
Taldrenites => Dynaverse II Experiences => Topic started by: FA Frey XC on June 06, 2007, 09:41:28 pm

Title: Thanks
Post by: FA Frey XC on June 06, 2007, 09:41:28 pm
I just wanted to say thanks to the a-holes last night that decided it was good sportsman-ship in taunting me after DFly and I came out of game.

It's sh*t like this that reminds me why I don't fly on campaign servers anymore... and makes me wonder why I keep all this sh*t running.


Frey >:(
Title: Re: Thanks
Post by: FPF-DieHard on June 06, 2007, 09:44:22 pm
I just wanted to say thanks to the a-holes last night that decided it was good sportsman-ship in taunting me after DFly and I came out of game.

It's sh*t like this that reminds me why I don't fly on campaign servers anymore... and makes me wonder why I keep all this sh*t running.


Frey >:(

As one of the jerks who did this, let me publicly apologize.   I didn't think it would piss you off like it did.

PS.  I gave you 75,000 PP
Title: Re: Thanks
Post by: KAT Chuut-Ritt on June 06, 2007, 10:02:04 pm
I apologize as well, had no idea you'd take it that way.  I tend not to take game stuff too seriously personally, but we all have our different perspectives and sorry if any comments I made seemed like rubbing salt in wounds.  The Kzinti have always been the most light-hearted race and sometimes we forget that others are more serious minded than our wingman t-bombing ram your buddy into a planet mentality.
Title: Re: Thanks
Post by: FA Frey XC on June 07, 2007, 05:04:37 pm
FACT : I had just logged onto the server and bought the only ship I could afford.

FACT : I was attempting to team up with Stoneyface, another XC'er I had recruited to join me on this server as a Rom.

FACT : I was waiting for Stoney because he had issues with missions when he got drafted.

FACT : There was no need for the after game sh*t in the channel like " Thanks Frey for my shiney new mauler cruiser"... "Yea... " "hahaha" "*Snicker*".

Then, to add insult to injury, I am told my word isn't good enough after we suffered from what others are telling me sounds like the classic disco'ed missions. I said "GG" in game, and in the general channel because I try to be a good sport, even when I'm a little miffed that such as this happens.

Did that matter? Of course not, because the only thing that matters to some of you players is winning, and VP's, and rubbing your opponents face in the sh*t.  So, I choose to not subjugate myself to that type of crap, because believe it or not I play games to have fun, not serve as someone else's personal ego-boost.


Title: Re: Thanks
Post by: FPF-DieHard on June 07, 2007, 06:11:50 pm
FACT : I had just logged onto the server and bought the only ship I could afford.

FACT : I was attempting to team up with Stoneyface, another XC'er I had recruited to join me on this server as a Rom.

FACT : I was waiting for Stoney because he had issues with missions when he got drafted.

FACT : There was no need for the after game sh*t in the channel like " Thanks Frey for my shiney new mauler cruiser"... "Yea... " "hahaha" "*Snicker*".

Then, to add insult to injury, I am told my word isn't good enough after we suffered from what others are telling me sounds like the classic disco'ed missions. I said "GG" in game, and in the general channel because I try to be a good sport, even when I'm a little miffed that such as this happens.

Did that matter? Of course not, because the only thing that matters to some of you players is winning, and VP's, and rubbing your opponents face in the sh*t.  So, I choose to not subjugate myself to that type of crap, because believe it or not I play games to have fun, not serve as someone else's personal ego-boost.



The best revenge is to sign back in and Kill us.   Did I mention you now have 75K PP?
Title: Re: Thanks
Post by: Dfly on June 07, 2007, 07:39:15 pm
Frey, at any time after the start, before we got close,you could have decided not to fight, in order to save your ship, and head for a border.  At any time you could have asked for mercy because you had no pp to buy another ship.  I would gladly have given it, and always do when asked.  None of this was done or asked.
 Yes I play the PvP matches to win, always have, always will(I expect).  If time comes that I no longer wish that, I will try to stay out of PvP, or run off the map when drafted.  If I were to be captured, dragged into a rock, or otherwise I fully expect it will be all over the forums with pictures and stories.  That is part of this game, and this group.  I may not apreciate it when it happens, but I do realize that everyone is different and things like this happen.
I am sorry you feel hurt by all this and no longer wish to fly.  It was not the intention.
Title: Re: Thanks
Post by: Slider on June 08, 2007, 12:37:54 am

Its very easy to come in in the middle and mis read what the level of mirth is...

Soreeyes running into Rocks
Guys flying like their riding bicycles...
"being run off like girls" self effacing comments.

Laslty losing a dread "cough" to a Light Cruiser cough....While I wont go into details Duck will never live that one down.
Again were just goofing...no serious malice behind it.....thats is a difference.

They guys apologized....I'm not sure what more you expect of them, they cannot control or abate your anger.

Title: Re: Thanks
Post by: FA Frey XC on June 08, 2007, 03:47:02 pm
Frey, at any time after the start, before we got close,you could have decided not to fight, in order to save your ship, and head for a border.  At any time you could have asked for mercy because you had no pp to buy another ship.  I would gladly have given it, and always do when asked.  None of this was done or asked.
 Yes I play the PvP matches to win, always have, always will(I expect).  If time comes that I no longer wish that, I will try to stay out of PvP, or run off the map when drafted.  If I were to be captured, dragged into a rock, or otherwise I fully expect it will be all over the forums with pictures and stories.  That is part of this game, and this group.  I may not apreciate it when it happens, but I do realize that everyone is different and things like this happen.
I am sorry you feel hurt by all this and no longer wish to fly.  It was not the intention.

Wow, thanks for the justification of your BS.

Did I contest the kill? No. Did I say anything about that? Did you actually READ the post I made? Of course not....you completely avoid the point of my post, and thus show the world what a ass you are.

The original post wasnt about the kill, and if you would actually use the grey matter in between your cheeks you'd realize that - it was about the BS afterwards. I mean, WTF is the point of saying "Thanks for the nice new mauler", you gonna downtrade it and loose that cheesy Legendary Crew and cheesma ship you were flying? I sincerely doubt it, so take your BS excuses and shove them, I've had it with your friggin attitude.

Piss off,

Title: Re: Thanks
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on June 08, 2007, 04:15:59 pm

Its very easy to come in in the middle and mis read what the level of mirth is...

Soreeyes running into Rocks
Guys flying like their riding bicycles...
"being run off like girls" self effacing comments.

Laslty losing a dread "cough" to a Light Cruiser cough....While I wont go into details Duck will never live that one down.
Again were just goofing...no serious malice behind it.....thats is a difference.

They guys apologized....I'm not sure what more you expect of them, they cannot control or abate your anger.


there is a point where it goes too far. especially when its multiple people taunting. I generally find unless its "GG" or setting up a PvP in general chat, it usually gets people into more trouble then anything else. Here is a classical example of such that right here. Unless you know the person well, dont take a chance taunting, no matter how playful it might sound or unintentional.
Its why I got go right back to missions instead of hanging around general chat else it might end up rather harshly, like the post above mine which means being (http://www.i-imagehost.com/uploads/e5ad3e431a.jpg)
Title: Re: Thanks
Post by: el-Karnak on June 08, 2007, 04:43:21 pm

Its very easy to come in in the middle and mis read what the level of mirth is...

Soreeyes running into Rocks
Guys flying like their riding bicycles...
"being run off like girls" self effacing comments.

Laslty losing a dread "cough" to a Light Cruiser cough....While I wont go into details Duck will never live that one down.
Again were just goofing...no serious malice behind it.....thats is a difference.

They guys apologized....I'm not sure what more you expect of them, they cannot control or abate your anger.

there is a point where it goes too far. especially when its multiple people taunting. I generally find unless its "GG" or setting up a PvP in general chat, it usually gets people into more trouble then anything else. Here is a classical example of such that right here. Unless you know the person well, dont take a chance taunting, no matter how playful it might sound or unintentional.


Public taunting, especially over PvP games,  is not a good idea.  Whether it's in public chat or the public forums, I've yet to see a net sum of constructive happiness result from it in any game in any genre. Just a lot of flame posts and bad feelings all around.

I always make it a point not to post about winnings/losings of PvP battles in public forums other than list the kill, as required by dyna campaign, and mb put in some cut-and-dry emotionless battle report.

Otherwise, what's the point?

When people have gone and glorified the PvP kills to the Nth degree in any public forum then there have been cases when matters really got out of hand and people did leave the game for a long time. Anyone that has been involved with D2 knows about these cases in this D2 forum or in the old Taldren D2 forum. Also, saw it in old Age of Sail games where whole fleets left, LoTR games, SFC3 big-time, SWG, and so on and so on ...

A lot of it is all fun and games, but humor can be a double-edged sword sometimes in the wrong situation.
Title: Re: Thanks
Post by: Hexx on June 08, 2007, 05:02:52 pm
All true.

However at a certain point- one simply has to realize that pretty much everyone else playing this game is an idiot and expect them to act as such.
Title: Re: Thanks
Post by: SkyFlyer on June 08, 2007, 05:14:13 pm
I dont really see a problem with a little ribbing here and there (and I get plenty of it, trust me), but it looks like this might have been taken too far.
Title: Re: Thanks
Post by: Dfly on June 08, 2007, 06:12:28 pm
Frey, at any time after the start, before we got close,you could have decided not to fight, in order to save your ship, and head for a border.  At any time you could have asked for mercy because you had no pp to buy another ship.  I would gladly have given it, and always do when asked.  None of this was done or asked.
 Yes I play the PvP matches to win, always have, always will(I expect).  If time comes that I no longer wish that, I will try to stay out of PvP, or run off the map when drafted.  If I were to be captured, dragged into a rock, or otherwise I fully expect it will be all over the forums with pictures and stories.  That is part of this game, and this group.  I may not apreciate it when it happens, but I do realize that everyone is different and things like this happen.
I am sorry you feel hurt by all this and no longer wish to fly.  It was not the intention.

Wow, thanks for the justification of your BS.

Did I contest the kill? No. Did I say anything about that? Did you actually READ the post I made? Of course not....you completely avoid the point of my post, and thus show the world what a ass you are.

The original post wasnt about the kill, and if you would actually use the grey matter in between your cheeks you'd realize that - it was about the BS afterwards. I mean, WTF is the point of saying "Thanks for the nice new mauler", you gonna downtrade it and loose that cheesy Legendary Crew and cheesma ship you were flying? I sincerely doubt it, so take your BS excuses and shove them, I've had it with your friggin attitude.

Piss off,

No verbal attack here.  No direct insults here. no sir.

Lucky you.  Others, me included, would be banned for such things.  I will drop it.  I will not address this situation or these insults any longer.  Whatever is bugging you either in real life or here I truly hope you find peace with it because even if I try to apologize you insult me, and that is also not right. 

This is and will be my last post on this subject.  I dont know what you want from me anymore as my  apology is not accepted, so I am dropping all issues with this topic.
Title: Re: Thanks
Post by: Dizzy on June 08, 2007, 06:32:42 pm
OMG! Grow a spine people. Do I need to start a new Dizzy Kill thread?
Title: Re: Thanks
Post by: KBF-Crim on June 08, 2007, 06:33:27 pm
Oh jesus christ....

Taunted.....oh...the horror.... :P

Next we will come steal your cable to watch mexican soccer.... :-*
Title: Re: Thanks
Post by: Hexx on June 08, 2007, 06:35:10 pm

Anyone (other than Frey-dunno if he will) able to lock this up?
Title: Re: Thanks
Post by: KBF-Crim on June 08, 2007, 07:29:24 pm
hmmm...I'm not in the habit of locking freys posts... ;)
Title: Re: Thanks
Post by: SkyFlyer on June 08, 2007, 08:33:23 pm
Someone give me the power. I'll do it. :D
Title: Re: Thanks
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on June 08, 2007, 11:51:35 pm
Some additional food for thought:
Stage 1: Its stuff like this that kills a game. First off a game that can have online campaigns comes out.
Stage 2: Then almost everyone who likes it extremely well will slowly start to get to a point that more and more campaign servers start to develop.
Stage 3: Then as PvP becomes popular on it, it starts out with some people messing up those who enjoy a decent PvP match with no hard feelings,
Stage 4: then it slowly becomes common for some additional "salt in the wound" among most players, perhaps still joking, but more and more common it becomes.
Stage 5: Soon its hard to get ANY decent campaign designed for FUN!! Online gaming (campaign wise) is dying
Stage 6: Then finally its hard at all just to get anyone to come on campaigns servers for that reason.
Stage 7: Intentional/unintentional taunting and bitter feelings becomes too much for almost everyone who used to love flying camps. Game killed(online campaign wise).

Every time something like this happens to this degree, its gonna shake more & more players from wanting to play campings. While apologies to the individual are definitely needed/the right thing to do, I'm afraid they are not gonna do much good in the long run as if it doesn't stop back at stage 1, then they'll never stop. Its one after the other after the other(even if being spaced out over the course of years of campaigns).All promises of change for the better then NOTHING the next time around. Only so many people for so long will tolerate/withstand it.

OP has held of extremely well, I must say, which I am very glad of.. I really enjoy playing OP a lot, as I'm sure a lot of you do as well, otherwise you wouldn't be here :P, but please remember NO MATTER what your intention or what your purpose in a supposedly HARMLESS taunt that your basically moving           Game Q     X   points    to Stage 7.

Even if your taunt doesn't hurt the person it was aimed at because they understand it, that doesn't mean that some other player on the server looks at that chat and is not affected by it to effectively deter them from playing.

...just some food for thought.
Title: Re: Thanks
Post by: FPF-DieHard on June 09, 2007, 12:16:43 am
OMG! Grow a spine people. Do I need to start a new Dizzy Kill thread?

You would have to actually sing onto the server to do that  :P
Title: Re: Thanks
Post by: FPF-Tobin Dax on June 09, 2007, 12:59:00 am
OMG! Grow a spine people. Do I need to start a new Dizzy Kill thread?

You would have to actually sing onto the server to do that  :P

Preferably with an ABBA tune....How about "knowing me, knowing you," considering the nature of the thread?   ;)
Title: Re: Thanks
Post by: FPF-Tobin Dax on June 09, 2007, 09:23:29 am
OMG! Grow a spine people. Do I need to start a new Dizzy Kill thread?

You would have to actually sing onto the server to do that  :P

Preferably with an ABBA tune....How about "knowing me, knowing you," considering the nature of the thread?   ;)

Wow! I lost karma for posting the ABBA comment!  ::)
Title: Re: Thanks
Post by: Hexx on June 09, 2007, 09:39:28 am
I keep telling people- you dis' ABBA and the KBF will get you.
Title: Re: Thanks
Post by: FPF-Tobin Dax on June 09, 2007, 09:41:29 am
I keep telling people- you dis' ABBA and the KBF will get you.

You're absolutely right. ABBA forever!
Title: On Dfly and Frey
Post by: Slider on June 09, 2007, 11:42:33 am
Ribbing a friend is a joke.

Ribbing a non-friend is a taunt.

That folks is the center of this arguement, period.

It's why Frey is lashing out and Dfly DieHard and Chutt apologized.

Dfly is a great guy and one of the most level headed persons ive ever had the chance to meet online. He's fair and never abuses players online.

Im sure thouse that know Frey will say the same about him.

Taunting as defined above should not be done and the offending parties have apologized. Please dont pile on.

Calling people Aholes or any other name is equally wrong. I look to Frey to do the right thing and diffuse his own comments.

As for the rest of us we should let this end between them and not add fuel to the fire.

Title: Re: Thanks
Post by: FA Frey XC on June 09, 2007, 10:08:49 pm
No verbal attack here.  No direct insults here. no sir.

Lucky you.  Others, me included, would be banned for such things.  I will drop it.  I will not address this situation or these insults any longer.  Whatever is bugging you either in real life or here I truly hope you find peace with it because even if I try to apologize you insult me, and that is also not right. 

This is and will be my last post on this subject.  I dont know what you want from me anymore as my  apology is not accepted, so I am dropping all issues with this topic.

When you've ran the stuff I've ran for over 10 years with your own money, equipment and the like, I'd hope you'd get a little lee-way. And that's my point - I'd have hoped seeing your so level headed and fair and stuff, that you might consider that in regards to how you treat me. Do I want special treatment? No. Do I ask for it ? No. But, when someone insults me am I going to sit around and just let it happen?


Bottom line here is, in my opinion, you haven't apologized for anything. You made a statement justifying your actions, not a statement saying "Wow, dude, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it that way". Now anyone that knows me would know I would have probably apologized for my lack of sensitivity in my first couple of posts, and this would be a done deal. All I see is justifications for negative behavior, and that friggin is one of my buttons. I cannot STAND people who can't just accept what they did and genuinely attempt to make things better - instead it's "Oh you see you shouldn't feel that way because of this.. this and this.. I didn't really do anything wrong, you see, so in reality it's *you* who are wrong in being pissed".

Just like the other comments that individuals have made in this post - ribbing and snid remarks don't really do anything but fan the flames.

And for the record, just like I told Crim when he called me today to make bond on his post ( :P ) if -ANY- of my moderators and admins feel like it's best, lock my thread. I am not above moderation either.

SO yea, I do get a little lattitude and extra's. I think I've earned it.

Apparently you do not.

Title: Re: On Dfly and Frey
Post by: FA Frey XC on June 09, 2007, 10:10:20 pm
Ribbing a friend is a joke.

Ribbing a non-friend is a taunt.

That folks is the center of this arguement, period.

It's why Frey is lashing out and Dfly DieHard and Chutt apologized.

Dfly is a great guy and one of the most level headed persons ive ever had the chance to meet online. He's fair and never abuses players online.

Im sure thouse that know Frey will say the same about him.

Taunting as defined above should not be done and the offending parties have apologized. Please dont pile on.

Calling people Aholes or any other name is equally wrong. I look to Frey to do the right thing and diffuse his own comments.

As for the rest of us we should let this end between them and not add fuel to the fire.

+1 .
Title: Re: On Dfly and Frey
Post by: Dizzy on June 09, 2007, 10:28:15 pm
Ribbing a friend is a joke.

Ribbing a non-friend is a taunt.

That folks is the center of this arguement, period.

Which is why I am everyone's friend here. And you are all mine. And to be fair, I am an equal opportunity ribber. I LOVE it when I get ribbed as well, and I ENCOURAGE you to rib me amap. Unfortunately, many of you lack the skill and balls required to have the opportunity to do so. We all know you all have a snowballs chance in hell at taking me down in ANY ship. Now lets get to the important stuff. I'm starting a kill thread as I've just made an account. I will be posting pics of pwnership the likes of which we havent seen since the good ole days. Be forewarned. Pwnage is about to happen. Here's a peek at the 1st pic going to my 1st victim. If only everyone had the honor of being my 1st server kill:

edited for speeleng
Title: Re: Thanks
Post by: Dizzy on June 09, 2007, 11:18:21 pm
And 1st honors for my 1st kill of the server goes to... Blazinbud! His damaged KRCS was no match for my CWLP. gg sir. I cannot take full credit for the kill, but I'll take the points. ;) It's what ya get for operating on the front lines. Let that be a warning to all Coalition players who fly the front lines. If I catch you, odds are that you'll die, so dont fly on the front lines mb?

MODERATORS: I'm too lazy to start my own kill thread. Can you please just retitle this thread as follows: 'Dizzy's Pwng thread for AOTK3.' That'd be good as this thread is getting too pathetic and needs my help.

Thank you.
Title: Re: Thanks
Post by: Kruk on June 09, 2007, 11:26:41 pm
And 1st honors for my 1st kill of the server goes to... Blazinbud! His damaged KRCS was no match for my CWLP. gg sir. I cannot take full credit for the kill, but I'll take the points. ;) It's what ya get for operating on the front lines. Let that be a warning to all Coalition players who fly the front lines. If I catch you, odds are that you'll die, so dont fly on the front lines mb?

MODERATORS: I'm too lazy to start my own kill thread. Can you please just retitle this thread as follows: 'Dizzy's Pwng thread for AOTK3.' That'd be good as this thread is getting too pathetic and needs my help.

Thank you.

Title: Re: Thanks
Post by: Dizzy on June 09, 2007, 11:29:10 pm
What? No karma???

Dizzy's Kill Thread, Thanks!

A History of Pwned[/color]
As Stolen from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia

The slang term pwn (not pown, as many people unfamiliar with the term may use) as used by the Internet gaming culture, means to defeat an opponent in a video-game in a manner so harshly it is (otherwise) indescribable in words. In this context, to be pwned can be defined as "to be defeated," with the strong connotation of also having been "made a fool of." It is generally used for "friendly taunting" of a player's in-game enemies, and gently "rubbing in" any victories, no matter how fleeting. Most gamers hold the view that to "own" someone is to defeat them well, but to "pwn" them is to hand them a decisive defeat in which one clearly triumphed, and thus, the word "pwn" is seen as the next step above "own". The term has become ubiquitous in Internet circles and now it is often used outside of gaming contexts. For example "We pwned them hardcore in that basketball game," or "that Spartan_Vice is such a n00b, he is constantly getting pwned." Its progressive form is "pwning." An example: "I was pwning like crazy!" Its noun form is "pwnage" (or "pwnge"). To make it more intense, some people use "pwntage," although the popularity of this term has changed over time. An example: "Did you see that flame war? PWNGE!" "zors" may also be added to create a humorous portmanteau of the word, e.g. pwnzors (also spelled xors or x0rz). Another variation that stems from pwn, is pwnai or pwnai'd, just like pwnage or pwnzors; pwnai is just a variation used to accentuate the base word of pwn, "that kid just got pwnai'd".

* 1 Theories about the word's etymology
* 2 Pronunciation
Theories about the word's etymology
The likely beginning of the meme is from the hacker scene on EFnet IRC circa 1994. The use of the word "own" in terms of victory over another predates its use in the gaming subculture. This accounts for the pre-existing proliferation of the word, which may then have been morphed into pwn through any of the following possible means:

* The term could have simply been derived from a common misspelling, with no significant event proliferating its use [1][2]. Instead, it is assumed that it simply began to spread as a result of fast typing, due to the proximity of the P and O keys on most modern keyboard layouts, and the tendency of gamers and net users to create and expand internet memes.

Given the recent development of the word, and its primary use in written form only, there is no single accepted pronunciation of pwn. Therefore, pronunciation is mainly based on personal preference. Some of the common variations include (IPA pronunciation) [o.n], [p...o.n], [pi.o.n], [p.n], [pwin], [pun], or, most commonly [po.n] or pawn, as rhymed with the original own; ([o.n]). It can also be pronounced phonetically, as [pw...n.] (pw.n). Another pronunciation, [p.n], is used by many other players, although many online gamers believe it to be a false pronunciation. The main argument against that is that since pwn is probably just a purposeful misspelling of its parent, own, that it should still be pronounced as [o.n] or [po.n]. Some people also pronounce it simply as 3 letters, /pi./ ['d.b.l.ju:] [.n].
Title: Re: Thanks
Post by: Dizzy on June 09, 2007, 11:44:43 pm
My 2nd kill of the server goes to Stargazer! His D5L was horribly pwnd by a SS. It was either that or a rock and I felt the SS was a more dignified way to go for such a valaint yet hopeless fight against my CWLP. gg stargazer!

Title: Re: Thanks
Post by: KBFLordKrueg on June 10, 2007, 12:38:29 am
And 1st honors for my 1st kill of the server goes to... Blazinbud! His damaged KRCS was no match for my CWLP. gg sir. I cannot take full credit for the kill, but I'll take the points. ;) It's what ya get for operating on the front lines. Let that be a warning to all Coalition players who fly the front lines. If I catch you, odds are that you'll die, so dont fly on the front lines mb?

MODERATORS: I'm too lazy to start my own kill thread. Can you please just retitle this thread as follows: 'Dizzy's Pwng thread for AOTK3.' That'd be good as this thread is getting too pathetic and needs my help.

Thank you.

Dizzy, please color your kills so to make sure they are seen and counted.
We wouldn't want any of your gloriousness missed... ::)
Title: Re: Thanks
Post by: Dizzy on June 10, 2007, 12:52:14 am
And 1st honors for my 1st kill of the server goes to... Blazinbud! His damaged KRCS was no match for my CWLP. gg sir. I cannot take full credit for the kill, but I'll take the points. ;) It's what ya get for operating on the front lines. Let that be a warning to all Coalition players who fly the front lines. If I catch you, odds are that you'll die, so dont fly on the front lines mb?

MODERATORS: I'm too lazy to start my own kill thread. Can you please just retitle this thread as follows: 'Dizzy's Pwng thread for AOTK3.' That'd be good as this thread is getting too pathetic and needs my help.

Thank you.

Dizzy, please color your kills so to make sure they are seen and counted.
We wouldn't want any of your gloriousness missed... ::)

lol, I did... in the proper KILL thread. This is my personal kill thread. And guess what? You are right where you belong! I'm glad you dropped in krueg, your stay will be a long one indeed...
Title: Re: Thanks
Post by: BlazinBud on June 10, 2007, 05:48:09 am
LMAO DIZZY were u get those cat pics at? LOL that is hilarious...
Title: Re: Thanks
Post by: Dizzy on June 10, 2007, 08:07:08 am
In further news, Capt Jeff's D5L and DM6's LB fall to Talon's CAY and my invincible CWLP in a vgg that seesawed back and forth to finally go our way in the end.
Title: Re: Thanks
Post by: Dizzy on June 10, 2007, 09:43:59 am
Capt Jeff's HDD+ seemed unphased by my unbeaten CWLP and engaged in a tense slugfest. The Lyrans won the day due in no small part to Jeff getting caught without having supplies. gg

Title: Re: Thanks
Post by: el-Karnak on June 11, 2007, 10:18:01 am
 :rofl: :rofl:

I guess getting a good laugh is sufficient compensation for being ignored. :D
Title: Re: Thanks
Post by: Dizzy on June 11, 2007, 11:54:06 am
Oh, forgot... Hemah in his D5L decided to mix it up and died foolishly the other day. This is a pic of him after the battle as I held him on my knee and tried to explain how 'tactics' are used and the merits of switching to the kitty side.

Title: Re: Thanks
Post by: 762_XC on June 11, 2007, 11:03:12 pm
Is Dizzy actually playing now? That bitch is so mine. Again.
Title: Re: Thanks
Post by: FPF-DieHard on June 11, 2007, 11:27:28 pm
Is Dizzy actually playing now? That bitch is so mine. Again.

Yes, dizzy is playing again and mostly Lyran.   Have you fun   ;D
Title: Re: Thanks
Post by: Dizzy on June 11, 2007, 11:52:09 pm
Is Dizzy actually playing now? That bitch is so mine. Again.

Ahh, you popped up in my kill thread sooner than I expected. You do realize that you will be a frequent visitor on this thread? hahahahaha
Title: Re: Thanks
Post by: Dizzy on June 12, 2007, 01:56:24 am
ShadowLord got the horns in a match with my BCPp and TT's CWLP. Reejr's D5D and Mrogues CAV managed to survive the encounter although both ships will require a complete overhaul. Unfortunately, there was a flash of light behind me when some ftrs were launched and by the time I looked back, TT's CWLP were nowhere to be found...
Title: Re: Thanks
Post by: Dizzy on June 12, 2007, 07:32:21 am
Stargazer, you decided the Klingon empire was rife with D7L's and went about fixing that last night. My Lyran CC+, CF, and CWLP happily destroyed all 3 of them. Glad to be of service.

It's not the ship... it's the lure:
Title: Re: Thanks
Post by: Dizzy on June 13, 2007, 09:36:20 am
CaptJeff's G-CM meets his fate vs the unbeaten Capn Dizzy. Once again, another Coalition Captain is pwnd.

Title: Re: Thanks
Post by: Dizzy on June 13, 2007, 08:25:46 pm
Capn Dizzy's DN meets his maker against Kaz's ID and Duck's D5L. Talon's CAY made a hasty retreat.

EDIT: Kill has been retracted by the admin because of the use of incorrect ftrs on the ID due to admin oversight. So I'm still unbeaten... :P
Title: Re: Thanks
Post by: FA Frey XC on June 14, 2007, 02:58:57 pm
Hijack my thread, will you?


Title: Re: Thanks
Post by: Dizzy on June 14, 2007, 03:01:06 pm
My D5L catches Shtarker's CLY on the frontlines and the CLY proves formidable vs my many drones, Shtarker's drone defense being superb, but in the end succumbs to battle damage and a hit and run that destroyed the last of his tractors. gg sir.
Title: Re: Thanks
Post by: Dizzy on June 14, 2007, 03:01:35 pm
Hijack my thread, will you?



I gave u plus karma for not banning me...  ;D
Title: Re: Thanks
Post by: Corbomite on June 14, 2007, 09:08:35 pm
OMG! Grow a spine people. Do I need to start a new Dizzy Kill thread?


Dizzy does have point, except that If I kept needled him for all the times I killed him, he would never stop crying!!!

 :P :-*

Taunting is childish, but knowing Die Hard, Chuut and Dfly as I do, I believe it was intended in fun and not meant to be taken personally. I hope you guys can work it out.

Title: Re: Thanks
Post by: Dizzy on June 14, 2007, 09:56:41 pm
OMG! Grow a spine people. Do I need to start a new Dizzy Kill thread?


Dizzy does have point, except that If I kept needled him for all the times I killed him, he would never stop crying!!!

 :P :-*

Nonsense. I need a good challenge. And eventually I'll catch up to the amount of times you've spanked me. I hope to see you on the server!
Title: Re: Thanks
Post by: Dizzy on June 15, 2007, 02:44:37 am
Undefeated and so far invincible, Dizzy's CVA puts Hemah's C8VK on the rocks!

Title: Re: Thanks
Post by: Dizzy on June 15, 2007, 08:36:20 am
Barely fitting between a blackhole and the border, My DNLPp goes head to head with Jeff's D5L and DM6's D5D. No real decisive hits scored, but I split them. Then I tried running down the D5L lawnmower style. Before I could use my ESG's to cut his balls off, I got tractored, had 2 scatterpacks in the water and found myself surrounded by a hail of drones coming every which way. Tractored on both sides with 3 shields down, I was taking a pounding. But I have never been defeated and rose to the occasion knowing once again I would rise up victorious and vanquish the foes of the kitties! Out of the trap I sprung like a cat and pounced back claws slashing. Before the dust settled, Jeff's D5L had been mauled and DM6 disengaged not wanting to be my next meal. GG!


Title: Re: Thanks
Post by: Dizzy on June 16, 2007, 05:14:03 am
Out gunned and out matched, Burningstone in his CCY and Dizzy in his CAY engage Kaz's ID and Scytale's CHC in a game of cat and mouse in a rockfield. After an hour and six minute fight, the Hydrans decided enough was enough and disengaged heavily damaged, their fighter squadrons decimated and their confidence shattered. Owing in large part to excellent flying by Burningstone and several mistakes made by the ID, the Hydrans turn tail and run yet again.


Title: Re: Thanks
Post by: Sirgod on June 16, 2007, 04:57:35 pm
Personaly, I'm pissed. I've looked at this thread over and over again, and all I see is excuses, of why It's OK to have talked smack towards Frey. IF I was you guys, I'd be kissing his ass. He's the reason we are all here after all.

How many of you, have stepped up, and Helped keep this place going? How many Have invited him and his family over, and Gave them the best you had? How Many here have helped others, Bringing them into your own home, Selling them cars (Frey did all of that) , and then can come back and make excusis of how It's OK, to Bad mouth the guy who keeps this place going.

Personaly, when It comes to Frey, and those who want to beat the guy down, well, I wouldn't piss on you if you where on fire.

Grow the f*ck up.

Stephen who has held back as long as he can.

Title: Re: Thanks
Post by: FPF-DieHard on June 16, 2007, 05:41:52 pm
Personaly, I'm pissed. I've looked at this thread over and over again, and all I see is excuses, of why It's OK to have talked smack towards Frey. IF I was you guys, I'd be kissing his ass. He's the reason we are all here after all.

How many of you, have stepped up, and Helped keep this place going? How many Have invited him and his family over, and Gave them the best you had? How Many here have helped others, Bringing them into your own home, Selling them cars (Frey did all of that) , and then can come back and make excusis of how It's OK, to Bad mouth the guy who keeps this place going.

Personaly, when It comes to Frey, and those who want to beat the guy down, well, I wouldn't piss on you if you where on fire.

Grow the f*ck up.

Stephen who has held back as long as he can.

Yes, I gave you negative Karma for being an ass-hatl.   The purpose of your post, after everything seems to be cool and even Frey typed an "LOL", was what?

If you don't play the game, don't stir up trouble for those who do.  Go back to H&S and trample a liberal, it will make you feel better.
Title: Re: Thanks
Post by: Sirgod on June 16, 2007, 05:58:22 pm
Heh , I could care less about Karma.

what I do care about is my friends. Die Hard, you tried to make good by Frey. I appreciate that, I really do, and for what It's worth, knock that damn Karma down to zero, Ironicly, I never cared about the karma setting, I cared about the people here.

Frey has been through hell the last year, With Cancer, the way we have all treated him, etc. Sorry, I love the lot of you, but I would kick your ass when it comes to Frey. Stand up and do him right guys, I could care less, if you all want to curse my name, But Frey deserves better then what I have seen here.

It's really not that hard, to give your host kudos, well wishing, and god forbid, a dollar or two.

Right now, I am so disappointed, in the way he was treated. Yeah, I'd like two rounds with ya, simply because  I stand up for this place, and my man Frey. I hope it was just bad judgement on peoples part, and a simple "sorry" can put an end to this.

But hey, If you still want to make fun of our Good friend, Frey, then step up, back up all that smack talk, and I'll be first in line to kick your ass. It's that simple, Frey is under my protection untill I hear otherwise from him.

I like you guys, I wish to hell, I had something other then a sat con, But man f*cking with Frey, that's just wrong. I think most of you all are better then this, and I would like to send this in action. A simple sorry and abit of respect towards the big guy would go along ways.

Title: Re: Thanks
Post by: FPF-DieHard on June 16, 2007, 08:32:36 pm
Stephen go to hell.  You weren't there, you don't know what was said, you have no idea how much you are blowing things out of proportion.   You don't play the game anymore, you opinion mean less than nothing.

If you didn't live in a sheep-shagger state I would gladly meet you anywahere so you could attempt to go 2 rounds with me.
Title: Re: Thanks
Post by: KAT Chuut-Ritt on June 16, 2007, 08:38:38 pm
Stephen you know we are buddies and I appreciate what you are trying to do but I think for the most part Frey got razzed a bit by a bunch of guys in the same vain that I raz you in hot and spicy over whaling laws in Oklahoma.  Frey took it badly, and maybe we didn't make it clear enough that it was in that kind of silly goofy way for us and no insult meant in any way to a guy we all respect and greatly appreciate.

I for one would have never imagined the reaction he gave, but on seeing it apologized and tried to explain that no disrespect was meant.  I gauged his response wrong and his comments left me thinking he doesn't seem to regard our relationship quite as friendly as I had assumed it was, or perhaps I had just caught him at a bad moment.  Dunno which, or if it was something else entirely,  maybe Frey can tell me when and if he feels like it.  But your comments after it has been basically put to rest, while well intentioned are ill advised IMHO as they may just stir up things again.  If you want to support Frey do so by sending him a PM or anyone you feel has unduly attacked him a PM.  I think it best for all involved to just let this kind of thing die in the main forums.

Again I apologize to Frey for my one word comment of "<Snicker>", and again express my appreciation for everything he has done for this community.  He is a one man marvel.

Chuut out.
Title: Re: Thanks
Post by: KAT Chuut-Ritt on June 16, 2007, 09:01:37 pm
Stephen go to hell.  You weren't there, you don't know what was said, you have no idea how much you are blowing things out of proportion.   You don't play the game anymore, you opinion mean less than nothing.

If you didn't live in a sheep-shagger state I would gladly meet you anywahere so you could attempt to go 2 rounds with me.

Die Hard he is just trying to stick up for a friend and though I think the comments ill advised, the intent was noble.  The raod to hell paved with good intentions and all that.  Just let it drop.
Title: Re: Thanks
Post by: Sirgod on June 16, 2007, 09:45:18 pm
Stephen go to hell.  You weren't there, you don't know what was said, you have no idea how much you are blowing things out of proportion.   You don't play the game anymore, you opinion mean less than nothing.

If you didn't live in a sheep-shagger state I would gladly meet you anywahere so you could attempt to go 2 rounds with me.

I'm biting my lower lip. Die hard your a good guy, so is chutt. Insulting my state means nothing to me, as Oklahoma sucks.

Heres the thing, Frey is one of my best friends, I did him wrong once, and I will do everything, to make right by that.

IF you want to throw down, Bring it, Hell, I'll give you my address, my phone number, Hell I'll Give you a months worth of cattle. But  I Am more then willing, and more then able to kick any ass, that puts Frey down. He needs more then that. Die hard, your a good guy, I hope you stay that way. Frey is under my protection wetherer he likes it or not.


PS. anyone wanting to kick my ass over this, is more then welcome to try.
Title: Re: Thanks
Post by: KAT Chuut-Ritt on June 16, 2007, 09:54:38 pm
I'm biting my lower lip. Die hard your a good guy, so is chutt. Insulting my state means nothing to me, as Oklahoma sucks.

Heres the thing, Frey is one of my best friends, I did him wrong once, and I will do everything, to make right by that.

IF you want to throw down, Bring it, Hell, I'll give you my address, my phone number, Hell I'll Give you a months worth of cattle. But  I Am more then willing, and more then able to kick any ass, that puts Frey down. He needs more then that. Die hard, your a good guy, I hope you stay that way. Frey is under my protection wetherer he likes it or not.


PS. anyone wanting to kick my ass over this, is more then welcome to try.

Stephen I told Die Hard to let it drop now I'm telling you to.  I think Frey might be greatly saddened by seeing his two friends saber rattling or worse on his account.  Frey is a man and can take care of himself as he has shown in the past.  Ask him if he approves of this stupidity on your and Die Hard's part, if he does by all means continue but have the respect to check with the man first, you might be pouring salt in his wound.

Same goes for Die Hard.
Title: Re: Thanks
Post by: Sirgod on June 16, 2007, 10:15:46 pm
Die hard, I offer a hand in friendship here, I may have over stepped my bounds, that being said, I do take up for Frey. I think this is the first time you and I have ever had words, and while on most issues, I do agree with you, there is no way that I would ever step down on when a friend is in need. This whole thing I hope was a misunderstanding, But Frey has been and will always be my best friend.

Because of Chutt, I hope that you will make peace with  Frey. Chutt is and has been a voice that keeps me from violence. Most people here are good guys, They have been here for years, and are people I respect heart and soul. But when It comes to Frey, I'll go toe to toe anytime anywhere. Please guys, just do the right thing, and let it drop.

This old Marine has an attitude of win or loose, you fight for what you believe in, and while I love the D2, I also love what Frey has done for us.

Let us all make peace here. If you want to blame anyone, blame me for any rocking of the boat It's just that I will always stand up for my friends, Right or wrong, Good or bad, No matter what, I stand fast with my friends.


Title: Re: Thanks
Post by: KAT Chuut-Ritt on June 16, 2007, 10:29:40 pm
Who can blame ya Stephen, i'd be a bit crabby too if I had a &ft plus kzin sitting on my shoulder as my conscience rather than a dainty cute little angel.   ;D
Title: Re: Thanks
Post by: FPF-DieHard on June 16, 2007, 11:00:49 pm
I don't care about this enough to escalte
Title: Re: Thanks
Post by: Dizzy on June 16, 2007, 11:19:23 pm
Personaly, I'm pissed. I've looked at this thread over and over again, and all I see is excuses, of why It's OK to have talked smack towards Frey. IF I was you guys, I'd be kissing his ass. He's the reason we are all here after all.

How many of you, have stepped up, and Helped keep this place going? How many Have invited him and his family over, and Gave them the best you had? How Many here have helped others, Bringing them into your own home, Selling them cars (Frey did all of that) , and then can come back and make excusis of how It's OK, to Bad mouth the guy who keeps this place going.

Personaly, when It comes to Frey, and those who want to beat the guy down, well, I wouldn't piss on you if you where on fire.

You cant rib someone unless you're a good friend... I wasnt there when this thing happened, but yeah, freys ass needs to be kissed. No question, but I wont be the 1st in line. Go ahead stephen I'll be after you... ;) But I work tirelessly to make this a better game, hosting servers, improving the shiplist, making the server settings work better with the map... I've done 9 servers now... And I promised Frey 200 bucks that he hasnt seen yet... I have a real good excuse on why he hasnt got it yet, but thats a different story, but frey needs money to make this place run. So donate please. And give the guy some respect... No one has sacrificed more for this community than him.

Nuff said. Back to my kill thread, THANKS!
Title: Re: Thanks
Post by: Dizzy on June 16, 2007, 11:39:25 pm
Stephen, got a joke for ya, you sheep hugger!

Wife says hi, we got the travel trailer and will come and visit soon. ;) Hope everything is well.

Title: Re: Thanks
Post by: Dizzy on June 16, 2007, 11:47:37 pm
Back to my KILL THREAD!

Scytale's ID was utterly overwhelmed by the more powerful carrier, the "L-CVA Molly Hatchet". Wraith's CS+ was instrumental in slowing the ID down which led to her untimely destruction. Soth's CHC watched helplessly as he let his wingmate die horribly.
Title: Re: Thanks
Post by: Sirgod on June 17, 2007, 02:09:42 pm
Stephen, got a joke for ya, you sheep hugger!

    So I'm driving down the country road with my girlfriend and pass this ranch. I look over at her and say, "You know, behind that tree over there is where I lost my virginity."


    "Yeah, that was the place. But we got caught by her mom."

    "OMG! You got caught??? Well what did she say?"


Wife says hi, we got the travel trailer and will come and visit soon. ;) Hope everything is well.


LOL, too funny Dizzy.

Die hard,I want to appoligize to you. Yes I'm very protective of Frey, and I let my mouth run off. I've had a few bad days, and maybe This whole incedent, caused me to lash out. It's no excuse though. So please, accept my apoligy to you. I wish I could play the game, sadly the best connection I have is SatCon, so no online for me.

Dizzy, you and your wife better come down for Okie Stock, July 28th. Bring your Biker buddies, It's going to be a blast.

Title: Re: Thanks
Post by: Kruk on June 17, 2007, 02:36:37 pm
Stephen, got a joke for ya, you sheep hugger!

    So I'm driving down the country road with my girlfriend and pass this ranch. I look over at her and say, "You know, behind that tree over there is where I lost my virginity."


    "Yeah, that was the place. But we got caught by her mom."

    "OMG! You got caught??? Well what did she say?"


Wife says hi, we got the travel trailer and will come and visit soon. ;) Hope everything is well.


LOL, too funny Dizzy.

Die hard,I want to appoligize to you. Yes I'm very protective of Frey, and I let my mouth run off. I've had a few bad days, and maybe This whole incedent, caused me to lash out. It's no excuse though. So please, accept my apoligy to you. I wish I could play the game, sadly the best connection I have is SatCon, so no online for me.

Dizzy, you and your wife better come down for Okie Stock, July 28th. Bring your Biker buddies, It's going to be a blast.


Hmmm,  that is the day my son is getting baptize. It's also the day I'm getting married.  ;D
Title: Re: Thanks
Post by: Sirgod on June 17, 2007, 02:45:49 pm
Hey Grats Kruk, it's good to see some good news come out of all of this.

Marriage and a babtism, Man It doesn't get better then that old friend.

Title: Re: Thanks
Post by: 762_XC on June 17, 2007, 09:05:41 pm
Jesus Christ, how the hell did this go on so long. Locked.

And Dizzy, if you PM me asking for it to be unlocked, I will ban your ass. Start your own smack thread.