Taldrenites => Starfleet Command Mission Scripting => Topic started by: Bonk on December 24, 2005, 11:18:49 am
I wonder if SQL is really necessary for higher DV shifts for PvP... the Base construction mission works just fine on the flatfile and does more to the map than just shift DV... I wonder if it might be used as a model for higher PvP DV shifts in plain old flatfile missions... hmmmm..... I'm working on updating the scriting API to VC8 right now... perhaps this will be my next project... (as updating the serverkit to VC8 is going to take a while and is our current task before conitinuing SQL work...)
edit: a hack might be to force a mission split (host left) at the end of an enemy PvP mission as this is known to result in a double DV shift if the split missions report the same result...
edit 2: another hack might be to leave the base placement DV boosts enabled in the GFs and have an enemy PvP mission place and remove a base...
Gotta get Tracey's feedback on this, I might be on to something here.... gonna post in the scripters forum...
From the KCW rules thread...
I see no reason why we should not be able to achieve this without SQL somehow... any experienced scripters got some feedback on these ideas for me?
Interesting - I'm not sure the base placement is possible unless one of the players enters the script owning a placeable base, but that's just a vague memory and might well be incorrect.
Deliberately splitting the mission to produce replicate DV changes could work - god knows I had enough scripts that did it unintentionally ;D
If you want the sources for any of the old code just holler - I've got them zipped up, just no space to post 'em
Cool to see the place is still so active!
Feel free to upload your sources to the community FTP:
I'm sure many would appreciate browsing your mission sources.
Yes, splitting the mission might be the easiest way... However since coming up with those ideas I have started an attempt at adding PvP detection to the missioncomplete and processbattle code in the serverkit. It is strange but there is no existing logic in the kit that can be used for this. I'm most of the way there, have all the framework in place, just not the actual detection of whether a battle was PvP or not... not quite as simple as it sounds.
And since then, I got distracted again trying to compile a stock script under VC8. I'm almost there, but there are gaping holes in the API that the new compiler makes apparent. I think I am beginning to see why stock missions (ones compiled with the full client source tree included) seem to be more stable than missions compiled with just the scripting API with VC6.
I'll post any results achieved of course!
Good to see you're still checkin in! :thumbsup:
Feel free to upload your sources to the community FTP:
I'm sure many would appreciate browsing your mission sources.
Doh! I really oughtta look around more often!
Thanks Bonk - I've dropped them in the OP uploads section and PM'd Frey
Yes, splitting the mission might be the easiest way... However since coming up with those ideas I have started an attempt at adding PvP detection to the missioncomplete and processbattle code in the serverkit. It is strange but there is no existing logic in the kit that can be used for this. I'm most of the way there, have all the framework in place, just not the actual detection of whether a battle was PvP or not... not quite as simple as it sounds.
And since then, I got distracted again trying to compile a stock script under VC8. I'm almost there, but there are gaping holes in the API that the new compiler makes apparent. I think I am beginning to see why stock missions (ones compiled with the full client source tree included) seem to be more stable than missions compiled with just the scripting API with VC6.
I'll post any results achieved of course!
It'll be interesting to hear the results! I still have nightmares about the API some nights ;)
Good to see you're still checkin in! :thumbsup:
Thanks! Actually I'm just going through the rigamarole of installing everything - see if I can still fly one of these things. (Hmmm ... ok, that unjustly implies I could fly one of these things before, ah well!)
Doh! I really oughtta look around more often!
Thanks Bonk - I've dropped them in the OP uploads section and PM'd Frey
Awesome! Those will come in handy.
It'll be interesting to hear the results! I still have nightmares about the API some nights ;)
:rofl: I'm not at all suprised. ;)
Thanks! Actually I'm just going through the rigamarole of installing everything - see if I can still fly one of these things. (Hmmm ... ok, that unjustly implies I could fly one of these things before, ah well!)
Cool! I hope we'll see ya on KCW. :)