Off Topic => Holodeck => Topic started by: Rat Boy on August 29, 2006, 10:28:54 am
From Trek Web (http://trekweb.com/articles/2006/08/29/Paramount-Seeks-Shatner-and-Nimoy-for.shtml)
Well getting him out of Trek retirement's certainly a surprise.
When I first read you thread, I thought wow, Maybe some closure to the Reunification story (although the Novels rock), but after reading that, Well It would be good news indeed.
Well, if they have him AND Shatner in it, and it's done as a flashback, I will DEFINATELY want to go see this one.
If they do it as a flashback, I wonder how they're gonna handle the fact that Kirk will look a decade older than he did on Veridian 3, unless they make up some short story of his rise from the dead, or Spock dies and they're in the afterlife.
Either way, this is definately good news.
Or, Shatner plays a Romulan clone who's been rotting away on Remus! Yeah, that would be awesome! And the clone takes over the whole romulan Empire, and is bent on the destruction of Kirk, except Kirk is dead, so he doesn't know what to do anymore, so decides he must first become Kirk by siezing the Enterprise from a Federation space museum, and then killing himself. Wow, that would be incredible. ;)
Or, Shatner plays a Romulan clone who's been rotting away on Remus! Yeah, that would be awesome! And the clone takes over the whole romulan Empire, and is bent on the destruction of Kirk, except Kirk is dead, so he doesn't know what to do anymore, so decides he must first become Kirk by siezing the Enterprise from a Federation space museum, and then killing himself. Wow, that would be incredible. ;)
Actually, the real Kirk was a prisoner and their clone was killed before it could accomplish its goals.. or maybe its goal was the destruction of the Enterprise C.
Well, if they have him AND Shatner in it, and it's done as a flashback, I will DEFINATELY want to go see this one.
Shatner (Capt. Kirk) is DEAD !!!
Well, if they have him AND Shatner in it, and it's done as a flashback, I will DEFINATELY want to go see this one.
Shatner (Capt. Kirk) is DEAD !!!
Which is why Spock invents the Holodeck,
Now, wait. Didn't Picard use the Vulcan nerver pinch? If so (which is incredibly lame) then all Kirk had to have done before he died was grab hold of that bald scalp of Picard's and say "Remember...". Maybe it happened. ;)
Humans can't mind meld :p
But I do wonder how they're going to set up a flashback when Shatner got quite a bit bigger since Generations and Nimoy has pretty much stayed the same. It's going to be a problem figuring out how long before the Enterprise-B they're going to do this.
Maybe they'll do a CGI Kirk and have Shatner just do the voice?
Maybe they'll do a CGI Kirk and have Shatner just do the voice?
If that's the case, they should just CGI the entire movie and have them both voice their characters. ;)
If they do thatNow, wait. Didn't Picard use the Vulcan nerver pinch? If so (which is incredibly lame) then all Kirk had to have done before he died was grab hold of that bald scalp of Picard's and say "Remember...". Maybe it happened. ;)
DATA used the nerve pinch. He did it on Sela in Unification pt.II afterwatching Spock preform it once. Picard never did it, IIRC; MacCoy attempted it in STIII, but couldn't get it right.
Not sure, but I think the reason that Data was able to do the nerve pinch was because of his bodily strength. I believe there's a certain amount of pressure you have to apply for the pinch to be successful, that's why to date only Vulcans have done it, with the exception of Capt. Archer.
I still think they should do an afterlife theme, both Kirk and Spock are now dead, and reliving either how they met, or a mission from their first 5-year mission that just comes back to them. *shrugs*
Ah, it was Data. But wait... Archer did it? See, it should be a vulcan only thing, imo. Otherwise you take away it's uniqueness. Sure it might seem cool "Oh, awesome. The captain just did the nerve pinch!" for the fanboys but it diminishes it, in my opinion. If a human can do the nerve pinch, then why not let them mind meld too? Didn't TMP show that some humans have telepathic abilities? I always figured the nerve pinch was tied to a vulcans hands. That there was some kind of electric impulse they could channel through their nerve endings to assist in disabling the target. A similar system of broadcast and reception would be used for the mind meld, given that they all use their hands to perform it. Sure, I know, it's a visual thing for the camera, but that would explain it. Humans not having these particular receptors (at least in their hands) would be biologically unable to perform in the same manner. I always figured that was why McCoy wasn't able to do the pinch when he had Spock in his brain (Hey, wait a minute. Spock.. brain... Aren't you glad they didn't just go to Genesis and pick up spocks body and use a remote control to make him walk back to McCoy? ;)).
Not sure, but I think the reason that Data was able to do the nerve pinch was because of his bodily strength. I believe there's a certain amount of pressure you have to apply for the pinch to be successful, that's why to date only Vulcans have done it, with the exception of Capt. Archer.
I still think they should do an afterlife theme, both Kirk and Spock are now dead, and reliving either how they met, or a mission from their first 5-year mission that just comes back to them. *shrugs*
Hmm, humorous thought. In that event maybe Data didn't really do it...but crushed they guy's collarbone and the guy fainted from pain instead.
Hmm, humorous thought. In that event maybe Data didn't really do it...but crushed they guy's collarbone and the guy fainted from pain instead.
Nah, Data did it. First off, he did it because the script says so. ;)
Second, Spock recognizes not only the apperance of the fact, but the EFFECTS of the properly administered pinch.
Data is very observant and would have known, by observation, where the precise nerves would have been in order to perform the nerve pinch. And the reason why Archer was able to do the nerve pinch was because he was suffering from the mind meld that Syran (SP?) had performed on him before he died, to insert Surak's katra into Archer, so Archer was reacting to Surak's knowledge, and probably that knowledge is what allowed Archer to effectively use the nerve pinch. But this is all just argumentative.
I know in real life, if a person has enough knowledge about the nerve points of the body, such as an acupuncturist, they could effectively perform a nerve pinch, but mainly to paralyze someone for the duration that contact was maintained, because enough pressure would need to be applied in order for the victim to pass out.
Anyone ever wonder where Vulcans obtained anatomical detail on humans that was that precise? And where they practiced their little... grip in order to perfect it?
Pacifists my arse. We've been had!
Anyone ever wonder where Vulcans obtained anatomical detail on humans that was that precise?
The Grays sold it to them. ;)
Notice it doesn't just work on Humans. Pinch any old species on the neck in that spot, and apparently it works. :(
I think Vulcans have some sort of Borg implant in their fingers that allows them to do that.. er.. hey.. wait.. what if Vulcans are really Romulan biologically correct Androids, and the whole thing is a sham...No species could be THAT logical..
Notice it doesn't just work on Humans. Pinch any old species on the neck in that spot, and apparently it works. :(
Well, any creature with a head on his neck will have a nerve running from his brain either up to his head or down to his body.
If there's a wire, it can be shorted out.
Heh, expert on alien biology? ;) For all we know there is a possability of alien life that may look like us, but they could be constructed completely different. Maybe they don't even have nerves as we understand them. Additionally, he pinches the meaty section between the shoulder and neck, not actually the neck, so there should be plenty of room for a species to not have any major nerve action in that area, I would think.
the should not try a startrek XI, the last 2 or 3 startrek movies where bad, its not by adding spock that will make it good, its those moron who wright the story that should be remove or force them to view all the startrek episode and movies so the will not change facts from the startrek lifetime. :police:
Spock's not dead. At last report he was on Romulus adding fuel to their Reunification effort's fire. Besides, Vulcans are known to live well over 200 years (Sarek died at age 223), and since Spock is only about 130, even being half Human, he's got quite a bit of time left.
How old is Spock actually? It is very hard to say. What effect did the "cloning" on the Genesis planet have on his biological age and life expectancy? They could easily have him regenerate to youth and grow up all over again with a look alike actor and blame appearance, voice and personality changes on the regeneration.
How old is Spock actually? It is very hard to say. What effect did the "cloning" on the Genesis planet have on his biological age and life expectancy? They could easily have him regenerate to youth and grow up all over again with a look alike actor and blame appearance, voice and personality changes on the regeneration.
Maybe he'll put on a floppy hat and wear an extra long scarf.........
How old is Spock actually? It is very hard to say. What effect did the "cloning" on the Genesis planet have on his biological age and life expectancy? They could easily have him regenerate to youth and grow up all over again with a look alike actor and blame appearance, voice and personality changes on the regeneration.
Maybe he'll put on a floppy hat and wear an extra long scarf.........
If he adds the beautiful sidekick I could live with that.
This woudl be very cool. I hope they bring them back somehow.
Heh, expert on alien biology? ;) For all we know there is a possability of alien life that may look like us, but they could be constructed completely different. Maybe they don't even have nerves as we understand them. Additionally, he pinches the meaty section between the shoulder and neck, not actually the neck, so there should be plenty of room for a species to not have any major nerve action in that area, I would think.
True... but if you'll notice, Spock knows better than to try it on a Horta. :P
I don't think that he's so much using aq 'pressure point' on a nerve as he is actually using that strange psi-talent that all Vulcans seem to have to short things out by screwing with the body's electrochemical receptors.
And yet Data did it, and so did Archer. Hmmm. I'd love it to be a Vulcan only thing, but apparently somebody thought it would be cool to make everyone in the entire universe generic, and able to do everything everyone else can. :(
And yet Data did it, and so did Archer. Hmmm. I'd love it to be a Vulcan only thing, but apparently somebody thought it would be cool to make everyone in the entire universe generic, and able to do everything everyone else can. :(
Bad. Writing.
Best forgotten.
Well, if they have him AND Shatner in it, and it's done as a flashback, I will DEFINATELY want to go see this one.
Shatner (Capt. Kirk) is DEAD !!!
Death is not a permanent state in science fiction. ;D
Well, if they have him AND Shatner in it, and it's done as a flashback, I will DEFINATELY want to go see this one.
Shatner (Capt. Kirk) is DEAD !!!
Death is not a permanent state in science fiction. ;D
Remember that there are TWO Guinans. The one on the Enterprise E and the one in the Nexus. Kirk died on the planet but his Nexus copy should still exist. Which of course allows the potential for removing him from the nexus.
Well, if they have him AND Shatner in it, and it's done as a flashback, I will DEFINATELY want to go see this one.
Shatner (Capt. Kirk) is DEAD !!!
Death is not a permanent state in science fiction. ;D
Remember that there are TWO Guinans. The one on the Enterprise E and the one in the Nexus. Kirk died on the planet but his Nexus copy should still exist. Which of course allows the potential for removing him from the nexus.
Do we really want to revisit that scene in Generations where Picard thinks Kirk just called him a dillweed? :P
The "Vulcan" nerve pinch was explained, IIRC in an episode, as performable due to the typical advanced knowledge of anatomy and the enhanced strength that Vulcans posess.
Therefore, anyone with "Vulcan level" strength and the proper knowledge (Data) can perform the pinch, while no amount of training can teach the maneuver to a "comparative weakling" like all members of Humanity.
I prefer the "Kzinti Nerve Pinch" it involves placing a paw along side the intended victim's neck, much like the Vulcan one. However rather than applying strong and focused pressure upon a nerve it involves unsheathing the claws from that paw through the skin, through the nerve, and through the juggler. Perhaps less subtle, but definately more effective. ;D One Human has been known to have been capable of this technique.