
Off Topic => Other Games => Topic started by: IAF Lyrkiller on November 05, 2005, 11:38:27 pm

Title: Anyone playing Call of Duty 2?
Post by: IAF Lyrkiller on November 05, 2005, 11:38:27 pm
N/T ;D

This game is also addictive. ;D
Title: Re: Anyone playing Call of Duty 2?
Post by: IAF Lyrkiller on November 14, 2005, 07:06:52 am
I am now more than half way through the game. working on the american section now. Hill 400 is a pian in the rear. ;D
Title: Re: Anyone playing Call of Duty 2?
Post by: Sirgod on November 14, 2005, 07:13:39 am
Lyre, Can you send me your address again? I lost that Pm , and Am going to the Post office today.

Title: Re: Anyone playing Call of Duty 2?
Post by: IAF Lyrkiller on November 16, 2005, 07:41:26 am
Finished w/ CoD2 last night. starting over next level up. ;D
Title: Re: Anyone playing Call of Duty 2?
Post by: Lono on November 30, 2005, 04:57:31 pm
Can someone recommend a mod that returns the health system to that of the original CoD?

Although I'm sure it's very authentic - I just cant get into playing as Wolverine in WWII...   ;)

So many people are like well it's not less realistic than the health packs - well I agree - and I turned off the health packs in the original cuz' I am a masocist who likes sweatin' bullets through every single mission.

Makes the game last longer and just feels right with the theatrical "saving private ryan" presentation.

Also did they really disable Friendly Fire in the game?  To me thats just rediculous - I know on the original I had a few guilty moments when I shot friend rather than foe accidentally (and ocassionaly on purpose).

I've seen a gagle of Realism mods out there - but they also seem to change guns, textures, officers, etc - and I dont necessarily want to play a complete conversion of the game - just want the things they gave me in the first game - challenge and excitment!

Any advice would be much appreciated!
Title: Re: Anyone playing Call of Duty 2?
Post by: IAF Lyrkiller on December 03, 2005, 11:08:12 am
Also did they really disable Friendly Fire in the game? To me thats just rediculous - I know on the original I had a few guilty moments when I shot friend rather than foe accidentally (and ocassionaly on purpose).

Lono, to answer that question in CoD2. friendly fire is not disabled. I have killed enough friendlies to be court martialed. ;D
Title: Re: Anyone playing Call of Duty 2?
Post by: Dash Jones on December 04, 2005, 02:26:01 pm
You have to be sneaky to get someone with it...either that or I have to disable it in the options.  Whenever I target someone (friendly) I can't seem to shoot.  Especially if I'm right behind them.
Title: Re: Anyone playing Call of Duty 2?
Post by: Tus-XC on December 04, 2005, 03:03:53 pm
grenades work for killing your allies.... ;)
Title: Re: Anyone playing Call of Duty 2?
Post by: Toast on December 31, 2005, 12:27:04 pm
 ;D yeh got the game not to bad i like it
Title: Re: Anyone playing Call of Duty 2?
Post by: Dracho on January 04, 2006, 02:08:07 pm
Is it anything like Hidden & Dangerous 2?  I just bought that out of the bargain bin for $4.99 and it's pretty hard.  Reminds me a lot of a "better" version of the WIII on some islands off of Europe FPS.  Operation something or other...by Codemasters.