Off Topic => Engineering => Topic started by: NJAntman on June 21, 2005, 09:43:48 pm
Has anyone here tried any of the products out there for "repairing" scratched CDs and/or DVDs. I find everything from hand cranked to motorized, $30 to $150, but does anyone have experience with them? Are these things real or should I just waste the money on a Ron-co Potato Peeler?
Some do , some don't to be honest. Heck I've even had good luck with rubbing a white Toothpaste on cd's and Buffing them with a Soft cloth to get them to work. Most kits have a Gelatinous Silicone micro Beads type thing, and If you get a good one, they will work. Shoot one of the best i ever had, I picked up at walmart for about 20 bucks.
Hope this helps Bro.
I found the following a couple of years ago, although I can't remember where. Hope this helps.
Materials needed:
1 dry soft rag
A sink (any running water source will do)
A can of Brasso (less than $3 at your local hardware store)
Latex gloves (optional)
Most scratches that are superficial can be repaired. The bottom of the CD
(part w/o writing) has a several mm thick coating of polycarbonate. The top
usually has a much thinner polycarbonate layer, or just a label. As long as the
scratch does not actually tear the data holding membrane and aluminum backing
(either from the top or from the bottom), then the CD can more than likely be saved.
1. Hold the CD with the underside (scratched playing surface) facing up, with your index finger in the center hole to help stabilize the CD during scrubbing.
2. Pour a small amount (about a quarter (2cm) diameter) onto the scratched underside of the CD.
3. Either with a finger* or the cloth (a finger works better), rub the CD firmly while bracing other side with your free hand or something soft (you don't want to create more scratches during this process)
4. DO NOT RUB IN A CIRCLE! Rub from the center of the CD out to the rim like a radial.
Shoot one of the best i ever had, I picked up at walmart for about 20 bucks.
Would you happen to know the brand/model?
Shoot one of the best i ever had, I picked up at walmart for about 20 bucks.
Would you happen to know the brand/model?
I don't Man, But I'll be going into town tomorrow, and I can find out. Mind you Being a cattle Baron, I go into the city, maybe once a month. But I'll be going to wal-mart tomorrow, and If nothing else, I'll pick up a kit and send It your way. Just PM your Cntact Info again.
Cool beans dude. Although picking it up would be greatly appreciatted there is no need to go to all that trouble; Wal-mart invaded Jersey years ago so if you can find it there I can find it here and we can cut out the postman in the middle. My next stop is the Wal-mart site to see what they list, perhaps I can find a pic of what they offer and you could narrow down which it may be?
Cool beans dude. Although picking it up would be greatly appreciatted there is no need to go to all that trouble; Wal-mart invaded Jersey years ago so if you can find it there I can find it here and we can cut out the postman in the middle. My next stop is the Wal-mart site to see what they list, perhaps I can find a pic of what they offer and you could narrow down which it may be?
Sure thing Bro. I'm at your service at this one, Just let me know.