
Off Topic => Other Games => Topic started by: yochenhsieh on August 24, 2007, 06:57:53 pm

Title: Homeworld: Sacrifice of Angels mod?
Post by: yochenhsieh on August 24, 2007, 06:57:53 pm
Does anyone still have a copy of the star trek mod "Sacrifice of Angel" for Homeworld? I've searched the internet but all download links are now defunct. Hope someone still keep it and can upload it to somewhere reliable.

Thanks. :)
Title: Re: Homeworld: Sacrifice of Angels mod?
Post by: Sirgod on August 24, 2007, 07:34:17 pm
I'll have to look through about 300 CD's But I'm sure I have it somewhere. Give me a week at the very least.

Title: Re: Homeworld: Sacrifice of Angels mod?
Post by: yochenhsieh on August 28, 2007, 06:31:19 am
I'll have to look through about 300 CD's But I'm sure I have it somewhere. Give me a week at the very least.

Thanks. If you find it, could you please upload it to dynaverse.net ftp?
Or Xenocorp ftp: