Off Topic => Holodeck => Topic started by: Lepton on May 03, 2007, 11:10:26 pm
What have they done to Spiderman?? Married?? Everyone looking old?? And the black uniform looks awful. I don't think that is how it looked in the comic book. Where's the cosmic Spiderman/Venom look? Sandman??? Ugh!!! You know, I like Spiderman. I have since I was a kid, but to some degree his enemies kind of suck as far as villains go.
I blame Thanos.
Seriously, after the last Flick, I could care less about this film.
i tried to watch spiderman 1 and 2 but after 30 min i had to quit cause it sucked so bad - just tobey and kirsten look great, but cause of two handsome actors i wont watch a stupid movie.
I liked this film for reasons I didn't expect. I liked Sandman, I liked Harry Osborne, I liked the Peter Parker drama, etc. What I didn't like, suprisingly, was Venom. He was just a waste of potential and seemed squeezed in. When I came out of the theater, I put it as my favorite. I've lowered it to my second favorite, with the first being my favorite. This seems to be a love/hate movie, but I'd suggest not coming in with huge expectations. There's some nice humor, some really, really corny scenes, and some cool action. I enjoyed it at least.
What I didn't like, suprisingly, was Venom. He was just a waste of potential and seemed squeezed in.
But Sandman was also a waste... At times, too OTT for a believable spidey villian... he just didnt work. Worst part was the whimpy ending tween him and spidey.
Overall, the movie sucked donkey dick.
Was pretty damn good, actually.
A wierd bit of trivia. The blonde who falls out of the building, after the crane crashes through the building, and is caught by spiderman...is Ron Howard's daughter. Yep, Spidey saves Opie's daughter.
I haven't seen it yet... but I figured I would be disappointed when I saw that Dr. Curt Connors was not going to make an appearance at the Lizard....
I mean, why put him in the second movie if you aren't going to play him up in the 3rd.....
Not too mention he is one of Spidey's better villains in that it is not so much that he is a bad guy, but a tragic victim of himself.
And the reports here about Venom pretty much coincide with my friends' view of the movie...
Took my eight year old to see it. He liked it but nearly fell alseep before the end. Shoud have been two movies.
A wierd bit of trivia. The blonde who falls out of the building, after the crane crashes through the building, and is caught by spiderman...is Ron Howard's daughter. Yep, Spidey saves Opie's daughter.
Opey done raised her right, she got RACK!
i view it and i don't like it
first the test center is not secure, just a fence is not enough for what the do, and there no warning system
the crane on top of the building that damage the building was just stupid, the venom look so weird, its a wast of time and money that movie.
This was a lame movie, slightly better than "Daredevil."
Slightly better than Daredevil? Oh no!! That's not very good.
Once again I guess I go against the flow...I liked it after I saw it just recently.
I haven't seen it yet... but I figured I would be disappointed when I saw that Dr. Curt Connors was not going to make an appearance at the Lizard....
I mean, why put him in the second movie if you aren't going to play him up in the 3rd.....
Not too mention he is one of Spidey's better villains in that it is not so much that he is a bad guy, but a tragic victim of himself.
And the reports here about Venom pretty much coincide with my friends' view of the movie...
Doc Connors was needed to investigate the symbiant. Rumor is Lizard will make an appearance in the fourth movie.