the path and the fighters started working

Thank y ou all for the help
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 28, 2007, 04:16:41 pm
Glad it worked 8)

now, I'll be away from my computer till Sunday night, so I rebooted the server just to be on the safe side, so hopefully it wont crash while Im away again.. Ive made sure this time that the server remains much more stable, so I seriously doubt it will crash. :)
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Lear on September 28, 2007, 05:32:07 pm
I keep getting Directory of servers down,
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: KBF-Crim on September 28, 2007, 06:38:40 pm
Me too..
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Lear on September 28, 2007, 08:47:17 pm
Dir is up but the server keeps hiccuping.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: odb on September 28, 2007, 09:56:57 pm
o no he left till sunday... we need a medic server down server down....
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: odb on September 29, 2007, 03:10:39 am
i get disconnected after i come out the debriefing screen
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: [KBF]MuadDib on September 29, 2007, 04:44:02 pm
Glad it worked 8)

now, I'll be away from my computer till Sunday night, so I rebooted the server just to be on the safe side, so hopefully it wont crash while Im away again.. Ive made sure this time that the server remains much more stable, so I seriously doubt it will crash. :)

it seemed that if you did not allow a 5-10 second gap before moving after coming out of mission...the server would burp...but then come right back up without updating...

i think whatever you did to make it so stable only seemed to make it burp instead of update...

so looks like this weekend its gonna be all about the halo3...  ;)
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 29, 2007, 05:21:59 pm
What the......
I get 5 mins to quickly check D.net and the server decides to go supernova on me while I'm away?!?
I'll be back online tomorrow night to look into this.. its had 2 weeks to do this.. why must it wait till I leave for a day and a half?
My apologies.. it could actually not be the serverkit itself though.. Frey did have to reboot Frigga right before I left on Friday so its possible that it didn't like the disconnection there with the directory servers or something.. not sure since I cant remote in from this computer to check it.
Last crash I could understand since there was a error showing up server side I was trying to get fixed last time, but this time that error isn't present.. humm.. I need to look in on this.. 2 times its gone wonky in 2 week intervals.. thats just not right.. humm...
it could be something in the new build it isn't liking when the tables reach a certain size.. it might be that..

Exactly when did it start doing this? It was fine when I left 24 hours ago so something has happened in those 24 hours I'm not aware of.
I'll examine this when I get back, as I need to go now.

Sorry once again

Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: [KBF]MuadDib on September 30, 2007, 05:24:42 pm
want to say i logged in about 5:30ish pst pm friday evening...the burps were constant until i gave up around 7ish...

would really like a fighter fix please...

also...can you please set the hexes within the middle row all to 15 please...having some stuck at 5 kinda sucks...or 12...etc...need all the help i can get to stop the alliance horde since it seems a couple of the more regulars who fly coalition dont seem to want to fly...and that arena is supposed to be 15 dv hexes...

as for the 2 week intervals...i figured you just put up security so high or what have you...that caused the constant burping...and i dont know about what increases the size of the db...but i know that the last 2 weeks has not seen half the amount of missions that ran during the first 2 weeks...
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 30, 2007, 06:10:11 pm
humm well something has happened.. I cant get on THOR on the acct the server is running on, and my own acct is taking a extreme time to load as well..something happened making this entire thing go crazy.. CPU is also saturated at 100%.. humm.. I'll reboot THOR.. I'll post an update soon..

Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 30, 2007, 06:34:32 pm
Yea it was just CPU saturation on THOR. The reboot seems to have fixed it.
Nothing DB wise wrong, no crashing, so have a good time on it :)
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Dfly on September 30, 2007, 06:35:22 pm
ty for the update and the fix.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on September 30, 2007, 06:45:23 pm
would really like a fighter fix please...
now that I have finished with all the forum fixes for SFC2.net and 9thfleet, I think I'll work on that this week :)

also...can you please set the hexes within the middle row all to 15 please...having some stuck at 5 kinda sucks...or 12...etc...need all the help i can get to stop the alliance horde since it seems a couple of the more regulars who fly coalition dont seem to want to fly...and that arena is supposed to be 15 dv hexes...
several hexes dropped max DV in coalition hexes due to alliance taking over 12.13 and placing a base in there, but Ive set them back to DV 15
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: odb on September 30, 2007, 07:52:06 pm
im not gettin any planet assults nor base assults in my drafts...8pm sunday night...
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: odb on October 01, 2007, 05:01:38 am
ok im retarted.. yes i am... choke me later.. i reported a kill wrong.. first off i reported the points as 7 an it looks like the H-ID is only 5. thats choking number 1. an second i think i reported my team as allience an lyrans are coalition? yes thats choking number 2.

This is the kill report in recent battles:

Battle location: 13,13
Battle Participants:

Host: Max Victory level: Astounding Victory
Regular prestige: 308 Bonus prestige: 0

Marstone Victory level: Devastating Defeat
Regular prestige: -75 Bonus prestige: 100

Empire Defence value shift: 17-->16
Cartel Defence value shift: 15-->15
Battle finished at: 2007-10-01 04:28:12

can u fix the report please?  this is hemah my account i fly with is Max.  please fix my error im extremely ashamed that I made a mistake in your kill thread.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on October 01, 2007, 08:58:10 am
I should be able to edit the SQL table that controls the reported kills to the proper fix :)
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Dfly on October 01, 2007, 05:34:52 pm
GJ Hemah, on the kill, not the report eheh.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on October 01, 2007, 08:03:24 pm
Fixed :)
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: odb on October 02, 2007, 01:09:44 pm
you guys rock thanks buds
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on October 03, 2007, 08:26:08 pm
Well things are running very smoothly :)
Also, I am still working on getting the doner ships in right, but its a bit tricky, though there are some doners in there (H-IC for the KillerBee.I fighters for example.. hopefully this weekend I can sit for a longer duration and finally fix it :) )
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Bonk on October 04, 2007, 08:04:16 pm
can u fix the report please?  this is hemah my account i fly with is Max.  please fix my error im extremely ashamed that I made a mistake in your kill thread.

Don't be ashamed in the least, really, I am not at all happy with that ui. It is somewhat confusing and still inadequate. I produced it in a rush for Dizzy, it still needs work. It also needs the ability for players to edit their own reports, RMs to edit kills for their side and for admins to edit any kill (in the oci itself as opposed to editing the db directly).

Another good feature might be participant confirmation of reported kills, so that each kill reported mus be confirmed by the opposing team and reconfirmed if edited. (good idea or not?)
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on October 04, 2007, 08:21:52 pm
humm.. indeed the kills page needs more. For one, some sorta Admin control as the only way to do so now is to edit the SQL table for it.
I dunno.. for most people the opponet must verify the entry will be no problem, but Im sure there will be some that refuse to validate due to hating to loose, so Im thinking to compensate for that.. the option to either upload the kill screenshot to a directory where the Admin can view it, or have a yes/no button that tags the kill reported as if the opponent refuses to validate it then the Admin knows that the reporter has the screenshot.. humm.. still though it seems like a good idea :)
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Bonk on October 04, 2007, 08:34:22 pm
Screenshot uploads, good idea, I hadn't thought to include that.  :smackhead:

To cover it I think a "reported by", "confirmed by" and "disputed by" column along with a screenshot upload associated with each. That, and reporter, RM and admin edits along with a touch up of the overall design to make it intuitive and easy to view.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Dfly on October 04, 2007, 10:42:12 pm
all players would then have to remember to try to take screenshots at the appropriate time.  Not all would even think to do that.  However it would be a good tool.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Dfly on October 04, 2007, 10:44:37 pm
Hats off to FPF-Dax, who fought bravely and did a great job of keeping me off of him.  His G-CVA fell victim to my L-STL after a solid hour plus of a great fight.  VGG.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Dfly on October 04, 2007, 10:57:10 pm
There is a battle reported in the KILL section that shows an STL killed is worth 10 points.  It is only worth 5 as a DN.  could it be corrected please?
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on October 05, 2007, 08:52:52 am
Indeed it can be.. I'll fix it when I get home :)
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: KBFLordKrueg on October 05, 2007, 01:40:14 pm
can u fix the report please?  this is hemah my account i fly with is Max.  please fix my error im extremely ashamed that I made a mistake in your kill thread.

Don't be ashamed in the least, really, I am not at all happy with that ui. It is somewhat confusing and still inadequate. I produced it in a rush for Dizzy, it still needs work. It also needs the ability for players to edit their own reports, RMs to edit kills for their side and for admins to edit any kill (in the oci itself as opposed to editing the db directly).

Another good feature might be participant confirmation of reported kills, so that each kill reported mus be confirmed by the opposing team and reconfirmed if edited. (good idea or not?)

Great idea.
Perhaps like a 24 edit period for players with admin able to edit anytime...?
Not so sure about the screenshot with each one. I'd have to agree with Dfly, many will simply not remember.
Screenshots maybe in a dispute, but not all the time.
Just IMPO.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on October 05, 2007, 02:59:51 pm
The Forge - HoT is randomly crashing on THOR, so it'll be down for several hours while I examine why.
Sorry for the down time.. there arent any errors popping up so I'll need to look into this.. hopefully I can have it back up later tonight.

Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on October 05, 2007, 06:56:55 pm
Well so far since Ive brought it back up it hasnt crashed again.. I guess it just wanted a few hours rest or something heh, anyways.. back up.. I'll get to the kills edit in just a moment as well :)

EDIT: Kill report fixed
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: odb on October 07, 2007, 09:30:43 pm
using the oci i see 2 online playin but the server wont show up for me?
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on October 07, 2007, 10:37:41 pm
fixed. The Dir Servers had to be restarted a bit ago, and as a result HoT didnt refresh and thus didnt show up. Its now listing :)
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: KBF Soth on October 07, 2007, 11:53:46 pm
The oci fixed but forge aint showing in campain selector
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: odb on October 08, 2007, 03:05:14 am
3:03 am monday morning, been tryin to get on hot... U gotta fix it man, i cant take no more of the boneyard server! an yet i keep going back to it!!! HELP ME please somebody shot me. hot's all i got, my xbox died on me.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on October 08, 2007, 05:01:07 am
humm.. well I'll restart THOR.. it seems that the serverkit acts up for a bit if the Directory servers are shut down even for a few mins.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on October 08, 2007, 05:36:33 am
OK, Ive finally caught the error:
Code: [Select]
05:33:16 Error!: tThread::Work() [Thread ID 3780] unhandled exception, closing down.
05:33:16 Error!: tThread::Work() [Thread ID 3612] unhandled exception, closing down.
05:33:16 Error!: tThread::Work() [Thread ID 3740] unhandled exception, closing down.
05:33:16 Error!:
05:33:16 Error!:
05:33:16 Error!:
05:33:16 Error!:
05:33:16 Error!:
So Im gonna give it an seven hour rest.. I cant guarentee it'll be able to stay up while Im gone. It seems to stop working the second someone tries to log on to it.. huumm..
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on October 08, 2007, 01:48:49 pm
OK, back up and stable
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: odb on October 09, 2007, 09:26:47 pm
my name dident appear in my kill post... well it did by the reported by but not the victor spot  max i posted my mane in it this time i know i triple checked everything befor i hit sumite
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on October 09, 2007, 09:33:12 pm
Wierd.. you must have had some special char go into it accidently or something, but I'll edit the table to correct it now.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on October 10, 2007, 05:06:33 pm
OK, fixed, that problem wont happen again :)
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: [KBF]MuadDib on October 10, 2007, 09:36:40 pm
any luck with fighters?
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on October 10, 2007, 09:51:33 pm
Well its complex.. Im sorta half way through with it, but the thing is I believe order matters so I gotta be careful not to mess up. Any OP+ 4.0 ship (not modified in the shiplist) though should work. (I.E. My F-BB has the 1 squad of 4 A10 fighters showing since F-BB was never modified in the shiplist).
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: [KBF]MuadDib on October 11, 2007, 08:36:49 pm
Well its complex.. Im sorta half way through with it, but the thing is I believe order matters so I gotta be careful not to mess up. Any OP+ 4.0 ship (not modified in the shiplist) though should work. (I.E. My F-BB has the 1 squad of 4 A10 fighters showing since F-BB was never modified in the shiplist).

understood...but i do believe most of the coalition carriers are modified...
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on October 12, 2007, 03:24:11 pm
Well its been 2 weeks, so I wont be on Sat or most of Sun, however this time, I'm not going to touch the kit as it seems everytime I do something makes it go kookoo while Im away, luckily I do have Mon off from school, so that'll be nice :D
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: KBF Soth on October 14, 2007, 05:36:44 pm
ED5 Player fleet mission in neb locks up about 30 sec in tried 3 times all same result.game freezes must reboot system.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on October 14, 2007, 10:24:44 pm
Noted, and also just to let everyone know, due to the amount of bases being placed in and destroyed in that area, MaxDVs are really starting to climb, which is fine, but I will cap the MaxDV to 100 for those hexes(those that started at DV15 to begin with) so as we dont start getting 200+ DV hexes.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: KBFKaz on October 16, 2007, 05:37:52 pm
Forge is down. Cant bring up oci or login to campain selector screen. :'(
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on October 16, 2007, 05:48:58 pm
The Servers have gone down for a reboot after Frey completed some security updates to the servers. They should be back up in a bit.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on October 16, 2007, 06:48:04 pm
Id give it a hours or so downtime.. I assume Frey is working with the servers physically as well since Im not able to remote into them currently. It probably should be up within the hour, so I'll bring HoT back up soon as Im able to. :)
My Apologies for the unexpected downtime.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on October 16, 2007, 08:47:06 pm
Just talked to Frey, the Directory server and all XC/D.net hosted websites and services are back online, however THOR is still down for continued overhauling. It will remain down for a few hours.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: odb on October 17, 2007, 12:09:19 am
any word  on a eta with the server?
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on October 17, 2007, 04:58:19 am
I still cant log into THOR to bring it up so several more hours at the earliest.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on October 17, 2007, 06:50:49 pm
Back Online. :)
I also took the time to make some minor tweaks to the OCI.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: KBF Soth on October 17, 2007, 06:59:01 pm
So says the OCI but i can't seem to get it to appear in the campain select screen
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on October 17, 2007, 07:02:05 pm
Try now.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: KBF Soth on October 18, 2007, 12:40:14 am
Thank-you Sir.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on October 18, 2007, 07:28:43 pm
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: odb on October 18, 2007, 07:37:52 pm
this is regreatable news, im experencing "withdrawls" to the campaign.  i think it requires profesional help, with me that is. u guys are great. lookin forward to playin on the forge soon i hope.   

                                                                                                       Hemah was here!
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on October 18, 2007, 07:43:06 pm
Well the really unfortunate part is that since I cant remote into THOR I can not bring up anything, and the SQL tables for Hammer of Thor probably will need some examination as well to make sure they are OK. Im in contact with Frey, but he is busy busy busy with also getting his PC back up (his harddrives have gone crazy over the past few days) :( , so THOR is on his massive list of things to get to. Only can do so much with remote desktop, but I'll get on it as soon as THOR comes online again. Keep checking the OCI link. Whenever that comes back online, that means THOR is back online and that means shortly after that HoT comes back up :) . Unknown amount of down time. I will keep you all updated as best I can.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: odb on October 18, 2007, 10:11:52 pm
thor crashin out every 90 secs or so
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on October 18, 2007, 10:56:19 pm
Should be all better now, if not let me know and I'll give it a 7 hour rest like I did last time to cure it.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: odb on October 19, 2007, 01:07:48 am
k dident check sence my last post ill give her a go, an let u know u rock man
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: odb on October 19, 2007, 01:39:27 am
servers not showing up on dynavers sorry to bring the bad news... beentryin sence 12am thursady morning.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on October 19, 2007, 04:58:26 am
servers not showing up on dynavers sorry to bring the bad news... beentryin sence 12am thursady morning.
THOR somehow restarted on its own it appeared, but anyways back up. It seems though it was stable till THOR rebooted or something strange logging off the forge account..
I wouldnt be suprised if THOR went down again today, I am hoping for the best that THOR and the serverkit will remain stable, but just be aware that it might.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: deadmansix on October 19, 2007, 07:26:59 am
servers not showing up on dynavers sorry to bring the bad news... beentryin sence 12am thursady morning.
THOR somehow restarted on its own it appeared, but anyways back up. It seems though it was stable till THOR rebooted or something strange logging off the forge account..
I wouldnt be suprised if THOR went down again today, I am hoping for the best that THOR and the serverkit will remain stable, but just be aware that it might.

 THoR is not on the list as of 5:25 AM pt
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on October 19, 2007, 08:24:22 am
OK, THOR gets several hours rest before I bring it up again.. I didnt expect it to remain up, hoped it would, but its obviously still unstable to the recent power failular of the servers.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on October 19, 2007, 02:25:14 pm
QA and Serverkit memebers please check : http://www.dynaverse.net/forum/index.php/topic,163377664.0.html

Just to let the rest of you know, Im looking into it now.. similar problem as to the last 2 times its done this.. it will take several hours to sift through before I can confidently bring it back up.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: odb on October 19, 2007, 08:49:42 pm
was using gsa to run through some of the 2279 era an new ships, the isc tft fighters dont register when they are launched.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on October 19, 2007, 10:27:35 pm
The stock Forge is up till tomorrow.. the sudden shutdown of THOR really seems to have knocked something way out of base(the initial reason why HoT went down these past few days is because THOR had a sudden unexpected power shutdown).. if the regular Forge also randomly crashes like HoT is doing right now, that'll help me determine what and where the problem is as well
EDIT: AH HA! The Stock Forge also crashed meaning its something on the server itself not specifially configured correctly.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Bonk on October 20, 2007, 12:41:30 am
Are you running regular db cleans and backups? A power outage can bork mysql tables, in which case you need to backup, drop and restore the db from the previous backup.

I do suggest backing up the current db first though, as something else may be the problem such as windows or virus updates that may have changed something. (Or perhaps the guy up the block is stealing cable TV again?)
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on October 20, 2007, 01:13:24 pm
Are you running regular db cleans and backups? A power outage can bork mysql tables, in which case you need to backup, drop and restore the db from the previous backup.

I do suggest backing up the current db first though, as something else may be the problem such as windows or virus updates that may have changed something. (Or perhaps the guy up the block is stealing cable TV again?)

humm, well it would have to be the mysql or information_schema schema's that were messed up because of it since the regular Forge(The Forge Server Platform.exe, not just The Forge Campaign Server Platform.exe) is crashing, and since The (stock) Forge was not running at the time of the power failure it would have to be those 2 schema as those are active with the Forge and The Forge Campaign. Otherwise I cant see how a power failure would hit a SQL table not even active at the time. Yet as well, if it wasnt a SQL table issue then why would it work up till someone finished a mission...

The Database has been regularly cleaned as well.

It could be the ODBC since I am starting to get randomly unhandeled exception errors on the odbcad32..exe when I view the settings for ODBC and gotten it while browsing over to enable logging of ODBC queries, which makes me a bit suspicious of that since it never has given me that type of error before.
Currently the serverkit shutdown right after someone completes a mission.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on October 20, 2007, 03:29:02 pm
Here we go.. caught the error finally..
Code: [Select]
13:27:12 Info: CM (333331): Start: Getting matching PreparedMissions package
13:27:12 Info: CM (333331): No missions had been prepared (player moving)
13:27:12 Info: CM (333331): Clearing mission list for 333331
13:27:12 Info: CM (333331): Finished CM
13:27:15 Info: MM (333331): Received MissionMatch
13:27:15 Info: MM (333331:Capt_SFHQ_XC): Received player info from db
13:27:15 Info: MM (333331:Capt_SFHQ_XC): Received terrain info
13:27:15 Info: MM (333331:Capt_SFHQ_XC): Received nearby characters
13:27:15 Info: MM (333331:Capt_SFHQ_XC): Determining mission list
13:27:15 Info: MM (333331:Capt_SFHQ_XC): Received locked PreparedMissions
13:27:15 Info: MM (333331:Capt_SFHQ_XC): Received PreparedMissions Updated
13:27:15 Info: MM (333331:Capt_SFHQ_XC): Noted PreparedMissions ID in character
13:27:15 Info: MM (333331:Capt_SFHQ_XC): Pushing mission list to main player
13:27:15 Info: MM (333331:Capt_SFHQ_XC): -> Push Met_ED5PlayerFleet
13:27:15 Info: MM (333331:Capt_SFHQ_XC): -> Push Met_17Patrol
13:27:15 Info: MM (333331:Capt_SFHQ_XC): Finished MM
13:27:16 Info: CM (333331): Start: Getting matching PreparedMissions package
13:27:16 Info: CM (333331): Has chosen no mission
13:27:16 Info: CM (333331): Finished CM
13:27:19 Info: MM (333331): Received MissionMatch
13:27:19 Info: MM (333331:Capt_SFHQ_XC): Received player info from db
13:27:19 Info: MM (333331:Capt_SFHQ_XC): Received terrain info
13:27:19 Info: MM (333331:Capt_SFHQ_XC): Received nearby characters
13:27:19 Info: MM (333331:Capt_SFHQ_XC): Determining mission list
13:27:19 Info: MM (333331:Capt_SFHQ_XC): Received locked PreparedMissions
13:27:19 Info: MM (333331:Capt_SFHQ_XC): Received PreparedMissions Updated
13:27:19 Info: MM (333331:Capt_SFHQ_XC): Noted PreparedMissions ID in character
13:27:19 Info: MM (333331:Capt_SFHQ_XC): Pushing mission list to main player
13:27:19 Info: MM (333331:Capt_SFHQ_XC): -> Push Met_ED10Patrol
13:27:19 Info: MM (333331:Capt_SFHQ_XC): -> Push Met_6Patrol
13:27:19 Info: MM (333331:Capt_SFHQ_XC): Finished MM
13:27:24 Info: CM (333331): Start: Getting matching PreparedMissions package
13:27:24 Info: CM (333331): Has chosen a mission
13:27:24 Info: CM (333331): Asking for nearby humans to be refreshed
13:27:24 Info: CM (333331): Human characters refreshed from db
13:27:24 Info: CM (333331:Capt_SFHQ_XC): Received terrain info
13:27:24 Info: CM (333331:Capt_SFHQ_XC): Assigning teams
13:27:24 Info: CM (333331:Capt_SFHQ_XC): No other humans, so will skip sending mission lists
13:27:24 Info: CM (333331:Capt_SFHQ_XC): Creating AIs for mission
13:27:24 Info: CM (333331:Capt_SFHQ_XC): Received created AIs
13:27:24 Info: CM (333331:Capt_SFHQ_XC): Client match host at IP: (
13:27:24 Info: CM (333331:Capt_SFHQ_XC): ================= PLAYING TEAMS =================
13:27:24 Info: CM (333331:Capt_SFHQ_XC): === ID: (333331) Idx: (0) HUMAN
13:27:24 Info: CM (333331:Capt_SFHQ_XC): === ID: (1254546) Idx: (1) AI
13:27:24 Info: CM (333331:Capt_SFHQ_XC): Requesting freshest ships
13:27:24 Info: CM (333331:Capt_SFHQ_XC): Received ships
13:27:24 Info: CM (333331:Capt_SFHQ_XC): RCVD Char 333331 ship 565020
13:27:24 Info: CM (333331:Capt_SFHQ_XC): RCVD Char 1254546 ship 1254547
13:27:24 Info: CM (333331:Capt_SFHQ_XC): Requesting characters for update
13:27:24 Info: CM (333331:Capt_SFHQ_XC): Received characters for update
13:27:24 Info: CM (333331:Capt_SFHQ_XC): Updated characters, now sending matched missions down
13:27:24 Info: CM (333331:Capt_SFHQ_XC): Informing host 333331
13:27:25 Info: CM (333331:Capt_SFHQ_XC): Received play response from human 333331
13:27:25 Info: CM (333331:Capt_SFHQ_XC): All humans have replied ready!
13:27:25 Info: CM (333331:Capt_SFHQ_XC): Starting battle at hex(15,12)
13:27:25 Info: CM (333331:Capt_SFHQ_XC): Sending FINAL go play message
13:27:29 Info: CM (333331:Capt_SFHQ_XC): Finished CM
13:29:55 Info: MC (333331:Capt_SFHQ_XC) hosted battle at hex(15,12) Processing...
13:29:55 Info: MC (333331:Capt_SFHQ_XC) hosted battle at hex(15,12) Updating character and AI teams
13:29:55 Info: MC (333331:Capt_SFHQ_XC) hosted battle at hex(15,12) =========== TEAMS ===========
13:29:55 Info: MC (333331:Capt_SFHQ_XC) hosted battle at hex(15,12) Team Slot: 0 ID: 333331
13:29:55 Info: MC (333331:Capt_SFHQ_XC) hosted battle at hex(15,12) Team Slot: 1 ID: 1254546
13:29:55 Info: Hex Race Battle. Player:Capt_SFHQ_XC, is a human=1, and race=0, had a result=1, the current high score is=0
13:29:55 Info: Hex Race Battle. Player:A.T.Brevicus, is a human=0, and race=2, had a result=0, the current high score is=1
13:29:55 Info: Hex Race Battle. fHexRace= 0, and hexEmpire=0, and hexCartel=15
13:29:55 Info: NOT-Neutral Hex Race Battle. Player:Capt_SFHQ_XC, Race:=0Had Result:= 1
13:29:55 Info: NOT-Neutral Hex Race Battle. Player:Capt_SFHQ_XC, has been pegged as a hex defender.
13:29:55 Info: NOT-Neutral Hex Race Battle. Player:Capt_SFHQ_XC, is the HIGHEST hex defender.
13:29:55 Info: NOT-Neutral Hex Race Battle. Player:A.T.Brevicus, Race:=2Had Result:= 0
13:29:55 Info: NOT-Neutral Hex Race Battle. Player:A.T.Brevicus, has been pegged as a hex attacker.
13:29:55 Info: NOT-Neutral Hex Race Battle. Player:A.T.Brevicus, is the HIGHEST hex Attacker.
13:29:55 Info: NOT-Neutral Hex Race Battle. Hex defenders win.
13:29:55 Info: Update Hex.  fHighestDefenderRace:= 0, fHighestAttackerRace:= 2
13:29:55 Info: Update Hex.  fHexRace:= 0
13:29:55 Info: Update Hex.  defenderlayer:= 0
13:29:55 Info: Update Hex.  attackerLayer:= 0
13:29:55 Info: Update Hex.  winnerLayer:= 0
13:29:55 Info: Update Hex.  victoryPointModifier:=1
13:29:55 Info: Update Hex.  attackerRaceSameHexRace:= 0, delta:= 4
13:29:55 Info: Update Hex.  Attacker Lost
13:29:55 Info: Update Hex.  Done with switch on delta. victoryPointModifier:=1
13:29:55 Info: Update Hex.  turnoverVPsForAHex:=0
13:29:55 Info: Update Hex. Not an AI Solo Battle so setting current victory points
13:29:55 Info: Tried to get a character for update, but got none back
13:29:59 Info: Connection accepted (6260)
13:29:59 Info: Authenticating Connection (6260)
13:29:59 Info: Connection authenticated (6260)
13:30:06 Info: CM (333331): Start: Getting matching PreparedMissions package
13:30:06 Info: CM (333331): No missions had been prepared (player moving)
15:28:05 Error!: tThread::Work() [Thread ID 1772] unhandled exception, closing down.
15:28:05 Error!:
15:28:05 Error!:
Specifically this part:
Code: [Select]
15:28:05 Error!: tThread::Work() [Thread ID 1772] unhandled exception, closing down.
15:28:05 Error!:
15:28:05 Error!:
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Bonk on October 21, 2007, 12:01:56 pm
Ah, how many times have you changed the missionlist? Have you edited the missionslist blob, campaign file and missions folder so they all match exactly? (I can do this for you...)  Oh wait, but the stock forge is doing it too you say? (is it just as I left it? Same build?) If so, then the problem is probably not with the serverkit.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Lear on October 21, 2007, 12:11:57 pm
My 2 cents worth . Is that there is a problem with the DB clean.
because of all the old AI helper Marker that were still around
I think that the DB clean usualy removes these ??
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on October 21, 2007, 02:13:56 pm
Ah, how many times have you changed the missionlist? Have you edited the missionslist blob, campaign file and missions folder so they all match exactly? (I can do this for you...) Oh wait, but the stock forge is doing it too you say? (is it just as I left it? Same build?) If so, then the problem is probably not with the serverkit.
Thats what makes me confused as to where this error is coming from ... the ODBC logs dont help me at all pinpoint the problem.
No changes to missionlist, campaign file, missions folder, etc since I first set it up and yea, I tripled checked to make sure it was and indeed it is.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Dfly on October 21, 2007, 05:32:30 pm
The only 2 things I noticed on the campaign was what Lear mentioned, being that the AI markers are still present even after a clean, and the other being the loaned fighters dont show properly.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: KBFLordKrueg on October 21, 2007, 09:17:19 pm
The only 2 things I noticed on the campaign was what Lear mentioned, being that the AI markers are still present even after a clean, and the other being the loaned fighters dont show properly.

The fighter thing has been a bane to the Coalition for a long time. It's becoming even more of a PITA now that the better fighters are coming out.
It's beginning to become a significant disadvantage for some ships.
Obviously, the first issue is the crashes, but, IMOHPO the fighter issue needs to be addressed right after that.
Taking into account my technical ignorance of the inner workings of a server, perhaps, the 2 issues could be related...?

Take your time with these, let's get it right rather than blundering ahead fighting constant issues.  ;)
*deposits 2 cents*  ;D
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Bonk on October 21, 2007, 11:41:18 pm
I see nobody is on the server right now, so I'm going to take it down for a few minutes and go over everything. (particularly the preparedmissions table and the missionlist blob). Maybe something will jump out at me.

I think some shiplist QA might be in order. But if the "stock" forge exhibits that behavior then I guess that is out...

Ohhh waaaiiiittt. Comcast. Now filtering peer to peer traffic openly.
Could that be a factor? A quirk of their new torrent filtering?  Hmmm...

Going to take a look now to see what I can find...
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Bonk on October 22, 2007, 03:31:04 am
OK, DNS hiccups from downtime are more likely an interference than Comcasts P2P filtering.... anyway...

I went over everything. I gave it that special Bonk magic touch!  ;D

I just ran a mission, no crash. So give it a whirl... I left it running on the process sentinel...

quick summary:
1 ) reconfigured MySQL - memory, cache, named pipe, skip-innodb
2 ) reconfigured ODBC - no cache, named pipe
3 ) backed up current db
3 ) rationalised mct file, scripts folder and missionlist blob (important part! - the missionlist blob was borked)
4 ) standard db clean
5 ) backed up fixed(?) db
6 ) Did a "ServerPlatform.exe -install"
7 ) reconfigured ProcessSentinel
8 ) launched!

If you have any questions about the procedure just ask me. Hopefully it might be stable now. So get on there and give 'er a go!  :)
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: odb on October 22, 2007, 07:16:25 am
approx 6.45 am monday morning ran a 6 min mission came out after debrief an i lost connection to the server. k so then i went to the oci switched from my bb to a klink d5d. i ran a 1 min 45 sec mission. came out of debrief, still connected, but  when i jumped to the next hex to supply immedatly after, slow movement. took 2+ min to compleate the jump. an after the movement was done i was still in origional hex, an was still connected, an was still able to move, but i was still in the same hex after the movement was done . so i loged out, an the forge wasent showin on the server listings to log in. its now just after 7 am monday morning.   i tried to make sure i ran a fast mission to see if it was a time thing that disconnected me. appearently makes no difference. vanguard was loged in ran a mission just befor i did, i came out he was gone im assuming he was disconnected to.      lotta chat here that probibly dont amount to nothin just tryin to help. good luck
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on October 22, 2007, 08:24:08 am
OK, thanks Bonk for fixing the Mission Blob for me :D .. havent had time to log into THOR since its been brought back up, but I'll see if there anything else still clogging it up.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Bonk on October 22, 2007, 10:00:12 am
Well it looks like its down now and I'm off to work.  :(  Hey, did I read somewhere that the characters and ships were imported into this db? Maybe we've hit the point where there is an ID conflict? Try double checking the next object ID in the database description table against the largest record ID anywhere in the db to ensure the next one is larger, I did not check that.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Bonk on October 22, 2007, 04:26:13 pm
It just occurred to me that this box Thor is on is new? It is a 64 bit AMD processor right?

We are running Win2003 Server Standard Edition on a 64 bit processor?  (ummm....)

I also notice that MySQL 5.1 is installed. 5.1 is a release candidate and should not be used for production boxes. We should roll it back to 5.0.45. (dont just coopy data dirs - but dump and reload after the rollback) Also, it should be a 64 bit version of MySQL (Oonce we have the right OS installed).

From the look of it it seems your troubles started when MySQL 5.1 was intalled.

Also, we may need to recompile the serverkit for 64 bit architecture. Has that been done yet?

Also has C++ been reinstalled on thor or was the software kjust restored from a backup to the new machine? Different platform will call for a new VC install and recompilation of our applications.

(though it is acceptable to run an 32 bit OS on a 64 bit processor, it will just be a bit slower, in which case we can stick with the 32 bit apps)
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on October 22, 2007, 07:31:58 pm
It just occurred to me that this box Thor is on is new? It is a 64 bit AMD processor right?

We are running Win2003 Server Standard Edition on a 64 bit processor? (ummm....)

I also notice that MySQL 5.1 is installed. 5.1 is a release candidate and should not be used for production boxes. We should roll it back to 5.0.45. (dont just coopy data dirs - but dump and reload after the rollback) Also, it should be a 64 bit version of MySQL (Oonce we have the right OS installed).

From the look of it it seems your troubles started when MySQL 5.1 was intalled.

Also, we may need to recompile the serverkit for 64 bit architecture. Has that been done yet?

Also has C++ been reinstalled on thor or was the software kjust restored from a backup to the new machine? Different platform will call for a new VC install and recompilation of our applications.

(though it is acceptable to run an 32 bit OS on a 64 bit processor, it will just be a bit slower, in which case we can stick with the 32 bit apps)
So far as I can tell V C++ has not been reinstalled on THOR, and yea I would agree.. it seems that MySQL 5.1 seems to be the thing that has changed and I can see it causing this since the serverkit was built on previous versions of MySQL. Also, yep, its a 64 bit AMD processor that THOR is running on.
I dont believ that the serverkit has been recompiled on 64 bit architecture..
it probably is the main reason for all these strange occurances with the instability of HoT.. its so sensative to every change now since it wasnt built for the latest and the best(or so MySQL 5.1 devs would claim).
I have also noticed that Process Sentinel with the serverkit running for long durations without a reset also seems to cause a slow down in preformance on the server..
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Bonk on October 22, 2007, 08:32:25 pm
. it seems that MySQL 5.1 seems to be the thing that has changed and I can see it causing this since the serverkit was built on previous versions of MySQL.

The MySQL code was added back on EAW 2.0.36 and the current stable version of MySQL back then 3.23. The Kit code has not changed in that respect in its interaction with the SQL db, as the communication is actually through MSADO, then ODBC then to the MySQL server.

The issue is not that the serverkit was built for earlier versions of MySQL but rather that MySQL 5.1 is a release candidate only intended for testing new features.

MySQL 5.1 -- Release Candidate release, Test new features early!

MySQL 5.1 Community Edition - Release Candidate Development Release
NOTE: This release candidate release, as any other pre-production release, should not be installed on production level systems or systems with critical data. It is good practice to back up your data before installing any new version of software. Although MySQL has worked very hard to ensure a high level of quality, protect your data by making a backup as you would for any other pre release software. MySQL generally recommends that you dump and reload your tables from any previous version to upgrade to 5.1.

There is no guarantee that this is the problem, but it is mighty suspicious as it seems it was installed about when the trouble started...

Would you like me to do the rollback or will you take care of it? (Make sure to dump, uninstall, move folder, reinstall and reload dbs - also ensure no conflicting libmysql.dll is present in the system32 folder - and use a similar my.ini setup ans the changes I've made to the 5.1 config)
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Bonk on October 23, 2007, 02:46:37 am
I rolled thor back to MySQL 5.0.45 and the problem persists.  :(   So much for that theory.

In the process of working on the machine and watching the taskmanager as I went, something does not seem right about the memory in that system. I gotta ask frey if he has run a full test from the bios on these sticks in this machine at least once. Though what I'm seeing may be a result of the CPU/OS combo.

I'll check on the next object ID issue (I should have done that first)

Though this seems missions related somehow...
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on October 23, 2007, 05:43:00 am
Is there any new specific error being produced since the Mission blob was fixed?
If I get the time today I'll take a look at the serverkit as well.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Bonk on October 23, 2007, 12:05:50 pm
leave it be for a bit, I think I may have found the problem... I rolled it back to my last build (39) and it ran two missions in a row (an improvement) I did not test a third.

But I found 113 ships in the ship table with owner IDs not present in the character table, I removed these ships. (incomplete db cleans? - you need to remove the dead AI ships too... I have a good three query procedure for it.) This might explain that ADO/ODBC error of "could not find row to update".

So now its running under the process sentinel on build 39 with the ship table cleaned up. If its stable for a day or two then lets put build 41 back in and see what happens. And a good question would be why would build 41 be more sensitive to a bad ship table than build 39?

P.S. I have a bunch of screenshots of errors and the state of the taskmanager display while running build 41 when it was crashing, I'll try and get the relevant ones posted in the dev forum

P.P.S the DVs did not seem to be shifting properly... gotta look into that.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Bonk on October 23, 2007, 01:45:35 pm
OK, I've restored MySQL 5.1 and build 41 of the serverkit since I've established those were not the problem (though there was a difference in the kit builds)... so we can continue to test new features of MySQL as suggested!

I've got a pretty good feeling that the ghost AI ships with no AI owners in the db were the problem. Tricky one to find. I'm going to try a few missions now and see what I get!
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Bonk on October 23, 2007, 02:00:59 pm
Welp, maybe not, the kit crashes again with the combo of MySQL 5.1 and build 41 of the kit.

I'll see if my old build 39 will crash with this db on MySQL 5.1...
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Bonk on October 23, 2007, 02:31:57 pm
I just ran three missions in a row no troubles with kit build 39 on MySQL 5.1. I'll leave it like that for now to see if its stable.

So it was not MySQL and probably not the game db (though it had troubles) but rather the kit build 41 seems to have an issue with this game db on either MySQL 5.0.45 or 5.1.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Bonk on October 23, 2007, 02:51:52 pm
rebooting the machine...
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Bonk on October 23, 2007, 03:15:25 pm
Server rebooted and back up and running. Lets see if she holds, if so, we have some debugging to do on that new build.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on October 23, 2007, 07:53:46 pm
Server rebooted and back up and running. Lets see if she holds, if so, we have some debugging to do on that new build.
Seems to be holding, though Ternado just reported to me that the Ed missions crash in nebs then causes the server to crash.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on October 23, 2007, 10:01:09 pm
OK, it seems to be crashing more often again.. noticed it crash 2 times while I was on D.net
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Bonk on October 23, 2007, 10:22:04 pm
Poop, well I'm just about out of ideas...... oh wait, you could try running it on the flatfile for a while and see what happens to eliminate a few more possibilities.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FPF-Tobin Dax on October 23, 2007, 11:50:10 pm
Down again as of a few minutes ago. It wasn't offering any mission, so I thought I would log off and then back on, but it's not on the selector screen anymore.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on October 24, 2007, 09:10:53 am
Poop, well I'm just about out of ideas...... oh wait, you could try running it on the flatfile for a while and see what happens to eliminate a few more possibilities.
I'll try the switch when I get back home in a few hours.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on October 24, 2007, 02:14:30 pm
Switched to flatfile for a few hours. Please do log in and play it, and post if the server crashes. I will switch it back later tonight, but we gotta know if flatfile is stable so please dont wait for tonight for it to be switched back before you log in again. We need data!
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on October 24, 2007, 07:10:30 pm
Well it seems to have remained stable on Flatfile.. so that eliminates some possibilites at least..
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on October 24, 2007, 09:09:24 pm
Forge is down while THOR errors are IDed, and perhaps squashed out, as well as some internal experiments with the SQL tables
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Bonk on October 24, 2007, 11:05:17 pm
Well it seems to have remained stable on Flatfile.. so that eliminates some possibilites at least..

OK, next I recommend running the clock up on the flatfile to the same year the MySQL db is in and see if it is still stable for the flatfile. If not, then the shiplist/missions/gfs are possibly to blame. Then you have some serious shiplist QA and gf settings to take care of.

A server can be perfectly stable on a shiplist and set of gfs in one era but not another (or one game year and not the next for that matter), it is critical to test in all years that the server will run.

Even so, if it is unstable on the flatfile in the current year, then test the current year on an older build (still on the flatfile) as well to determine if it is the build that has issues. (Dave Ferrell's build 37 is a good baseline, or build 36.)


P.S. Did you use mission matching setting other than the default? (i.e. CaptJeff's Storm Season 2 gfs? - whic everyone but me likes, I find them very unstable - nothing personal Jeff...) If so use default mission matching settings. There are better ways to achieve what people try to do with the gf settings which are poorly understood. (trial and error)
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on October 25, 2007, 02:05:50 pm
Well it seems to have remained stable on Flatfile.. so that eliminates some possibilites at least..

OK, next I recommend running the clock up on the flatfile to the same year the MySQL db is in and see if it is still stable for the flatfile. If not, then the shiplist/missions/gfs are possibly to blame. Then you have some serious shiplist QA and gf settings to take care of.

A server can be perfectly stable on a shiplist and set of gfs in one era but not another (or one game year and not the next for that matter), it is critical to test in all years that the server will run.

Even so, if it is unstable on the flatfile in the current year, then test the current year on an older build (still on the flatfile) as well to determine if it is the build that has issues. (Dave Ferrell's build 37 is a good baseline, or build 36.)


P.S. Did you use mission matching setting other than the default? (i.e. CaptJeff's Storm Season 2 gfs? - whic everyone but me likes, I find them very unstable - nothing personal Jeff...) If so use default mission matching settings. There are better ways to achieve what people try to do with the gf settings which are poorly understood. (trial and error)
OK were up to 41 without any problems on flatfile, and 41 flatfile is up now on the current year.
I pretty much used the same .gf settings as Fragmentation Effect only making the necessary adjustments to add the new missions, and proper IRC chat channels etc.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on October 25, 2007, 02:38:25 pm
B41 flatfile crashing.. rerolling back to B39
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Braxton_RIP on October 25, 2007, 07:20:32 pm
I'll be taking the Forge (And likely Thor) over for the next few hours to put this problem to rest.  Be it sweet, gentle caressing or beating it with a hammer, I'm determined to sort this issue out.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: odb on October 26, 2007, 05:45:13 am
make it work. PLEASE, I must kill some feds soon!!! 
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Bonk on October 26, 2007, 10:37:25 am
I'll be taking the Forge (And likely Thor) over for the next few hours to put this problem to rest.  Be it sweet, gentle caressing or beating it with a hammer, I'm determined to sort this issue out.


The only other suggestion I have is to test the identical server setup (flatfile) on another box somewhere else (I'd offer to test but I'm on dial-up). Just to eliminate all those possibilities.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Lear on October 27, 2007, 10:04:10 am
It is still not showing up on the selector screen???
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: KBFLordKrueg on October 27, 2007, 12:35:23 pm
It is still not showing up on the selector screen???

It's down for a bit for "repairs".
I'm sure someone will post when it's back up.  ;)
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Braxton_RIP on October 27, 2007, 12:38:47 pm
Right, little update, so far, we have yoinked the memory and changed it out for a different stick.  There are still a couple little bugs to be ironed out, so the server will still be down for a day or so.  I might end up putting the original Forge back up if I can't get this server back operational.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: deadmansix on October 28, 2007, 01:02:49 am
Right, little update, so far, we have yoinked the memory and changed it out for a different stick.  There are still a couple little bugs to be ironed out, so the server will still be down for a day or so.  I might end up putting the original Forge back up if I can't get this server back operational.

 take the time you need no hurry, dum de dum, is it done yet :laugh:
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: odb on October 30, 2007, 05:13:09 am
its been forever man, forge never been down this long, whats up man, just dont blow us off please.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on October 30, 2007, 01:47:46 pm
its been forever man, forge never been down this long, whats up man, just dont blow us off please.
Dunno.. this is the first time Ive been able to get some time to re-log into THOR since this weekend.. It'll be testing time again to figure out why its so unstable..
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: odb on October 31, 2007, 10:20:50 am
i take it its to no availe?
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: KBFLordKrueg on October 31, 2007, 05:05:10 pm
i take it its to no availe?

Really...you must learn to govern your passions, they will be your undoing.  ;D

The best Hunters have the most patience.  ;)

I'm sure it'll be posted when it's back up.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: deadmansix on October 31, 2007, 05:17:15 pm
i take it its to no availe?

Really...you must learn to govern your passions, they will be your undoing.  ;D

The best Hunters have the most patience.  ;)

I'm sure it'll be posted when it's back up.

 what he said dum dee dum dummm de dumm, is it ready yet :laugh:
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on October 31, 2007, 05:42:29 pm
I believe today was my final day of being busy enough not to even be able to check the computer sometime during the day.. so, last night I had to resolve my DNS issues(had to switch my DNS server since the one I was on wasnt resolving the new IPs correctly, so hopefully tomorrow I'll finally be able to restart MySQL and test the server. RL can be such an annoyance sometimes.. this being one of those times *sighs* .
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: odb on October 31, 2007, 10:10:01 pm
just cause i may give u a hard time, an i know u ignore me as always dont mean i dont appreciate your talents, gl with the server an i hope u had a good halloween
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Braxton_RIP on November 01, 2007, 11:46:33 am
I've offically scraped this one.  Not really interested in investing the 6ish hours it would take me to retool the database to get it operation.  Putting up a new Forge, stock map, etc. currently.  Should be up before noon my time.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: odb on November 01, 2007, 02:08:04 pm
kick ass man thats what im talkin about.... Results!  cant wait cant wait must kill must kill, cant take no more gsa noob killin, waist of my talents.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on November 01, 2007, 06:43:05 pm
The Forge: Hammer of Thor shall go back all the way to the drawing board till sometime when there is a rather large gap in between servers again. Probably sometime in early 2008 unless there are other servers scheduled immediately after Hexx's server coming up in December I believe. Till then, just the regular Forge. Whenever HoT returns in 2008, the bugs will be smashed out by then.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: Beeblebrox on November 01, 2007, 10:58:23 pm
No one seems to be able to log on to the Forge.  It gives the full two minute count then tell you that an error occured.
Title: Re: The Forge - The Hammer of Thor
Post by: odb on November 02, 2007, 03:27:21 am
same here cant connect either