
Taldrenites => Dynaverse II Experiences => Topic started by: Dizzy on August 27, 2006, 04:43:49 am

Title: Slave Girls of Orion VI has concluded... And the Winner is...
Post by: Dizzy on August 27, 2006, 04:43:49 am
::opening the envelope::

And the winner of Slave Girls of Orion VI are...

The ROCKS! They had the highest kill to loss ratio!.

Runner up is the Alliance with 4 VC's difference more than the Coalition.

4 VC Points = Decisive Victory - Exhausted and driven to the brink of extinction, the Coalition races, Klingons, Lyrans, Romulans and ISC scatter throughout the galaxy vowing to one day seek revenge while their conquerers plunder and desecrate their lands and homeworlds that were left behind.

GG's to all I hope you all had fun! It was a pleasure flying with and against each of you. Special thanks to Frey, Xenocorp, Bonk, Evil Dave, DH, Scipio and the SSCF for their Alliance TS Channels for making it all come together. Last but not least, thanks to all the players who made the server populated. Without you guys it's not a server. Comments welcome.

Title: Re: Slave Girls of Orion VI ~ Today is the last day! Server cutoff is at...
Post by: Bonk on August 27, 2006, 09:02:09 am
Ah, I thought it ran until tuesday.

Once SGO6 is down, I can put The Forge and its OCI back up tonight where it left off (without a missions update) before I take off tomorrow then. I'll check in later tonight.
Title: Re: Slave Girls of Orion VI ~ Today is the last day! Server cutoff is at...
Post by: Dizzy on August 27, 2006, 10:01:59 am
Ok that'd be cool. SG7 is at least 2 weeks away or more and if Jeff wants to run SS3 b4 that then all the better.

Here's a new pic of SS3 I took the liberty of doing. Hope you dont mind Jeff.

Title: Re: Slave Girls of Orion VI ~ Today is the last day! Server cutoff is at...
Post by: Green on August 27, 2006, 02:41:27 pm
Can't play comp games much nowadays.  But SGO6 was good enough to pull me back for the hour or two that I can get away.  One of the best.  Great job!
Title: Re: Slave Girls of Orion VI ~ Today is the last day! Server cutoff is at...
Post by: SideSwipe9th on August 27, 2006, 08:30:48 pm
I've defintly had fun this camp. It's a shame I'm unable to stay online right until the end but this poor irishman is wayyyyyy too tired :-[
Title: Re: Slave Girls of Orion VI has concluded... And the Winner is...
Post by: KAT Chuut-Ritt on August 27, 2006, 10:19:45 pm
And the winner is......

Everyone who played and had fun.

Thanks everyone for the technical aspects and the fun of flying with or against you and hearing all the joking around on Teamspeak.
Title: Re: Slave Girls of Orion VI has concluded... And the Winner is...
Post by: KBF-Reejr on August 28, 2006, 12:16:55 am
Great server Dizzy ......I had lots of fun flying with the Alliance and there night crew. Fighting the Coalition was a blast and always tough and I got the most pp on any server I've been on to date. Good job to those that put this server together and Thank You for keeping this game alive.  Reejr
Title: Re: Slave Girls of Orion VI has concluded... And the Winner is...
Post by: Dfly on August 28, 2006, 10:16:27 pm
Thank you to all, I had fun, and that is what it is all about.
Title: Re: Slave Girls of Orion VI has concluded... And the Winner is...
Post by: Bartok on August 28, 2006, 10:25:46 pm
Great Server Dizzy

I had tons of fun too - though I'm feeling rusty and wasn't able to really be on much more than an hour or two the nites I was on....  I'm sorry it was only 3 weeks, they went by too quickly.....

Was a pleasure to fly with all of you (both with and against) <S>