
Off Topic => Engineering => Topic started by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on August 10, 2006, 10:06:42 pm

Title: ICQ Problem :S
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on August 10, 2006, 10:06:42 pm
I recently have tried to log into my ICQ today and everything seemed normal and it logged me in just fine and stuff, but once the fower was green and connected, the contact list refused to appear at all.. I couldnt do anything.. and I tried seeing if it was minimized to the icon below but it wasnt.. it was supposed to be up, but no matter what I did it wouldnt come up :-\ ... I have tried restarting my computer and stuff, but no effect...

Any idea why??
Title: Re: ICQ Problem :S
Post by: Sirgod on August 11, 2006, 12:06:53 pm
Man my first thought Thinks of a worm or Virus. Have you ran the appropriate checks on your system?

Title: Re: ICQ Problem :S
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on August 11, 2006, 12:11:55 pm
Yes, I have.. no viruses, no spyware, no adaware, no critical errors, nothing..
Title: Re: ICQ Problem :S
Post by: Bonk on August 11, 2006, 12:34:48 pm
My advice: uninstall ICQ (if that is even possible without formatting and reinstalling windows), and forget you ever heard about it. Same goes for MSN, AIM etc...

ICQ is a horrific application, very nasty in my opinion. Right up there with Kazaa and Skype.
Title: Re: ICQ Problem :S
Post by: FRA.E.Kehakoul_XC on August 11, 2006, 12:54:41 pm
With all due respect Bonk i use  ICQ for more then 11 years now and i never had any problems.no one did spy on me ,no one hijaked me etc it just works.. ask Frey or Firesoul what they would tell you,for the case that my experience is not enough.

HQ i can mail you icq2002b thats what i use for years now,4 to be exact.:)
ANd ignore people who tell you icq is crap..,sorry Bonk;)
Title: Re: ICQ Problem :S
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on August 11, 2006, 01:39:39 pm
ICQ has worked fine for me.. so has MSN(could it have something to do with the 4 firewalls I have up :P ?? ). Thanks for the offer Kehakoul, I wont need it though, since I have 2003b installed ;) .. I am going to try a full uninstall and reinstall of ICQ now
Title: Re: ICQ Problem :S
Post by: FRA.E.Kehakoul_XC on August 11, 2006, 01:53:50 pm
If you are serious about the firewalls only to one quarter , it could very well be the reason for the trouble.
Title: Re: ICQ Problem :S
Post by: Bonk on August 11, 2006, 01:55:38 pm
I stand by my opinion that ICQ is evil.

I installed it once back in 1999 and was instantly inundated with popups, spyware, porn bots... Its installation defaults were totally unacceptable. I took the opportunity to rid myself of it, Quicktime and Realplayer at the same time and formatted and reinstalled windows and never looked back.

My shortlist of evil applications to be avoided at all costs:

MSN messenger
all Norton products

These programs are a worse security problem than any existing worm, virus or trojan.

P.S. Four firewalls is going to wreak havoc with your connection stability and performance. Windows will have no clue what is going on.
Title: Re: ICQ Problem :S
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on August 11, 2006, 02:21:13 pm
popups, spyware, porn bots.. What ICQ version were you trying to install?!?
Its not my 4 firewalls though.. I have disabled them and its still not working. As for connection speed.stability.. both are not affected at all.. Speed 49.2 Kbps and 100% stability usually(only changes when hit by a severe storm).
Title: Re: ICQ Problem :S
Post by: FRA.E.Kehakoul_XC on August 11, 2006, 02:31:44 pm
Ok try the following,Check if icq is loaded on start up via msconfig.
Uncheck if that is the case..,then manually launch the icq shortcut after XP is completly initialized.
Title: Re: ICQ Problem :S
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on August 11, 2006, 02:35:39 pm
I dont launch ICQ immediatly on XP Windows startup, and I have tried manually going into the directory when the main .exe is with no effect.
Title: Re: ICQ Problem :S
Post by: Bonk on August 11, 2006, 02:36:17 pm
Most of these programs say: "Look at me, I'm a target!". Which is why you need those firewalls.

Generally most software firewalls when chained will not interfere with the connection itself or normal web browsing, but try running any kind of a server or multiplayer gaming application behind them and you will soon see the effect. ZoneAlarm+WindowsXP firewall running concurrently is a problem in particular, you can run a server and open the ports for it in both firewalls, but whether or not packets are allowed to pass is a total crapshoot.

I don't recall what version of ICQ it was that I installed back in 1999, but generally once a company subjects me to something like that they do not get a second chance. Once bitten, twice shy...
Title: Re: ICQ Problem :S
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on August 11, 2006, 02:42:55 pm
ICQ and MSN havent done that.. I have lowered the firewall at time to test, and there is no real "unauthorized" stuff leaving or coming through the connection, so I could survive without the firewalls but I prefer to be on the safe side..
Title: Re: ICQ Problem :S
Post by: FRA.E.Kehakoul_XC on August 11, 2006, 03:05:48 pm
You dont need a firewall if you know what you are doing in regard to installing stuff like gs and its additional "features" and comparable programms.., browsing only sites that are known to be clean,if you land on a  unclean one, run adaware afterwards..,start the firewall only if you intend to go into the wyld, like Ru sites ,and ones with weired long addresses unless they are from wikipedia etc.

Univerist and government sites are usually ok.

Stuff i catched i always did with a seeing eye.

My last reformat of Xp happened because i had to please a obcene urge to check out a pic of a chick in my town, i found on the net via sharaza.

but it wasnt sharaza that spoiled my machine it was  a explorer exploit.

If your machine is trojan free and some security holes in xp are stuffed or you use servicepaks 1-X there should be no problem at all.
Title: Re: ICQ Problem :S
Post by: FRA.E.Kehakoul_XC on August 11, 2006, 03:13:25 pm
I saw in the screenshot that the floating mode is  enabled, that mode   always made problems when i had it enabled.
Title: Re: ICQ Problem :S
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on August 11, 2006, 03:15:11 pm
Normally I dont run with the firewalls on full blast.. only at times(like when I am recieveing e-mail) do I fun them at full power... and I will try disabling the floating mode
Title: Re: ICQ Problem :S
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on August 11, 2006, 03:22:01 pm
No effect :(
Title: Re: ICQ Problem :S
Post by: FRA.E.Kehakoul_XC on August 11, 2006, 03:30:11 pm
hmm,on some  connection setups ,in conjunction with  a firewall like ZoneAlarm i had the effect that,after launching xp with a firewall  enabled from start up,and i disabled it from within xp via shutdown option. I had in fact still the Xp firewall on ,which was brought back to life somehoww ithout xp registring it.
I had to reenable the xpfirewall and then disable it  again to make it work in the end.
Title: Re: ICQ Problem :S
Post by: Just plain old Punisher on August 11, 2006, 06:40:47 pm
I don't use software firewalls. Waste of system resources. Why are you running 4 firewalls?! That must take up A LOT of system resources, and pretty much confuse the hell out of the TCP/IP network stack in windows.

As far as ICQ is concerned, I don't believe in messenger software. I hate IM crap.
Title: Re: ICQ Problem :S
Post by: FRA.E.Kehakoul_XC on August 12, 2006, 01:41:53 pm
Hmm its not exactly something you need to believe in in order to effectivly use it.;)
Title: Re: ICQ Problem :S
Post by: Just plain old Punisher on August 12, 2006, 07:26:50 pm
How do you effectivly use something that is a total waste of time?
Title: Re: ICQ Problem :S
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on August 14, 2006, 04:55:12 pm
OK, very odd.. I didnt do anything on the computer all weekend and now all the sudden it works just fine(I didnt change a thing!) :-/
Title: Re: ICQ Problem :S
Post by: stoneyface on August 14, 2006, 05:12:40 pm
i respectively suggest the program "gaim" it is an open source proggy that runs all the messagers at once without actually having to install said messegers. icq was bought out by aol a long time ago and it is evil all that aol crap dumped on your system without permisssion irks me to no end. i've been using gaim for a while now and it is now far superior to trillian. trillian actually requires you to install all the messengers will gaim does not. give it a try.

also if you are on dial-up, running that many firewalls is just silly. dial-up accounts aren't really targets but one good firewall will be betterr than 4 imho
Title: Re: ICQ Problem :S
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on August 15, 2006, 04:54:05 am
Well I got it back working 100% and everything seems fine, for everyone who tried to help me, thanks a lot :)
Title: Re: ICQ Problem :S
Post by: Bonk on August 16, 2006, 07:11:30 pm
Welp, the following entries just made it into my hosts file:

Quote   web.icq.com   status.icq.com

I've finally had enough of the usually broken ICQ status icons lagging my forums browsing. The google ads do not affect thread rendering times anywhere near as much as the icq crap. ;)
Title: Re: ICQ Problem :S
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on August 17, 2006, 05:02:24 am
Well I do know most of the ICQ extra stuff can be disabled in preferences so realy the only thing I have is the ICQ web advertisement in the bottom of my conversation windows..
Title: Re: ICQ Problem :S
Post by: KBF MalaK on August 17, 2006, 06:41:23 am
are you using the 'real' ICQ proggy, or one of it's clones like Miranda ??
I too am a long time user of ICQ and never had an issue but I suspect ICQ may be changing it's connections and/or formats as Miranda now requires a different script to get me back on the ICQ network. Try downloading the LATEST ICQ from their website and reinstall the mess.
Title: Re: ICQ Problem :S
Post by: FCM_SFHQ_XC on August 17, 2006, 04:26:10 pm
are you using the 'real' ICQ proggy, or one of it's clones like Miranda ??
I too am a long time user of ICQ and never had an issue but I suspect ICQ may be changing it's connections and/or formats as Miranda now requires a different script to get me back on the ICQ network. Try downloading the LATEST ICQ from their website and reinstall the mess.
ICQ Lite 5.1, while much more annoying then ICQPro2003b, doesnt contain the AOL junk in it so I would recommend that..