
Off Topic => Holodeck => Topic started by: Rat Boy on August 28, 2006, 04:03:57 pm

Title: TOS to receive updated VFX for HD-DVD collections
Post by: Rat Boy on August 28, 2006, 04:03:57 pm
From Trek Today (http://www.trektoday.com/news/280806_04.shtml)

*takes a deep breath*

Title: Re: TOS to receive updated VFX for HD-DVD collections
Post by: EmeraldEdge on August 28, 2006, 10:49:01 pm
Well, here's hoping they'll put the original effects version in there too.  I mean, c'mon.  They are charging like 100 bucks for a season already, like you shouldn't get both versions?
Title: Re: TOS to receive updated VFX for HD-DVD collections
Post by: Dash Jones on August 29, 2006, 12:31:13 am
Riiiight.  Stupid move.  Luckily I already own all three seasons in their original glory.

If they charge anything more than 39.99 on those "updated" ones...good luck with the sales...I imagine once that's known they'll lose a LOT of their sales...

But I could also be wrong.
Title: Re: TOS to receive updated VFX for HD-DVD collections
Post by: Rat Boy on September 01, 2006, 08:02:58 pm
An update (http://trekweb.com/articles/2006/08/31/Original-Star-Trek-Gets-CGI-Upgrades.shtml), which makes me feel better for two reasons.  One is that Mike Okuda (and presumably a bunch of other former Trek artists) are involved and two, they're airing on syndicated TV.  A hundred thirty dollars saved is a hundred thirty dollars earned.
Title: Re: TOS to receive updated VFX for HD-DVD collections
Post by: Sirgod on September 02, 2006, 10:29:10 am
I just read this RB.


Michael Logan in TV Guide reported in the Insider column that on September 16th, the first of the Star Trek shows will return to syndication for the first time in 16 years, with computer-generated effects specially designed for this release. "We're taking great pains to respect the integrity and style of the original," said longtime scenic art supervisor Michael Okuda, who has worked on numerous Star Trek motion pictures and the spinoff series for nearly 20 years. Trek veterans Denise Okuda and David Rossi worked on the episodes as well.

"Balance of Terror", the first Romulan episode ever shown, will be the first of the remastered episodes aired; they will be shown out of order from their original sequence. CGI people have been added to largely empty ships and starbases, and a more detailed view of Earth from space replaces the original in "Miri." In addition, Alexander Courage's theme music has been recorded in stereo with new vocals, and William Shatner's "Space, the final frontier..." voiceover has been remastered digitally.


Title: Re: TOS to receive updated VFX for HD-DVD collections
Post by: Dash Jones on September 02, 2006, 07:39:24 pm
Here's an uploaded preview perhaps if you want to see what these graphics are going to look like...

Title: Re: TOS to receive updated VFX for HD-DVD collections
Post by: FPF-Tobin Dax on September 05, 2006, 11:51:15 pm
Here's an uploaded preview perhaps if you want to see what these graphics are going to look like...


Most of it looks good, but the intro makes me think of the cartoon intro as the ship moves poorly. The tractor beam looks wierd. they should have made it look similar to the next gen one. The Constellation and planet killer are very cool!
Title: Re: TOS to receive updated VFX for HD-DVD collections
Post by: Alidar Jarok on September 12, 2006, 03:43:29 pm
Here's an uploaded preview perhaps if you want to see what these graphics are going to look like...


Isn't that a fan project?  I remembered seeing it awhile ago.  There is an official promo (I'll post it as soon as I get back from class), but I don't think it has anything from the Doomsday Machine.
Title: Re: TOS to receive updated VFX for HD-DVD collections
Post by: Chris Johnson on September 12, 2006, 05:26:44 pm
I've just learned when they will be first broadcasted (in my area).  Sunday, September 17, in the morning... 2:00AM Eastern.  I might double-check for any reruns, but all I see is that for "Balance of Terror" [TOS] and (a week after) "Devil in the Dark" [TOS].

I guess ABC thinks nobody will watch it, even if not on prime time? *shrug* At least my own local ABC, if my TV Guide listings (online) are right.  I believe I can sort-of see why though, despite the fact that it's getting a graphics update it's still old and it's Trek and not too popular nowadays compared to other sci-fi shows (in light of Enterprise's trouble staying on the air)... Am I wrong on that reasoning?
Title: Re: TOS to receive updated VFX for HD-DVD collections
Post by: Rat Boy on September 12, 2006, 06:36:46 pm
The new TOS episodes are taking the place of ENT episodes being run in syndication, so whatever timeslots ENT used to have will be the ones when TOS will be shown.
Title: Re: TOS to receive updated VFX for HD-DVD collections
Post by: Alidar Jarok on September 12, 2006, 08:07:37 pm
Which absolutely sucks with my UPN affiliate.  Most of the days I'm working when they air it.  I've seen maybe 3 Enterprise episodes since first run ended (and not because I don't want to see them, I actually do).
Title: Re: TOS to receive updated VFX for HD-DVD collections
Post by: Lieutenant_Q on September 12, 2006, 08:18:38 pm
It was going to be shown on ABC here at 11:35, but apparently they moved it back to Sunday Morning at 12:35.  No big deal, I'm usually working late on Saturdays anyway, so I'll get in, and just stay up for a little while longer.