Off Topic => Other Games => Topic started by: Soreyes on October 03, 2006, 04:25:30 am
This Server just ROCKS!!!!!!!
Check these out :o ;D
Somehow I got roped into the "Vagu" Pirate Clan :2gun: ;D
WOW - Nice looking mod!
I watched the 1st trailer - Freelancer is one of the few other SF games i've played and enjoyed - flown a few mods of it, definitely satisfies a need for space to feel 3D and more to scale (though planets will always be too small) and true dog-fight cravings...
Haven't played freelancer in a while, though it's like riding a bike (with fewer muscles involved;)
Check out the 2nd trailer. It shows all the new systems added on since the 1st trailer, not to mention all the new ships ;D
Man I promise to Give this a try soon Charles, Right now a friend sent me a new copy of Guildwars: Factions, after I just mentioned that I enjoyed the Nightfall free play.
Oh yeah, For the Satcon users, Yes, you can play GW with a very very minimal lag. It might be something to consider if we in the future...
Anyway, Between that and a coupon Code I recieved for another game from a dear friend here, My gaming is so damn tight right now. But man I want to fire up a good old game of Freelancer, and join you guys.
Just a nice little picture to show all the neat places you can get Blown up ;D Scream On!!!!!