Off Topic => Holodeck => Topic started by: Rat Boy on November 24, 2006, 02:59:22 pm
Find it over at the official site (http://newvoyages.com)
Written by DC Fontana and guest starring Walter Koenig.
Very cool Thanks Rat Boy!
This was an awesome ep., but I do have one caveat, how can Chekov be dead? I had thought I saw him in the teaser for the next episode, and I know he survives past the opening of Generations.
No one in the episode explicitly said what ultimately happened to Chekov one way or the other. It was left intentionally vague.
My only gripe about the Episode is the way they ended it. They didn't resolve the issue and next year when they release the next one, Chekov will be just fine. Like nothing happened. Looks to me like they are going to do it again next year too...with Sulu. It's nice that the original actors reprise their roles, but how many times can you do the, "aging 30 years" thing before it gets old?
Speaking of FanFic though, anyone know what's going on with StarShipExeter? I liked that one better than New Voyages, but they seemed to have stalled out...
How about checking out several other excellent fan made series:
Starship Farragut
Hidden Frontier
www.hiddenfrontier.org (http://www.hiddenfrontier.org)
They are pretty good but be warned file sizes are large and 56ker's may not be able to cope!
Semper Fi, Carry On