Off Topic => Holodeck => Topic started by: Rat Boy on May 09, 2005, 11:00:21 am
From Sci-Fi Universe (http://www.scifiuniverse.net/news/2005/05/09_01.php)
Get 'em before the site gets hit with a cease and desist. The clip...that's very disappointing, on several levels. While it may only be a preliminary, rough version, the final montage would have a lot of errors to make up for, if this isn't the final version:
* It seems so forced, like this is B&B's last attempt to say, "See? It's canon!" where such a move wasn't necessary. Some will likely argue that it bridges the gap between the generations of the franchise, but hasn't that been done enough in this particular episode? And throwing in Kirk's Enterprise was just gratuitous, like they were throwing the TOS fans who don't watch ENT to begin with a very small Milkbone.
* Archer's final line lacked any of the "oomph" that Kirk or Picard's delivery of the lines had.
* The CGI rendition of the Enterprise-D is very mediocre. The deflector dish, for instance, looks nothing like it should, along with the warp nacelles.
* The music, which I imagine is most likely a preliminary version, sounded like it came out of a MIDI player. Music is usually the last piece they put into an episode, so this will likely be replaced by the time the episode airs.
Man, I love the ending montage: http://www.scifiuniverse.net/promo/enterprise/finale/098montage.WMV
Our very own Ryker wins the award for "Best Quip" about this subject from a post at the TrekBBS:
I fly a higher resolution model of the Galaxy class than that, whenever I play Starfleet Command 3
Fear not, for it seems the clip on the web is just preliminary. This (http://trekweb.com/stbbs/showThread.php?bid=r8yhsW3AaKqzE&tid=427fdff21fc98) is the final version of the ENT-D used in the episode. While still innacurate from the shooting models in some details (such as the registry), it is still a considerable step up from the extremely ugly version from the montage clip.
I have that it is coming on this Friday?