Taldrenites => Dynaverse II Experiences => Topic started by: Skaren on April 05, 2006, 03:55:56 pm
I was reading a post and someone stated that the 9th fleet left. I remember some of those folks when I first tried Game Spy battles years ago.
Left were, why ?
Just curious.
They're still around and going strong, that must have been an outdated/misinformed post you were reading.
Ya they were pretty old posts,.. I am in process of reviewing the 125 pages of posts for these forms. I pick out some topics here and there that interest me. It also gives me some insight into the many personalities on this form. In particular Dizzy's ;D You guys seem like a pretty fun bunch.
9th fleet has a lot of members!! When those folks play do they have their own dyna servers running or do they play on the ones you guys host.
Are you folks the only ones who host dyna servers these days ?
Lol, I'm sure you've come across some pretty bizarre stuff. We have quite the history here. A lot of interesting and intelligent characters.
Others host Dynaverse servers, though most of the D2 server admins hang out here.
Not sure if the 9th is currently hosting any dynaverse servers, but they play on D2 and D3 servers as well as other games.
In the past a few fleets used to host some private dynaverse servers, i know TAG as well the GFL had some fleet only campaigns running at some point.
If you are interested in reading some of the older posts/topics i would also suggest checking out the sfc2.net forums, this site for many years has been the centre for dynaverse campaign information/chat, and is still used as the place to go to when dynaverse campaigns are running.The general chat section has threads/posts dated back as far as 2002. http://www.sfc2.net/forums/