
Off Topic => Holodeck => Topic started by: E_Look on February 27, 2006, 01:42:24 pm

Title: Lower Prices on Star Trek: The Next Generation DVD sets
Post by: E_Look on February 27, 2006, 01:42:24 pm
Go check out, for instance, Amazon.  I think there's some kind of sale going started by Paramount or whoever it is that distributes these boxed sets!  But only seasons 1, 2, and 3 are at reduced prices.  Seasons 4, 5, 6, and 7 are still at around $100 USD.

I picked up seasons 2 and 3 myself.  Even though I think there's maybe one (two maximum) episodes I like from season 1, I cant' bring myself to spend money on it.  Even season 2... I had to think about it, but some of those great Worf-Klingon Empire arc root stories are there.

If they ever cut the prices on the rest, I'll look for season 5, as I already have season 4 (paid full price for it when it was new!  Duh... well, I DID get to enjoy it for all this time, though).

I've got some viewing to do: TNG seasons 2, 3, 4; all seasons of TOS; season 4 of Enterprise, and that ONE season of Space: Above and Beyond.  I think this lineup beats whatever's on the air right now... though Teen Titans might come close (but I can't tell my kids that!).
Title: Re: Lower Prices on Star Trek: The Next Generation DVD sets
Post by: Darth Sidious on March 01, 2006, 08:40:19 am
It was like that in early feb.

Didnt reduce the price for all 7 season box set.  Ordered on Vday as a bday/Vday gift for the GF.  (hasnt arrived yet)

(Yes, she DID request it)
Title: Re: Lower Prices on Star Trek: The Next Generation DVD sets
Post by: Sirgod on March 01, 2006, 08:57:44 am
You have a good women Sidious , Stay with her.

Thanks for the Info E. I might have to Pick up a few seasons. Now If only the Six Million Dollar man would come out on DVD I'd be a happy 70's kinda guy.

Title: Re: Lower Prices on Star Trek: The Next Generation DVD sets
Post by: E_Look on March 01, 2006, 11:47:57 am
Stephen!  Guess what I DID see out on DVD.  It wasn't the $6 E +6 Man, but some shows I think were even better:

Time Tunnel ( ;)  ;D  ::) Hey, they might have been the U.S. precursor to the Starfleet Temporal Authority  :rofl:)

Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea (I liked their espionage episodes better than the pure sci-fi ones; more fun, I think.)
Title: Re: Lower Prices on Star Trek: The Next Generation DVD sets
Post by: E_Look on March 01, 2006, 11:51:37 am
It was like that in early feb.

Didnt reduce the price for all 7 season box set.  Ordered on Vday as a bday/Vday gift for the GF.  (hasnt arrived yet)

(Yes, she DID request it)

Awww, YOU should have posted FIRST!!

In my house, my kids want to watch them almost as much as me (but we kill each other over which ep to put on, since I'm really a TOS purist and they used to think TNG was the first Trek show.  I turn all shades of red and get hot and offended when they laugh at the lower power output of the Kirk's ship phasers to Picard's.)
Title: Re: Lower Prices on Star Trek: The Next Generation DVD sets
Post by: Sirgod on March 01, 2006, 12:01:22 pm
Stephen!  Guess what I DID see out on DVD.  It wasn't the $6 E +6 Man, but some shows I think were even better:

Time Tunnel ( ;)  ;D  ::) Hey, they might have been the U.S. precursor to the Starfleet Temporal Authority  :rofl:)

Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea (I liked their espionage episodes better than the pure sci-fi ones; more fun, I think.)

Sweet. Time tunnel, Posidien etc, where some of the best works By that one guy.

Title: Re: Lower Prices on Star Trek: The Next Generation DVD sets
Post by: E_Look on March 03, 2006, 11:44:09 pm

... I broke down; I went and got a TNG Season 1 set... I wasn't going to get it, but the kids wanted it.  Seriously!

There's really only ONE episode I really like a lot in Season 1- Heart of Glory.  Ent-D picks up some Klingon renegades and they try to... what else?... take over the ship.

But there's a lot of that Klingon stuff, which I like, and a decent bit of hand phaser fire, and a TMP-ish D7 meeting the Enterprise (I remember when I first saw it when it aired I thought, "What is this?!  Is this some producer trick, to save money??  Where is the honor in reusing an old TMP movie model?  They didn't even show angle shots, only SFC-F3-mode head on views!")...

... And catch the phaser burn glows on the guys that got hit.  After Worf offs the last baaad Klingon, he falls off the scaffold through a glass floor, so you can see the spot where he was phasered still glowing orange on the way down!  I'll give the FX boys a medal for attention to detail!
Title: Re: Lower Prices on Star Trek: The Next Generation DVD sets
Post by: Sirgod on March 04, 2006, 07:35:40 am
Yeah yeah, the Kids... Right, I believe you.  ;D ;D

Title: Re: Lower Prices on Star Trek: The Next Generation DVD sets
Post by: Nemesis on March 04, 2006, 08:01:29 am
Sweet. Time tunnel, Posidien etc, where some of the best works By that one guy.


I'm beginning to think that we need a thread just to announce TV shows and movies being released on DVD.   
Title: Re: Lower Prices on Star Trek: The Next Generation DVD sets
Post by: E_Look on June 07, 2006, 12:13:43 am
Hey folks!

ST:TNG seasons four and five are now reduced in price (about half) to about $40-50 USD!

Again, check, for instance, Amazon.com.  No go on seasons 6 and 7 yet.

Season 5 has the concluding ep of the Redempton two-parter about Picard and Ent crew reclaiming Worf's honor from Lursa and Bettor.  Great stuff.

It also has the Unification two parter with -ugh- "Ambassador" Spock.  They should have made him uberadmrial for all Starfleet and even a few civilian UFP departments (like the Chess Department or Bureau of Racial Affairs or some such).  Still, great arc.

Then, there's Darmok; superb ep.

And it has the opening ep of the two parter, Time's Arrow.  That one actually gave me the willies... strongly.

Season four has also a bunch of good ones.
Title: Re: Lower Prices on Star Trek: The Next Generation DVD sets
Post by: Dash Jones on June 07, 2006, 05:47:08 pm
I think the same goes for DS9 4 and 5.  I already had DS9 season 5, but we picked up season 4 just this week for around 50.
Title: Re: Lower Prices on Star Trek: The Next Generation DVD sets
Post by: E_Look on June 07, 2006, 05:48:52 pm
As for DS9, I think I really just might get the sets that contain the Dominion War.  Otherwise, I didn't care for that show really as much as TNG or even ENT, though it was better than VOY most of the time.
Title: Re: Lower Prices on Star Trek: The Next Generation DVD sets
Post by: Nemesis on June 07, 2006, 06:53:31 pm
I picked up seasons 4 and 5 several weeks ago at the reduced price.  I'm waiting for seasons 6 and 7 and TOS to come down now.
Title: Re: Lower Prices on Star Trek: The Next Generation DVD sets
Post by: E_Look on June 07, 2006, 10:41:20 pm
Ah, TOS may take a while... 'cuz they know old codgers like me will get it anyway.
Title: Re: Lower Prices on Star Trek: The Next Generation DVD sets
Post by: Nemesis on June 09, 2006, 08:46:03 pm
Ah, TOS may take a while... 'cuz they know old codgers like me will get it anyway.

I've seen them all so many times (mostly in black and white!) that I am not in a hurry to get the DVDs.  TNG I've only seen most of, I can wait to see the rest.
Title: Re: Lower Prices on Star Trek: The Next Generation DVD sets
Post by: E_Look on June 09, 2006, 10:15:18 pm

Yeah, I first watched it on black and white, too!  I'm not sure if I enjoyed it that way more or in color!
Title: Re: Lower Prices on Star Trek: The Next Generation DVD sets
Post by: Nemesis on June 10, 2006, 07:31:09 am
Time Tunnel ( ;)  ;D  ::) Hey, they might have been the U.S. precursor to the Starfleet Temporal Authority  :rofl:)

Volume 2 (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000EXDS2A/qid=1149942517/sr=1-2/ref=sr_1_2/002-8598933-2696069?s=dvd&v=glance&n=130) is now out. 

There also appears to be a pilot (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0791346/) for a remake series in the works.  No real details available other than 2007.
Title: Re: Lower Prices on Star Trek: The Next Generation DVD sets
Post by: Nemesis on September 03, 2006, 10:21:24 am
Ah, TOS may take a while... 'cuz they know old codgers like me will get it anyway.

I just saw the first 2 seasons of TOS on sale for 1/2 the release price (season 3 was not on the shelf).  TNG seasons 6 and 7 were also marked down substantially though not as far as seasons 1-5 have been.

I didn't get any of them yet.  I did get a DVD of This Island Earth.  Finally a replacement for the tape my older sister copied over (after promising to be careful!!).
Title: Re: Lower Prices on Star Trek: The Next Generation DVD sets
Post by: EmeraldEdge on September 03, 2006, 02:34:32 pm
Saw all three seasons of TOS at Costco for 45 bucks.    They had a bunch of TNG there too, but I didn't bother to see which seasons.
Title: Re: Lower Prices on Star Trek: The Next Generation DVD sets
Post by: E_Look on September 03, 2006, 11:44:44 pm
They finally got the 6th and 7th season TNG sets and all (though only a few left) DS9 sets for $44.95 each.

But I didn't see any TOS, at any price.  In fact, the last time I saw it there, it was at the full price of about $89 or so.
Title: Re: Lower Prices on Star Trek: The Next Generation DVD sets
Post by: Nemesis on September 04, 2006, 06:56:40 am
But I didn't see any TOS, at any price.  In fact, the last time I saw it there, it was at the full price of about $89 or so.

Around here they've been selling TOS at $155 to $189 (Cdn) per season.  They have dropped that in half.
Title: Re: Lower Prices on Star Trek: The Next Generation DVD sets
Post by: S'Raek on December 15, 2006, 02:47:11 pm
I have all three seasons of TOS and like 4 and 6 of DS9.  Need to pick up season 7 of DS9 to get the Dominion War stuff.  I liked that! 

I also need to get finish buying all the movies on DVD. 
Title: Re: Lower Prices on Star Trek: The Next Generation DVD sets
Post by: E_Look on December 15, 2006, 05:58:33 pm
Is ALL the Dominion War stuff from season 7 of DS9?
Title: Re: Lower Prices on Star Trek: The Next Generation DVD sets
Post by: GermzSlap on December 21, 2006, 03:02:34 pm
Is ALL the Dominion War stuff from season 7 of DS9?

You need get season 5 and 6 in addition to 7 to get all of Dominion war stuff. season 5 is more like the prelude to the war, tells the story of Cardassia joining the dominion and the demise of the marquis among other things,  culminating in the season finale "Call to Arms", one of my fav ep, when domion/cardassion fores take ds9. Really great stuff, highly recomended, you wont be dissapointed. It's a good time to get this stuff now, a used copy of season 6 and 7 start from like 20 something bucks on amazon.
Title: Re: Lower Prices on Star Trek: The Next Generation DVD sets
Post by: E_Look on December 21, 2006, 09:18:11 pm
I have to recover from getting TNG seasons 1-3, 6, 7 to my old seasons 4 and 5.  (My kids wanted them.  No one believes me.)

But I'd really rather get them new.
Title: Re: Lower Prices on Star Trek: The Next Generation DVD sets
Post by: GermzSlap on December 22, 2006, 10:59:04 am
I have to recover from getting TNG seasons 1-3, 6, 7 to my old seasons 4 and 5.  (My kids wanted them.  No one believes me.)

But I'd really rather get them new.

Actrually they are new, at least season 7 is. even though it is located in the used category but labeled new by the seller. right now it starts from $27. I actually bought my copies that way, they were either new or like new, but in great shape and some of them still  in shrinwrap.

EDIT:forgot to mention in the previous post that dominion storyline, not the war itself, but first dealings with the dominion  start in the second season finale "Jem Hadar". and continue in season 3 and 4 leading eventually to the war. Getting these seasons isnt a mustif you are not a fan of the show,but they will give a better understanding of whats going. you can probably find a brief summary of events that tok place in these seasons on the web and avoid getting them . I just thought i'd post this so you can make an informed decision when figuring out what season to get and what not to get.
Title: Re: Lower Prices on Star Trek: The Next Generation DVD sets
Post by: E_Look on December 22, 2006, 10:20:28 pm
Thanks for the background.  I did watch DS9 solidly until some things about it irked me and I quit until the Dominion War heated up, so I have a decent idea as to the story arcs floating about in it.  Though, I must admit, I was surprised to find back then that Worf killed Gowron and I missed that particular ep.  One day, I guess, I'll catch it.
Title: Re: Lower Prices on Star Trek: The Next Generation DVD sets
Post by: GermzSlap on December 23, 2006, 10:42:24 am
Yes, it is ironic that Worf wound up killing Gowron, considering that he was the one who played a crucial role in helping him become chancellor 8 or so years earlier. For a true klingon, an Worf is undoubtedly a true klingon, despite his human upbringing, the empire always comes first. This is truly one of the best moments in the whole trek history, in my opinion anyway. Hopefully you'll get a chance to catch it soon.