Off Topic => Ten Forward => Topic started by: Mackie on September 17, 2005, 02:04:14 am
you're 21 years old. you wake up one rather cold autumn morning, go to the bathroom to do the morning things. brush yer teeth and comb what little hair you have, maybe to get rid of those darn skinflakes.... so the thing that sucks; you look at your comb and notice that theres a f*ckload of hair on it. from your head. that came off.
now THAT is what SUCK some SERIOUS ARSE. ;/
There is help for that but jeez 21 years old seems way to young. I would go and get yourself checked out. There are things out there that can make your body lose it's hair. Things like poisoning . . .
There is help for that but jeez 21 years old seems way to young. I would go and get yourself checked out. There are things out there that can make your body lose it's hair. Things like poisoning . . .
heh im physically just fine as i can be, not poisoned or anything... its just been recently thinning out alot but i must admit, this was the largest amount i remember ;P
(my other, erm, natural areas still have their hair such as my beard :P)
Damn...I'll be 50 come Christmas..still have all my hair..tho' it's going gray (grey), probably do to my children, the youngest (22) just got married last April...
but don't feel bad, my wife was going gray at 21 (then again, she'd been married to me for a year)
We all age differently..just blame your ancestors
I started loosing my hair at 17. But I take consolation in knowing I lasted longer than my father--he was bald by 25.
well i dont exactly feel TOO Bad about it but i truly was quite surprised at the amount of hair that came off in this age and time, its mostly just thinning out from the front. will have to wait and see how far it goes ;P
A guy that graduated a year before me (ie 1986 for him) already had serious balding and by 21, looked like Lobot from the Empire Strikes Back.
What does your mother's father look like? They say you get the bald gene from your mother's side.
What does your mother's father look like? They say you get the bald gene from your mother's side.
ah. short little hairy russian/karelian ;D
Live near any nookyalar reactors?
nope. its just my hair retreating faster than the french front. ;p
Seriously, you worry too much??
Seriously, you worry too much??
thats something that i do admit doing too much, the only thing more difficult that is trying NOT "keep the weight of the world" on my shoulders ;P
You could go for the Jean Luc Picard look. Bald and blindingly shiny! ;)
You could go for the Jean Luc Picard look. Bald and blindingly shiny! ;)
lol ;D
im not old / grey enough for that to look good on me ;)
I have heard of an old wives tale that your wife or s/o has to lick your balding areas everyday for your hair to grow back. Sounds like fun? Err? :o
There are shampoos out there that are supposed to help stop or reverse the loss of hair. Try that for a bit and see if it works.
I have heard of an old wives tale that your wife or s/o has to lick your balding areas everyday for your hair to grow back. Sounds like fun? Err? :o
I hope that doesn't cause hair growth in other places.
I have heard of an old wives tale that your wife or s/o has to lick your balding areas everyday for your hair to grow back. Sounds like fun? Err? :o
I hope that doesn't cause hair growth in other places.
Weeelllll, I don't know about that but I'm sure something is bound to 'grow'! :-* :-*
naughty naughty ;D
naughty naughty ;D
Yes I am! And darn proud of it too! ;) :-*
Read my first quote down below. ;D :whip:
naughty naughty ;D
Yes I am! And darn proud of it too! ;) :-*
Read my first quote down below. ;D :whip:
well i rekon you got a rather happy hubby then ;D
and as for me i finally thought that f*ck the hair, im going lex luthor on it. (yes yes i know i look somewhat odd in the pic, dunno why and its not the hairlessness either) :P
Hey you look pretty good that way!
What do you mean you look odd? You gotta lumpy head or something? :o
One phenomena I've noticed is that as hair disappears from the top of a man's head it often reappears on his face. ;)
One phenomena I've noticed is that as hair disappears from the top of a man's head it often reappears on his face. ;)
well i gotta have least SOME hair up there ;D