Taldrenites => Dynaverse II Experiences => Topic started by: FPF-DieHard on May 25, 2007, 10:04:57 am
Install the below over OP+ 4.0.
Warning: this does NOT cleanly uninstall, re-install OP+ 4 to "fix" this after un-installing.
Please fly on the server after installing this. I've set the test server to late era where the cheese will be avaialble to test the models and all that stuff
I'll try it out in a few minutes. 8)
Ran 4 missions. No problems.
Ran 4 missions. No problems.
Good nuff test for me. Start it tonight!
Got on the test server with no problems after using the installer. Ran 4 missions, looks ok to me ;D
Ran 4 missions. No problems.
Good nuff test for me. Start it tonight!
I'm still need a little help with the map, look for me on Yahoo, I should be here for another hour or 2.
one small problem with the Rom shiplist.
both of the Pf Pf tenders show that they have
2 S torps but the Cen has 5 Fs and the
STH has only 2 F torps
one small problem with the Rom shiplist.
both of the Pf Pf tenders show that they have
2 S torps but the Cen has 5 Fs and the
STH has only 2 F torps
Huh? Please give the specific ship designations. The ship stats have not changed in like 5 servers.
Starhawk- A and Leader PFs have ALWAYS had 2 F-torps, I just confirmed in Module K and this is correct. Starhawk B Pfs have 4 Plasma Fs, this is 100% correct.
Ran missions as Klingon, no bugs observed.
Warning: this does NOT cleanly uninstall, re-install OP+ 4 to "fix" this after un-installing.
Umm, why not ?? Will we have a 'manual' install available for D/L ?? I hate the auto installers.
This is kinda a manual installer.
No matter where I tell it to install the files they go into c:/program files/ taldren blah blah blah
Then you just have to manually copy and paste.
I am talking about when I look at the 2 Pf leaders
in the ship yard (you know click on them) they
show 2 plasma S's as they were when they first came
out ( I do not rember the name of the Dyna when they first came out).
I really do not care what their arment is but it should be right in the
I am talking about when I look at the 2 Pf leaders
in the ship yard (you know click on them) they
show 2 plasma S's as they were when they first came
out ( I do not rember the name of the Dyna when they first came out).
I really do not care what their arment is but it should be right in the
Nothing I can do about this. The weapons are correct in the shiplist, why the hell the game shows them wrong int eh shipyard is beyond me.
Warning: this does NOT cleanly uninstall, re-install OP+ 4 to "fix" this after un-installing.
Umm, why not ?? Will we have a 'manual' install available for D/L ?? I hate the auto installers.
Becuase I'm not a real programer and the app I use to make the installers is a freeware program that while decent is not as good as NSIS. You'll have to deal with this until Bonk returns if her ever does.
The installer does un-install, but it doesn't replace the files that it over-writes. the files that will need to be retored later ar the ship and fighter lists as well as the mod.siz file.
thanks DH!
tried a couple missions with Lyran carriers. no probs from the few I have flown.
Ran the installer, got on ok .....
Played 3 missions in a H-Bar tried buying 2 squads of fighters (H-ST-H) each time I never had fighters aboard .... Yes, I clicked done :huh:
MB its just me but even before the installer I couldn't buy fighters, If it is me, how would I fix this ??
I can purchase and use fighters from a BAR so it might be just you...
Check whatver directory you have your game in that you have a directory called "OPPLUS" (sans quotes of course)
In that directory you should have a directory called "MODELS", in that directory a directory called "HFT" and in that directory a file called HFT.MOD
should look like <wherever you have OP instralled>/OPPLUS/MODELS/HFT/HFT.MOD