Off Topic => Holodeck => Topic started by: TheJudge on October 13, 2006, 06:29:36 pm
Okay, whilst waiting for my weekly fix of BSG, I thought it might be interseting to see if anyone else is watching Jericho on CBS Wednesday nights...
It's certainly not on a scale with BSG, but those neat mushroom clouds were a fun remembrance of growing up in the 80's. :)
I like how they've so far dribbled out information about the overall attack while focusing on the town's efforts to hold together (or fall apart) as the case may be...and the mystery about Hawkins is kind of neat to watch unfold. Another thing I liked was the teenage girls reactions to seeing their friend hanging out with a geek....typical teenager...the world is falling apart around them and their biggest concern is that the popular girl actualy spoke to a geek!
Not yet hooked enough on the show that I'd go ape if I never found out what Hawkins is up to, or where the tanks were going...but I'll record it on Tivo and watch it when I get a chance...Sci Fi reports today that the viewership is enough that they've picked up an entire season...
I've actually got a few of the episodes around, just haven't watched them yet.
HAve they actually said who/what's behind the attacks? (Or what happened) or is it just "nukes went boom,no one knows anything"
Nukes went 'boom', no one really knows anything except that the President was addressing a joint session of congress to discuss 'escalating' world violence against Americans. Like most Americans, the TV was on in the background letting us know that was happening, while the show's characters went about their daily lives totally ignoring what the government was doing.
There have been hints and of course speculation especially after their satellite dish caught a partial signal from Japan (although it's my partner who says Japan based on the language - he's half-japanese so it could be china or any other asian television with satellite broadcast abilities). No one there understood the language being spoken, but they did see a nice graphic behind the announcer showing a map of the US with red blinking circles around several major cities.
Also, there's a guy in town named "hawkings" that says he's a former cop from St. Louis, knows a HELL of a lot radiation poisoning, safety, and cleanup of a post-blast world. He's got a basement chock full of interesting things like a Toughbook laptop similar to the US Army field design, and a sattellite internet connection link through which he chats with a mysterious group of people. Oh, and in last week's episode, they found a man dying of radiation exposure who came from Denver with a group of 20 people. Hawkings had a VERY interesting conversation with the man just before causing his death, including word that there's a traitor in some mysterious group that Hawkings and this man belonged to...OH yes, and Hawkings is teaching his family what lies they are to tell about their past lives...and how if the truth were revealed they were all dead.
Hawkings has def. Got my wifes and I's attention on this show. I keep hoping he's one of the good guys, but the Character Pressure between him and his family, is well, Interesting to say the least.
I think I figured out one of the reasons why I like this show. It's the flow, IT seems natural. For example, When the power comes on, then the jukebox is unplugged, only to reveal the phone ringing.
That and the filming itself, Judge and I had discussed the Pin Map scene. It was perfect Drama IMHO.
I enjoy the slow build-up, and how instead of the town's social structures breaking down right away, we can see them chipping away bit by bit, until it looks like next week people start realizing that law and order isn't exactly in great supply. Couple of things from tonight...
Hawkings is showing himself to be even more interesting...the website he went to when he got his satellite hooked up was definitely Russian. The main word I could see translates roughly as 'news' as in "Let's hear news from you." or "Have you heard the news from home?" type expressions. It could also maybe mean something about 'checking in' from a more literal point. He also pulls up quite a bit of information on Jake from a State Department web site...namely that Jake's been to some pretty 'hot' spots round the globe from South America to the middle east. Now a talk between the two of them should be VERY interesting. I don't think Jake's involved with the government...could it be drug dealing on a major scale?
I appreciate how the people gathered together for the news only to be attracted by the sound of two Minutemen missiles launching off...sure those sights are all supposed to be decomissioned in that era...but there are some things that can be excused for good television.
More thought on the Russian language website...it could be either a place to check in and get 'news from home' about or to bring 'news to home'. Not sure on how exactly it's used...but either would work in this context.
Seems to be a cool show folks can watch it at CBS.com and catch up, it makes a good weekly buffer between BSG shows ;D