
Off Topic => Holodeck => Topic started by: Fedman NCC-3758 on December 13, 2006, 07:08:21 pm

Title: USS Enterprise Tribute ...
Post by: Fedman NCC-3758 on December 13, 2006, 07:08:21 pm

A little tribute I made in honor of Star Trek turning 40.


Title: Re: USS Enterprise Tribute ...
Post by: Sirgod on December 13, 2006, 07:29:58 pm

A little tribute I made in honor of Star Trek turning 40.


Man I just watched that again. Seeing the Enterprise, a Class that the American flyer, swells my heart with pride. This tribute comes at the perfect time for me. It cheers me up after getting a very disturbing Phone call.

Title: Re: USS Enterprise Tribute ...
Post by: Fedman NCC-3758 on December 13, 2006, 07:45:37 pm

Hope all is well.

Title: Re: USS Enterprise Tribute ...
Post by: Sirgod on December 13, 2006, 08:00:05 pm
Ahh It's my mothers nursing home. Apparently they have a problem with Capitalism, and decided to take things away from my mother.

Long story short, She gave some cigs to a fellow person there (mind you, I can understand problems, this lady had asthema, Which BTW, I consider a psycholigical problem), but I fall short here.

My mom gave here some cigs, and in return, the gal bought her a soda. No problem, heck if they had told My mom Karen about her asthma, I could understand.

Instead, they took away my mom's cigs, for a week, Phone privelgises also. Needless to say, I'm abit ticked off. See my mom calls me every night and afternoon. But I didn't hear from her yesterday at all.

Don't get me wrong, I can't stand my mother for certain things, but I also wish no ill upon her. In the contract with the nursing home, I don't recall signing anything that said, that they could punish her for breaking a rule.

Once again, I wish she wasn't smoking, but No way in hell, would I let a company deny my mom something I bought for her. That's like someone here buying me some Cope, and then taking it away from me.

Needless to say, The rampage is off duty untill tomorrow. during buisness Hours.

But your video there did mean alot. It was a very nice tribute.

Title: Re: USS Enterprise Tribute ...
Post by: FPF-Tobin Dax on December 13, 2006, 08:24:34 pm
Sorry to hear about that. My mom died from gallbladder issues helped out by staff she talked into buying her chocolate bars which were a no-no on her diet card because of that issue.

On another note, asthma is not psychological. It appears to be hereditary and the latest thinking is that it's another autimmune disease.  That it is psychological belongs relegated to the past with notions like autistic kids are the product of refrigerator moms who gave them no love.
Title: Re: USS Enterprise Tribute ...
Post by: Sirgod on December 13, 2006, 08:41:50 pm
Sorry to hear about that. My mom died from gallbladder issues helped out by staff she talked into buying her chocolate bars which were a no-no on her diet card because of that issue.

On another note, asthma is not psychological. It appears to be hereditary and the latest thinking is that it's another autimmune disease.  That it is psychological belongs relegated to the past with notions like autistic kids are the product of refrigerator moms who gave them no love.

I don't know, I have no heridiray basis too base my life upon, But, I find that most Illnessess like asthma Can be covered with a strong mind.

IN no way am I belittletiling any illness that one may have, As for the autistic thingie, Hell, Dallas, was the one who created my sig. every couple of months I talk to him, and he's Been a champion here for a long time.

Once again, you might be right, But I believe that the human mind can overcome anything.

Title: Re: USS Enterprise Tribute ...
Post by: Alidar Jarok on December 13, 2006, 08:52:53 pm
There's something wrong about a nursing home taking away phone priviliges.  Its not a prison, people should be able to call whoever the hell they want.  Nursing homes get paid to take care of old people, that should be their primary focus.

Anyway, Fedman, that was a nice video, I enjoyed it a lot :)
Title: Re: USS Enterprise Tribute ...
Post by: Fedman NCC-3758 on December 13, 2006, 09:00:12 pm
There's something wrong about a nursing home taking away phone priviliges.  Its not a prison, people should be able to call whoever the hell they want.  Nursing homes get paid to take care of old people, that should be their primary focus.

Anyway, Fedman, that was a nice video, I enjoyed it a lot :)

          ;) :thumbsup:

Title: Re: USS Enterprise Tribute ...
Post by: Khalee1 on December 14, 2006, 11:44:02 am
how long was it suppose to be as it kinda locked up on me at 1.42 saw the shuttle in a hanger and that was it.
Title: Re: USS Enterprise Tribute ...
Post by: Sirgod on December 14, 2006, 11:50:21 am
I'm thinking around 9 minutes, I could be wrong though. I'll have to look at it again, but I think they show the length of the vid in the Toolbar.

Title: Re: USS Enterprise Tribute ...
Post by: Alidar Jarok on December 14, 2006, 08:26:42 pm
how long was it suppose to be as it kinda locked up on me at 1.42 saw the shuttle in a hanger and that was it.

Yeah, it locked up for me too, but I was having computer problems, so I assumed it was on my end.
Title: Re: USS Enterprise Tribute ...
Post by: Fedman NCC-3758 on December 14, 2006, 08:29:34 pm

It was something with YouTube.

I had the same problem watching other videos.