Off Topic => Holodeck => Topic started by: TheJudge on May 30, 2007, 04:41:03 pm
Okay, for those that were following along in other threads...I've written a television script. It got looked at by a few studios, and eventually turned down (major reason given: too original - they want stuff familiar to viewers like BSG, Star trek, Lost, etc). Kind of depressing, but when you get right down to it, I got in a lot further than most people. We actually ended up with some funding from private sources, and now we're pitching the 'universe' concepts to a few people. A company's even done some concept art for us...which looks damn nice. If I find a place to host the pictures I'll put one or two of them up.
So, the reason for this post...something I've found disturbing about this whole process is how creativity is NOT desired in the industry anymore. Nothing TOO Original is going to get funding. It's a risk to be original, and very few execs are willing to take risks. They want a 'sure' thing. Now, I know it's been like this for a long, long time. It's the way the business is. It takes someone who has a good reputation, and/or money to get these folks to take risks.
So what would you do? Reinvent the wheel, take an 'old' concept, spruce it up and twist it so it is formulaic but still entertaining, or keep firing away at Original and hope someone along the line takes the risk?
Perhaps you need to do your series as a novel?
Maybe we need to list the classic repeated TV series concepts?
Sitcom - family or site (I love Lucy, Gilligans Island)
Cop show - comedic or serious (Dragnet, Car 54)
Sci Fi - Exploration/First Contact or War (Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica)
War / Adventure (Rat Patrol, Hogans Heroes)
Super Hero (Superman)
Do something they're looking for until you have shown them you've built a following- then maybe you'll be allowed to have another shot.
Or find one of the cable networks that can afford to and likes the show.
Keep in mind though that TV rarely does open up even for the successful - look at Joss Whedon (as an example).Man has a cult following, has had alot of success and can't get what he wants done for some shows.
Not to try and discourage you, just realize that it is a long shot.
Do something original after convincing them it's pretty standard.
Or you could always go the more unconventional route and start your own company and make the show yourself. If not here in the states, then there's always Europe. Believe it or not, they're more likely to accept original ideas.
Just a thought.
Perhaps you are pitching it to the wrong people. Some TV critics consider this to be another golden age of television, not so much for what is on the networks, but what paid TV operations like HBO and Showtime have brought into the mainstream. The Sopranos, Oz, Deadwood, Six Feet Under, The L Word, The Tudors, Rome, etc, etc, etc. And this relative innovation in programming (I am not going to call it originality really as some of this stuff is merely genre pieces that have been updated) has spilled over into cable networks such as FX offering shows like the Shield, Rescue Me, Nip/Tuck, the Riches, etc.
I think if you are trying to pitch a Sci-Fi show it is going to be a tough sell. It always has been.
As to originality and risk, I think the hesitancy that you have observed to try something new is well-known. Movie studios are looking more and more toward franchises, sequels, and formulas. I mean, Ocean's 13??? Did anyone even see Ocean's 12 or remember what it was even about? Television has retreated for many years now into reality programming and game shows.
Check the Japanese market also...
Their SciFi has been cutting edge in the anime field for decades nows....
Space Battleship Yamato
Gundam (ok, this one may be way over done)
Ghost in the Shell
Cowboy Bebop
Shame to hear about your project being rejected (I remembered you talking about it and wondered what had happened).
As for what you should do now, it depends on what you wanted to do. Did you want this project to succeed, or did you want a project to succeed? If this is the idea you are set on, you should keep trying to push it to see if you can get any success. If not, you could always try to rework it into something a bit more familiar to the network execs. Then, maybe, if its a success, you'll have more influence in the future to do something more creative and original.
Or you could always try and convince someone like JJ Abrams to sign on to the project. Network people love him and will do whatever he says ;)
Well, for every door that closes, another opens.
We've gotten funding from a private source that is going to getting a comic book off the ground. The comic will be available in late July, or early August. We've also been asked to do a few minor changes and possibly re-submit in the beginning of next year. The next group we're going to include some foreign film companies as well.
Lots of opportunities out there...
Keep us appraised of it...
And let us know the company's name that publishes the comic version...
Might have to start collecting again...
bought the domain yesterday, and still need to get it forwarded to a friend's site that will host it. We'll be using that to build up buzz and comic book sales, etc.
Got to see some pages of the actual comic yesterday and it's freaky. Naturally there are differences between what I envisioned in my head, and what's on paper, but it looks damn good. In some ways, better than what I had imagined. Here's a link to the website of the guy that is taking the lead on producing this stuff:
You can see two of the comic book covers there.
"Imperialis Tellus"
Is that the title?
Will have to remember that....
Yup, it's the tv title, and I have a 3 mb file now that has the first 10 pages of the comic all colored and full of text...pretty freaking weird looking at it...
I meant to say something earlier, but man It looks good Kirk. It's def. something that the guys here will like.
So you got the first ten pages of the comic?
I sure did. The sat has been kinda wonky lately, so replying through the gmail servers has been well, hit and miss. I was going to call, but the sis in law, took the phone charger on vacation.
Your friends art work is pretty darn good, but the set up, man, IT has me wanting more. I can see the astronaughts being the last people left to fight the invasion.
Good stuff man, good stuff.
Thanks Stephen. It was quite...amazing see it all in print like that. The art work is MUCH better than anticipated (especially since it is costing me zilch thanks to an investor putting in his own money to get it this far). If anyone else wants a sneak peak of the first ten pages, send me a pm or e-mail at dkstories@surewest.net. I'll send you the files. :)
Actually, now you can go check it out online:
Go to the site, read it, comment on it, and tell us what you think!
Looks good!
No one's died yet mind you. so I'm kinda worrieed about the pace but...
BTW- Might want to have the writers check out the first intro panel
They switch present and past tenses a couple of times
(should either be occured and occured, or change instead of changed)
Might also want to have them leave out the first occur
ie this-
There are (were) events ( in history) that forever change (changed) our perception of the world.
Says exactly the same thing and is (imho) a little cleaner.
Could even doll that phrase up a little if you want.
The rest of the "background" text boxes need cleaning upa s well ( every citizens etc)
Not to mention it's just clunky to read. (Do you really need that many "we's" ?)
Some of the other balloons could be cleaned up as well ("They're moving fast and they're decelerating!" just sounds kinda odd to me)
Still- insanely (and I do mean insanely) jealous that none of my writing projects have gotten anywhere near where you're at
Looking good
Yeah, there's some problems with the first page. Also, some of the quote bubbles are a bit too faint to read easily. Otherwise, its looking great :)
Looking good there. Its shame you didnt learn George lucas's mistake, You brought Jar-Jar along ;D ;D :rofl: :rofl:
I have to admire anyone who can't write scripts and fiction books.
I occasionally write technical features for motorcycle magazines, millitary magaziines, various online magazine sites and other technicalSCi-Fi b writings all over the planet.
However, I figured that the gap between writing fact and fiction wsn't that big and so started to write a Sci-Fi book. However the gap between the two is bloody huge and it took a month to write just one chapter.... which is as far as I've managed in about 6 months. Having never written a book before, I used my training as a programmer to keep continuity notes as the project went along.
Yep, writing fiction is not as easy as it looks. Putting ideas onto paper exactly as one wants is difficult and complex. And I was top of my year in English, for my final school year. My teacher reckoned that I'd could have a brilliant career as a journalist or writer.... so I joined the British Army amd the entered electronics engineering when I came out. I sort of drifeted into writing for magazines after being invited to write features, after online forum writing back in the 1990's.
So I've ended up loosly doing exactly what my English teacher reckoned I'd end up nearly 30 years ago.... writing stuff.
Good luck with the project.
Success in life is the ability to overcome shortsightedness and stupidity in others. And God only knows the vast army of these people there are in the world throwing up roadblocks to the skilled and talented.
Welp, it looks like this project is pretty much over with for now.
Oh well, lots of learning experiences along the way.
Now on to the next project idea I'm developing...