Taldrenites => Dynaverse II Experiences => Topic started by: KAT Chuut-Ritt on August 22, 2005, 12:48:23 am
Duck, you were by far the most entertaining opponent that my guys faced all server. Your skill, sportsmanship and fun-loving nature soooo enhanced my personal and my team's experience on this server that I don't know how to thank you. The combination of skill, grace, and sportsmanship you displayed was a model for all players of all races. Salute to you Sir.
As KAT Patriarch I'd like to offer you the Lionheart award, formerly only rewarded to allies of the Kzin, but you have definately proven your worth and dedication and most importantly your sense of fun. If you accept you will be only the third recipient of this award with Freedom and Deadmansix being the other two.
As Alliance ARM I would offer you kudos as well. All of our guys enjoyed fighting you, and our 1v1 was the most entertaining fight I've had in 2 years.
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :woot: :woot: :woot:
I had one heck of a Great time in my matches against you........ even tho I ended up in small pieces most of the time ;D
Damn, I was hoping to post this thread 1st. Damn u chuut!
Shadowlord, u have it all.
Class: No matter what the odds, or what the ships, you never complained and fought a good fight.
Skill: Despite my very best efforts, you denied me the kill on multiple occasions where I should have had you. You even bested me several times, and most notable, handed me my 1st rock.
Sportsmanship: I heard a teammate exclaim on TS you were about to blow up his DN. He had no cash to buy another ship. A few mins later, he says you accepted his surrender and gave him a tow.
Hats off. You added twice the fun for me this server with our repeated duels, fleet actions and good times. A server wouldnt be the same without you. Hope to see you and the KHH guys on again. ;)
Sadly I didn't have the luck to fight you this campaign... maybe the next one :)
Chutt I just don't know what to say...other then Thanks...
An awared of this type of award belongs to everyone who flies with honor and for the fun of the community..
Maybe this is something that can be picked up on for future servers as well..
Have the RM's//ARM award
-- Best player
-- Most honorable player
Merits for each opposition team.
Honestly even being mentioned like that blows me away..and I do appricate it.
I do hope that we get a chance to fly together soon chutt and belive it or not, Diz -- I wouldnt mind finding out what your like as a wing either..
All that being said -- hats off to everyone I flew against as well -- it takes two sides to make a good game right -
this is becoming sickeningly happy happy.
Where's the smack talk?
Where's the abuse?
Where's the pics of people's ships getting hammered? (oh wait...)
I wouldnt mind finding out what your like as a wing either..
Lots of T-bombs ;)
Seriously Duck, hardly a night went by that I didn't hear at least one instance of a great fight involving one of my guys and you on our voice comms, you truly made the server better for everyone.
As for the award idea of yours, it would be difficult to pick out just one player on most occassions and I wouldn't want to slight others by doing so. In this case, however, the decision was crystal clear.
Where's the pics of people's ships getting hammered? (oh wait...)
Doo be, doo be doo . . .
My best 1v1 of the Server was against Duck and I have to pull every trick I know out of my ass to win :thumbsup:
I was fortunate to fly several vs Duck, and although I think I did better overall vs him than he did vs me, he was class all the way. TWG and GGs. cant wait for the day that we get to wing each other. As you say, you and I fly both very similar styles.
So now you all have an idea why KHH, after being incorporated in October of 1999, still breathes and has the same core guys playing.
Good for you Ducky, couldn't happen to a nicer SLUT.
That's our Duck- you just can't hide a light :D
OMG -- chutt I didn't see the ploy at first now I do --
Your trying to make me quit KHH --
you have no idea the abuse I am now taking over this post -- from some Hykull email groups Jakle sent this link out to -- havent seen the guys in years and now -- oh the pain the pain....
Can you just mail me a bottle of scotch instead?
What the hell is a Hykull email group?
As for the bottle o scotch, I could send a scotch bottle perhaps, but the contents seem to evaporate :P
What the hell is a Hykull email group?
KHH has a Yahoogroup that I made when Starlance folded, many moons ago. About 80% of the members are dormant - but my posting this link stirred one of them enough to wake up and respond with a delightful ribbing of the quacking one.
Jackle I've heard tremendous accolades awarded to you as a pilot, but you will be hard pressed to achieve the level of respect that Duck has here in the D2 community. Nonetheless his actions and that of Mrogue as well have spoken volumes for the KHH and they are excellent ambassadors for your fleet.
You can tease him all you want but he has brought honor to all your pilots. If you don't want him, the KATS surely do.
If you don't want him, the KATS surely do.
We allready got dibs..... ;)
If you don't want him, the KATS surely do.
We allready got dibs..... ;)
Wasn't talking about Dib ;D
Jolan’tru. Know we are watching, always. You have trespassed into Romulan space. Lay to and prepare to be boarded.
Jolan’tru. Know we are watching, always. You have trespassed into Romulan space. Lay to and prepare to be boarded.
Cool! Boarded by Romulans, didn't know you guys delivered dinner, saves alot of trouble for hungry Kzin, thanks guys ;D