
Off Topic => Other Games => Topic started by: Rat Boy on January 15, 2006, 12:47:37 pm

Title: New SFC-like game coming to PSP and Nintendo DS
Post by: Rat Boy on January 15, 2006, 12:47:37 pm
From Trek Core (http://gaming.trekcore.com/tacticalassault/)

I may just have to invest in a Nintendo DS.
Title: Re: New SFC-like game coming to PSP and Nintendo DS
Post by: EmeraldEdge on January 15, 2006, 07:36:22 pm
Hmmm, and it's being developed by quicksilver.  Hmmm, interesting.  Sadly, I'm unlikely to pick up either of those systems, so...
Title: Re: New SFC-like game coming to PSP and Nintendo DS
Post by: Rat Boy on January 15, 2006, 07:57:18 pm
I like the idea for one reason and one reason only: SFC on an airplane, or on a car trip, or what have you.
Title: Re: New SFC-like game coming to PSP and Nintendo DS
Post by: J. Carney on January 15, 2006, 08:16:40 pm
I like the idea for one reason and one reason only: SFC on an airplane, or on a car trip, or what have you.

SFC on my next deployment, baby!

If we go back for another rotation, I'll invest in one of these.
Title: Re: New SFC-like game coming to PSP and Nintendo DS
Post by: EmeraldEdge on January 15, 2006, 08:38:49 pm
Of course we don't know the depth of play yet, right?  ;)
Title: Re: New SFC-like game coming to PSP and Nintendo DS
Post by: FPF-AJTK on January 16, 2006, 05:06:22 am
I already have a PSP, and the NCL pictured has SIX (6) shields, so I am IN! These boyos even mention SFC in the description of the game for cripes sake, its probably as close to a direct port as they could go.

OR, on an even more hopeful note, they are trying to go not for SFC, but for SFB!
Title: Re: New SFC-like game coming to PSP and Nintendo DS
Post by: FPF-Tobin Dax on January 16, 2006, 05:51:13 am
Quicksilver still shows starfleet command on their showcase page.....
Title: Re: New SFC-like game coming to PSP and Nintendo DS
Post by: EmeraldEdge on January 16, 2006, 06:00:29 am
I just wish there was going to be a PC version.  Even if it's simplified, if done right, it can be fun.  Heck, I just bought Treasure Planet: Battle at Procyon, and had a ball with it (more than I ever had with SFCIII, that's for sure).  It's simple, and yet it gets the job done.  Maybe this is a little something to test the market to see if a full scale tactical assault game is viable.
Title: Re: New SFC-like game coming to PSP and Nintendo DS
Post by: Bonk on January 16, 2006, 10:12:26 am
 8)  I wonder if there are PSP emulators for the PC yet?
Title: Re: New SFC-like game coming to PSP and Nintendo DS
Post by: Toast on January 16, 2006, 12:30:42 pm
Well this shows life i reckon i would be more interested in a ps2/3 or xbox stuff ,as unique as sfc series is as a whole would be interesting to see how the gameplay pans out, IMO here is the true answer to the holy code release ROFL  ;D I suppose if the money utters for this title can produce maybe it will lead into another game sfc4???? hehe.
Title: Re: New SFC-like game coming to PSP and Nintendo DS
Post by: Chris Johnson on January 16, 2006, 12:44:08 pm
I may just have to invest in a Nintendo DS.

This didn't get me to think about doing it (I'm a Nintendo fan that recently gave up getting new stuff for my old consoles.), but at least this gives me one more reason to get one.
Title: Re: New SFC-like game coming to PSP and Nintendo DS
Post by: FPF-Tobin Dax on January 16, 2006, 01:10:19 pm
It reads like it did get you thinking about it... ;)
Title: Re: New SFC-like game coming to PSP and Nintendo DS
Post by: EmeraldEdge on January 16, 2006, 01:53:12 pm
IMO here is the true answer to the holy code release ROFL ;D

Title: Re: New SFC-like game coming to PSP and Nintendo DS
Post by: Chris Johnson on January 16, 2006, 03:58:56 pm
It reads like it did get you thinking about it... ;)

Well, I meant when I first heard of the Nintendo DS, I considered it because it's like the Nintendo 64 in my pocket in some ways, and I'm getting more and more hesitant on getting new games for the PC and for what consoles I have.  The DS made me almost change my mind before this news, but I also didn't get it due to budget concerns.  Now with this news, I might consider it again and maybe save up some money and buy it in late-2006 maybe.
Title: Re: New SFC-like game coming to PSP and Nintendo DS
Post by: FPF-AJTK on January 17, 2006, 05:47:58 am
If your gonna blow the cash, get the PSP, it is a FAR more versatile gadget. You can play games, yes. But you can also browse the internet, wirelessly at any of the same hotspot type places you would with your laptop. (The original psp program didnt come with a browser, but Sony has added one now, you can view full pages exactly as you would on a pc, no cell phone type crap)

You can also watch movies on the UMD discs, which is really cool when your bored at work and tired of playing Battlefront 2. It uses the little Sony memory Duo cards or san disk cards of same exact type which atm go up to 2 gigs! You can dload entire movies to the thing, other video clips. Tons of music, do file transfers from pc to pc.

A very versatile device that Sony is still adding capability to.
Title: Re: New SFC-like game coming to PSP and Nintendo DS
Post by: Lepton on January 17, 2006, 10:36:42 pm
I may have to murdalize someone.  If this is the reason we did not get the SFC sources, I am gonna hafta spit.
Title: Re: New SFC-like game coming to PSP and Nintendo DS
Post by: KBF-Crim on January 17, 2006, 10:42:27 pm
I may have to murdalize someone.  If this is the reason we did not get the SFC sources, I am gonna hafta spit.

Another of those rare times when we totally agree...only I will do more than spit...
Title: Re: New SFC-like game coming to PSP and Nintendo DS
Post by: GDA-S'Cipio on January 18, 2006, 02:36:22 pm

I really want to see the details.  If it is just a simplified version of SFC, then why bother?  (I already own the full version.)  If, on the other hand, it adds new content........  well, I'll have to see.

Title: Re: New SFC-like game coming to PSP and Nintendo DS
Post by: oldmanken on January 21, 2006, 11:54:33 am
If your gonna blow the cash, get the PSP, it is a FAR more versatile gadget. You can play games, yes. But you can also browse the internet, wirelessly at any of the same hotspot type places you would with your laptop. (The original psp program didnt come with a browser, but Sony has added one now, you can view full pages exactly as you would on a pc, no cell phone type crap)

You can also watch movies on the UMD discs, which is really cool when your bored at work and tired of playing Battlefront 2. It uses the little Sony memory Duo cards or san disk cards of same exact type which atm go up to 2 gigs! You can dload entire movies to the thing, other video clips. Tons of music, do file transfers from pc to pc.

A very versatile device that Sony is still adding capability to.

That's all well and good, but I want to play games... that being the one area where the PSP is seen as a failure.  The battery life and load times kill the system as a portable gaming platform.  If cheaper and without these two problems the PSP might be worth the cash.

The DS, on the other hand, is gaming sex!  I got one for Christmas and have yet to go a single day without playing one of the games I own.  The control mechanism is intuitive and fresh, and is something which is completely unique to the DS platform.  And the games...  Mario Kart DS isn't just a good portable version of the series, but instead the best game in the series, period.  Kirby Canvas Curse has me addicted, and its ouch screen use is just fantastically original.  Metroid Prime Hunters (not released until March, except for the demo) is just as sweet as the console counterparts, and the touch screen controls are the next best thing to a mouse and keyboard.  Now with an SFC type game coming down the pipe, I will be more than satisfied with the gaming experience..  aka the primary purpose of these handheld systems.

There is a reason why the DS has outsold the PSP 2:1 (4:1 in Japan)... it's a better gaming platform.
Title: Re: New SFC-like game coming to PSP and Nintendo DS
Post by: S'Raek on March 20, 2006, 08:35:47 pm
The only problems I see up front is that the Roms are only in the online play!  lol  Unfortunately I don't have a wireless router set up for my DS.  I guess if it was cheap I could get one. 

Any new news since this article came out?  I can't find anything else on the game. 
Title: Re: New SFC-like game coming to PSP and Nintendo DS
Post by: FPF-AJTK on March 29, 2006, 05:40:16 pm
Yes, the PSP has horrid loading times, no doubt. However, I can play BattleFront2 all week with no problems. I do have a car charger that i can stick it with when it goes low. Id have to say a KEY factor in the reason the DS would outsell the PSP?

DS is what, $100-150? PSP is $250. If your getting it only for games, and have no desire to use the other stuff, why pay the extra Benjamin? If however, you want a system that is basically a handheld pc, and is bios upgradeable, there is only one choice.
Title: Re: New SFC-like game coming to PSP and Nintendo DS
Post by: Ferretlxix_XC on March 29, 2006, 07:28:24 pm
I read about this earlier on a Game informer mag.  I like the DS and it's potential because the Big N likes to do different things with their games instead of the same ol' re-hash of genres thrown into our faces (Here's something that's completely different, another shooter but with more guns and matrix like effects!!  Oh wow!). 

  Right now my wife (Alienlxix) is getting the boys a couple of the Mario cart edition DSs for their upcoming B-days and I'll probably get one for her since she is an Animal Crossing addict.  Since they'll have one each, I'll probably get one to for the Advance wars, Star Trek Tactical Assault, and the upcoming Mech Warrior game.  There are probably a few others Maybe Lunar but, those are the main reasons for me to get one.

  I think the PSP just feel like a really cheaply built over priced Piece of crap for what they are offereing.  For it's mission, I'd rather have a more flexible (but more expensive) Laptop.