
Taldrenites => Dynaverse II Experiences => Topic started by: ShadowLord on May 24, 2005, 09:28:42 am

Title: Observations on flying a fed ship from a NON fed pilot
Post by: ShadowLord on May 24, 2005, 09:28:42 am
Well ok taking part in Mirror Mirror has now given me the chance to fly a few fed ships and in the last three days I have spent more time in a fed Captains Chair then I did in 6 years of ladder matches..


Fed ships turn like Garbage Scows
Fed ships might not be able to HET
Fed ships have limited transporters
Fed ships have SLOW ass loading times

Now all that is offset by a very nice CRUNCH punch when you do a close range alpa strike.

Bottom Line....
When do I get back in my D5L?

(drones -- drones -- we dont need no stinking drones were flying FED {Crew looks at the captain with terror in their eyes..})
Title: Re: Observations on flying a fed ship from a NON fed pilot
Post by: SSCF-Patterson on May 24, 2005, 11:18:34 am
Well ok taking part in Mirror Mirror has now given me the chance to fly a few fed ships and in the last three days I have spent more time in a fed Captains Chair then I did in 6 years of ladder matches..


Fed ships turn like Garbage Scows
Fed ships might not be able to HET
Fed ships have limited transporters
Fed ships have SLOW ass loading times

Now all that is offset by a very nice CRUNCH punch when you do a close range alpa strike.

Bottom Line....
When do I get back in my D5L?

(drones -- drones -- we dont need no stinking drones were flying FED {Crew looks at the captain with terror in their eyes..})

It's ok Shadow, most of our good stuff (well matter of opinion) doesn't come out untill 2275 and later.
Title: Re: Observations on flying a fed ship from a NON fed pilot
Post by: FPF-Jem on May 24, 2005, 01:01:09 pm
Ummm... Most of our "good" ships suffer from those same...features though
Title: Re: Observations on flying a fed ship from a NON fed pilot
Post by: FPF-Paladin on May 24, 2005, 01:12:49 pm
*shakes his finger slowly*

Think about this next time you hear a non-fed pilot bashing fed pilots.

Grrrr.  *holds in long withheld evil rant!*  :rant:
Title: Re: Observations on flying a fed ship from a NON fed pilot
Post by: Nemesis on May 24, 2005, 01:43:51 pm
*shakes his finger slowly*

Think about this next time you hear a non-fed pilot bashing fed pilots.

Grrrr.  *holds in long withheld evil rant!*  :rant:

But FED pilots choose this.  WE were DRAFTED!!!.

Title: Re: Observations on flying a fed ship from a NON fed pilot
Post by: ShadowLord on May 24, 2005, 01:52:31 pm
ROFL -- I could write a whole page on every races strong and weak points (well maybe not a page on ISC weak points) -- I think what makes the Klingon vs FED matchup the "classic matchup" ..is that Fed strongpoints balance the Klingon weakpoints -- etc .....

Many Feds would really miss the photon crunch power -- and would learn to adjust their flying style to "saber dance" ..etc etc

Not trying to create a debate here just commenting on what this old warrior misses with his ships.
Title: Re: Observations on flying a fed ship from a NON fed pilot
Post by: FPF-DieHard on May 24, 2005, 01:54:27 pm

Many Feds would really miss the photon crunch power -- and would learn to adjust their flying style to "saber dance" ..etc etc

Funny part is nearly everyone, including myself, was flying a CF, a "saber-dancing" ship.
Title: Re: Observations on flying a fed ship from a NON fed pilot
Post by: FPF-Paladin on May 24, 2005, 01:55:30 pm
*shakes his finger slowly*

Think about this next time you hear a non-fed pilot bashing fed pilots.

Grrrr.  *holds in long withheld evil rant!*  :rant:

But FED pilots choose this.  WE were DRAFTED!!!.



*lashes out with Force lightning*  KZZOT!  Get back in that CC+ and move that phaser capacitor like your life depended on it!!

Title: Re: Observations on flying a fed ship from a NON fed pilot
Post by: FPF-Paladin on May 24, 2005, 02:08:28 pm
ROFL -- I could write a whole page on every races strong and weak points (well maybe not a page on ISC weak points) -- I think what makes the Klingon vs FED matchup the "classic matchup" ..is that Fed strongpoints balance the Klingon weakpoints -- etc .....

Many Feds would really miss the photon crunch power -- and would learn to adjust their flying style to "saber dance" ..etc etc

Not trying to create a debate here just commenting on what this old warrior misses with his ships.

hehe, I know, I was just kidding around ;)

Actually, you are 100% dead on in my case.  Flew a CF and thought on and off of going CC+ until I flew it against an old hand at Fed flying a CC+ (gg Ted 1AIF, is that you FatherTed?), who proceeded to quickly remind me why I wanted it   :thumbsup: and maybe doesn't realize how close he came to gutting my ship completely, or (I think) let me disengage.  So I grabbed a CC+ for a while, I can understand you missing your favorite ships.
Title: Re: Observations on flying a fed ship from a NON fed pilot
Post by: ShadowLord on May 24, 2005, 02:37:16 pm
Interesting -- I considered the CC+ over the CF myself -- but figured the cf was more of a klingon style ship == however I was wondering if the old CC+ cant use its extra photons to beat a CF == mind you it would have to castle to do to it --

Interesting debate to hear what old fed players would say on this topic..
Title: Re: Observations on flying a fed ship from a NON fed pilot
Post by: Nemesis on May 24, 2005, 03:01:54 pm

*lashes out with Force lightning*  KZZOT!  Get back in that CC+ and move that phaser capacitor like your life depended on it!!


CC+?  I'm in a F-DDL+ you insensitive clod!

Title: Re: Observations on flying a fed ship from a NON fed pilot
Post by: FPF-DieHard on May 24, 2005, 03:18:23 pm
Interesting -- I considered the CC+ over the CF myself -- but figured the cf was more of a klingon style ship == however I was wondering if the old CC+ cant use its extra photons to beat a CF == mind you it would have to castle to do to it --

Interesting debate to hear what old fed players would say on this topic..

It can.   Sombody already beat a CF with a CC+ this server.

The CF's strengths are in dealing with Seeking weapons.   It is really good at handling plasma and drone boats.  

Ships with lots of direct-fire can simply castle and wait for it to close

The CB in 2275 is definately better as it's power curve isn't as god-awful as the CC+ and it can fire all 10 Ph1 in the centerline.
Title: Re: Observations on flying a fed ship from a NON fed pilot
Post by: Father Ted on May 24, 2005, 04:51:37 pm
Yep Paladin, that was me. And while I love the H-THR I'm not a big fan of the F-CF. I'll keep the Majestik Moose. I like the two extra photons. ;)
Title: Re: Observations on flying a fed ship from a NON fed pilot
Post by: Corbomite on May 24, 2005, 09:23:17 pm

*lashes out with Force lightning*  KZZOT!  Get back in that CC+ and move that phaser capacitor like your life depended on it!!


CC+?  I'm in a F-DDL+ you insensitive clod!


I knew there was a real pilot out there somewhere. Flown correctly the DDL+ is one of the best Fed buddy ships in the early Mid Era.
Title: Re: Observations on flying a fed ship from a NON fed pilot
Post by: 762_XC on May 24, 2005, 11:14:53 pm
Yep Paladin, that was me. And while I love the H-THR I'm not a big fan of the F-CF. I'll keep the Majestik Moose. I like the two extra photons. ;)

Title: Re: Observations on flying a fed ship from a NON fed pilot
Post by: FPF-AJTK on May 25, 2005, 09:18:24 am
darth t00l
Title: Re: Observations on flying a fed ship from a NON fed pilot
Post by: GDA-S'Cipio on May 25, 2005, 11:51:05 am
Fed ships turn like Garbage Scows
Nah, Fed ships are nimble.
Fed ships might not be able to HET
What's a HET?

Fed ships have limited transporters

Well, they have the normal number, but they aren't very big.  How's a full-sized Gorn suppoed to fit on one of those teeny little pads anway?  Everything just doesn't fit!  I ended up beaming across without a phaser rifle last time I boarded an Imperial ship, and had to rip one away from one of those little skitish Darth guys.

And poor Kroma!  He showed up missing a full inch from his back side the last time he tried to use a Terran transporter.

Fed ships have SLOW ass loading times

Fed ships fire with magic speed.   And their torps actually hit things rather than just chasing the enemy away.  It's barbaric.  How can a civilized society use such a weapon?  Maybe the ISC had a point after all.

Now all that is offset by a very nice CRUNCH punch when you do a close range alpa strike.

Oh, the humanity.   <faints>

(PS:  The Gorn War Department would like to purchase a few of those BCJ thingys, OK? )

Title: Re: Observations on flying a fed ship from a NON fed pilot
Post by: Capt Jeff on May 25, 2005, 12:23:19 pm

(PS:  The Gorn War Department would like to purchase a few of those BCJ thingys, OK? )


Have as many New Jersey's are you want......worst of the four BCH's  (yes, I would rather fly a Excelsior)   ;)
Title: Re: Observations on flying a fed ship from a NON fed pilot
Post by: FPF-DieHard on May 25, 2005, 01:00:46 pm
mmmmm BCF  . . .
Title: Re: Observations on flying a fed ship from a NON fed pilot
Post by: GDA-S'Cipio on May 25, 2005, 01:18:52 pm
Capt Jeff offered:
Have as many New Jersey's are you want......worst of the four BCH's (yes, I would rather fly a Excelsior)   
Yousa weirdo!  :P

mmmmm BCF  . . .

Puh-lease!  The last thing the Confederation needs is another big hull with a pair of baby plasma F's.   Please keep your BCF at home until it grows up.   ;)

Who'd trade a photon for an F torp?  Personally, I think you guys are just jealous of my big plasma launcher.

Title: Re: Observations on flying a fed ship from a NON fed pilot
Post by: FPF-Tobin Dax on May 25, 2005, 01:24:02 pm
F torp, no holding cost. 2 more photons? Forget doing speed 31 in your BCJ with 6 normals armed.
Title: Re: Observations on flying a fed ship from a NON fed pilot
Post by: GDA-S'Cipio on May 25, 2005, 01:39:11 pm
F torp, no holding cost.

You get what you pay for.    :P

Title: Re: Observations on flying a fed ship from a NON fed pilot
Post by: Corbomite on May 25, 2005, 02:48:46 pm

Who'd trade a photon for an F torp?  Personally, I think you guys are just jealous of my big plasma launcher.


Lets see, at range 5 it does more than an OL Photon, at range 10 it does one less than an OL Photon (and can hit at range 10), always hits, has a better firing arc, holds for nothing, charges for cheaper than a normal Photon and has Pseudo Torps. The only advantage to the Photon is faster arming and range on the Proxies.

I think the question is who wouldn't trade a Photon for a Plasma F.
Title: Re: Observations on flying a fed ship from a NON fed pilot
Post by: Nemesis on May 25, 2005, 03:21:26 pm

*lashes out with Force lightning*  KZZOT!  Get back in that CC+ and move that phaser capacitor like your life depended on it!!


CC+?  I'm in a F-DDL+ you insensitive clod!


I knew there was a real pilot out there somewhere. Flown correctly the DDL+ is one of the best Fed buddy ships in the early Mid Era.

I just like the small ships :).  Mostly I fly alone.

Link to F-DDL vs K-CC+ fight :) (http://www.dynaverse.net/forum/index.php/topic,163356509.msg1122571806.html#msg1122571806)

Title: Re: Observations on flying a fed ship from a NON fed pilot
Post by: GDA-S'Cipio on May 25, 2005, 03:27:52 pm

Who'd trade a photon for an F torp?  Personally, I think you guys are just jealous of my big plasma launcher.


Lets see, at range 5 it does more than an OL Photon,

Only on a stationary target.  At range 5, it often ends up doing zero damage to target.

at range 10 it does one less than an OL Photon (and can hit at range 10),

See notes on range 5.  At range 10, you aren't going to hit anything that hasn't decided it wants to be hit.  (Which can happen, since the target knows you are going to take a while in reloading.)  And if he really has decided he wants to be hit, maybe you should wait for him to finish closing to a lot less than 10.

The only advantage to the Photon is faster arming and range on the Proxies.

And the ability to hit a departing target, and the ability to hit a target regardless of his speed, and the ability to hit when a weasel is out.  And the ability to (seldom) hit without a lock.

Title: Re: Observations on flying a fed ship from a NON fed pilot
Post by: Julin Eurthyr on May 25, 2005, 05:56:17 pm
Observations of the Froggy... ;)

Phasers:  What's with all this funky LS / RS stuff?  Why is it that I need to centerline a target to get most of my phasers to fire?  As an ISC captain, I'm used to having my 8 Ph-1s available throughout the entire forward arc.  Nothing like taking an oblique approach (D7-school saberdance) and watching all the Ph-1s fire...  Granted, the extra Ph-1s to the rear are useful for drone evasion etc., but Feds typically have AMD to cover that issue...
By the way, what's so wrong with the Ph-3?  I like 3 on each side, I can typically snuff a released scatterpack on the centerline with the wing Ph-3s and maybe a couple of Ph-1s...

Photons:  They'd probably be niftier if the Federation adapted ISC phaser-arcs or got better hit ratios.  I've found that my photon usage is more as an accelerator than anything.  Getting into a fight, I fire photons at every good opportunity (ie, when I get the enemy in arc and a decent range bracket).  It's nice when I land 3 of 4 or 4 of 4, but sucks when I land 0 or 1, even on a 0-shift at range 4...  Therefore, I find my primary method of combat to be the saber-dance-esque phaser-boat maneuver, and then I wonder why I can't get my starboard phasers to fire through the front of my #6...

Drones / Scatterpacks:  I really need to learn the timing of these things, most of the time they either wouid have deployed too close (cause they were destroyed en-route), or I don't get a chance to tractor the enemy and therefore they weasel once it pops.  Once I sucked the phaser fire out of the target, dropped a scatter at close range, and it popped right on the enemy's shield line causing lots of instant damage...

Did I mention I really miss the fact that all my Ph-1s work in the FA arc... ???
Title: Re: Observations on flying a fed ship from a NON fed pilot
Post by: Father Ted on May 25, 2005, 06:55:35 pm
Master Julin, welcome to the wonderful world of the Federation. And their ships. These are not the easiest ships in the Alpha Quadrant to fly, but when you do fly them right, whoa Nelly! They'll unleash a 55 gallon drum of industrial strength Whoop-Ass on whoever is flying against them.

It takes patience and practice to learn the art of flying any race's ship. That goes for Feds as well as Klink, or Hydran or Rom or anybody else. Feds have a lousy turn rate, slow recharge, and some of their best ships can't HET. But next to a Gorn, they can take a lickin' and keep on tickin' with any ship out there. 
Title: Re: Observations on flying a fed ship from a NON fed pilot
Post by: Julin Eurthyr on May 25, 2005, 07:13:14 pm
Here's some shockers:

The Fed ships, for the most part, turn identically to ISC ships.  F-CA (and variants) all have the same turn mode as the I-CA/CC lines, that of Turn Mode D.  The CL / NCL family shares the I-CL / CM's turn mode, C.

Of course, ISC ships are in much higher BPV brackets (ie, the Turn Mode D I-CCZ is a 229 BPV ship while the Turn Mode D I-CB is a 175-ish ship...) but the actual rate of turn is not a tremendous issue to me, I'm accustomed to those turn rates...

As S'cippy so elequently pointed out, Photon charge times are faster than the Plasma Torpedoes, and are identical to that of the PPD.  So charge time isn't an issue.

Obviously, compared to the power hungry (and with engines to supply them) plasma ships, the lower power (I'm used to 40-44 power on a CA hull, not 36-38) shocks me occasionally, but I'm also not used to flying 31 all the time (I-CCZ can barely make .6 loading all weapons with ECM 4...), so the speeds attainable under various loads are comprable...

I thought this thread was a nifty place to point out what people are noticing while flying "foreign" ships, and since we've had Klink and Gorn, I figured the ISC viewpoint would be helpful...

(And it proves that I do fly other than cheese every chance I get... :D)
Title: Re: Observations on flying a fed ship from a NON fed pilot
Post by: Father Ted on May 25, 2005, 07:32:25 pm
Oh baby, don't give me those negative waves! ;P

It requires timing in a Fed ship to do the nasty things you need to do. If you want, log on to the server, and run a wing with me. I'll show you how a Fed kills those simps... ;)
Title: Re: Observations on flying a fed ship from a NON fed pilot
Post by: Corbomite on May 25, 2005, 08:13:29 pm

Who'd trade a photon for an F torp?  Personally, I think you guys are just jealous of my big plasma launcher.


Lets see, at range 5 it does more than an OL Photon,

Only on a stationary target.  At range 5, it often ends up doing zero damage to target.

at range 10 it does one less than an OL Photon (and can hit at range 10),

See notes on range 5.  At range 10, you aren't going to hit anything that hasn't decided it wants to be hit.  (Which can happen, since the target knows you are going to take a while in reloading.)  And if he really has decided he wants to be hit, maybe you should wait for him to finish closing to a lot less than 10.

The only advantage to the Photon is faster arming and range on the Proxies.

And the ability to hit a departing target, and the ability to hit a target regardless of his speed, and the ability to hit when a weasel is out.  And the ability to (seldom) hit without a lock.


Sounds to me like you're not using it right.
Title: Re: Observations on flying a fed ship from a NON fed pilot
Post by: 762_XC on May 25, 2005, 11:03:05 pm
If you already have 4 photons, you'd be happy to take the F-torps.

If all you have is plasma, you'd kill for some photons.

Seems simple enough to me.
Title: Re: Observations on flying a fed ship from a NON fed pilot
Post by: Corbomite on May 26, 2005, 02:50:41 am
If you already have 4 photons, you'd be happy to take the F-torps.

If all you have is plasma, you'd kill for some photons.

Seems simple enough to me.

Well thank you Darth Obvious. I don't think anyone realized we were talking about the merits of different loadouts on Federation BCH's in a thread about the merits and demerits of Federation ships.  :P
Title: Re: Observations on flying a fed ship from a NON fed pilot
Post by: FPF-DieHard on May 26, 2005, 10:42:55 am
Darth Obvious!!!!  :rofl:
Title: Re: Observations on flying a fed ship from a NON fed pilot
Post by: Capt_Bearslayer_XC on May 26, 2005, 10:50:28 am
Title: Re: Observations on flying a fed ship from a NON fed pilot
Post by: GDA-Agave on May 27, 2005, 09:53:09 am

I'm going nuts.   Man do I suck in Fed ships in PvP missions.  (as DH can surely attest to)

The only time I have fought effectively was in the nebula, or against a opponent with a smaller ship!  (or both)   Imagine that!   ;D

Sheesh...........this is so frustrating!!   :(

Oh well, I'll just keep trying.   At least I'm good for placing bases.   ;)


Title: Re: Observations on flying a fed ship from a NON fed pilot
Post by: el-Karnak on May 27, 2005, 10:50:22 am
Messa muy, muy  likes the F-BCF. 

It even won't break down when I hit the HET button. ;D
Title: Re: Observations on flying a fed ship from a NON fed pilot
Post by: Barack Beard on May 27, 2005, 02:34:21 pm

Well thank you Darth Obvious.

+1 Karma for that one  ;D