This main plot of this film has to be about the Kobiyashi Maru (sp) scenario. That imho is the most referenced "pre-Star Trek" incident ever referred to in all of the series. That scenario is the one that defines Kirk.
So I'd like to see that scenario done "during the Academy", followed by a "rl" Kobiyashi Maru type scenario to end the film.
Support and bashing aimed at a movie that has yet to name a single actor as being in the film, not had a single line writen on an official script or even had a set built yet.
Gotta love Trekkies.
--thu guv!
Support and bashing aimed at a movie that has yet to name a single actor as being in the film, not had a single line writen on an official script or even had a set built yet.
Gotta love Trekkies.
--thu guv!
Yep, actually its not the Trekkie in me that's nervous though. The exact same words were spoken by Ronald Moore when he began work on the BattleStar Galactica Remake. A Remake that has pissed off die hard Galacticans everywhere.
Now regarding TOS, that series has always been the red-headed step child as it was, despite being the original series, The subsequent series were related to it in name only. TNG, DS9, VOY and ENT are closer to each other than TOS is to any of them. So they will remake TOS in the image of Enterprise. It makes sense from a franchise perspective. How many of you are interested in seeing an Enterprised TOS?
I think it's a long time in coming. If they limit the "Enterprisiation" of TOS to tech and sets and keep the level of characterization and storylines at the same level, that alone would beat the crap out of BSG and the Stargate franchise.
EXACTLY how it should be ;D Now, if some of SG-1's writers were to come on board after the upgrade, then Trek would have a whole new fanbase, which is something IMHO I think Trek needs desperately.
Sounds like the same crap that was spewed out before the BSG remake went live.
And we all saw what that got us...
Thanks guys... You let them ruin a borderline Sci-fi genre, now looks what it's gotten us into...
You mean like STII: The Wrath of Khan?
Since this is a 'reimagining' situation...
The Federation is engaged in a low-grade border skirmish with the Klingon Empire that occasionally flares up into armed conflict. Political forces in the Federation are split, with a major side (led by the Vulcans) pushing for peaceful negotiations and a second side (led by Tellarite and/or Andorians) pushing for Starfleet to abandon their scientific role and adopt a pure military role. Humans and some other major Federation races are equally split on the issue...
Act One:
Commander James T. Kirk commanding a border patrol picket ship picks up a distress call from a freighter that was attacked and is now powerless, drifting into the neutral zone. Kirk investigates and decides it is a trap, which he knowingly springs. When the Klingons attack from their hiding place, he smashes them into nearby asteroids using a clever tractor beam manuever, and saves the freighter.
Meanwhile on-board the USS Enterprise, NCC-1701 currently in orbit over Earth, Commander Spock, the ship's first officer, is walking with Captain Pike, discussing the possibility of Pike's appointment to the Admiralty. Pike's position as an advocate of not abandoning Starfleet's Research and Exploration role is well known and we get a sense of the conflict within the Federation. Spock of course supports his Captain's position and encourages him to take the Admiralty position, but Pike wonders who will replace him as Captain of the Enterprise.
As the two pass through Engineering, a coolant line explodes, injuring several crewmembers. Pike orders Spock to assist several injured crewmembers while he shuts down the coolant system. Spock goes back in to save him after saving the other crew members, but Pike is severely injured, his career in Starfleet over.
Commander James T. Kirk is recalled to Earth, where he receives a medal for his valor and bravery. He is called in to speak to a human Admiral that is a key figure in the side advocating a militant starfleet. James Kirk seems supportive of the hints dropped by the Admiral, agreeing that the Federation must be protected from those who would destroy it. The Admiral seems pleased, and announces that after Captain Pike's serious injury, the Federation's finest ship needs a new captain, and James T. Kirk will be that Captain. Kirk is happy, and goes to celebrate with his best friend, Dr. Leonard H. McCoy. During dinner, he talks McCoy into reactivating his Starfleet comission, which upsets McCoy's wife. She threatens to leave him if he goes back into Starfleet. McCoy is torn and calls Jim back to tell him he can't go...
Hmmm, you know, maybe I should just write this script...what do y'all think?
Oh, and the end of the movie...
These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise. Her five year mission, to seek out new worlds and new civilizations. To boldly go where no one has gone before....(Tells you which side wins the debate in the movie...but now how...Oh, and McCoy/Spock will carry out the argument of both sides in the debate throughout the movie, with Kirk in the middle as different crisis erupts. A subplot will be the investigation by Spock into the accident, during which we meet Assistant Chief Engineer Montgomery Scott, New Helsman Lieutenant Hikaru Sulu, Assistant Communications Officer, Ensign Uhura, Senior Cadet Pavel Chekhov, Yeoman Janice Rand, and a few others...)
Sounds like the same crap that was spewed out before the BSG remake went live.
And we all saw what that got us...
Thanks guys... You let them ruin a borderline Sci-fi genre, now looks what it's gotten us into...
Yep, it got us the best damn scifi show on TV in over a generation....
Perhaps, but does this "best damn scifi show" bear any resemblance to the original BattleStar Galactica?
Regardless of what you thought of that show, think about this for a moment. Would you be happy with Trek XI bearing no resemblance to TOS?
Sounds like the same crap that was spewed out before the BSG remake went live.
And we all saw what that got us...
Thanks guys... You let them ruin a borderline Sci-fi genre, now looks what it's gotten us into...
Yep, it got us the best damn scifi show on TV in over a generation....
Perhaps, but does this "best damn scifi show" bear any resemblance to the original BattleStar Galactica? Regardless of what you thought of that show, think about this for a moment. Would you be happy with Trek XI bearing no resemblance to TOS?
They should do a TV series on ArticFires campaign and include are characters in it ;D
They should do a TV series on ArticFires campaign and include are characters in it ;D
Attack of the Kitties I would be hilarious
They should do a TV series on ArticFires campaign and include are characters in it ;D
Attack of the Kitties I would be hilarious
:rofl: That could be the closest thing to a "Red Dwarf" series ;)
From Trek Web ([url][/url])
Well, there goes about half my enthusiasm.
Casino Royale, Batman Begins, and Battlestar Galactica were all superior to the films that came before them despite being 'sucky reimagining'. If they can do it, why can't Trek?
Sounds like the same crap that was spewed out before the BSG remake went live.
And we all saw what that got us...
Thanks guys... You let them ruin a borderline Sci-fi genre, now looks what it's gotten us into...
Yep, it got us the best damn scifi show on TV in over a generation....
Perhaps, but does this "best damn scifi show" bear any resemblance to the original BattleStar Galactica? Regardless of what you thought of that show, think about this for a moment. Would you be happy with Trek XI bearing no resemblance to TOS?
...perhaps the further they get away from some of Gene's viewpoints, the better the series would be.
Why anybody over the age of 13 would like it was beyond me. ::)
I'd say that is a vast improvement, wouldn't you?
I'll stick with Sheba. Remember her role. Fighter pilot and commander of a fighter squadron. Showing skin isn't part of the role.
I'm all for a re-imagining, but I don't think Trek was ever in need of a new excuse to show skin. In fact, the original was more lenient with girlflesh than any of the other series.
Just look as the female duty uniform!! Even the Romulans got in on it!! If they'd stuck 7 of 9 in an original series micro mini instead of that metal mesh jump suit, she would've drawn the entire Federation out to meet Voyager by that alone.
If they can pull that movie off and get a series going with a lot of the same actors, Trek will be saved.
Why anybody over the age of 13 would like it was beyond me. ::)
Uh oh... this has the potential to piss off a lot of people. :( I'm still not sure if this is going to be a good step for the franchise. I love the fact they are going back to the roots but using an alternate timeline to do it?? If I didn't know better I'd say it seems like some sort of sick joke from the minds of Berman & Braga.
An interesting and apparently solid rumor about the upcoming J.J. Abrams-produced "Star Trek" feature at Ain't it Cool explains not only the potential plan to reboot the franchise and why there is no Captain Kirk casting rumor as yet.
The theory has it that a group of Romulans are thrown back into the past and plan to kill James T. Kirk's father, and as a result Spock must somehow stop this event from happening. In the process Trek continuity proceeds along an alternate timeline, essentially rebooting the entire franchise.
Meanwhile reports that 29-year-old actress Zoë Saldana ("Haven," "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl") has been offered the part of Uhura - the USS Enterprise’s communications officer originally played by Nichelle Nichols.
One outstanding issue may be related to her schedule starring in the James Cameron sci-fi mega movie "Avatar" which is still in production and doing location shooting starting in October - a month before "Star Trek" is slated to start shooting in November.
Did you hear? In order to attract the 20 something crowd, the next Star Trek movie is going to be rife with nudity and violence.
I heard it was so bad it was going to be rated NCC-1701.