
Taldrenites => Dynaverse II Experiences => Topic started by: Bonk on April 01, 2006, 12:37:54 pm

Title: The Forge (2nd run) Test
Post by: Bonk on April 01, 2006, 12:37:54 pm

It requires Firesoul's OP+4 (http://klingon.stasis.ca/OP_plusrefit/) and The Forge scripts pack (http://www.dynaverse.net/downloads/sfc2_op/Scripts/TheForgeScripts.exe).

The webmap is here (http://www.dynaverse.net/webmap_op_sql/).

For the test, mandatories are off, missions names are on and initial PP is 10000.

We are looking to test the AI stripping in the following missions:

Report feedback on these missions here: http://www.dynaverse.net/forum/index.php/topic,163365770.0.html

A new map is in but will probably need a few tweaks before the launch of the second run.
Title: Re: The Forge (2nd run) Test
Post by: Bartok on April 01, 2006, 10:52:35 pm
Greetings Bonk <S>

I noticed early this evenin (EST) that the Forge reset.  I took the opportunity to do a clean reinstall of SFCOP, patch 2500-2552, opplus_40_models.exe and TheForgeScripts.exe.  I'd lost my "voices" in game - taunts, etc..  was looking to clear this up as well.

I'm not able to connect and am getting the missing files error message and it looks like all the files you're looking at ai stripping for...  I"m gonna try again - looks like there are 2 folks in the Wyldefire Cartel on....

I guess this is sorta feedback.  I can't believe you took away my Lyran XCAF  :'(
Title: Re: The Forge (2nd run) Test
Post by: Bonk on April 01, 2006, 11:14:55 pm
Did you download the updated scripts pack? (I uploaded a new one today which includes the test scripts).
Title: Re: The Forge (2nd run) Test
Post by: Bartok on April 02, 2006, 12:17:55 am
ThanX Man -

Did a Dl of the most recent forgescripts and it worked fine!!

Title: Re: The Forge (2nd run) Test
Post by: Soreyes on April 03, 2006, 03:25:42 pm
Some of the Missions are kind of ..... Um HARD  ;D

There not bad at all. It's just that you have to think a little bit before you rush into the battle.

The  Met_ED5FleetAction, and the Met_ED5PlayerFleet can turn into some real Hairballs ;D
Title: Re: The Forge (2nd run) Test
Post by: NuclearWessels on April 03, 2006, 05:15:03 pm
Yeah - getting the difficulty level right is a bit of a crapshoot the first go-round, will probably need to tone it down a bit.

Has anyone actually managed some PvP yet?

thanks Bonk and everyone doing testing!
Title: Re: The Forge (2nd run) Test
Post by: KBFLordKrueg on April 03, 2006, 06:07:51 pm
Yeah - getting the difficulty level right is a bit of a crapshoot the first go-round, will probably need to tone it down a bit.

Has anyone actually managed some PvP yet?

thanks Bonk and everyone doing testing!

The difficulty level IS manageable, like Soreyes said, you just have to think about it rather than simply charging in.
And it's only a very few missions.
Lately the missions vs the AI have become boringly easy.
I'd leave them the way they are... ;)
*deposits 2 cents*
Title: Re: The Forge (2nd run) Test
Post by: Soreyes on April 03, 2006, 08:38:04 pm
Has anyone actually managed some PvP yet?

I ran into Bartok I believe it was in a Nebula. I got very lucky and took out his K-D7L with my Z-DF :o

For some unknown reason his whole Alpha Strike Missed. At Range 2 I let loose with 6 type 4 Drones. Almost gutted him
Title: Re: The Forge (2nd run) Test
Post by: NuclearWessels on April 03, 2006, 09:06:30 pm
Has anyone actually managed some PvP yet?

I ran into Bartok I believe it was in a Nebula. I got very lucky and took out his K-D7L with my Z-DF :o

For some unknown reason his whole Alpha Strike Missed. At Range 2 I let loose with 6 type 4 Drones. Almost gutted him

I guess I should be more specific: I'm wondering if anyone has had PvP in one of the ED5/6/10 missions  (to see if AI stripping is actually working)

If Bartok's demise came in one of those I can break out a tentative scripter happy dance ;)

Title: Re: The Forge (2nd run) Test
Post by: Soreyes on April 04, 2006, 12:36:26 am
I'm wondering if anyone has had PvP in one of the ED5/6/10 missions 

It was the ED10PatrolEnemy. I had just moseyed on down to just say Hi to the Klingon's in the Hex they had just taken ;D
Title: Re: The Forge (2nd run) Test
Post by: Bonk on April 04, 2006, 09:55:30 am
Yeah - getting the difficulty level right is a bit of a crapshoot the first go-round, will probably need to tone it down a bit.

Note, the campaign difficulty is set to admiral, as I had to remove the old NW and EEK missions due to various issues and the remaining stock and TG missions were too easy on commodore.
Title: Re: The Forge (2nd run) Test
Post by: Strat on April 04, 2006, 10:15:42 am
Did the scripting API ever get upgraded to VC 2005?
Title: Re: The Forge (2nd run) Test
Post by: Bonk on April 04, 2006, 10:38:21 am
Nope. I put off working on it and put priority on the serverkit testing and some other stuff... we attempted to update the serverkit source to VC8 but there were a few legacy libraries linked that could not be updated. It might still be possible to update the scripting API to VC8 however, but as you might recall, everytime we fix a library link error, 6 more pop up, it got rather frustrating. I might come back to it yet, once we make some progress in other areas.
Title: Re: The Forge (2nd run) Test
Post by: Strat on April 04, 2006, 10:44:58 am
Yeah I remember.. Its was nutz really wondering if we were fixing it or making it worse beucase all those errors would keep popping up.

Oh well, yet another project for another day.
Title: Re: The Forge (2nd run) Test
Post by: NuclearWessels on April 04, 2006, 11:08:27 am
I'm wondering if anyone has had PvP in one of the ED5/6/10 missions 

It was the ED10PatrolEnemy. I had just moseyed on down to just say Hi to the Klingon's in the Hex they had just taken ;D

Cool!    Thanks - that's great news!

Out of the lot of them ED10 was the one that had required the most extensive tweaking, so that's a very positive sign.

Title: Re: The Forge (2nd run) Test
Post by: Bonk on April 07, 2006, 06:13:36 pm
I'm thinking I'll touch up the map and conclude the test later this weekend. We can continue to test these missions on the live server by just swapping in new ones with the same filenames on the server and in the missions installer, yanking any that merit it as we go...
Title: Re: The Forge (2nd run) Test
Post by: Bartok on April 09, 2006, 11:37:00 pm
Love the missions ED!!! a great server as always Bonk :)

I was wondering about something occuring in the "Medals" screen w/my character on the Forge.  I don't know exactly when it appeared, but there's a little medal in my missions row.... that's cool 8)

I think i remember having that occur on KCW too - is that tied to successful completion of a particular mission?  Wondering how many other missions there are that decorate your missions and special row ? -- I can hardly remember what most of them look like from playing hte single player... so long ago...

A random thing I just thought to mention  ;D

You Guys Rock!!!
Title: Re: The Forge (2nd run) Test
Post by: Bonk on April 09, 2006, 11:49:05 pm
I think the TG missions give you a medal for a PvP victory? I'm not 100% on that though.

It'll be a couple more days before I conclude the test, I've been busy working on something else...  ;)

Title: Re: The Forge (2nd run) Test
Post by: FPF-Tobin Dax on April 10, 2006, 11:56:48 am
I have a couple of medals, but I'm not sure what they are for. I did force a disengaement in pvp a few days ago, so one could be for that.
Title: Re: The Forge (2nd run) Test
Post by: KBFLordKrueg on April 10, 2006, 05:13:19 pm
Haven't got any since the reset, but had one in each of my 3 accounts, 2 in one.
I know at least 2 of those came from Tracy G missions, I've been checking for a while trying to figure out what you had to do to get one, both the ones I know of came from kills.
BTW, had a great match with Tobin Dax in a EDFleet Action, AI was stripped successfully.
Title: Re: The Forge (2nd run) Test
Post by: Age on April 10, 2006, 06:28:10 pm
   What does it really mean by AI stripping and I have been enjoying it as well?thanks.
Title: Re: The Forge (2nd run) Test
Post by: KBFLordKrueg on April 10, 2006, 06:47:15 pm
AI stripping is when the game removes all AI in a mission with opposing live players.
The only time you'll notice it is when you have a mission with another live enemy player, vs only AI, it changes nothing.  ;)
Title: Re: The Forge (2nd run) Test
Post by: ssmeiers on April 11, 2006, 12:30:42 am

It requires Firesoul's OP+4 ([url]http://klingon.stasis.ca/OP_plusrefit/[/url]) and The Forge scripts pack ([url]http://www.dynaverse.net/downloads/sfc2_op/Scripts/TheForgeScripts.exe[/url]).

The webmap is here ([url]http://www.dynaverse.net/webmap_op_sql/[/url]).

doing another great job bonk and dave can wait for start of 2 run SS  ;D
For the test, mandatories are off, missions names are on and initial PP is 10000.

We are looking to test the AI stripping in the following missions:

Report feedback on these missions here: [url]http://www.dynaverse.net/forum/index.php/topic,163365770.0.html[/url]

A new map is in but will probably need a few tweaks before the launch of the second run.
Title: Re: The Forge (2nd run) Test
Post by: Bonk on April 14, 2006, 04:57:01 pm
Test server is back up!  :)

Webmap will be offline for a bit until adjustments after the move can be completed.

I'm going to leave it in test mode for a while yet, there's a few things to work on after the move, so the launch of the second run will be delayed a bit more. I thought I'd put it back up so people can play over the holiday weekend and hopefully get some more mission testing in for Dave.

Title: Re: The Forge (2nd run) Test
Post by: Bonk on April 14, 2006, 05:37:43 pm
The webmap is back up.  :)
Title: Re: The Forge (2nd run) Test
Post by: Father Ted on April 17, 2006, 08:46:19 am
This isn't really directed at ED but rather a head's up. C-Los and I took an asteroid assault mission earlier this morning. He went after the base while I beat up on the defender. I slapped the AD6 around pretty good and decided to put Marines on when he was pretty much gone. I captured him, C-Los blew up the base, and the mission wouldn't end. We both crossed the border, still nothing, and the AD6 was in the center of the map moving at a crisp speed of 3. We alted out because both of us were time limited and we managed to fly two more missions in the time it would have taken for us to wait for this Klink to make it to the border. But the mission should have ended when C-Los knocked off the base because I'd already capped the Klink.

Not a complaint, just a head's up for other players about this mission.

PS: There were no "Host Left" messages, so the mission wasn't bugged, but apparently, capping instead of killing the defending ship will screw up the works.
Title: Re: The Forge (2nd run) Test
Post by: KBF-Kurok on April 17, 2006, 09:53:35 am
who ever capped the ship should have tried sding it as it was part of your fleet now and need to leave the map. this happens in several missions.
Title: Re: The Forge (2nd run) Test
Post by: NuclearWessels on April 17, 2006, 02:59:18 pm

Righto, thanks for the heads up.

If folks post reminders when missions like that crop up I'll get 'em corrected (or maybe for Mav I'll get tha Moooon song to play in the background while you wait ;) )

Title: Re: The Forge (2nd run) Test
Post by: KBFLordKrueg on April 17, 2006, 03:30:56 pm
This isn't really directed at ED but rather a head's up. C-Los and I took an asteroid assault mission earlier this morning. He went after the base while I beat up on the defender. I slapped the AD6 around pretty good and decided to put Marines on when he was pretty much gone. I captured him, C-Los blew up the base, and the mission wouldn't end. We both crossed the border, still nothing, and the AD6 was in the center of the map moving at a crisp speed of 3. We alted out because both of us were time limited and we managed to fly two more missions in the time it would have taken for us to wait for this Klink to make it to the border. But the mission should have ended when C-Los knocked off the base because I'd already capped the Klink.

Not a complaint, just a head's up for other players about this mission.

PS: There were no "Host Left" messages, so the mission wasn't bugged, but apparently, capping instead of killing the defending ship will screw up the works.

This bug has been around for a while. It only occurs when there is another live player (allied or enemy) in the mission. If you're alone, capping the defending ship doesn't matter, but when there is another live player, capping the defender will result in the mission not ending correctly.
Does the same in either Asteriod Base Assault or Asteriod Base Defense.  ;)
Title: Re: The Forge (2nd run) Test
Post by: Father Ted on April 17, 2006, 04:10:13 pm
Good to know. ;)
Title: Re: The Forge (2nd run) Test
Post by: Bartok on April 18, 2006, 07:58:22 am
Ya I've seen this bug - even without any other live players,

If I've capped and sd'd the defender ship the mission won't end until you cross the border.  Unfortunately, if you don't sd the ship you're sol.
Title: Re: The Forge (2nd run) Test SUCCESS I think
Post by: SS~KHH on July 29, 2006, 04:28:15 am

It requires Firesoul's OP+4 ([url]http://klingon.stasis.ca/OP_plusrefit/[/url]) and The Forge scripts pack ([url]http://www.dynaverse.net/downloads/sfc2_op/Scripts/TheForgeScripts.exe[/url]).

The webmap is here ([url]http://www.dynaverse.net/webmap_op_sql/[/url]).

For the test, mandatories are off, missions names are on and initial PP is 10000.

We are looking to test the AI stripping in the following missions:

Report feedback on these missions here: [url]http://www.dynaverse.net/forum/index.php/topic,163365770.0.html[/url]

A new map is in but will probably need a few tweaks before the launch of the second run.
Title: Re: The Forge (2nd run) Test
Post by: Bonk on July 29, 2006, 11:39:38 am
Lol, I guess so, it seems to be working out pretty well.
Title: Re: The Forge (2nd run) Test
Post by: NuclearWessels on July 30, 2006, 08:16:00 pm
This isn't really directed at ED but rather a head's up. C-Los and I took an asteroid assault mission earlier this morning. He went after the base while I beat up on the defender. I slapped the AD6 around pretty good and decided to put Marines on when he was pretty much gone. I captured him, C-Los blew up the base, and the mission wouldn't end. We both crossed the border, still nothing, and the AD6 was in the center of the map moving at a crisp speed of 3. We alted out because both of us were time limited and we managed to fly two more missions in the time it would have taken for us to wait for this Klink to make it to the border. But the mission should have ended when C-Los knocked off the base because I'd already capped the Klink.

Not a complaint, just a head's up for other players about this mission.

PS: There were no "Host Left" messages, so the mission wasn't bugged, but apparently, capping instead of killing the defending ship will screw up the works.

This bug has been around for a while. It only occurs when there is another live player (allied or enemy) in the mission. If you're alone, capping the defending ship doesn't matter, but when there is another live player, capping the defender will result in the mission not ending correctly.
Does the same in either Asteriod Base Assault or Asteriod Base Defense.  ;)

OK, I finally got around to adding an extra set of tests that will (hopefully) catch this.  <crosses fingers>
Amazing how consistently I forget some things  ::)

Speaking of which: Padre, are there any more missions still running on the cheap in terms of pp rewards?
